SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The U.S. government is trying to force Facebook Inc (FB.O) to break the encryption in its popular Messenger app so law enforcement may listen to a suspect’s voice conversations in a criminal probe, three people briefed on the case said, resurrecting the issue of whether companies can be compelled to alter their products to enable surveillance.
The previously unreported case in a federal court in California is proceeding under seal, so no filings are publicly available, but the three people told Reuters that Facebook is contesting the U.S. Department of Justice’s demand.
U.S. government seeks Facebook help to wiretap Messenger
Something's fishy about this story, because the NSA can unencrypt ANY AND ALL encrypted communications, and they've been funneling FB messenger through their systems this entire time.
and the NSA makes this content (as opposed to metadata) available to law enforcement all the time.
All encryption is breakable but requires computing power that does not currently exist.
Nice nothing to hide nothing to worry about shill working for the US goverment
You forgot that the NSA works outside the regular law an can do whatever the fuck they want under the national security pretense. The FBI clowns on the other hand can watch NSA footage all day long, but are not allowed to use it when it comes to prosecution. So them approaching Facebook officially equals them already having watch the footage, deemed it highly worth getting and therefore stoop as low as going through official channels so that the peasants feel that some kind of security is in place.
In this enlightening interview, William Binney explains that there is no encryption that the NSA hasn't already decrypted, and if you forward to the final 30 minutes of the video you'll hear him explain why is mistaken, and why is also wrong, because the NSA hands this data (including recorded calls, text messages, emails, Facebook Messenger Communications… Everything, not just metadata) over to other agencies all the time.
well, in a way, you're actually correct
Now that I've read your post closer, I see that you're right, because YES that's how they do it.
They isolate a 'cast iron' (the code name for an individual who is actually being watched) and they pull EVERY COMMUNICATION the 'cast iron' has ever made, everyone he has ever communicated with (his social network) then they analyze all the data for the desired info. Once this info has been handed over to another law enforcement agency, that's when the law enforcement agency performs 'construction', where they make it appear as if they used conventional techniques to acquire the info.
I apologize if I misunderstood the full scope of your post
Like I said in my post>>659073 (which you haven't read) it's not about sharing, it's about using it legally to prosecute.
Then please ignore my 20 seconds to hastily written response.
Magicians wield secrecy on the theater stage in the service of illusions. Spies likewise wield illusion on the world stage in the service of secrecy. So it is with the events behind the attacks of 9/11 where those who question the official story are derided as conspiracy theorists. Thanks to the investigative digging of reporter James Bamford, with the assistance of NSA whistleblowers like Thomas Drake and Kirk Wiebe, the 9/11 crowd can now point to a conspiracy fact: an incredible cover-up that goes all the way to the top of the American intelligence community.
In a recent piece published by Foreign Policy Bamford examines a phone call to a clandestine operations center run by Osama bin Laden in Yemen during March of 2000. The phone call was dialed by one of the 9/11 hijackers, Khalid al-Mihdhar, from his apartment in San Diego. In fact, there were a number of such phone calls made by 9/11 hijackers living in San Diego. Why didn’t our security services immediately launch investigations?
According to then Director of the NSA, Michael Hayden, the NSA was unable to determine the geographic origin of these calls despite the fact that the phone line in Yemen (967-1-200-578) was under intense scrutiny by NSA. The Yemen number was tracked using a form of surveillance known as “cast-iron” coverage where dedicated resources were allocated to continuously monitor the line 24/7.
Years later, in 2014, Hayden claimed that technical difficulties prevented exact geolocation. By the way, this is the same justification that he relied on post-9/11 to help institute the bulk collection program for phone metadata. Hayden told interviewers from Frontline:
“Two guys, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, living in San Diego… come to the United States, call home, call Yemen, call a safe house in Yemen seven times. We intercepted every one of the calls, right?
Nothing in the physics of the intercept, nothing in the content of the call told us they were in San Diego. If we’d have had the metadata program, OK, if we’d have had that basket of stuff and that phone number of that safe house in Yemen, which we knew, and we would have walked up to that metadata and said, ‘Hey, any of you guys talked to this number in Yemen?,’ those numbers in San Diego would have popped up.”
James Bamford, himself a former NSA whistleblower, digs into Hayden’s assertions. Leveraging the technical expertise of former NSA insiders he unearths an unsettling find. The narrative spun by Hayden is “an absolute lie.” The NSA knew damn well that these calls were coming from San Diego. According to former NSA senior executive Thomas Drake:
“Every number that comes into that switchboard, if you’re cast-iron coverage on that switchboard, you know exactly what that number is and where it comes from.… You know exactly—otherwise it can’t get there.”
too hastily
…and excuse this mistake as well.
In the William Binney video, he 'goes there's about 9/11, without going far enough to become targeted again, after they tried to frame him and send him to prison 3 times.
Instead of admitting what he knows, he talks about the already openly discussed inconsistencies, like thermite, etc., hinting at the fact that of course it was all orchestrated by us
I apologize for this auto correct mistake
oh look Johnny Stupmdick is here do disrupt another thread critical of the surveillance state, imagine my shock lol XD
The NSA was using the term 'social networking' in their surveillance back in WW2
In the name of Chuck Berry
fuck off Downsy Methfume you waste of tax money
ALSO: I prefer the moniker '''Johnny Shitstick'
One of these days, I would be more than happy to tell you the story about the night I met Chuck Berry, and actually watched him punch a man unconscious with one punch to the face.
100% true……..
Chuck's hands were actually very large, and he punched that guy dead smack right in the middle of his fucking face, and the dude dropped like a sack of potatoes.
BOOM! Unconscious with one punch
fuck off Johnny Niggershit
It looks like today is 'one of these days'….
I had painted a portrait of Elvis Presley for Chuck Berry, who was performing at the Agora Ballroom in Atlanta Georgia…
I had an old friend from high school named Pat Taylor who literally worshipped Chuck Berry, so I invited Pat to go with me to the concert.
I was at the backstage entrance of the Agora Ballroom inquiring if there was a tour manager, when a rental car pulled up with Chuck Berry in it.
He got out of the car, left the keys in it with the engine running, and left the door hanging wide open, and the car was parked diagonally blocking the thoroughfare in the parking area by the backstage entrance.
He just got out of the car and walked straight to the back stage door. A parking lot valet worker started yelling "hey! I'll tow your car!! Hey you!! I'll tow your damn car!!" (He didn't even realize that was Chuck Berry) Chuck didn't even hear him, entering the building really fast and disappearing.
I actually bolted past the backstage security into the hallway in the auditorium and hollered down to Chuck, "Hey, Chuck!! They are about to tow your car!"
Truck stopped and turned around and smiled, and said, "thanks, man." After he parked his car correctly, I presented him with the Elvis painting, which he loved, and he invited Pat and I to go hang out in his dressing room….
and YES, we got all access passes.
Here's the part about the punch to the guy's face…….
please overlook this error
I know I should hate you, but you're just so god damn entertaining…have a Bud for your effort you obnoxious madman.
during his concerts, Chuck would always do this routine where he would be playing 'go Johnny, go', and he'd stop in the middle of the song, and he would pick two people out of the crowd (a couple, a guy and a girl) and tell them to come up on the stage and dance during the song.
Then, he'd play a little bit, and stop again, and ask another couple to come on stage and dance….
Finally, he would stop and say, "Tell you what, EVERYBODY come up and dance!!"
(he wasn't playing giant arenas, so it would be a smaller crowd, but it was still pandemonium)
Anyway….. Here's the part about the punch in the face……
lol thank you, sir
btw, this story is 100% true
having fun playing with yourself?
Okay, here we go
Pat Taylor and I had positioned ourself directly in front of Chuck Berry (he was a fucking legend) and the stage was like sardines.
We were high as shit, and the music was loud, and PERFECT (and he was playing 'go Johnny go'), and it was magical !!! Pat couldn't believe it!! The endorphins were bubbling!!
Dude… it was amazing!! Chuck stood literally 6 inches in front of me, and he started to play his famous signature lead guitar solo, and suddenly I realized that this was my only opportunity to ever actually do anything like this with Chuck Berry, so I decided to gently reach out to him end gently hold the head of the guitar between my index finger and thumb, and as he jerked the guitar as he played the lead solo, I could actually feel the motion… I wasn't interfering in his playing, but I was actually holding the head of the guitar between my fingers, and every time he would play a note the guitar would jerk and I was actually feeling it at the extension at the end of my arm….
Pat Taylor watched and decided he had to do it as well. (I'm an Elvis man, but what Elvis is to me is what Chuck Berry was to Pat Taylor… Pat literally worship Chuck Berry)
Pat also gently reached out and carefully held the head of the guitar between his index finger and thumb while Chuck Berry continued to play….
Chuck was smiling at us this entire time and he winked at me….
I told you it was like a can of sardines up on that stage… The entire audience of the Agora Ballroom had somehow managed to fit themselves on the stage and we were all dancing as Chuck played…
There was a drunk guy standing next to us… We had no idea who he was, just a complete stranger, but he was so fucking drunk it was unbelievable.
The douchebag saw Pat and I holding the head of Chuck's guitar as he played, and he decided he was going to do it, too…
Everybody pay attention, because I want you to understand something….
I'm not exaggerating at all, and I'm not going to use any hyperbole to juice up the story…
This is exactly how it happened:
without missing a lick…
like a lightning bolt…..
Chuck Berry Punch that guy so God damn fucking hard right in his fucking face, that the mother fucker dropped like a bag of rocks, completely unconscious!!!
Chuck went right back to playing his guitar, leaned over and yelled at the top of his lungs, "DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH MY GOD DAMN GUITAR YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!"
I swear to God I'm not lying
Nobody gave a fuck, and we all kept dancing and laughing and Chuck looked back up at Pat and I and smiled and finished the rest of the song out, and then he walked off stage and that was the end of the concert…
Employees of the Agora Ballroom actually had to carry the guy off after everybody cleared the stage
I'm the drive back home after the show, Pat and I lit up a giant joint of some Acapulco Gold, Pat popped a Chuck Berry tape into the cassette player, and we just sat there in a daze… Literally amazed and dumbfounded at the experience we had just shared…..
100% true
Thank you for reminding me… Otherwise I might not have ever remembered to share that story with you guys…..
fuck off Johnny Cumsock
Please ignore this speech to text faux pas
I'll be sure to schedule that in. Have your people call my people, and we'll arrange something
Out of all the crazy real life stories I have about giving Elvis portraits to celebrities, the two best stories are definitely the ones about Pink Floyd and Robert Goulet
thank you for your request
But I'm afraid I'll have to save the Robert Goulet and Pink Floyd stories for later…..
NSA can't decrypt everything, but they are looking into quantum computing to cover that last mile. it's in it's infancy though and very difficult to get working.
and yes 9/11 was an inside job. look at the CIA, pakistani ISI, and all the money CIA was losing when the taliban nearly eliminated most of the world's opium production in afghanistan.
Always a pleasure to aid a fellow schizophrenic.
okay, okay, since you asked:
Yes, the story about Duran Duran was equally as amazing butt I believe the Pink Floyd and Robert Goulet stories are more ironic….
(Although not quite as funny as the other ones, I think that you would be very interested in the story about Hank Williams jr., and how he showed me [up close] where they literally reconstructed his face from different parts of his body, after he fell 600 ft off a cliff and removed his entire face when he clipped a rock that was jutting out of the side of the mountain)
His beard used to be the hair on top of his head, and they grafted skin from his back and thighs to reconstruct his face
So far, the NSA hasn't found a single encryption method that they haven't been able to decrypt
I don't think that you have any training in Psychology whatsoever, because if you did, he would instantly realize that I don't present any schizophrenic symptoms whatsoever, and it would clearly demonstrate your inability to recognize the clinical DSM symptomatic behavior of hypomania….
I could write an appropriate response to that insult , but like you already observed earlier I have indeed better things to do.
It was a simple observation, and it wasn't said in any mean spirited fashion, and it certainly wasn't intended to be an insult
(I'll forgive your error)
Hank Williams jr. 440 ft straight down off a cliff on Ajax Mountain….
The only thing that broke his fall was a piece of rock that was jutting out of the side of the mountain
Unfortunately, his face is what hit that rock, and after it removed his entire face, he fell almost another 160 ft to the bottom
I was just correcting you about your psychological misdiagnosis, and hopefully encouraging you to research the subject a little bit better
I've been told I have one of the most pronounced cases of hypomania ever documented by three different preeminent psychiatrists…..
The symptomatic behavior of hypomania doesn't resemble schizophrenia at all
Hank Jr took me and my buddy Captain America (Michael Jacobson) on to his tour bus before the concert
He took us all the way to the back to his personal quarters, and he made sure he had really good lighting, and he removed his cowboy hat and sunglasses…..
And carefully showed us how they had taken skin from other parts of his body, removed his scalp, and repositioned everything in a jigsaw puzzle, and sewed his face back together like Frankenstein over the framework of the reconstructive surgery underneath….
They had to completely rebuild his entire face
choke on horse penis Johnny Cocknocker
Nope, still think I hit the nail on the head.
Hahaha !! dimwit
That doesn't correctly describe schizophrenia at all
Also, if I was 'making up stories', WHY would I pick content that's so obscure and uninteresting to you?
Why would I be 'fabricating' stories about Chuck Berry, Robert Goulet, Hank Williams jr., Elvis Presley….. Etc etc etc ?
If I was trying to impress you guys, I will be making up stories about anime, transvestites, video games, and transvestite anime video game faggots…..
It's actually one of only two ORGANIC PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS, and is indicated by the dissociative belief that one is being 'controlled' by an external force…..
I've got Hypomania……
fuck off Johnny Cumguzzler
It was I who brought up Chuck Berry, Johnny…remember what I told you about confused thinking? How about you relax, lean back and start from the beginning…let's go back to the time your mother stopped loving you, Johnny…oh wait…we have to postpone, your 30 minutes of government paid shrink session is over for this week. Remember to be a good boy and take your meds, Johnny and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I love how the thread fills with random shit whenever the subject of intelligence agencies comes up. NSA is so transparent.
Nah, not even the alphabet soup could come up with something as uncontrollable as Neptune.
not intentionally, but maybe he's some MK-ULTRA project that they couldn't get quite right
Please stay calm Mr. Neptune I'm just the secretary, but the the doctor will see you next week like usual. As for the Tegretol..we talked about this…they're just TicTac's you carry around in your mother old prescription bottle. As for Elvis…wasn't he the guy the US army drafted into the hands of his future underage wive? Sorry for not keeping up with the who is who of pedophiles, but I heard he really liked cake…I like cake too. Btw would you like a cracker, Johnny? They are complementary, yeah I've seen you making big eyes over them. Go get yourself some, Johnny and I see you next week. Bye Bye.
LOL you were incapable of giving a psychiatric evaluation, not knowing the difference between schizophrenia, your ass, or a hole in the ground….
And NOW you wanna pretend to be a PSYCHOLOGIST…
which one is it, Ms. PacMan?
A psychiatrist, a psychologist, a pharmacist, or just a videogame dimwit?
You're all over the place, dude
I'll ignore this mistake
Hey Johnny, what are you babbling about? You've been like this since you stumble out of that shrink office. Dude I like your company and all, but like you have to take it down with all them drugs…you are berating the dog about some video game thingamajig for 20 minutes..also how about you share some of those big ass crackers you clutching to your chest, with us? Like don't be so stingy, man.
hey, at least you tried, right?…..
And when somebody is incapable of actually succeeding at anything, TRYING is good enough….
(better luck next time)
Come on, that's rude, Johnny…you knew I was an orphan with a lack of education. Like don't rub it in man and also would you like…stop rubbing my dog's asshole? Like I know you ran out of TicTac's, but you won't find a replacement there.
You know what, Neptune? You're a mean spirited man, and I should dismantle your grammar Nazi ass into neat, little packages, and send them back to my folks in the country…see how you like stumping peoples noses with nothing but cattle around.
Gary Burghoff, who played 'Radar' on M.A.S.H. was born with a deformed left hand that never fully developed in the womb.
You sure know a lot of things, but you'll never know what I wear under my dress. That secret will always stay in Toledo.
Not only was his hand fucked up, but he was also a COMPLETE FUCKING ASSHOLE to work with on the set (100% true) which seems strange, because the character he played was very meek and nice….
In real life, while filming episodes of the series, Gary Burghoff was continually getting into arguments and causing problems with the other actors and director. He seems to think he was some kind of prima donna, like he was better than everybody else just because you had a fucked-up hand.
"poor me!! Boo Hoo Hoo! My hand is disgusting, and everybody better walk on eggshells around me when we're shooting episodes of this television sitcom that everybody is going to claim will be a classic forever, although it's going to go into shitty syndication within 10 years and by the year 2000 no one will even remember it anymore!! Boo Hoo Hoo!! My hand is fucked up! And I'm a fucking asshole!!"
Everyone's a critic around here…
"Hi!! I'm a fucking douchebag, and I'm angry at the world because of my fuck up disgusting hand!!"
lol @ the right hand
holding a glass
"Hi!! I'm fuck face GARY BURGHOFF, dammit!!! And even when I pay for an expensive Beverly Hills call girl, she's so freaked out by my hand that her body language makes you think I have leprosy!!!"
(Just kidding… That's actually his daughter whose body language would make you think he has leprosy)
I think her name is Alamy. He apparently loves her so much, he wrote her name all over the photo
Can we stop talking about this unimportant, little man right now and talk about real problems? I'm a Winchester, and I will not sit here listening to this drivel while a great injustice is done to me. A celebrated doctor like me can not be treated like this…I demand that whoever stole my golf magazine bring it back to me this instant or there will be consequences.
Apparently, the deformed midget found somebody or something to have sex with him
Shall I excuse your mother for you too?
Is this the Trapper John M.D. thread?
it's actually the 'Alex Jones is a fat fucking slob with high blood pressure' thread
In 1984, Bill Bixby produced one 30 minute (actually 22 minutes) pilot episode of a proposed sequel to M*A*S*H, called W*A*L*T*E*R….
it was about Walter (radar) O'Reilly after the war.
It sucked SO bad, that after airing the one episode, CBS declined to make more
so if I do meth will I get paid by the NSA to derail threads with autistic MASH diatribes?
Sorry to bring it to you, user, but Trapper passed away…but how about a funky B.J. instead?
Nobody pays Neptune (which is why he's a homeless shitposter) BUT you should see him visiting a thread as a reminder that a worthwhile discussion is dying down. If you would keep the thread alive with meaningful input the Neptune wouldn't been summoned. Also so how dare you talk down M.A.S.H? Now you made Margaret angry.
facebook will crack like an egg under lena dunham. hell, it's not even cracking for them. they'll get paid handsomely and will only have to make another shitty "I'm sorry" commercial for damage control
By all means rip the NSA a new one, but until the helicopters arrive you know where to find us.
If you think the NSA is incapable of decrypting ANY encryption methods, you would be fooling yourselves….
You guys are smarter than that
Not only can date decrypt any encrypted content, but they don't even need to do that extra step…
They simply compromise the devices, and the decryption is superfluous
at least this derail is fun and entertaining lol
just a reminder re: 9/11
just a reminder re: 9/11
just a reminder re: 9/11
If You're using this facebook app,You're already signing away You're privacy