Is BO JC Brenton? Someone's been moderating but I haven't seen the BO in a while.
Is BO JC Brenton? Someone's been moderating but I haven't seen the BO in a while
I’m starting to believe that.
On one hand I want it to be true for the pure keks and bragging rights, but I also hope not for obvious reasons.
I believe hafu-chan is the only other mod, but I think BO might just be taking this opportunity to shitpost by not posting for a while.
The system wasn't set to hidden a few days ago and there was no activity for two or three days after the shooting, which lends credence to the idea that it was BO and the globals are covering for him to keep the news agencies from finding out this information.
There's some claim that Brenton's mother was jewish and that he was in the IDF for 6 years, doesn't seem unlikely considering that he mentioned the jew once and said he was ok with those living in Israel.
Is there any source at all for that?
Because it gos against what i personally know he did work at that gym in 2011 and what I've seen posted of him traveling since then
No source.
No ketchup.
What if the BO was one of the muzzies shot at the church?
He also went to Israel in 2016
Who do you think said "Hello there brother!"
Yeah I have a claim too, Brenton is actually a muslim wearing a white man suit and is remotely controlled by Bin Laden's ghost ass.
Claims exist for everything, what matters is what you can do to back them up. Consider for a second that you may legitimately have a double-digit IQ if you are taking random claims at face-value.
It's some demented boomer making shit up and claiming that he has mysterious sources in hebrew.
He's visited Israel once but that's about it other than him not caring about Jews in Israel.
Fatfuck, room-temperature IQ, qboomer detected.
Forgot article
Go back to cuckchan, you subhuman nigger.
lol, cuck
When someone tours the Balkans, he might as well tour other Mediterranean shitholes. Amerimutts can't comprehend that there are other types of tourists than lazy fucks following prearranged tours. The landscapes are usually pretty, even FYROM and Albania look nice, it's just shitskins that are a problem.
nah, go fuck yourself cunt. If there's actually a hell then you can bet your last shekel that it'll be chock-full of boomers.
It's a shame that they were so completely subverted by the jew, but it doesn't completely excuse them; they couldn't even stop blatantly illegal legislation like the 1994 AWB.
Possible only because he's Aussie, but he's been living in Australia with his revolver raifus whereas the shooter moved from straya to New Zealand.
Also keep in mind that BO might not know how to swap his DNS to get past an ISP's block.
as long as they leave my people alone
Something close to that is what he really said. He's still an antisemite.
Oh no
God I don't understand how so many boomers can be that mentally retarded. When I had faceberg a few years ago I was arguing with one on a right wing group over some dumb post he made, and he continually claimed his retarded claims were backed up by a personal friend of his who was exposing this big company but he was worried for his safety and thus couldn't give a name or single source. It went on until I was so sure he was single digit IQ, with him claiming I was a democratic agent breaching this hardly secretive facebook group, and trying to expose his secret friends who all happened to be whistle-blowers who only ever told him their secrets. Boomer-kike-user on here confirms that nigh all boomers live in fantasy worlds, and have negro level IQs.
How many times must we tell you Kike-boomer, to gas yourself?
I'd go to Africa to see the beauty, if only I weren't so scared of being raped to death and eaten. Armed Zig Forumsolonial tour when?
8ch was blocked in Aussieland.
Guy could use a VPN but might be trying to stay low.
Notice we don't have ANY aussie shitposters anymore?
Press F for Australia
See >>658964 >>658973
I experience this every time I go on jewtube to shitpost. It's even worse on conspiracy videos. The most retarded group of people in history.
Yeah, it's shit. There's no bantz any more.
This is the worst fucking thing ever.
Not a world I want to live in. Still, any shitposter worth the tippity taps on his keyboard knows how to us a proxy, or in this case, bypass the African tier DNS block.
Holy fuck if true.
Can't be stopped
No it wasn't, stop this meme.
ISPs are DNS hijacking. All you have to do is swap to a different one and you're golden.
DNS won't resolve the hostname but direct connection via IP works as does
Would IP Address: work?
They're not going to ban OpenNIC, DNSCrypt and DNS-over-HTTPS, right?
Do NZ government boomers even know what these things are?
Shitposting aside, how high are the chances the BO got bagged by ASIO and is currently getting interrogated at some black site? Weren't they able to disappeard you for up to six months "legally"?
I think they're just getting old and the additives and chemicals in the food today, I remember old people leagues smarter than them. Remember when your parents told you not to believe everything on the internet, don't reuse the same passwords, and don't give out your personal info? They now think the internet magically became a safer place now that it became a walled garden with a million plug-ins getting all their news from the MSM or "alternative" sources like 1776freedomfightingeagles.com or some other retarded shit.
NPR reported the shooter used to go to the range with a bunch of spergs who would discuss tactics/methods of mass shooters, and some vet reported them, but the police didn't do shit, sounds a lot like Zig Forums
Don't trust boomers.
What the fuck is there to discuss.
I'm worried, guys, BO please respond.
How to kill as many people as possible before the cops show up or what to do when someone tries to disarm to you, when people spread out it gets harder at least in video games. I realized literal NPCs have superior intellect to "real" NPCs.
You can check the response time by just calling the cops and waiting in a bush, months before the planned happening, you can have a map with you and have cameras or people set up to see which route the cops will take.
Two cops driving in a car are fish in a barrel, and if some armored truck comes along just prepare some IEDs.
The forces will be spread out anyway, I'm not expecting somebody to go lone wolf, you need multiple people doing different things at different locations to spread the forces of the ZOG as thin as possible as far away from each other as possible, yet still close enough to be in the zone of one ZOG entity.
The funny thing is that should be something CCW carriers should be discussing because in the case that some haji does retaliate and shoot up where you are you'd would want to know what they'd be likely to do.
Haji only target busy locations.
Not in church, not in public place, stay home, you are safe 90% of the times.
Don't know about that anymore, The Hammer has completely changed the dynamic
The hammer targeted a mosque, he didn't go cleaning home to home yet.
What I'm saying is haji might go shoot up a church now
That seems the most likely; even if he had nothing to do with the physical removal they might have had enough on him for an arrest/disappearance if he wasn't careful enough. I'm not sure why the moderation would be taken over and hidden so quickly If he just went into hiding. I would also hope that he would have written or done something that only we would have recognized the significance of.
Didn't come commie shithead shoot up a church in Texas during election time?
I remember the BO going off on something something hitler once and telling the reds to piss off once.
In 2017, but yes he did. He wasn't a haji, just a fedora tipping chair force reject
Good thing tbh.
Might wake up some christians, but I predict most will end up praying for the muslim anyway.
I keep confusing Chirtchurch city with the term chirstcuck.
The same anyway since "Christchurch" has dozen of mosques.
Same thing
He Australian. Maybe he was killed and eaten by aboris for his Petrol.