Ladies and Gentlemen, we now have a new volunteer, Constantine the Great will now be moderating while im gone, he has usual volunteer powers and will be able to look after it while im gone.
New Volunteer
Don't worry Brenton, I'm sure we will get you out of prison after 27 years. There will be a Nobel peace prize waiting for you.
Always remember to report everything
Does this mean we can make having a roach flag a permabannable offense?
I hope you didn't make a mistake since most of the gyros here are absolute garbage.
I like this ideaBut I don't make the rules, BO does
BO will be in the fresco for the next 27 years for removing kebab so I doubt he would disagree.**
I for one welcome our new fetanigger overlord.
Unless we find a way to rescue him.It would undoubtedly be the greatest operation Zig Forums possibly every taken over.
You know, there's a pretty nice river that connects up to a mountain range around the prison, it would make for a great route
Great. Now we have to find a way to get there. If I go with the fastest route, it shouldn't take me more than 1 day and 4 hours to get there.
10hr30min for me; next step is figuring out where to take him and how. He'll need a new identity too.
Don't take him anywhere, take over the country instead. All the cucks there are unarmed now and won't offer resistance, while the rest will be supportive or neutral.
How's prison treating yah, BO? Don't worry, we'll get you out one way or another. Setting things to hidden was kinda a dick move though.
Why not just give him board ownership if you're leaving?
>It would undoubtedly be the greatest operation Zig Forums possibly every taken over.
Doesn't sound that much of a big deal to tbh.
are we talking in spoilertext so that CIAnigers can't hear us?
Silly user, glow-in-the-darks can't read, hence their need to wiretap everything.
>Doesn't sound that much of a big deal to tbh.
One step at a time.
Of course. How could the CIA possibly decode the advanced encryption system of Zig Forums? Its like breaking the Enigma or something like that…
I'm gonna be honest I was starting to genuinely believe the BO was JC Brenton.
One can always hope.
I'm not entirely sure BO wasn't, given we had two days of inactivity before all logs were hidden and no response from him for like a week when the ISPs weren't even properly blocking the website. It's just a little too fishy, and any faggot could set up a 'strayan proxy to post from. You'll have to forgive my skepticism for thinking you're a plant, BO.
Can't boards block IPs by wholesale f.e. an entire country.
I feel a weak urge to make /hiszekegy/ real, but I know all too well that it would be pointless.
I'm Greek
No. Ignore he's retarded.
Neither a board owner nor a board volunteer can apply a country-wide ban. That feature hasn't been present since IP addresses were swapped from actual IP address ends to hashes. The RangeBan feature will ban all IPs in a standard dynamic IP range for a house in a sector of a city, but it won't actually "ban the city" or "ban the country." It's useful in that any faggot spamming but not using a proxy will be stopped dead in their tracks or have to release their IP multiple times to get one that works, but it's utterly useless in most every other way.
Another feature I should note while I have this up is that if Greeceball presses the "dismiss+" feature, it not only deletes all reports from that IP hash, but it also doesn't show up in the report logs as having been dismissed.
Oh right, and global reports show up in the regular report queue for boards as well. Figured you'd like to know that tidbit in advance.
I saw that there was the option to do so, didn't actually try it so I had no idea that it was just a worthless button
It's all good. I'd still use it out of force of habit since on average it will reduce your workload maybe 3-5% of the time. Better to open up the [RB] in a new menu, apply it, and then delete the post with one of the delete options. [B&D] is kinda full of fuckery so the more posts a user has, the longer it will take to actually apply the ban and delete them (and sometimes it won't apply it properly at all).
In a new window*
If you have any questions about vol features or how things like a ban work if expired, etc. I'll stick around the thread for a while. If you have any questions you'd rather not have seen, you can email me at: [email protected]
Oh boy I can't wait.
Finally, the peace all true warriors strive for.
permaban all 4chan posters
already issued 2 permabans. I didn't know if I should keep doing them though so I started 88day bans, 1 year bans, etc. Then I noticed that BO only ever issued permabans so now I'll be doing that too whenever needed
Praise Zeus.
My condolences.
Tone down the entomophilia, anωn.
δεν υπάρχει πρόβλημα άμα το έντομο είναι τούρκικο
For added encryption write everything in cursive and they will never be able to decipher it
>writing in cursive
That would mean leaving out Americans too:^)
Do we get to reclaim Constantinople?
By genociding all turks you silly.
Also, godspeed greekanon, make Zig Forums great again
Noice digits and post, m8.
Naw i was always here, just been super busy dealing with real life stuff and today with a passing of a family member, i however never hid the log which was strange.
Im surprised my ISP hasnt blocked the site, but the hysteria has already passed.
It is good
You're just a little bit triggerhappy, aren't you?
I didn't ban him, I said his post was good user.
Not what I'm talking about.
Why was the thread that Boer made deleted?
It had nothing to do with Zig Forums, it was just a thinly veiled politics thread, plus it was the only post in his history. And we already have a South Africa thread.
Several informative images were being posted in it, and it was turning into a possible planning thread.
So? So is this, not to mention it's a one-liner:
This is just shitposting about lasers:
This isn't related either, I'm pretty sure vehicles don't fall under common forms of weaponry:
This is about food, not weapons:
And this cyclical thread that the BO clearly approves of is about video games, not weapons:
So without trying to jump down your throat or start accusing you of power abuse; I get that you probably want to make an impact and have people going 'Wow, what a good mod!'. But I think you're overdoing it. I like the BO's hands-off style, and frankly I think you should try to adhere to it.
Those very same images are common here, nothing new or rare was posted. Again, we already have a south africa thread.
The happening thread is alright for obvious reasons.
The laser thread was just some fun Zig Forums autism
Food thread is also alright because it focuses on custom MREs for when SHTF
And vidya thread is good because BO says so
I have only ever banned literal spam, retards whining about mutts, and also issued short bans (from 5 minutes up to 1 day) on people who repeatedly refuse to use the QTDDTOT.
Then I delete posts that derail discussion. Pretty basic stuff, just keeping the board clean and making sure cuckchanners don't get to post.
If they hadn't had the flag i'd have thought those were turks
I'm the one who reported him because I got the impression he was probably some fag using a proxy. That thread was absolute garbage, user.
Christchurch is relevant because it's about an Aussie shitposting cunt shooting up a mosque.
Lasers are Zig Forums
Vehicles are Zig Forums and anons were discussing effective ways to utilize them.
MREs are Zig Forums as is prepping.
The vidya thread is specifically about Zig Forums vidya.
The "Boer" (who I'm 99% certain is you) could have posted in the existing South Africa thread if he wanted to talk South Africa. That was a political thread through-and-through about race mixing and other garbage. It wasn't even something vaguely Zig Forums like a Chiraq survival thread or something along those lines. Zig Forums is a "gentlemen's club," or "huntsman's lodge" if you prefer, and olive boy did nothing wrong.
Welcome to volunteering, user. You'll always have shitters.
Just as a heads up, funbans/short bans will appear in the thread, but they serve absolutely no purpose insomuch that Porchmonkey is a faggot and disabled "you are banned" messages showing up after they've expired even if user hasn't seen they were banned.
I know, I banned that "kraut" as a warning to others that d&c among whites will no longer be tolerated.
Then the solution is simple, from now on these bans will be permanent
I don't see how that flag makes them look less altaic.
I still disagree with you for the record, but you're the mod here not me, so
I'm interested to know, what "kraut"? You mean the totally organic 1poster thread about battles that was totally from a German and glorifying the fall of Constantinople?
Is there a bunker if this site/board goes down or gets taken over?
Nobody liked coonfy, sure, but seeing what's happened to Zig Forums under chodenigger's management is depressing.
Some retard calling others mutts and cucks. Most of his post history was d&c
pic related
Fucking THIS!
plus wordfilters and boomer-apologetics aside kampf"roach" was not anywhere near as bad as to warrant the constant demoralization shilling
Hey, actually - what about that one faggot who larps as a self hating Pole? He was shitting up the christchurch salt thread, I'll report him so you can look.
I looked at your reports and then checked his post history. At first glance he looks indeed like a kike on vpn but he also posts in other thread normally. I'll just leave it as is, he is probably just blackpilled
Some facts about him:
Lurk for 20 million years.
The turk being vol is going to kill this fucking board more than muttspammer and spergookkike.
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post.
If you weren't a literal nigger you would see that I didn't ban him
The only people who get banned are mutttposters, literal spammers, fags who can't use the QTDDTOT and d&c. And of course anyone who is found to be a redditor or cuckchanner.
Not what I meant. Zig Forums is compromised, as chodenigger has proven. Where do we go if he decides raping Zig Forums into the ground isn't enough?
I'll be going on endchan
Don't let spergkike/muttspammer let you feel down, greek. You must absolutely send the thunder on them.
Moderating was tougher than I thought. There are anons who muttpost but if you check their post history you find that they also post pretty normally in other threads, and so you're left with the choice of either ignoring it and allowing that type of shit, or ban it and then have anons complain that you're on a powertrip
Just delete shitposts.
Anons are going to complain about powertripping anyway.
If the nigger muttpost over and over again with nothing to contribute, end it.
And this too.
Not that complicated. Ban them for a week and delete the muttposts.
Delete the muttposts and give them a 2 day ban.
You might want to go talk to Chrow, the BO for /tg/. He's cool.
I'm sure he'd be willing to give you some advice and take you under his wing.
Also this.
Just ban muttposters if they just shit up a thread spamming "MUTTMUTTMUTTMUTTMUTT" and aren't actually contributing to a thread.
The greekbros are my favorite posters here and one of them is a new vol? Fuggen based.
Delete those posts and temp ban.
True, but Zig Forums will never be the civnat hug zone you desire so it might be a good idea for you to fuck off back to /r/guns before anything else offends you.
These are the only thing I consider Muttposts honestly, not the normal bantz but the actual shitters.
But it was us who uplifted those white nigger, after old DuPont gave up.
And you are retarded if you think catholic architecture is etnically polish.
>whole thread is only muttflag demanding to wordfilter mutt through banning
Kek. More fuel to the fire mud
Y-you too, ayy-san…
No shit genius
How do you feel about your daughters beeing rape meat for small dicked turks and ayrabs, and you're also being blamed for the influx of these people while the west demands payment for debt because the socialist government brussels inserted into greek politics is doing all these things?
Just delete the post idiot, it's effective because people put effort into even shitposts, so it robs them of their time and their status in the thread.
Macedonia is a good name for a country.