Hey Zig Forums anyone know of good semi-auto shotguns, I've been seeing a lot of AR style shotguns and I'm wondering if there are any reliable platforms with available parts/mags?
They are trash, get a vepr-12 instead, or even a saiga
then go back to cuckchan, we don't redtext in titles here
The one I played with worked pretty well and cycled pretty much everything. Turkshit is a hit and a miss though.
The new ford ranger is turkshit too.
They can work, but peak performance is currently the vepr-12
I remember years ago an American company was coming out with an AR shotgun that used some AR-308 parts, I haven't been able to find it and am not sure it's any good. Definitely no one should touch a gun from Turkey.
I've had better performance from my Benelli but that was even more expensive. I'm really bummed now thinking how there really aren't that many awesome mag fed shotguns available.
1. This is a magazine-fed shotgun thread
2. Why are you bumping a thread made by someone who is clearly not from around here?
how long has been and anons still do this.
1. My point is that reliable semi auto shotgun options are limited.
2. I'm not a bitter oldfag
So you're underage and/or no older than 25
Kill yourself
a tube magazine in a benelli or browning auto is still a magazine.
I think you mean detachable/removable magazine..
Read again
OP literally made a thread on "AR-style shotguns" so yes, obviously I meant detachable mags
Browning auto-5 faggot
Why do Americans idolise the AR platform? I can understand it being 'the American gun', but these guys have - at least in theory - the inviolable right to collect whatever kind of gun they wish/can afford, and they consistently choose the design that doesn't work well anywhere.
before you start, yes I am bloody well jealous! That doesn't change the fact that you guys are wasting your freedom as you piss it away
It's the basic bitch option, but it's the basic bitch option for a reason. It's light, it's low recoil, it's accurate, it's reliable enough, it has more aftermarket support than any other product you could care to name firearm or not, and the fact that it's such a massive market drives the price down.
Yeah there are options that do the same job better, but is the marginal increase of utility really worth the increased price and decreased parts availability of the boutique option, especially when the average shooter can't tell the difference between a $400 beater and a $2k+ match grade rifle?
That and there's the fact that most of its drawbacks are overblown memes from Vietnam discounting the fact that the platform has had fifty plus years of iterative development to iron out the kinks.
I'm aware that the AR15 in your collection has very little in common with the ones that were shipped to US troops (without cleaning kits or the correct ammunition) during the Vietnam war - still, it just seems like the most … boring option you could take when buying a rifle.
If I had half the options you guys had when buying a firearm … well, that would be nice; and I probably wouldn't choose an AR.
Because we are apparently incapable of building a working AK.
Reall, the main reason to get it is for parts availability, ammo availability, and how easy and cheap it is to build a basic one. But mainly availability. So pretty much what described.
People who like it customize the hell out of it. People who are ok with it make a basic one, stick some stuff on it, and call it a day.
I built one for $450 and later stuck a flashlight on it. Mainly going to use it as a cheap enough home defense gun.
Normalfags are typically ignorant of rifles outside of ARs and Aks. ARs also have a shitload more after market mods, calibers, and are generally easier to modify compared to other platforms.
I'm thinking about getting
My theory is with 3.5" chamber AND loading port, that I could speed load it using a tube filled with 2.75" shells. The tube would have a slit full length about 1/2" wide and one end would have a little lip or hook to fit on the loading port. To load set the lip on the port, then use finger in slit to shove all the shells into the extended mag tube all at once.
I've always been a fan of guns that you can top-up the mag without needing to swap out.
The AR "platform" is convenient in America. You can buy everything but the lower receiver online and have it shipped to your door. Its very modular and upgradeable, and there are millions of different aftermarket parts or mods for it.
Everybody who is into guns in America has shot one, and it was most Americans first rifle. Its familiar and comfortable. Nearly every problem it can possibly have has been well documented online, with easy to follow guides for fixing each one.
Everything about it regarding reliability and maintenance is well known and well documented.
Ammo is available at (almost) every Walmart in the country.
Because its such a part of american culture, it is a socially acceptable gun to own (unless you're surrounded by lefty urban scum). All gun owners recognize it and know enough about it to have a conversation with you about it and compare builds/upgrades/style.
There aren't any import restrictions on it and the laws surrounding it are well understood.
Every local gun store has multiple in stock. There's no issue with availability and no hunting around obscure shops for parts or ammo. Because of this, we can borrow and trade parts or ammo with friends, because we all have at least one of this type of rifle.
We can all convincingly say its for hunting or sporting, and it does work well for those purposes. But we all also know its "military" enough to get the job done if we have to do something else with it.
It's an all-arounder. An intersection of convenience, availability, reliability, and personalization.
It would be the same story with AK in Russia if soviets didn't enacted full-retard gungrabbing as their core weapons policy. they came to power through guns and violence, it's only natural that they wanted to curb people's ability to do it again
I fail to see how a magic space age aluminum and plastic wonder gun is "boring" as it was one of the most radical designs that actually went anywhere in the 20th century. The only reason why its "boring" is because it caught on. In a different timeline where the AR-10 still blew up in testing and (((Springfield armory))) was shut down for simply suggesting the M14 over the FAL we would probably be walking around with a million different flavors of FNC and those would be considered "boring."
The myth that the M16 was radically reworked when it became the M16A1 and the subsequent myth that the M16A2 fixed the jamming problem is also silly. The only real design flaw the first generation M16s had was the three prong style flash hider being fragile. The lack of chrome internals was cheap as hell, but it wasn't really needed anyway as corrosive primers were no longer in use. The forward assist is nothing but a jam enhancer. The problems caused by using the battle rifle powder in 5.56 only lasted a month or two in the field, but it will never be forgotten about because of the communist press making any case they could to save their fellow reds. The AK had a nasty habit of detonating and killing the operator because of CIA niggers planting booby trapped ammo in VC dumps and spreading the myth that it was a "metallurgy problem" that was causing this to happen. The Soviets had a panic attack and ran around trying to figure out why their rifles were grenading until it came out that it was intentional ammunition sabotage. After that happened, no one looked at an AK and thought it was a grenade because the Soviets didn't have an actively hostile press using every opportunity to erode the country. Hence the AR platform is a "jam-o-matic" and the AK is an unstoppable wunderwaffen.
Reading this makes me want an AR15
It could have been that way in Britain with the .280 Janson rifle if God didn't want us to suffer
Damn, now i got hard. Why should you have done that?
Because our press and our journalists were practically in cahoots with those fuckers.
Oh - should've said that journalists were and always continue to be an eternal scourge.
They just arrested a girl for using a shotgun to hunting in the Colorado woods WTF
Colorado is a shithole state.
Benelli M2
The absolute united STATE of America
Looking up that name gives me results saying that she was obsessed with Columbine, threatened to shoot up schools in Colorado, flew to Colorado from Miami, bought a shotgun, then offed herself.
Is that a semi-auto shotgun?
What are you pulling here?
Bongs projecting because they can be arrested for mean words
Your bants are annoying. Leave it to your convicts to make better humour.
any videos of thousands and thousands of shells testing on either of these?
Any thoughts on the Turkish made Derya N-100 being imported by RIA?
Saw an ad in gun.deals, available over here for something like $440. Seems a pretty good deal for home defense, maybe not so ideal for duck hunting.
Or do you guys hate all bullpups on principle?
I reject it just because it's ugly turkshit
Internally it is nothing more than the SAS-12. Apparently the turks got it to work though.