Lets talk about the degeneracy of tattoos

I feel like an increasing amount of young people are getting tattoos due to trends from instagram and pinterest in the pursuit of staying cool. This concerns me because I HATE the look of tattoos. For me tattoos look degenerate, tacky, and express mental illness/criminality. I know there are good people with tattoos but for me tattoos will always remain a sign of someone sleezy or a criminal just like how the Japanese view it.

Unfortunately, even many women today are getting stupid tattoos like cursive writing or small objects on their wrist. I'm concerned with potential marriage material because I don't think I could ever marry a girl who has a permanent sin on her body, even if it can be forgiven by God. This trend even affects our churches, with many men sporting tattoos and claiming that "the one commandment from the old testament is misunderstood by modern translators so it doesn't apply to us" or "we live by grace not law, the old testament no longer applies".

So what do you guys think? Am i a massive prude who needs to get with the times or am i right that tattoos are tacky and degenerate (which speaks of the character of those who get them)?

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It's funny when they dismiss forbidding tattoos as "ancient misunderstood tradition" when the reason why God forbade the Israelites from putting on tattoos is because that was a very common practice amongst the pagan worshippers of their times. Remind them of the Bible passage (in the NT) where it says we are to imitate light and not dark, but then what do you expect from people who can't read the Bible and say such foolish sayings?

I hate them too; "you were bought at a price, therefore honour God with your bodies." -St. Paul

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You aren't alone OP, I hate tattoos on everyone. But I am this way to any body modifications besides simple earrings. I've given up on the idea of having a wife at all

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As long as the person isn't doing it for his own vanity, I don't think tattoos as bad.

If you can afford to get a tattoo, you can afford to get that tattoo removed. I instantly lose all respect for anyone I find out has a tattoo of anything anywhere. Absolutely disgusting practice and a huge red flag.

transhumanism = satanic, and the precursors of it are here.
the precursors being a tattoo agenda and a transgender acceptance agenda, which are here to normalize human alteration.

Its both

The verse immediately before says don't cut the hair on the side of your head, so I hope you've got big curly sideburns like orthodox jews do.

I hate it as well, but it has become a way of people to try and belong to a group. Ever notice how small country town people seldom get tattoos? They identify with their town and feel connected to the people who live there.

It really is a sad thing when you think about it. These are people who feel like they don't belong

Tattoos aren't a sin. They're just retarded.

It's a good thing Christ died for nothing so you'd still have to practice the mosaic law there eh chaim?

Time for a hard think shekelstien,

Tattoos are clear symptoms of a personality with deviations
morals of behavior and concern with immediacy. It is certainly
a person with a narrow world view who does not think about the consequences
of her actions, concerned only with asserting her personality in the
based on a few scribbles on the body. She does not think oe
ridiculous will a tattoo get at my age, for example. A person
old woman tattooed. Is there anything more ridiculous? They are certainly futile motives that
lead a person to assault his own body with ridiculous gibberish. AND
the person will feel more futile still stating his or her tattoo.

The tattoos, moreover, usually always adorn the bodies of fringe
and bandits. Tattooing is undoubtedly associated with marginality and
desire for self-affirmation through mediocrity. Some great
intellectual tattooed? Of course not. They have more noble concerns,
more spiritual, higher, and not as low concerns as exposing
parts of the body graffiti with ridiculous symbols, which only reveal
symptoms of character defect.

Tattoo, thus, is synonymous with futility and symptom of not very intelligent person

The bearer of such a deleterious remnant is certainly not
someone with a high moral frame of ethics intact, good inclinations
and sound familiar pundonor.Oras, who subjulgar to a marginal trait,
in such a frivolous, thoughtless, animalistic way, mambembe, and
unbalanced, it is not someone built, edified and modeled on
superior values ​​of honor, nobility of character, virtues and virtues
well-arranged, aligned and sliding, so it does not make up a model
unprovable to read and tread life, and thus evade the profile
sustaining a salutary home, nucleated pro nobility of dignity,
uniqueness and decency. Who reduces to the atrocity of a decharacterization
personal by fashionable vain, so bestial, so inglorious and so fruitless
like these, is someone of very dangerous danger to society, since the
reflected is as nefarious and dismal as possible, only
degenerates and ruins. All tattooed people are bovine, idiot and

Vanity is the only reason to get a tattoo regardless of what you tell yourself unless you're some pagan tribal from Africa or South America.

Lots of the women at the orthodox church I was looking at have nose rings and arm tats. I don't like it.

Also I like the idea of a tatoos on a man in theory but when ever I see any body around here with a tatoo it's like a tatoo of a picture of a fish or like squirrel or something super retarded that looks awful.

What about extremely small tattoos for the sake of aesthetic that represent a good quality? Let's say, a small cross or a symbol of Christianity

Totally agree. It doesn't bother me if the ink was done before they came to God, because then those tattoos are like scars of a dead past. When practicing Christians get tattoos, I'm completely and totally disgusted.

I like Dave Mustaine's answer as to why he has no tattoos when I'm dealing with idolatrous heathens: "You don't put a bumper sticker on a Mercedes-Benz." (preferably while flexing). It's not the godly answer, but it does answer the fools according to their own folly, lest they be wise in their own eyes.

Same as using a cross as some sort of jewelry. These tattoos (like all tattoos in general) are absolutely unnecessary.

Tattoos are about replacing God's image and Logos with one chosen by us. It's a microsymptom of satanism in our society.

Considering they can get removed, that past isn't really dead.

What about christian tattoos?

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you aren't a copt, or a balkanite under ottoman rule, so you can't use that as an excuse.

What about Syriac and fighting ISIS?

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The human body was made in God's image and likeness and to deface it is to insult God. It is also a red flag because it means that the tattooed individual is willing to waste their hard-earned money on permanent alterations to their body without considering the long-term consequences. It is also a sign of insecurity and attention-seeking behavior because they believe they are not interesting without tattoos.

Let us know how that works out for you.

PROTIP: If you don't like 'em, don't marry someone who has 'em. But don't tell me what to do or belittle my choice.

Leviticus 19:28

Remember, Jesus came to fullfill the law, not to abolish it.

Liberal-tier reasoning. 99% of the people who have tattoos get them out of sheer vanity.

No, no I do not notice this. I live out in the sticks and most people around me here still have tattoos. The nearest big town has two tattoo parlors.

Coptic tattoos look extremely cool. And I do think that well-made Christian tattoos are a good thing. As long as the tattoo is religious in nature and not pagan shit, how can it be a bad thing? Reminds me of the woman who used expensive oils on Jesus's feet.

(inb4 evangelicals start posting their OT quotes)

They were often gotten by sailors in ye ancient times in case they were washed overboard, it let the deceased communicate with those who found the body.

tattoos are forgiveable, but I'm not a fan, excluding cross tattoos.
God gave you this beautiful body, and you're gonna graffiti worldy bullshit all over it?

I'm fortunate that none of mine are satanic/pagan (save a 666 I covered up with a yin/yang Apple, but I can live with that)

I've been conflicted about getting anymore. I have one arm that's kind of full, and another that has lots of empty space that I feel sort of off balance with and would probably look better with one or two more.

With that said tattoos on men work and age better than tattoos on women. And tattoos done at Traditional Shops (Sailor Jerry type stuff) look far better than bullshit cursive.

I don't think tatoos are sins in and of themselves, however I also hate them.

I think I'll found a covenant society and demand as part of the covenant that there will be no tattooing. And if at all possible get the state to ban them.

Oh look; another self-righteous, sanctimonious thread.

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I know a nun who needed to have a tattoo removed before she could fully join her convent or whatever they call it. It wasn't 100% removed, but she keeps it covered and they have no problems with it.

Of course, some people would say it's a good way to show thy sin…

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Even today some soldiers will get their name or other identifying information tattooed on their torso, as it is the part of the body that is the mostly likely to be intact and found should they die in a bomb attack.