Zig Forums used to be better than this

Why is this board so shitty? It's like a mixture of tumblr and uneducated, tabloid-tier nonsense. Do you guys come from reddit, 4chon (not to be confused with 4chan, for those unaware), stormfront or what?

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Apparently it is, if you find my attack on it offensive, tur/k/. :^)
Sah-gay is not a downvote function.

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This board could be better only because there's too many amerimutt intellectual retard cucks like you around. There's some good amerimutt posters but I'd say about 5/6 of them you just want to punch in the face.

>"huwhite" mutt "nationalism"

It is because of mutts like you.
>(((state education)))

Lolberturdianism is anti intelligence.

Elaborate, please.

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Good job outing yourself. Just get here after the CHCH shootemup or what?

Pay your fuckin' denbts.

Do you think he's a "shill"? Are you not aware of the stormfag faux-Grecian poster(s), Ameribro?

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Every man has the friends he deserves. I think we would both be happier of you pissed right off.

Fucked it up. You get my point.

We? No, you. I intend to stay. This is my dumping ground for play. For, at one time, Zig Forums was not nu/polint/.

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He can't explain because he's retarded and what he said doesn't mean anything beyond a limp-wristed "fuck you."

You know, the Roman Senate was quite corrupt by the time they lost power. Quite like our Congress. No doubt their corruption will be their undoing, just as it was in the past with Julius Caesar and his people's Senate.

Obviously, Canabro.

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Sage for obvious slideposting. If you want to make a board better, contribute.

Hide, ignore, do not reply.

I thought we did have a /gas/ board.
Perhaps I'm mistaking it with the >>>/gaschamber/

Is not a downvote function. If you do not like a thread…
…precisely. But newfolk do not realize this, and they never will, because, even collectively, their IQs only reach an average 100 points.
Pure assumption. Remember, "assumptions make an ass of you and me".
One begins to wonder—what is the point? After all, if you are one within a hundred who do not contribute anything of worth, to do so would be akin to screaming into nothingness. Also, the unwashed Plebs are undeserving of high-quality original creations.

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Zig Forums is as bad as 4chan. prove me wrong (protip: you can't)

Too many "educated" burger, like you.


Is it a jew-wise uprising like the yellow vests?

actually as far as quality of discussion goes Zig Forums had worse periods, it is not so bad right now.

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To answer the question more seriously, what happened was Zig Forums fell victim to its falling IP count like most other boards on Zig Forums. If you remember back in late 2014-late 2015 there was a semi-consistent effort from a handful of natsoc&fascist users on Zig Forums to turn Zig Forums into the "armed wing of Zig Forums", to quote a raid thread I remember. It used to be shot down by a userbase that was only interested in talking about weapons, but as Zig Forums started losing its 4th exodus userbase and started getting users due to the US primaries the people wanted to turn Zig Forums into Zig Forumslite eventually succeeded. I was convinced for a short period of time that it was just nostalgia tricking me into thinking that things were better right at the start, but if you check the archives there are definitely noticeably more about weapons and doctrine, more varied conversation, and less derails, which now happen in almost every thread. It's not the board, the entire site has got shitty throughout 2015/2016.

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It's self-explanatory your dumb retard, idiots like you with your retard posting are only good for laughs, it drives down the quality since you bring nothing to the table except being attention whoring cumlickers. As I said you're worth a cheap laugh, but still better off dead, cuckskin.

Did I give you permission to talk for me? No I didn't, go back to your jerk-off corner sissyfag.

This thread is extremely organic and not in any way, shape or form suspicious.

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are you surprised the only major board with flags turned into /int/ when there is no real /int/ otherwise? raiding /intl/ on false promises, and ultimately destroying it fucked us over. instead of having a place for discussion and a place for shitposting, well, we have Zig Forums
and nothing really can be done about that

Hypocritical faggot, go back to half-chan.

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