SJWs fired for their opinions on college campuses

How will Zig Forums survive now that they know this?

Does “political correctness” really crush conservative speech on campus? The data suggests no.

The American college campus, we are led to believe, is a dangerous place: If you say what you really think, particularly as a conservative, a mob of young social justice warriors will come for your faculty position or invitation to speak on campus. Entire books and online magazines are premised on the idea that political correctness is sweeping the American university, threatening both higher education and the broader right to free speech.

But a brand new data analysis from Georgetown University’s Free Speech Project suggests that this “crisis” is more than a little overblown. There have been relatively few incidents of speech being squelched on college campuses, and there’s in fact limited evidence that conservatives are being unfairly targeted.

The Free Speech Project’s researchers have cataloged more than 90 incidents since 2016 that fit their criteria for a person’s free speech rights being threatened. Of those 90, about two-thirds took place on college campuses. These incidents range from a speaker being disinvited to a faculty member being fired over allegedly offensive comments to a student-run play being canceled over concerns it would offend.

The raw numbers here should already raise questions about the so-called political correctness epidemic. According to the Department of Education, there are 4,583 colleges and universities in the United States (including two- and four-year institutions). The fact that there were roughly only 60 incidents in the past two years suggests that free speech crises are extremely rare events and don’t define university life in the way that critics suggest.

Moreover, there’s a consistent pattern in the data when it comes to conservatives — one that tells a different story than you hear among free speech panickers.

“Most of the incidents where presumptively conservative speech has been interrupted or squelched in the last two or three years seem to involve the same few speakers: Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Shapiro, Charles Murray, and Ann Coulter,” Sanford Ungar, the Free Speech Project’s director, writes. “In some instances, they seem to invite, and delight in, disruption.”

What Ungar is suggesting here is that the “campus free speech” crisis is somewhat manufactured. Conservative student groups invite speakers famous for offensive and racially charged speech — all of the above speakers fit that bill — in a deliberate attempt to provoke the campus left. In other words, they’re trolling. When students react by protesting or disrupting the event, the conservatives use it as proof that there’s real intolerance for conservative ideas.

The other key thing that emerges from the Georgetown data, according to Ungar, is that these protests and disruptions don’t just target the right. “Our data also include many incidents, generally less well-publicized, where lower-profile scholars, speakers, or students who could be considered to be on the left have been silenced or shut down,” he writes.

Examples include Princeton professor Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor’s commencement speech being canceled after receiving death threats for criticizing President Donald Trump and the president of Sonoma State University apologizing for allowing a black student to read a poem critical of police violence at commencement.

There’s little reason, according to Ungar, to conclude from any of this that conservative views are uniquely unwelcome on campus.

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it's a shill article

They really are cancer.


Cheap victim blaming. None of this justifies the violence from the commies.

Just have a look at this sophistry. This cunt want us to belive that what's offensive to leftists is just trolling, noones seriously holds racist/non-PC beliefs, and there's no real harm done when commies silences these people. Everything they disagree with is just trolling, so they can pretend to support free speech while at the same time cheering for Antifa.

Go back, Zig Forums retard.

take your meds you insufferable faggot

They get fired cause they preach shit like "kill all white men", incite violence and hatred and guilt the young sculptable minds of their students or peers into hating their race and themselves.

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Out of the two counter examples they could come up with, only one involves a speech actually being censored. They admit the SJW student was allowed to read the 'anti police' poem by the university. Its just that they apologized afterwards.

Oh dear.



Dear Professors, Valedictorians and other faculty members what you see here is a sturdy, wooden ruler…I know it seemed like relic to you now, but it was and is a proven tool to overcome censorship to the freedom of speech under the student body. How to use this ancient tool of liberation you ask? It's as simple as holding it above your head, aiming it at the direction of approaching censorship and bringing it down with vigor, again and again and again, until only the freedom of speech is heard across the campus. Thank you for your time.

Attached: Ruler.jpg (1024x651, 35.45K)

muh vox is alaways right you inbred hicks that are much less inbred than all my favorite shitskin countries

Not only did the article not actually prove its claims with representative or convincing data, but it also failed to properly distinguish between actual free speech issues and liberal professors encouraging crime. To say that the conservative speakers were "trolling" is not only subjective, but also fails to consider that people can genuinely hold inflammatory opinions. I agree with the article to some extent because I'm sure that most universities primarily seek to censor unpopular and "offensive" opinions without regard to political identity, but then we must determine whether or not their definition of "offensive" applies more frequently to conservative opinions. As it stands, I am not aware of any convincing evidence of such a bias, so I cannot say whether or not a systemic liberal bias actually exists in American universities. I can confidently assert, however, that the article did not provide sufficient data to demonstrate a bias against left-wing rhetoric in American colleges.

You sound like a pretty thoughtful person - try looking. You can find reliable data describing a feedback loop of conservative deterrance and self-selection generating the politically imbalanced universities of today, in particular it's often the departments that determine the acceptable range of political opinion.
Let me repeat that - university departments have power over the acceptable range of political discourse on campus. Speaking in opposition to that, outside the acceptable range, is against community guidelines and can result in disciplinary action or expulsion.


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"so we looked at the data" - Sam Hyde

This is bullshit because in my first english class I quite literally had a black woman telling me how black people cannot be racist. I didn't learn a thing about actual English composition.

what's written on pic related sign offends me as i identify as a troll. pls remove it asap or else