I work for the really really deep dark state
I do alot of "wet" work.
Most of my wetwork involves eliminating clients that discover about the trackers that are introduced into subjects when they are exposed to air-born "allergens"=aka contrails
This tech has been around for a while as a result of research from Area 51
I have been known to disseminate truth mixed into fiction to obfuscate.
I frequent boards like this because this is where the nearest thing to the
iS and I find alot of potential clients here.
Some have shred emails with me:>)
PS The truth is not out there….it's a micro-circuit lodged in your body.
PPS:meet the real red pill
In Those clients of european descent,the nano-tech penetrates the blood-brain barrier and lodges in the temporal lobe.
Here we can influence sensory input into derived meanings for the appropriate retention of visual memory, language comprehension, and emotion association.
We also can get an idea of what the client is saying,seeing and hearing,also it's emotional state.
We have other models that imbed themselves into different aresa of the brain.
In those of African descent,we have found it useful to have the tech embed itsself into the Limbic system,in addition to the Amygdala of the Temporal LOBE.
Since those of African descent are more directly influenced by Limbic system
Unfortunately,one of the main side effects of this tech is autism.
Temporal epilepsy being the secondary problem.
I am only a "janitor",and at this level,quantum mechanical effects are important at this quantum-realm scale,so the physics are beyond me.
I forgot to mention that the red "pill" in the pix is an encapsulation of the nanotech,designed to dissolve,once it reached the brain.
The small "antenna" wire that you see in the pix is attracted to the brain waves that the target lobe,eg-temporal, emits
This "antenna"flagilates like a sperm cell and pushes the device to the target area.
Hide in plain sight
The more outlandish the truth,the more it will be disbelieved.The
Having told the truth in this post,on this web site full of cranks,if any civilian stumbles upon the truth,it will be dismissed.The sensible person will say,"look where it appeared first,what nonsense!"
I have made many truthful posts on social media mixed in with other poster's nonsense and my own nonsense too obfuscate the truth.
Also there are many untruths sprinkled in with truths in my posts.
The discerning can pick out the "truths",if they are in tune with the larger picture
Also,i recieve false intel sometimes,so I see only a piece of the jigsaw puzzle.
But the general public don't even know that they are used pieces in this "puzzle"
Those over me approve of what I'm doing.
One truth amongst many lies makes the one truth harder too detect
I mentioned Area 51.
I was told that this is where the tech came from.
I believe it
As for it being of extraterrestrial orgin,I doubt it.
I've never seen an alien,but I've talked to other operatives that say they have.
I believe that they were misled.
As I said,a kernel of truth,surrounded by layers upon layers of lies
come'on m8s
I had you going there for a moment,just a little,didn't I?
Or is there a little truth in what I said?
Lies wrapped in deceit,buried in distraction with a glimmer of truth
What is the truth?
That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality
(((We))) create the "facts",the "reality"
(((WE))) use you lab rats in the grand experiment
The C.I.A. hacking tools wikileak is a false flag.
The C.I.A. documents in theWikileaks cache confirms the strength of encryption technologies such as Signal and WhatsApp.
The opposite is true.
These encrypted message apps have been hacked,but the CIA indicates that they haven't been able to defeat them.
Trust no one
EXcept me,(sac)aka
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