Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Post Irish battle music

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also remember the Irish who fought for the Union


This isn't /int/, if you wanted to have an Irish themed thread for Saint Paddy's Day then you could have at least made something more in line with what the board is about; something like examining IRA tactics and strategies during the Troubles or the Irish War of Independence

No wonder why paddy niggers are hated. At last I truly see.

ireland should be part of the uk

taigs fought on both sides, there's some confederate battle song called "the oirish brigade".

breaking a contract and saddling the remaining people with the debt is an initiation of force, partner.

most Irish fought for the union.

anyone of Irish descent in the South would have been from generations ago. (1600-1700s)

Fuck St. Patrick. Christcucks will boil in a lake of shit and hellfire.

Butthurt Muslim.

Europe is Gaelic clay, from Noway to Moway!

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Happy St. Patrick's Day to all the papist ginger manlets that shitpost here, I love all of you potato niggers!

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Go back to Rome you cathcuck papist heretics, this is now a loyalist thread

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Loyalists are fucking nuts to be honest, the rest of the both countries have long since gotten over the Troubles and moved on, but they keep dragging it up. They act like it's still 1916.

Northern Ireland, I want you to know that the rest of the UK hates you, you are waste of taxes and we only held onto you because you used to have a large manufacturing industry. Ever since you lost that you are useless. Your economy is dogshit and you need gibs just so it doesn't collapse. May only aligned with the DUP because she needed a majority.
Stop acting like we have any sense of camaraderie, stop calling yourselves British, fuck off back to Bogland and take your autistic feud from the 1600's with you.
I'm in London but I'm using an American proxy if you're wondering about the flag

Opinion disregarded aaaaaaaaand filtered

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Northern Ireland is unironically the best part of the whole "United Kingdom".
Ireland is cucked and niggerfield, same as Britain and Scotland.

Northern Ireland should become its own self, ironically.

Scotland is in Britain you stupid chink.
It can't support itself, it needs millions of pounds every year in British money to sustain itself. If it became its own country it would fall apart.
I can tell you also don't know jack shit about loyalists because they live and breathe for the UK, they consider themselves apart of Britain. They'd never willingly leave even if it meant becoming their own country. Granted, loyalists aren't the majority anymore, I don't know what the common person would want.

This is now a flute band thread

reminder that Saint Patrick was British and from Cumbria

Wow look at that, an opinion that doesn't matter.

He was Welsh

You should know by now that he isn't worth the time.

You're fucking killing me lad

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God you people are annoying


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You get used to it

Based 'Bogkiller' Ben & 'Jonesborough' Jerry

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Kek, never forget. Based plastic paddy yanks.
"Yee haw, thems there blacks n tans is oirish or summin, right?"

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Amerimutts and potato niggers deserve each other. I'm glad the welsh raped them at rugby yesterday.

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begorrah, this be anti-hibernianism
it's like another famine so it is



Kek Pepe Shadilay my fellow MAGApede!

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I can't tell you how glad I am this cringe has mostly stopped.


Anyone got the screencap of the cuckchanner with the kekistan flag who got pepper sprayed at a rally?

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The plastic jock you mean?

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That's the one. He tried to get the old lady who pepper sprayed him doxxed, or something.

Here's the thread

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Very charitable of you.

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Gets me every time
Not even real jocks wear kilts in public, they're for weddings and shit, fuck's sake it's so second hand embarrassing.

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It the patter even of a real clan?


Give the poor boy a break, he must have only been about 15 at the time

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I am okay with this

A lot of the people in the photos from those rallies look younger than 20. No surprise Trump's voterbase was full of young people who've never experienced being lied to by a politician before.

Not one that I recognise. I know every American state has it's own official plastic jock "clan" tartan to represent the state, might be one of those.

I'd rather fill my fucking ears with cement than listen to that shit

There's a difference?

Not even highlanders who can speak Gaelic go out in kilts casually. I'll never get the mentality of people like this. It's like when """Irish-Americans""" sing IRA songs not realizing most bognogs who were actually alive during the Troubles were scared shitless of the IRA.

It's no worse than the fucking accents

I agree, but Northerner accents are much worse. Fucking incomprehensible.


Reminds me of that Forged in Fire contestant that turned up in a kilt, and when the judges asked him what the fuck he was doing, he just responded with "I'm Scottish" in the most American accent I've ever heard.

Certainly in some cases, but I like the northerner accent on girls, don't ask me why.

Depends where they're from, I find Donegal and Belfast to be the hardest to understand.

Woah :^)
You think that, but try living here. You'll soon change your mind when you hear some skank shouting Belfast slang at her boyfriend at 2 in the morning.

Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner ♪
That I love huge gay men ♪
Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner ♪
That I think of him where'er I go♬
I get a funny feeling inside of me♩
Just moving up and down♫
Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner ♪
That I love big gay cock!

Fair point.


Japan, you have multiple words specifically for genres of gay porn. You're no nation to talk. Even if you are completely correct.

Think I've changed my mind

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But that's the beauty, our autism requires us to find the niche within the niche and then ironically watch it and edit it. Gay pants wrestling? Fuck you♂! Gay coma rape by senpai? Oh we've got that. Coming out of the closet while raping your male love interest? Oh boy, we've got that too. But Western gays just don't care about the story, which is a real shame, since Japanese gay porn is so poorly written and better than any Ugandan B-rate flick.




It just looks like utter inane insanity from the western perspective. No one needs to devote this much time to describing porn let alone gay porn.

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I just wish he didn't use clip in this song

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Song for the Irish brigade

Johnny I hardly knew ya.

You had me until London.

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William T Sherman says "leave the South to me."

these are proper shite yank




Long live Boru

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I wanna make a Tartan for Multicam/CP, and maybe another one for USMC camo pattern.

There is a place in UK that does custom runs.

I found a tape of this in my boss's van. NO OTHER TAPES.

Yeah he is old Irish fuck.

Enjoy. :)


PS-when that IRA dude came to SF (1990s) he was muttering about how he ain't gonna be collecting any money (because he was selling out and not violent enough).

Oh fuck off, mate. The Troubles had too much violence, there was massacre after massacre and they were all for nothing.
One of the Republican groups would do a retaliation attack, one of the Loyalist groups would do a retaliation attack to the retaliation. Like how the Greysteel massacre was done because of the Shankill Road bombing.

How the fuck do groups like the Ulster Volunteer Force even exist? They killed hundreds of people. Many of their members have never been been trialed.

The Good Friday Agreement is why.
You might think it's unfair that they never faced any real justice, but it stopped the violence. It also applied to the Republican groups. Don't forget that an astounding 94.4% of the public vote in the Republic of Ireland was for the agreement.
Out of the 1.5~ million people who voted on it, less than 90,000 voted 'no'.
The IRA are also a bunch of fucking Marxist scum. Fuck them and fuck all the damage they've done.

Didn’t the PIRA just pay lip service to the Marxist roots of the original IRA? I was under the impression and belief that the greater focus was on defending the Catholic Irish in Northern Ireland.

the original IRA wasn't very marxist.
But the draw of an anti-colonial struggle inevitably brought more marxists into the fold.

I don't know a huge amount about the internal beliefs of the various groups. but I don't care. They were all violent terrorists along with the Ulster groups.
If I had it my way they all would have been executed. To this day I can't believe people who committed mass shootings are walking the streets having only served a few years in prison.

Their political wing were full-blown "democratic socialists"

Actually there were Irish on either side.

Republicanism is incompatible with Christianity. Death to the Republics.

Now this is an American post.

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Full blown retardation right there. Republics are perfectly compatible with Christianity. In fact, there's no form of government that's more compatible. Remember that Christians fled Europe to create the United States so that they could freely worship Christianity.

The PIRA, despite being the armed wing of a democratic socialist group, didn't have nearly as many communists in their ranks as one might think, the commies already had their own IRA and got their asses handed to them, the PIRA was made of Irish from all walks of life and across the political spectrum; they were more interested in protecting catholic Irish in the north, attempts at re-uniting the country, and having another round of fuck you to the UK than any specific political allegiance.

They fled to practice puritanism, and they were not the same people who founded the USA. There was an almost 200 year gap between the puritans fleeing Europe and the foundation of the US. During that gap they were gladly ruled by a monarchy.

You fucking twats, a black and tan is the mix of a porter and a larger. It's a drink! The naming is a coincidence you dry fucksticks.

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Nobody fucking cares, mutt.
Die, jewmutt.
Also, alcohol should've stayed banned just to spite you, mutt.

Whatever hellhole you're from, stay there. I came here for hopefully a bartunes, banter, and beer discussion. Not rabid shitposting from some fagoon.

You are a cuck and a mutt.
Mutts are cucks by nature.
Therefore you are a double cuckmutt.
Filthy degenerate. Kill yourself.

end this meme, the anglos neutered their own monarchy during their "glorious revolution" and had taken steps to weaken them long before that

And the drink itself is named after the B-specials you retarded yankmutt

The glorious revolution didn't really neuter the monarchy outside of the signing of the bill of rights though, it just made it protestant again. You're thinking of the civil war.
And even so, the 13 colonies were far from a republic, regardless of how "neutered" the monarchy was.

no it isn't. usage of the term for a layered or mixed beer cocktail dates back to 1881(and likely was originally coined earlier than that). there's even a reference to it as a drink in an 1889 issue of Puck magazine, a full 20 years before the RICSR was established.

Nobody cares about your retarded liquid jew shit, mutt.
You're a mutt, so therefore you must be blamed for everything wrong ever.
Now kill yourself.

Nobody cares about your retarded liquid jew shit, mutt.
You're a mutt, so therefore you must be blamed for everything wrong ever.
Now kill yourself.
Besides, the drink was named that to make fun or amerimutts and their (((diversity))).
Your facts are dumb and wrong. My facts are right, so up yours.

Did someone rip boomermutt's asshole somewhere? Another Holohoax BTFO, maybe?