I have seen the light, these are truly the last days. Sedevacantists were right
Seat of Peter is empty
Dude, just become Orthodox.
Quality thread.
Sedememers are masters of cognitive dissonance.
I'm not even Apostolic and I know sedevacantism is pure memery.
Quick rundown why it's a meme pls
Cannot imagine how you would act during the following years of the Avignon papacy.
Sedevacantism is mental gymnastics to be an Ultramontanist without a pope.
You can't accept Vatican I and reject Pope Francis at the same time. Either be a normal Catholic or become a Protestant, but don't be a living meme.
there is a lot of trash in VII but i believe most of it is not dogmatically binding, as per Cardinal Burke. nostra aetate which is the most trash can be ignored which is what I do because it's pure trash. There has been a lot of trash coming out of the recent papacies I will admit, but we've had trash popes before.
Broke: The seat of Peter is vacant, Bergoglio is an anti-pope
Woke: Pope Benedict's declared resignation was made in error (both in theological reasoning and due to coercion by interested (((parties)))), thus invalidating it; Benedict XVI still occupies the see of Peter, Bergoglio is an anti-pope.
Not saying I'm convinced, but this is the strongest argument I've heard for papa Frankie not being a valid Pope
At least so far in history, many of the bad popes were bad in terms behavior only, but they never tinker with the Truths of the Faith itself, they're orthodox in general when it comes to the Faith.
An immoral pope but orthodox in Faith is better than a good mannered pope but heterodox in Faith, but a saintly pope is obviously should be the ideal
don't join the Dimond Cult atleast they don't have a bishop and dogmatically claim that baptism of desire is a heresy. Atleast join CMRI or SSPV or another similar sect if not become catholic again.
The "Church of Big Pete and Magic Mike". That's what MHFM is all about. Memery all around. Isolated from family and friends with the only communication with like minded people is on the internet. No bishops. No priests. No physical church buildings and much less an airport conference room. But "we're the last true Catholics" and "we're the only ones left".
That is a textbook case of a religious cult and sect.
Take that messengers. Now we can ignore that pesky message.
A Dimondite at work.
Forget the last six popes as being heretical, so they say, because to the Dimondites it is actually the last 12 popes, starting with Pope Pius IX, who are the real heretics for having abandoned the Dimondite's "muh one true faith" of Popes Boniface VIII and Eugene IV.
This. What's the point when the Orthodox Church exists?
You know what to do.
“A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (ipso facto) ceases to be pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church. Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction.” (St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30)
“I do not approach the relationship in order to proselytize, or convert the atheist; I respect him (Francis, On Heaven and Earth)
“Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions…” (Pope Leo XIII, Custodi di Quella Fede)
“The great Paul VI, in a difficult situation in Africa, permitted nuns to use a form of artificial contraceptives in cases of rape…..On the other hand, avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil. In certain cases, as in this one (the Zika virus outbreak), or in the one I mentioned of Blessed Paul VI, it was clear.” (Francis, In-flight interview from Mexico, Feb 17, 2016)
"…No difficulty can arise that justifies the putting aside of the law of God which forbids all acts intrinsically evil." (Pope Pius XI, Encyclical On Christian Marriage, Dec 31, 1930)
“… promote religious freedom for everyone, everyone! Every man and every woman must be free in his or her profession of religion, whatever it may be.” (Francis, L’ Osservatore Romano, May 22, 2013, p. 11)
Condemned: Every man is free to embrace and profess that religion which, guided by the light of reason, he shall consider true.” (Pope Pius IX, The Syllabus of Errors, 1864)
"These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the Spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.(Pope Leo XIII, St. Michael prayer)
Hence, the devil has always endeavored to deprive the world of the Mass by means of the heretics, constituting them the precursors of antichrist, whose first efforts will be to abolish the holy sacrifice of the altar; and, in punishment of the sins of men,his efforts will, according to the prophet Daniel, be successful. "And strength was given him against the continual sacrifice because of sins" (Dan. viii. 12)" (St. Alphonsus Liguori)
"I saw again the strange big church that was being built there in Rome. There was nothing holy in it[…] Then my Heavenly Spouse bound me as He Himself had been bound to the pillar, and He said: 'So will the Church yet be bound. She will be tightly bound before she shall again arise." (Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich)
"Father, the Blessed Virgin is very sad because no one heeds her message; neither the good nor the bad. The good continue on with their life of virtue and apostolate, but they do not unite their lives to the message of Fatima. Sinners keep following the road of evil because they do not see the terrible chastisement about to befall them. Believe me, Father, God is going to punish the world and very soon. The chastisement of heaven is imminent. In less than two years, 1960 will be here and the chastisement of heaven will come and it will be very great. Tell souls to fear not only the material punishment that will befall us if we do not pray and do penance but most of all the souls who will go to hell." (Sister Lucy, interview with Father Augustin Fuentes on December 26, 1957 A.D)
Pope Pius XII, Ex Cathedra:
[…]the form consists of the words of the preface of which the following are essential and so required for validity: “Da, quaesumus, omnipotens Pater, in hunc famulum tuum Presbyterii dignitatem; innova in visceribus eius spiritum sanctitatis, ut acceptum a Te, Deus, secundi meriti munus obtineat censuramqne morum exemplo suae conversationis insinuet"
"Paul VI, Ex Cathedra":
[…]the form consists in the words of the consecratory prayer, of which the following belongs to the essence and are consequently required for validity: "Da, quaesumus, omnipotens Pater, his famulis tuis Presbyterii dignitatem; innova in visceribus eorum Spiritum sanctitatis; acceptum a te, Deus, secundi meriti munus obtineant, censuramque morum exemplo suae conversationis insinuent"
"[…]diabolical error, when it has artfully colored its lies, easily clothes itself in the likeness of truth while very brief additions or changes corrupt the meaning of expressions; and confession, which usually works salvation, sometimes, with a slight change, inches toward death.” (Pope Clement XIII)
Now THIS is shitposting
How on earth is any of this supposed to justify willfully severing yourself from the Body of Christ and her teachings?
"If any one saith, that, by sacred ordination, the Holy Ghost is not given; and that vainly therefore do the bishops say, Receive ye the Holy Ghost; or, that a character is not imprinted by that ordination; or, that he who has once been a priest, can again become a layman; let him be anathema."-Trent, Session XXIII, Canon III
"If any one saith, that in the mass a true and proper sacrifice is not offered to God; or, that to be offered is nothing else but that Christ is given us to eat; let him be anathema." -Trent, Session XXII, Canon I
"If any one saith, that masses, wherein the priest alone communicates sacramentally, are unlawful, and are, therefore, to be abrogated; let him be anathema."-Trent, Session XXII, Canon VII
I am not doing such thing. If you claim I do, you need to defend your position.
I say that, by sacred ordination, the Holy Ghost is given. What I also say is that, if a word that was declared by Pope Pius XII to be essential and required for validity of ordination is missing, the ordination doesnt take place, since it lacks what is required for validity. The "new rite" lacks what is essential and required for validity, and therefore, doesnt imprint the character of ordination.
[…] the form [of Ordination] consists of the words of the preface of which the following are essential and so required for
validity: “Grant, we beseech You, Almighty Father, to these Your servants, the dignity of the Priesthood; renew the spirit of holiness within them, so that they may hold from You, O God, the office of the second rank in Your service and by the example of their behavior afford a pattern of holy living.” (Pope Pius XII, Sacramentum Ordinis)
Well, I say that in the mass a true and proper sacrifice is offered to God.
I say that masses, wherein the priest alone communicates sacramentally, are lawful. But its obvious that a person that isnt a pŕiest cant celebrate mass.
So, if by that post you are implying that I'm out of the Church because I am defending these condemned positions, you are wrong.
For anyone wondering, my response to this is in the Catholic general, as that's where the convo has moved. Why we need two threads discussing this, one of which isn't even for sedevacantists, I don't know, but that is where the bulk of this discussion has taken place.
So 77% RC Argentina, homeland of Bergoglio, just had an abortion on demand bill pass its lower house. Did he make any public comments or campaign against it?
The only responses I get to this argument in said general are:
>(1) Pius XII never said Ex Cathedra that "ut" is among the essential words required for validity
Wich he very clearly did.
Wich is the same as saying that "I bought a knife so that you may die" has the same meaning as "I bought a knife; may you die", and that is clearly false too.
And since these are their only arguments, they just choose to ignore me, in a childlike manner. I dont get it.
He has since said something about "abortion = Nazis" generally but nothing about Argentina specifically that I am aware of.
Most accurate virgin/chad meme I've seen to date. How do we fix cradlebros?
The Church will bleed from all her wounds. There will be a wicked council planned and prepared that will change the countenance of the Church. Many will lose the Faith; confusion will reign everywhere. The sheep will search for their shepherds in vain. A schism will tear apart the holy tunic of My Son. This will be the end of times, foretold in the Holy Scriptures and recalled to memory by Me in many places. The abomination of abominations will reach its peak and it will bring the chastisement announced at La Salette. My Son’s arm, which I will not be able to hold back anymore, will punish this poor world, which must expiate its crimes.
One will only speak about wars and revolutions. The elements of nature will be unchained and will cause anguish even among the best (the most courageous). The Church will bleed from all Her wounds. Happy are they who will persevere and search for refuge in My Heart, because in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
More like falls away from because it wasn't what the memes said it was
You can tell this was made by a prot
Pray unceasingly, brother.