Lockheed F-35 Dinged as Boeing's F-15X Wins in Air Force's Plan

Five-year plan calls for 48 F-35s per year, down from 54

>General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Senate Armed Services Committee last week that Pentagon officials decided to buy the F-15X partly because it’s “slightly less expensive for procurement than the F-35, but it’s more than 50 percent cheaper to operate over time and it has twice as many hours in terms of how long it lasts.”

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Pompeo was here for a reason. They have to sell their failed project to some sucker, and there's noone better for this than a renitent oligarchy…

So this is what's happening to our F-35s; we're buying 140+ of the hot steaming piles of shit. Taken and translated from archive.is/e3HhD

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Thank you for the translation japanon.
I would like to formally apologize on behalf of my country. I guess America never really grew out of crippling Japan via trans-pacific delivery of airborne weapons.

kek, didn't a prime minister get arrested for some shady backroom deals that allowed Japan to produce the F-104 domestically? Though that was actually a great plane that served Japan well into the dawn of the 21st century as they used it for its intended role

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the horror

It's all ogre :^(

Getting crappy goods isn't the worst of it; you guys took away most of our guns and you didn't even give us a second amendment when you drafted our constitution. Instead you made us have gay shit in it like article 9 and everyone being equal.

Ah, the Lockheeb scandal, where Lockheeb lobbied major political players in the LDP like Sato Eisaku, great uncle of Abe and JSDF chiefs to successfully adopt the F104 instead of the Grumman F11F-1M, and then got cocky and hired yakuza/political fixer/ultra-nationalist Yoshio Kodama to negotiate with parastatal airline ANA and LDP key figures, the most notable being PM Kakuei Tanaka to buy the Lockheeb L1011Tristar instead of McDonell's DC10, which led to the arrest of Kakuei and Kodama (and other players) and a disillusioned Mishima inspired ultra-nationalist porn actor to Kamikaze into Kodama's house with a light-plane killing himself and setting fire to the house.

It's a huge clusterfuck that was probably exacerbated by Kissinger and the CIA.

WHAT EVER DID WE DO TO YOU TO DESERVE THIS FATE apart from bombing some battleships and invading shithole islands

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Deal with Shitso Abe and give a fuck about civics maybe you can. Ah fuck it nip nap the government dosent give a fuck just become yamaguchi.

Yes, one step closer to the F-15S/MTD being adopted. All according to plan.

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That F-15 has too many fins.


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Ackshually they are called canards and I would venture to say that she doesn't have enough.

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Geez. How come nipland always gets the shittiest deals in technology?

Anyone still buy that the F-35 price tag is NOT north of $110M?

How can you even afford 140+? I didn't know Japanese military budget was that high, most Euro nations can't even afford 30 or 40. Even UK is purchasing only 138, and they have no army or air force to speak of, it's all navy…

I want to know more!

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Sorry to break it to you but there is no way congress is going to admit they made a mistake by signing off on this.
The F-35 and SLS will continue at all costs because the only other alternative is congress fucked up.

They have a 5% approval rating, pretty sure the only opinions they care about are those of the lockmart execs who keep buying them yachts.

I agree but they care about what their sponsors think and all this drama around the F-35 means congress failed to cover up the failure well enough. They will be getting in trouble and won't want to risk their multi-million dollar "retirement jobs" by costing lockheeb money.

If you want a real laugh read the transcript from when SpaceX took the Air force to court a few years ago. Musk straight up calls them out on the decisions makers leaving the air force and taking jobs at ULA that don't require them to actually do anything to get paid.

Choose one and only one.

muttmerica can make up for it by nuking itself.

lol go fuck yourself


Women are supposed to stay inside 24/7 and never be allowed to see by anyone other than her family or her soon to be husband.

You cuckoldry is showing.

Yellowstone will erupt before nukes are exchanged.

It's Zig Forums, they dumb everything down to the point it's "progressive" or "conservative" and many there can't get their head around the fact you can have many different beliefs of different parts of politics.
I'm an economic protectionist and national socialist but a social libertarian that has no issue with fag marriage or recreational drug use.

Try harder faggot.


Not blowing up fast enough.

Explain to be why you trust the government to make moral judgements and you just might change my mind.


A lot of ideological extremism in Japan is nuanced and even hard to understand from a Japanese point of view.

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You are a lolbergturdian. Therefore you are a cuck. Both you and the government deserve to burn.

Big brain post there friend.

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Those nooks aren't gonna arm themselves either, now are they?
Mother Nature knows when its time to murder, she extinguishes shitheads all the time.

They're in the process of remodeling their Defense Force into a proper army to retake China and Korea and finally civilize them.

Classic Zig Forums

Seriously how do you grow to any kind of maturity without being fine with nakedness I'll never understand.

Shut up, cuck. A proper woman hides her body, stays quiet, and serves her husband.
Sex is degenerate. You jerk off into a tube (followed by a whipping for the degenerate yet necessary act), then command your wife to inject the cum into her. That way it stats for procreation only.

Any man who lets his woman leave the house deserves to be beaten. Any man who lets his wife see another man deserves death. Exception is when family is visiting. Even then if a member of family tries anything towards your wife, you kill him.

Good to see you found someone that agrees with you :^)

Shut it, lolberg cuck. Your opinions don't matter because you are a lolberg.

You couldn't handle a proper woman.

It sounds like the whinging of gay virgins to be honest, I can't help but think it's some cuck jews who let their arrangied marriage "wives" get torn into by jamal.

Just report and filter Spergkike. Global report, since Ausmod is in jail now.

Bants? Source?

Apparently the username got set to hidden, where previously it wasn't; some say that the codemonkey doesn't want to release it but all we know is that he's the sti- I mean, BO is probably AWOL.

You sure it wasn't always hidden? The BO has made a point of not namefagging since day one.


I think the muttspammer has always been the resident boomer muttkike all along.
It bitched about the conditions of the Nürnberg kangaroo court for days, just after getting btfo in a holohoax topic.


Perhaps, I base this off one post (>>659071) by a mutt :^) on the JC Brenton thread. His memory could be off as could anyone.

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Stop projecting your own weaknesses on me, and go to jerk to your gay PM.

Why should I trust a hoarding jew more?

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So you think if I see the occasional naked tit on a screen, that means my woman "walks around in cloths" with her tits out too? How fucked in the head are you.

I'm going to fuck a quebecois girl extra hard just for that one.

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This isn't how you make someone dependent to you, and something like this literally never happened.
t. sociopath pro

teach me your skills

My daughter is laughing at you. She says you need to go get rejected at a whorehouse some more.

Where's that F35 fallacies faggot that posted here a few years ago?
I want to see the image where he said that an avionics upgrade with modern materials wasn't as good as that jew magnet.

He now inserts JewSF propaganda into Ace Combat threads on /v/.

Didn't Japan have it's own fighter program in development before we crossed the event horizon into the clown/parody-universe?

This one?

Be an asshole, emotional rolercoaster if you seek something long-term, make her addicted to you.
Always start shit, every second week over small fries, then be nice the next day.
Simply put, act like a woman, lol.
Never show interest, if you show interest in her she loses the interest in you.

Works on men too.

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From what I've read, what the X-2 achieved and aimed to do was to see whether Japan could create a stealth fighter (which they did) and based on that, seeing whether it made sense for Japan to make a domestic stealth plane, or to actively partake in future collaborations with other countries.

I think the recent conclusion that the MoD came to was that for now, joint development was the best option in terms of saving on cost and helping local industry, with either Lockheeb (based on F22 w/ F35 avinonicd), BAE (Eurofighter), and the Boeing (F15 upgrade) plans, with Lockheeb being the most desirable to the MoD though I distinctly remember reading about a MoD source saying that Lockheeb tried to make Japan pay exorbitant amounts and didn't allow licensing production.

The entire F-3 plan is set to start around 2030 if all goes to plan, so I don't think that X-2 is completely dead.

Posting from my phone but I'm op

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Wait I'm not OP disregard what I said.

Aren't there rumors that Northrop wants to sell YF-23 blueprints to Nippon?

How likely is it for Chinese intelligence to steal the plans?

As of July last year, there were reports that Northrop was keen on developing a fighter based on the YF23, and Northrop discussing with the Japanese MoD and major defence industries what technologies they could share to them. Recent reports have been silent on this so perhaps it's not seen as the top pick right now. The first flight tests for the F-X program is planned for 2025, so I think we'll see what plane the MoD chooses within the next year or so.

How likely is it for a dog to shit in your front yard when the local animal shelter has a meeting next to it?
There's your answer.

The F-22 got chosen over the YF-23 primarily because it was more mature at the time and Northrop's been busy with the B-21 ever since. I wouldn't take that offer as anything meaningful.

That's a bit too late.

Please make it look exactly like this.

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Wiki source:

I wonder how feasible the Morgan/Falken would be IRL, those fuckhueg engines should give it a nice T/W ratio.

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Compromise stealth.

Self-canceling benefits for increased costs. Harder to mount pylons on wings.

Getting really tired of this meme. This word is a stain in modern aviation history.

Proper materials and manufacturing for the wing structures would be expensive as shit, unfortunately.

restarting production of 50yr old design?

WTF? Yeah, I understand some of it is new and aircraft are more complex than in the 1950s, but then again that was all done with sliderules and drawing paper. I'd think these days maybe the engines and radars and ejection seats would be the only "well tested" parts and the rest of the jet would be all parametric CAD/CAM produced, and we'd have 30 completely diff specialized jets using maybe two diff engines, some twin engine some single, but size of wings, etc would be all optimized for certain missions, and would take maybe 2 weeks for completely new airframe to come off the line, and computers would know how it was gonna handle.

No one really wants to buy the Rafale in NATO since it uses a whole bunch of non-NATO standard radio and radar gear IIRC.

Stealth is a joke.
You know what I want in a plane? Canards, forward swept wings, and an electronic warfare setup.

What I want for airplanes:

Eyes in sky, spotter for artillery, missiles and ships.

That's it.

French radios ARE NATO standards radios, even the US army uses them.