Missouri lawmaker files bills requiring some residents to own AR-15s, handguns

Bill Would Require 'Every Resident' Aged 18-34 To Possess An AR-15


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Sounds like fun, shame that it won't happen

What's the actual probability any other state could actually pull this off, like say, Wyoming?

Sunday shützenfests used to be as big with Missouri Germans as Busch beer. Those were great great grandpa's days though. Something to look forward to again.

I love my State

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What's the housing market like in Missouri?

Prices are about $40k below the national median. Our conservation department also maintains public shooting ranges nature.mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/find/places/mdc-ranges

God bless Missouri.

Fuck you and your trips

I'm curious how the bill defines AR-15, since that is a Colt trademark. Can anyone find the bill text?

>"AR-15", any semi-automatic rifle that is modeled on the AR-15 rifle design by AramLite, Inc. I think that's just a typo

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I'd suggest jizzya for the anti-fun cucks. Would be comedically ironic if the state they so much love enforced 75% of gross income tax specifically on them.

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A real shame…

Don't let your dreams be just dreams, Hungary.

What is it with today's retard kids? Why not watch TV on a real TV, they are cheap and available and you can mount them on the wall or anywhere. Why watch things on a tiny little screen in the comfort of one's own home?

The fag who took that photo is probably in his 30's

Strelok, I'm not a Missourifag so I can't speak for how they run things, but do you really think that the ZOG would let this happen?

I would prefer to buy a good rifle

It's a start

I love 💗 burgers now

It sounds like lolberturdianism isn't the guardian of muh freedumbz, but rather men with guns who force their values on their communities!.

I don't feel that's sufficient to pass legal muster. It has two major, obvious, loopholes that could be abused for tax credit (22lr ARs and bare receiver). The easiest way would be to change it from "AR-15" to a

This opens what rifles are acceptable up a lot, but if desired it can be further narrowed down by including some mandatory features.

Thinking on it, the easiest feature to make it an AR-15 would be the buffer tube in the stock.

The wording that gun grabber legislation uses is 'any firearm that utilizes a portion of the energy of the fired cartridge to extract and eject said cartridge', or something like that.

Of course, that assumes this is something that has a snowball's chance in hell of actually passing, and isn't just an exercise in legislative trolling.

This is literally an ancap talking point. "Extorting" payment for public utilities through taxes is a big bad no-no, but people who don't pay public utilities like security carry over the cost of protecting themselves over to other members of community, so ancaps propose jacking up prices of all local services for them.
And their solution to similar social costs is essentially to round up the neighborhood, dress in bedsheets and burn a cross in the miscreant's front yard

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Electric Jew sheep confirmed

I don't care so much for a requirement for everyone to have a rifle, but explicitly requiring an AR-15 is the biggest load of shit/corruption you can get, god damn. Trying to use it to get a "gun tax writeoff" law passed is fucking retarded, just write the damn bill as it was intended or write it for any rifle, not just AR-15s damn it.

>And their solution to similar social costs is essentially to round up the neighborhood, dress in bedsheets and burn a cross in the miscreant's front yard
Well, I mean if it works…

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Maybe the provision could be opened up to any semi-auto rifle, or what said to promote cross compatibility of ammunition and magazines between rifles.
I would also like to see the law expanded so that you get more tax credits if you can pass a quiz on firearm safety and whatever is the current army marksmanship qualification. You can use whatever sights or scope you choose, but come tax day you must still own the exact sights/scope and rifle that you used to pass the assessment to get the extra tax credit. Even more tax credits for every one of your kids that can do it too.

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this will just increase number of people shooting themselves in the foot

I doubt it. The way it's worded, you can't claim political/religious exemption therefore shooting yourself in the foot would be pointless (unless youre TRYING to get yourself put on a mental health list).

I don't like the AR 15 and even I own one in case things get really bad because it is now pretty much a common rifle. If things get bad I've got my primary rifle picked out, but you might be forced to carry an M4 or M16 or semi auto equivilant, or you can at least share common parts and magazines. If things get REALLY bad it won't matter and any gun and load out will probably be cool with shortages and other problems. You'll probably get to carry what you want anyway.

Missourifag here. There is actually a chance this could pass, largely due to the fact that there are enough republican lawmakers to do it, and Missouri likes pissing off Illinois.

How many negros do you have overthere? I can't imagine the ablooblooing when some of them get slotted by a homeowner or the fact a good chunk of them can't pass a 4473.

In the cities there are a lot, in the country, no. Some places in Missouri are practically whitetopia. Granted there is also the drug problem, but that is nothing new. They usually stay in the cities rarely into the country. I remember a small town near where I lived, it was a big deal that a mulatto had moved into the town.

As for the gun laws: Missouri has a long and storied history of fuck everyone we are trying to keep our guns legislation though recently it's getting amped up. If a civil war happens I think we will probably see the rise of a lot of mercenaries out Missouri similar to Quantrill and his raiders.

The cities are basically run by niggers.

The quite common farmers growing psilocybin mushrooms/paying vagrants to collect them from the cow shit and doing meth would tend to disagree with that statement.

No thanks, kike.

That's one hell of an understatement

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Sounds like back home, I remember going into town for stuff with the old man and the hardware guy was talking about how there was an asian staying with someone in town or something.

Practically anywhere as usual
All the farmers I know do that
That sounds like city folk stereotyping.

And to think, all this time I've been wasting my manure as fertilizer when I could have been growing psychedelic 'shrooms.

Sorry, I wrote that poorly, I was acknowledging the drug problem, everyone knows about the meth. Some people know about the shrooms. Yeah the city is practically run by jigaboos. However, even the jigaboos like the guns. Only city politicians, and women ones, don't like the guns, and that's only some of the female politicians. The whole reason why Claire Bear don't care lost is because of her fucking video where she said she'd fucking go a gun grabbing if she had the chance, and the news fucking played the shit out of it. Then when she was confronted on it, she went blaming her opponent that he wasn't investigating "the infiltration of her campaign team" well enough. Also the shrooms is largely because Missouri actually has the right environment to grow that shit.

Essentially Missouri doesn't like fucking gun grabbers.

Fun fact, you can do both at the same time.

Hey, Hungarbro. I was talking to a guy I met yesterday who's from Hungary, and he says that nothing short of a revolution will fix the problems there. Is that true?

Yeah, we do lots of meth and we eat ya too. Get the fuck out.

I shit on Missouri because I was born there bro, but I'd move back in an instant if I could actually find a fucking job there. Even having to buy a new car every few years because of the humidity would be a justifiable cost if they passed this stuff.

Rurals being addicted to meth and shrooms is basically a given in most of the US west of Kentucky, friend. It's not a joke, it's a real epidemic. The shrooms aren't even a problem to be honest (though the meth most certainly is). Missouri and Wyoming are just two of the worst offenders in this aspect. It's nothing personal, I was just calling out user for claiming the rural areas didn't have a drug problem.

Also this.

This. Shrooms are pretty popular, but they're not really addictive, if anything they seem like a one and done thing. Meth is a real fucking problem though.

But I was told Orban is the second coming of Franco by the media, wtf?

Don't make me laugh.

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Missouri Senate Bans All Federal Gun Control Laws in Proposed Bill

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What is going on over there?! Would the St. Louis nigs support this?

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Doesn't this ban officers from enforcing the law against non-citizens (read: illegal aliens) possessing firearms?

That's what lynchings are for

maybe, but Missouri has been shifting right over the years, so it's definitely possible for it to become a law.

It looks like it only protects citizens from interference

forgot this part


Does not guarantee my right to IFVs, MRLs, and hand grenades, it's still unconstitutional.

Wouldn't some of those fall under ammunition?

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Federal gun control clearly violates both the 2nd and 10th amendments so this is perfectly reasonable.

It wouldn't prevent cops from deporting them for the crime of being illegal.

They're basically the only rifle that is mass-produced on a consumer scale like this, though. No other public platform currently has the same availability, price range, customization etc. for your average normalfags to be able to reasonably obtain in order to comply with the law.

imagine being this French. Les Gilets Jaunes would be having a hell of a time if they were mandated to have a 5.56 hole-puncher in their vehicles instead of fucking rave gear

Pray to your respective diety/pontificate on your euphoria over this anons. Imagine the shitter shattering it would cause to the left, and the absolute damage control the feds would try to pull if this passed.

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He's not French, he's a Jew.

t. Norman

No, Trump does that.

Shit, I thought this was two separate threads. At least I had sage on. My bad, I suck cocks.

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fucking stupid.

When I was 18 last thing I needed was an AR-15 to worry about, just saying. I was trying to work my way through college and living on a motorcycle with a backpack.

What they should do is offer "Basic Training Lite" to HS juniors between their Jr and Sr year, where for maybe 3 weeks in summer they go Play Army with Nat Guard including all the fun stuff, lots of First Aid, general disaster shit, like Eagle Scout on 'roids and they get well paid, and some tuition like mini-GI bill, etc.

No you don't understand. Gun ownership can't be handled responsibly by absolutely everyone in a state, it will raise the accident stats at least until Missouri runs out of idiots. Although it does work as a form of eugenics.

Peak boomer post

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All boomers burn in hell

It's the best of both worlds here. Idiots kill themselves and the remaining populace is decently armed and capable.
Make that someone have a little "accident".

That must be why Switzerland has all those gun accidents.

And how is there a problem with that? It's natural selection at work.

What in the fuck is even being said here?

People can do that of their own volition and not be worried about breaking the law you tardoloid.

It's Missouri. You want an MRL, just park in the right place and the cops will ignore it.

And once that happens Missouri will be permanently pro funs.

That case was thrown out because of how the law was written, the court didn't say it was okay to do these things.

Destructive Device is a class of firearm restricted under the NFA and includes grenades, shell and rocket artillery such as the armaments of various tank and armored fighting vehicles as well as the launcher portion of any multi launch rocket system.
this Missouri bill seeks to invalidate the restrictions of the NFA.
ergo, it seeks to allow Missouri residents to have the right to keep and maintain grenades, IFVs and MLRs. all you gotta do is buy and fix a DEWAT or build one yourself.

I always supported mandatory firearm ownership and training. Both are civic responsibilities.

Dont fall for it, its another spook trick, because if its a law then you would have to prove you do indeed own the firearm and provide personal info. What if you want another rifle? You still need some AR-15? How do you enforce this law without checking on people and invading their privacy? Do they give people with a criminal history black powder guns to keep them armed but still at a disadvantage? if you commit the crime of not owning an AR-15, how would you get an AR-15 if you just got a criminal conviction?

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You cant, like almost any law that keeps a country functional.
If this law passes it would be about the same.

Probably won't enforce it because Missouri Law enforcement mostly ignores weird laws. You can still technically bring in the head of a Mormon to the stead capital for $500 per the bounty law. Or you can't drink beer from buckets in the proud city that I live in (it's because of festival where people would take beer buckets and fill them up going from bar to bar and literally clog up bridges and highways with drunks. So they weirdly banned the buckets, but not the festival.) Like most shit it would probably just be on the books to fuck with our neighbors and only used for a tax credit. So if you want the tax credit show the receipt etc. It's probably most likely just going to be something like your television license that is barely checked for. Also with how Missouri is, it may take them forever to enforce it. They may just have the law on the books but take forever to actually enforce it.

Also while it will piss some of by me saying it, don't attribute everything to ZOG tricks friend. It could just be that Missouri hates Illinois and is filled with people that hates generally anti gun shit. Also it could just be done to attract business to the state from fucking gun businesses. S&W is moving from Mass to here, I expect other companies to follow.

Haven't heard this one.

I've only heard about these:

Don't know anything about S&W

I thought the extermination order was ended in the 1970's

You don't know a lot about gun ownership in switzerland. First of all there's no mandatory ownership. If you look up guns per capita, America is first, Serbs and balkans are next, a few nordic countries are there, then there are a bunch of Arab countries with religious police, before finally about twenty places down there is switzerland. They definitely don't have mandatory gun ownership by everyone.

Canada has more permissive gun laws than Switzerland.

They did not remove it from the books though.
Here you go friend.

They may have, but Switzerland isn't always feeling pressure from outsiders to turn in their guns. Canada has that issue, so while the gun laws might be more permissive, the gun culture in Canada if observed from an external lens seems weaker. I could be mistaken however.

Switzerland has a national defense culture, which is expected from a country that has military classes in elementary school. It's not the point, their guns are strictly controlled and parceled out according to need, just like on a military bases.

What the story in OP is talking about is just forcing some hippie blasian to carry. Liberals are unstable, how long before they start getting high on the power of a baby murder machine strapped to their hip?