What is the form of economics a Christian should support...

What is the form of economics a Christian should support? I have been looking into Corporatism because it was promoted by the Catholics, but I am open to other ideas.

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The one that doesn't compromise your faith
definitely not (((Communism))), bo matter how much Zig Forums says otherwise

Probably crony capitalism, because most of the big mafia guys were all Catholic. I wanna be like the Godfather.


This is the only correct answer.

This, tbh

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Isn't it bad to have a economy where you can't be poor?
God has often made people poor, as a form of punishment(Ex:The whole bible) or reminder not to sin(IE:Job).

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daily reminder that it's a sin to be a commie
don't fall for the Zig Forums memes

I'll just leave this here of what I believe a decent christian society should look like.

This. Being poor can be a blessing; the poor are often some of the most pious people.

Austrian Private Society. Examples: Singapore (run by Temasek), a cameralist system like in Prussia and the following federated monarchy of the 2nd Reich, Lavasa and Gurgaon in St. Thomas Land, Hong Kong under Gubernatorial rule.



/anarcho/, /marx/, /leftyweebpol/, raddle.me, theory twitter (anyone 5 steps from existential comics), theory reddit, theory youtube, getchan, bunkerchan, 0chan lp, etc.

Unironically ancapstan

Enjoy what you have, and help others if you can. Don't fall for the Zig Forums memes, that has never turned out well for the Faith.

Look beyond people's bloated perceptions of ideologies. The primary economic theories are collectivism vs individualism - best described as Socialism vs Capitalism. The crux of the argument is concerning what the economic unit is. In a socialist society, the economic unit of society is the collective - no man owns a company, all of the workers do. On the other hand, capitalism lays the economic unit on the individual - if a man founds a company, then it is his to do what he wills.

I would argue that the ideal society is a capitalist but with a very heavy focus on Christian morality, because a secular capitalism almost always leads to consumerism and hedonism. Socialism is a pipe dream in that it denies the nature of man as fallen - Man is not naturally good, he is fallen. Hence, this is why Socialism ways fails and falls to dictatorship - because it needs to battle with the nature of man. In doing so, then, it requires men to be cohersed into giving - not out of the kindness of their hearts, but out of force. While a secular capitalism leads to hedonism, Socialism of any kindeads to misery.

Capitalism exploits man's fallen nature and funnels it to a constructive purpose. John wants to be wealthy and have a hot tub, so he starts a business and hires Tom. Now Tom has a job that he can use to put food on the table. It is essential, however, that John does not abuse his authority, because if every boss is cruel, then Tom is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Galatians 5 comes to mind.

Yeah, this

Any economical system that Christians had before like 1300 or so.

the thing with this is i looked into it more and basically it doesn't really have any answers or solutions or anything. just that people should be able to have earn their living? but how? does the government enforce that? what if it's more efficient to work in a big company than doing some small thing on your own? it really doesn't answer much as far as i could tell. if you could explain more it would be appreciated.

Yeah this is basically the conclusion I came to so far at least. Communism and Socialism sucks ass (and is condemned by the Cat Church). Capitalism at least gives us some control apart from the atheistic devil worshipping state. It works good enough if we actively have more people working hard encouraging other people to be more charitable. The catholic church has strong influence in the healthcare system because we own so many hospitals and so on. We just really have to work harder, fund our churches better, get better people in charge and do the Lord's work. Capitalism allows us to have the freedom to do this, other systems just steal all our labor for their satanic atheistic goals.


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NatSoc tbh

Bump for interest

Roman/Middle Ages style corporation with a pinch of capitalism, both of them under the guidance of true Christian values and a monarch with an aristocratic class to oversee the Country and the Nation and high clerics as mentors.

The Corporatism we see around us today is probably (along-side with Communism) the most anti-Christian form of economics. It's all about earning money and gaining monopoly. That being said, I know near to nothing about other forms of corporatism and I'm not really interested for now.

Unironically, in a community of true followers of Jesus, a certain form of Socialism is inevitable. The closer you get to God, the more selfless you become, the less you care about the things of the world, and the more you care about helping others. I strongly oppose Socialism, except in this context, because in this context nobody is forced to give up all they own, they do it out of free will and love for each other. A true Christian community is most likely the only context in which a form Socialism could work. Needless to say, Socialism in this context is very different from the types of Socialism we've seen in action, so don't let the label confuse you.


You don't know what "corporatism" means.

nice LARP. This is why I try to never visit economical and political threads on this board

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Considering most of the Monarchs of Europe were excommunicated I would say no it really isn't.


*blocks your path*

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A Christian can support a variety of economic theories. Christ's teachings are not a political programme, and he never calls for or even describes a 'just' economic system ('render unto Caesar,' etc.), only individual acts of conscience. 'My kingdom is not of this world'

The only theories which are incompatible with faith are those which claim that human nature is changeable, and therefore that man is not made in the image of God. This is why utopian Marxism has to be ruled out, although a milder form of socialism isn't necessarily at odds with Christianity. Equally, there is no doctrinal problem with free-market capitalism.

Actually, really "extremist" capitalists hate the idea of human nature, too.

Balance in all things.

Multitudes of landless poor have been the source from were the hordes of communist uprisings have been recruited, moreso than any meme socialism that could be claimed to be brought about by capitalist abundance.

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Concept that may be applied to any kind of Government, no necessarily a m*narchy

The agrarian verse of this. Men wasn't meant to live in big cities, that's why the Devil has so much power over humanity now that we live altogether with no charisma towards our neighbors.

Nope, the idea of symphonia is that society is to be a living image on earth of God's government in heaven which is monarchical. The monarchical family is an icon of the Holy Family.

One where material wealth is not the end goal of humanity.
One that do not destroy communities and nations.

This mean no communism and no the current globalist (((oligarchic))) crony form of capitalism.

You can be poor in all economies and especially so with communism and socialism.

One in which the economy is subjected to the common good of the country. Good above all else being love for God and love for Neighbor, and lastly good in the sense of material goods.

In my own opinion this would be a market economy with government regulations to subsidize familial and community living, by encouraging employment, market stability, widespread land ownership, fraternal/church organization, marriage, localism.