Daily reminder

daily reminder

Literally burn in hell for telling lies.

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Pray for him and his repentance. Do not wish Hell on anyone.


holy smokes get smoked, next bait thread pls this ones dead

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Fair, the extent of your charity and that of fellow posters makes me smile, even when you admonish me. I'm a recent convert, and I'm sure you've seen me around it's probably because my worldliness is still very evident and I think people take notice of that. I'm working on it.

Thanks, now here's a fellow memer with the New York attitude I'm used to despite never having lived in New York.

Nice try wizatheist

"Judeo-Christianity" is a fraud, composing of meme-tier values and beliefs like "never hate," "tolerate everything" and "hate the sin, not the sinner" and other things they got from Yoda from Star wars and Gandhi.

Judeo-Christianity is pretty much the Jewish corrupt perversion of what should be Biblical born-again Christianity which is based on actual Scripture. Get some scripture friend.

Psalm 109:6-7
Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand.
When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer become sin.

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"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".

The prayer of a righteous man can do much, have you ever not known Christ? Have you ever thought your acceptance of Christ is an answer to someone's prayer?

An e-celeb repenting on video would also be a victory for the faith.

I'm responding to the second half. I've seen this same conversation proceed again and again based on a false foundation, and I'm redirecting us back to the fundamental truths of the word of God.

I wouldn't rebuke someone for unknowingly repeating a lie, I would attempt to question the false basis of the lie first. Whether that lie is, that "judeo-christian" is legitimate, or that you should never wish hell on anyone— both of which are false, and I've hopefully shown not to be repeated as if they were doctrine.

The term "Judeo-Christian" is perhaps one of the most misleading and nefarious terms invented in the modern age, and it's a rather shame that someone as smart as Peterson falls for that bait. It's no wonder he cozies up with Luciferan Zionists considering how he was fooled, this is what we have for our "luminaries", Christians that cozy up with literal satanists, which shows to you how far we've fallen.

What does Judaism have to do with the bible? Well considering the bible is about Jesus Christ from start to finish, the answer is NOTHING. That term was invented by the (((pharisees))) to lull gullible Christians into believing they are people of belief, or people of the OT and wow do Christians fall for that bait! Even when Christ challenges this belief "If you believed Moses then you would believe me for he wrote about me" (John 5:46) If someone as smart as Peterson falls for it, 95% of Christianity is going to fall for it.

How easy is it to fool a Christian? Just call yourself a "Jew" and we'll believe anything you say. Satan is playing this game on easy mode, for Christians have made it easy for him. Shame on Peterson for going along with him. He takes one step forward and then two steps back. It's just a DISGUSTING term, one might as well say "Satanic-Christian values", it's that kind of stuff that makes me question Peterson's intelligence, or at least his wisdom, as he seems unable to detect treachery.

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Western civilization is a product of synthesis of ancient Greek-roman culture and Christianity. Christianity took useful things like e.g. Roman Law's foundation of 'leges duodecim tabularum' where there were some feral pagan norms like a right of a pater familias could legally sell his children into slavery, and created decent Codex Justinianus which was in fact roman law on christian moral rails.

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Is this man seriously suggesting that rare instances and by rare I mean one instance in a thousand years of Greek history somewhere contributed more to western civilization than 1000+ years of Christian Europe.

Just another typical YouTube atheist. He states that "western civilization is Christian" is an assertion, yet concludes by saying that "Christians who do moral good are just listening to their evolved consciousness" without backing it up, which is an assertion.
There is also an underlying assumption throughout the entire argument that "morality = social liberalism", he advocates that democracy, gender equality etc are morally good but again doesn't justify it with any reasoning, so there are even more assertions.
Another thing he does is that he takes Bible verses out of context as argumentation, for example the use of "blasphemy against the holy spirit" is used as an example to say that Christianity is opposed to free speech, even though this blasphemy is refusing the presence of the holy spirit and rejecting Christ, with the death being spiritual.

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Yes, their Old Testament has prayers asking for God to torment sinners. Then the New Testament Has Jesus literally telling us to pray for and love our enemies, and that just merely loving our friends and families is easy and not as true and pure of a love. Jesus cries out to The Father "Forgive them, for they know not what they do" for the people, and in fact the whole human race, who are responsible, through their sins for putting him through the most excruciating physical and spiritual torture imaginable. Even the Pharisees, who are literally twisting and perverting his teachings in a much more direct and responsible fashion than the Youtuber, he admonishes and chastises them ruthlessly. He calls them a den of vipers, sons of the Devil, and warns them with woes about the doom to befall them if they do not turn back from their evil ways. But not once does he literally hope or pray for them to go to Hell.

Can you seriously imagine Jesus Christ saying to this ignorant Youtuber "I hope you burn in Hell!" Seriously? The New Covenant holds us to a much higher standard of behavior than the Old. The stories of Saints include a Saint chasing down his robbers because they forgot to steal his staff and them converting because of being moved by his extreme humility. Can you honestly imagine a Saint wishing Hell on someone?

Hating sin and lies is perfectly fine. But too many times I've seen people take Old Testament Psalms out of context to justify and rationalize the hate for the actual sinners that is in their own heart. Literally every time someone wants to hate someone, they always evoke an Old Testament Psalm; never anything from the New Testament; this is telling.

Please think and on these things and I will pray for you.

Cool, thanks, brah, that's all I needed to read to know that I don't even want to read past the first reply

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stopped listening here

Western civilization was built by Christianity upon the greek-roman heritage of the classic world mixed with the german invaders.
Western civilization is greek-roman-barbaric and molded by Christianity. End of story.

Only thing I agree is (((judeo))). There is no such thing as Judeo-Christianity, there is Christianity and there are the jews who tried to kill it from day one.

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When will this meme die, Jesus literally called Jews children of the devil

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Blame Ben Cuckpiro and Jordan Peterstein from the (((alt-right)))

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I think the "judeo-christianity" meme is much older then them

stop it with (((their))) "judeo-christian" term. i was disappointed when i even heard a priest say this at a homily, he was also talking about post modernism, must have been listening to jordan peterson.

straight facts

Oh, for crying out loud, i haven't seen this much triggering, not even in SJWs.

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Yes, I remembered my Young Earth Creationist days where Ken Ham would use the term.


You faggots got your panties in a twist because the title used a word that might be interpreted in a wrong way.

If you believe you have to be some lover of Israel to think turning 50% of the thread into a bitchfest about it is disgraceful and stupid, you are clinically retarded.

What do you guys think about the slavery part? I never seen anyone explain this part of the bible not even in Zig Forums. The NT and the OT both have pro-slavery verses. You can even beat the slaves, not to death though. What about the concubine parts of the Bible? I mean, I really wouldn't have a problem following those rules.

Also the Confederate States had the biblical arguments for this.

Or people are discussing the topic in the OP. Not everybody you don't like is triggered you hypocrite.

The slave trade was largely Jewish/Yiddish (71% of owners at its peak) and the "biblical arguments" were from the Talmud, that's also where the so-called curse of Ham came from: the Talmud.

Servitude and Talmudic conceptions of slavery are two different things.

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Note: our enemies. As in those that do us harm.

Is the Lord Jesus Christ God? If so, then he is the author of the entire scripture, not just the red letters.

Revelation 16:6-7
For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.
And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

Proverbs 30:5
Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

Psalm 119:160
Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.

Proverbs 13:13
Whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed: but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded.

I'm not justifying or rationalizing my hatred, I'm telling you openly that God hates them and that's where my loyalty lies. You cannot love the good otherwise. And woe unto them that call evil good and good evil.

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Then why is it said that if you break one of their teeth you have to free the slavve as a compensation?

Slavery is just a big thing in the mid of the leftists, because they can use it to guilt retarded whites.

So the ancient greeks and romans had lots of influence on the development of the modern west but the last 2000 years of christian history were completely irrelevant? At last I truly see…

Who is this channel? Another fedora channel that professing themselves to be wise but really are just fools.

Who's that guy again? I only heard about that guy in a mister metokur once.

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kike on le stick

And? Your point?

Yes. He literally tells us to love them. Not condone their actions:

There's a BIG difference between accepting the ultimate final judgment of God as righteous, and literally hoping, praying and wishing for sinners to go to Hell even before the final judgment. Until then, they are to be prayed for, and for us to hope for their repentance and conversion.


As for the following verses you cite, remember, I said taking the Psalms OUT OF CONTEXT. To further elaborate:

Once again, the Jesus of the New Covenant disagrees with you:

Even in the Old Testament, God chastised and punished the Judeans and Isrealites, but never wiped them out. He forgave King David and put him through earthly trials to cleanse him. He gave Samson the opportunity to redeem himself after foolishly breaking his oath. Even someone as stiff-necked and hard-hearted as Pharaoh in Exodus got literally nine warnings from God, before he poured his wrath out upon the firstborn.

Let's also not forget:

By your logic, he hates all of us. Yet do I REALLY have to recite John 3:16 for you?

Yes, you cannot love good without hating evil. Sinners (including you and me, whether you like it or not) perform evil. But sinners can still repent of said evil. By your logic, God should've hated St. Paul of Tarsus for the atrocities he had committed while he was named Saul, and wished for his eternal burning in hell. Yet Paul ultimately turned from his wicked ways and is responsible for writing most of the books of the New Testament. If God is indeed as hateful of sinners as you claim, MOST OF THE NEW TESTAMENT WOULD LITERALLY NOT EXIST. Including the parts that drive Liberals mad and spur them to come up with kooky conspiracy theories about Paul twisting God's word or not being a "real" apostle, because Paul, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit condemned the sin of homosexuality and the like in his epistles.

Perhaps the Psalms express God's hatred for UNREPENTANT sinners, as he WILL tell them to depart into the lake of fire at the final judgment. Here's the thing though: you're right, God IS the author of the entire Bible. God is ALSO a perfect judge who can see into the hearts and minds of men and know their innermost essence and being. We are NOT perfect judges. We CANNOT see into the hearts and minds of men as He can. When someone wishes/prays for a sinner to go to Hell, they are essentially taking on the role of God; they are essentially claiming to be a perfect judge and to be able to to see into the hearts and minds of men. Are you a perfect judge and able to see with absolute certainty and clarity into the hearts and minds of men? Are you a man of King David's caliber? I.e. anointed by God and in such a level of a communion with God as to be able to write many of the Psalms, directly inspired by God, as David was? Many of which were very obvious prophecies of the literal coming of the Messiah?

Unless you can lay claim to the above, you must accept that until the final judgment, God clearly loves us sinners enough to die for us. That he tries to save us through evangelization and chastisement, and that in light of this, praying for sinners to go to Hell, rather than praying for their repentance makes no sense and makes one the Unmerciful Servant from the parable outlined in Matthew 18: 21-35.


triggered cucks amirite