What's your guys thoughts on Hezbollah?
>leb army cucked due to (((pm))) being saudi shill
Hezbollah - Zig Forumsornet masters
They are okay but it's been what? 13 years since they strike kikes?
I don't believe the muslims can solve the jewish question either ways.
They are islamic subhumans, there's nothing more to them.
I like that they kill terrorists
What happens on the other side of the Bosporus is no matter of mine. That said, fuck those leb cunts, send them back to where they fucking came from. I've never met a nice Lebo ever, they're always either a chav wannabe with a shitty Honda Civic or a thief and part time kebab stand employee. If Hezbollah is BTFOing the Lebo shitcunts they're alright in my book.
iq 89
Fucking polecuck man.
But then again, this could be a turk.
I knew polish people were the white niggers of Europe only to second to albanians but holy shit this exceeds my expectations
.webm related is what every single muslim deserves. If a war breaks our my number 1 priority will be to shoot muslim women and children on sight, then take selfies with their ugly bodies in the background
Hezbollah is the premier kike killer right now. They actually sent troops to Assad and have been low key and low intense killing kikes for decades now
They are the most formiddable anti kike organzation since Uncle Adolf. Just a fact.
Motherfucker, go read the Qaran. Go read the Hadith. Go read the biography of Muhammad that was written within a lifetime of his death with the assistance of his peers.
It's a cult of personality built around a sixth century despot who couldn't hack it as a preacher, an ideology that calls for the murder of anyone who opposes it and treats the expansion of above despot's empire as a moral obligation.
M8, they helped in Syria, but they haven't penetrated Israel since what, 2006?
A pole of all would know about that. He is mocking you for attacking mindless animals like mudslimes but never the kikes.
All muslims without exception deserve death, kill yourself if you think otherwise
Or it's a jew on a Polish VPN
Everybody here hates the kikes you dumb gorilla nigger
Because they cant without muttmerica holohoaxing them for real?
But they get away with killing kike VIPs every year and just being generally "terror" to the kikes. Without them throwing weight around Palwstine would have disappear long ago, and greater pissrael would be a thing this year.
Do it then turkboi. Then we wipe your debt, uhmmkay?
Nah, more like the last non retarded pole that isnt high on kosher nationalism waiting for us and vatniks split roasting bolan again.
Again, this is kind of pathetic reasoning.
So apparently, they can fight america in Syria or whatever, but they can't hurt Israel, despite the fact they already hurt Israel in 2006.
Jews = muslims.
You've clearly never read the Quran. It's full of stupidity, evil, and absolutely nothing else.
Rather fond of them, though they will have to be destroyed along with eh rest of the Islamic world someday
wew, not only are you not getting shit, your politicians will happily give us 200 billions as WWIII reparations
Fair view although I know of no other group that makes kikes scramble and realize merkava is not god-tier.
Yeah, they deserve credit for what they've accomplished and I do respect their abilites and skills. But the fact is that Islam, unless some truly radical changes are made to it and Arabs learn to get their shit together, simply has no place in the future of a white dominated planet besides perhaps being left alone in their deserts as tribesmen with no real power and kept separate from the outside world
I did and its an alright read, Muhammad was a pretty badass warlord, your point being?
Powiedz ty dla mnie, nie za dużo foljarskich teorii?
Islam is good for shitskins, it works for them. Just like talmudism is good for jews and works for them. But most of us here are not shitskins or jews, so it's a bad thing for us. It doesn't even matter what kind of label shitskins or jews use. What matters is that we're white and they're not, they should be removed indiscriminately, for their genetics alone. Hezbollah are just low priority target, since they actually do fuck with the jews.
Muhammad was a demagogue who used his religion alongside his charisma and battlefield leadership as a means to build himself a cult of personality and an army. So, good for him; he was wildly successful and died surrounded by people who worshiped him, and if I'm being generous I don't think he ever intended for it to spiral out of control the way it did, but it should have died off a long time ago and its anathema to white civilization.
This post reeks of cuckchan or 4um as you might call it.
Don’t trust the jews
That’s strange, that’s one or two things that everyone should follow:^)
Fuck off shill, go back to the ADL
Yes, the Quran is dripping with evil (inspired by the satanic Jewish genocidal racism of the Torah, Tanakh, and Talmud). How the fuck does that justify murdering civilians?
PS. (((Why))) no mention of (((who))) is flooding our countries with these immigrants, while at the same time fomenting or at least worsening sectarian conflicts in the MidEast?
Are there any genuinely good tanks anymore, or have they all become great big wastes of money now with how powerful infantry carried AT weapons have become, similar to how CAS is obsolete when compared to artillery because of what infantry carried AA is capable of?
Muslim civilians are no different than an armed enemy, retard
Retarded boomer in bound.
If they are in foreign countries, they are not "women and children", they are foreign combatants that their husband/father sent.
Napisz jeszcze "schizofrenik, tabletka" to będę miał pewność.
Wyjaśnij istnienie gazwybu.
>(((who))) is flooding our countries with these immigrants
That's a funny way of spelling jews
Baffiling how shitskin tactic of sending enemy combatants to foreign countries with no uniforms and guns (delivered later) without even declaring war keeps working for them.
Toyota Hilux with a cheapo cold war ATGM > modern tanks
The new meta is speed and ATGM spam.
Ask yourself what came first - race/ethnicity or culture? The answer is pretty obvious. Any cultures in this world are merely an expression of genetic makeup, over time they tend to crystallize as religions and traditions that are given their own encyclopedic names and definitions by modern academics. Most of the elements that make islam or judaism existed for tens of millennia before their formal codification. Islam gained traction so fast precisely because arabs already agreed with its tenets, and now they had some warlord telling them that all the subhuman tendencies they already had in their blood since forever, will be rewarded by some god.
You fucking retard, every huwite empire ever was a massive failure because shitskins in the conquered lands were taxed and naturalized into citizens instead of totally exterminated. Can you even imagine the kind of world we could be living in if only the anglos and frogs killed all the niggers, semites, street shitters and abos?
Go to /trannypol/ and their offshoot board, they have at least 4 different p*les posting there. I don't even go to polish sites anymore but I remember kurahen being a hotbed of "ironic" commie kiddies.
They are different sides of the jewish coin
Tak kurwa Sorros i Michnik osobiście wręczają mi grube tysiące za postowanie na boardzie gdzie jest 305 unikatowych ip
Well, so long as we don't have to sit around in trenches all day in a defense favored meta again
Checked, there is a reason that race must come before religion or politics.
Λατρεύω να μπαίνω σε μια ιστοσελίδα όπου η κύρια γλώσσα είναι τα αγγλικά και να βλέπω Πολωνούς να μιλάνε στην άθλια γλώσσα τους
płacą 15$ za godzinę stania na proteście w USA,
elliniko arapis
polska kobieta BLACKED
How will I ever recover… That's the only thing I remember from your language, I don't know what everyone used to call the shiptars.
Combine that with something speedy and with electronic warfare to fuck with defense systems and you get something wonderful.
They're pretty alright. Their involvement in Syria had been stellar and they're the only thing standing between kikes and Lebanon. They're also Shias, meaning they cause constant, massive butthurt to the Saudis
does anyone have the video of hezbollah larping as navy seals?
It was hamas
Maybe he's using a VPN?
Maybe that was an attempt at humor?
pls no bully
The west did that too back when Christianity was the dominant culture. It wasn't until marxists, the same marxists that are now in love with Islam, took over that this changed.
In a place that doesn't exist.
Don't confuse being willing to engage in violence to stop evil, which is good, from wanting violence for violence's sake, which is evil.
You're a fucking retard for thinking this is a good idea. Right now you're in the minority, so you'd be killed as a dissenter if this were the case. Even if you became the majority and started killing dissenters you'd eventually become the minority and be killed. This retardation is why the middle-east is a perpetual shithole whereas the west, which strived for peace, made nearly all advancements from the middle ages to where we are today.
I don't even understand how you think struggling could be a good thing.
Neither did Martin Luther or C.S.Lewis.
Islam is a shit ideology for being stupid and evil. Islam suggests the sun sets in a pool of murky water. Islam suggests that semen is made within the ribs. Islam suggests a bunch of stupid shit that some insane guy from the 6th century believed because it's a bunch of bullshit.
On the one hand, they're muslim, on the other, they mind their own fucking business and stay in their sandpit.
The latter outweighs the former. As long as they don't interfere with civilized peoples, I really don't mind.
Conflict means evolution. The weak die, the strong thrive. If you get too long a peace, you end up with soyboys teaching your kids how to best dilate.
I dislike Islam, Israel and frankly almost everything that comes from that region. Therefore, I fully support the self destructive behavior and chaos caused by said group. But that makes my standards very low, as everyone in the middle east destroys it in one way or another. Maybe I do like the middle east?
Dosn't their entire organization mirror the NSDAP.
Was himmerl japanese?
More III reich (on a much smaller scale) than the NSDAP as the political, socio-economical, intelligence and military wings are basically what you would find on a state.
Which is also why it can't really be destroyed, you would need to vitrify not only Lebanon but most of the shias everywhere to actually destroy it.
It's small, but it's largely unfair to call it a movement like Al-Queda and cie are as most of Hezbollah activities are public (and public works at that). The Kurds are probably the closest thing to it if they were really united.
Wait until we actually give it out, shitskin. We told the polacken to fuck off. Who the fuck are you?
We will happily bleach your wombs out of ottoman genes again when we roll in. Dont hit your daughter, ja?
And nice pussy out. Saint Tarrant is too much for you now?
If you really want it to sting, just point out that Erdogan is whiter than Michaloliakos.
Depends on the lighting
Your superior
Roll in with that? Your army? What army? You pussies have a military still? Last time I checked you were among the most pathetic excuse of a military force in Europe. Selling others overpriced mediocre weapons is the closest you've ever been to an army since the end of WWII
Among the first things you cucks will do when GD is elected is hand us over 200 billion euros and apologize for the 6 gorrilion. Second thing you will do is spergout when we sell the garbage leopards you gave us and start buying superior Russian designs instead.
The nation used to be known as "Germany" ceased to exist back in 1945. All the German men died in battle and all the women were raped by bolsheviks.
He can't speak German.
He already sperged out and made a fall of byzantium thread
Only a kraut would deride people fighting for them.
t. Hitler's sister
RoachLARP is hilarious to read.
Keep it going as always, cucks.
Looks about the same.
How many IPs does your free trial VPN still have left, turknigger?
As many as the days you turks will not retake Constantinople and larp about krauts submitting to you :^)
piss off
Saint Tarrant didnt even mention you for a reason.
he suddenly stopped spamming mutt and has a hateborner against greeks now
Why do krauts suck up to the subhumans who hate them?
It is time like this that I wish Hitler was French and not you cuckolds.
They fucked the kikes in 2006 and have been preparing since then for the next war with them. Regardless what all these greeks here say, at least they openly oppose the existence of Israel. They are also enemies of Saudi Arabia, the source of all the terrorists nowadays
Roachrapebabies are just butthurt the mudslimes are outdoing them again.
Confirmed for mutt using VPN
confirmed for turkroach
Yeah you stupid shitskin, I have dynamic VPN. I know that even with your whore sister banging every mudslime out there to support your family during this recession that you caused, normal technologies are still too luxurious to you. You have my condolences.
Don't reply to him
Well the stupid kikes thought they could use the merkava as the spearhead into lebanon
they got fucked hard
That's north of where my grandparents are from, Yaroun
Their success in 2006 was due to Israel's arrogance.
I fear it will not happen again.
Don't overestimate the kikes, they are used to killing unarmed/poorly trained palestinians. Hezbollah fighters are trained and have combat experience from fighting in syria. Also when the next war happens, the Iraqi militias will help Hezbollah out and probably some syrians aswell. And while the Hamas aren't really a real threat to Israel alone, if they join the war Israel will have to fight on multiple fronts
Well, to be fair, europeans did pretty cool stuff while they were praying to the same desert god aswell.
Also Hezbola isnt active in Europe and doesnt go for expansion. When there will be a day were we have to face them as an enemy invading Europe, then I will anhilate them. But they are clearly fighting the good fight right now.
As long as USA ist cucked israel will survive.
Shits and giggles aside, the economy of USA is much stronger then that of those militias and USA will fight to the last drop of blood for their kike overlords.
Can't we all just get along?
Hamas controlled opposition. Do not fall for kike lies – Hamas's only purpose is to victimise the kike (and thus "justify" the genocide, aka 'retaliation against terrorists' of palestinians) while not doing any real damage. Just look up what Hamas did during the Syria war, how it called for overthrowing Assad.
First off, you’re wrong. Second, women’s suffrages already exist before marx published his (((theorems))).
*tips fedora*
What the fuck are you talking about nigger? You think the holy jihad is some free-for-all murderfest where people go around killing kaffirs? Because that’s fucking wrong and you just brought bullshit onto the table. Also the mere existence of jews and coptic christians today have proven that Islam is a genocidal religion is false.
This is just embarassing.
That's exactly what islam is. Nice taqiyya, faggot. Nobody falls for it anymore.
What is embarassing is you believing a shitskin.