
What are the safest to make and most efficient bombs?
I read a bit about pipe bombs and they seem really sketchy to make.
I'm asking cause of curiosity for a friend who needs this kind of info for his homework.

Attached: genocide works.png (1302x444, 133.91K)

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Thought bombs, aka Memes. Pic related.

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All bombs are sketchy. The nuclear ones are particularly so. The problem with bombs is abysmal effort to effect ratio. It makes sense to use them as a government, but as an individual operator you wouldn't be able to produce enough of them to make an impact.

How abou chemicals?

Just use anfo and a few thousand pounds of fertilizer.

Highly depends on who you hit and how long you can keep operating.
If you managed to blow up the centers of government while they're full…

This. Any time spent with bombs is the equivalent of medium-intensity combat from a risk standpoint. Even Taliban bombmakers, generally considered the most experienced and reliable IED producers in the world, will still blow up their own operatives because they fucked up a fuse or failed to notice a solder joint that had come loose. The trench coat mafia were frankly lucky that they got off with duds rather than propane bombs that detonated in their faces when they were building or placing them, and if Brenton got around to using his fuel bombs there's a good shot he would have burned down the mosque using his own body as kindling.
The only caveat is that they serve very well against conventional forces. There was a documentary that spent some time following an ANSF attack on a Taliban-held town. The Taliban had placed IEDs along one of the roads leading into the town, and while the ANSF flank approaching on that road didn't hit any of them, they were delayed by several hours because once they saw the first IED they had to have EOD track along the entire road ahead of the convoy searching for and disarming bombs, stopping the whole process every time they came under fire. Regardless of whether or not they detonated, they still took a substantial portion of the attacking force completely out of the fight.


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tbh all the explosives memes are just that, memes. If you want a loud boom for shock&awe or for propaganda purposes, gunpowder (and some additives) works fine.
High explosives ought to be stolen from mining companies (contractors are always lazy) but never created unless youknow full well your chemistry.

literally tannerite

Be a government.
Post a request to industry.

Zero risk for you, maximum efficiency.

Best to go with simple shit, I think. Do it like the boston bomber - pressure cooker bombs. Same concept as a pipe bomb, but detonated remotely and with a lot more potential punch. The only purpose of the explosive is to launch shrapnel. I mean consider the tally of that attack - two pressure cooker bombs and only three dead, but whopping 260+ injured, over a dozen needing to get fucking amputations.

You don't need to be smart to make this (really, the only "complex" part is the detonator, and just about any electronic device can do the part), all the materials are readily available (gunpowder for explosive, any metal garbage for shrapnel) and unlike a pipebomb, you don't risk having it tear your hand off since you can set it off from anywhere. If you do it properly, it'll take down even a soldier squad that comes too near - the plate will stop it, sure, but all the other unprotected parts of their body get shredded, so they're fucked anyway.

A bomb is just a rapidly expanding chemical reaction, or the pressure-fragmentation as a result of a chemical reaction, so you'll have to be more specific, OP. Do you want to make a bomb that causes a fragmentation explosion, a bomb that causes a giant fireball, or simply a chemical weapon that will corrode everything in an area before being whisked away by the wind?

Even as a government the cost-to-effectiveness ratio is sketchy as fuck. There's a reason the Chairforce is constantly dealing with missile shortages. The only real benefit is that at that level of funding you can afford to waste millions of dollars so you can kill everything in sight in 10 minutes instead of dealing with a holdout for a day or two.

kek not really, if it did there wouldn't be so many of them leftover to complain.

Didn't the US government try to make gay bombs at one point?

What about the IRA?

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Attached: 20041229-Olmec_Head_(Museo_Nacional_de_AntropologĂ­a).jpg (1839x1868, 417.64K)

Yeah you're right the IRA/PIRA developed highly effective methods of deploying and triggering IEDs with the help of Hezbollah

Some IEDs containing little to no metal content by using carbon rods as electrodes to complete the circuit

Hold the fuck up, you're telling me I can make a proper glass mine with the carbon tubes found in those giant cell batteries I've got lying around?

Yes, even other methods work

pic related ofc

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Some of those are old, but it seems I got to organize some recycling of shit lying around work.

I'm still wondering what the shit bombs where made out of that was in the news a while ago

Attached: IED Awareness Guide Iraq & Afghan TOE - TC 9-21-01.pdf (IRA Hand Grenades.pdf)

Is it possible to detonate ANFO without any help of primary and secondary explosives, using only an electric detonator?
How about using ANFO as the main explosive filler for some improvised copper EFP.

No, you can't ANFO needs a secondary with a booster like EGDN/ETN to set it off.

Anyway AN-AL is much better imo to produce 95,5%-4,5%, AN to aluminium