'Several people are hurt' as violent thugs shut down a FREE SPEECH event at King's College London setting off smoke bombs and 'punching security guards'
I hope that your area is flooded with migrants. I hope that you're made to be afraid to walk your streets. I hope they insult you and your culture and speak their own language that you cannot understand. I hope your children are bullied at school for being the only whites and kill themselves. Maybe then you'll finally develop an ounce of manhood and develop a natural feeling of brotherhood with your tribe that humans have had for the last few thousand years until they were brainwashed from birth into complacent tax cattle for the corporate industrial death parasite known as modern society.
jej, i saw that on Saturday on TV, made me laff tbh how they tried to make bogeymen out of them they are so transparent, yet normies wouldn't have a clue who he was - only that he's literally hitler
Julian Torres
Honestly just look up the most Muslim and most non-white areas of the UK and go visit them. Or visit a heavily Eastern European area. You can see with your own eyes what a disaster it is.
lol imagine caring about immigrants when the economy is crashing due to fascist May's disastrous hard brexit and everyone has to go to food banks because of tory cuts we need to build more houses not whip up fear over migrants we are all immigrants didn't you read about cheddar man? i suppose they don't print that in the DAILY FAIL haha get a life losers
Seriously, take someone for a drive round the shitholes like Newham and if they're still pro-immigration there's no hope for them.
Leo Young
I liked what I saw, looked upbeat, neat and tidy, but I wasn't into that punk music though, that's an odd choice
Alexander Thomas
It's a reference to one of Ezra Pound's poems I think.
Kayden Carter
From the way this guy/gal types about the world as if it's made up of economic units belies that they are most likely extremely sheltered and or autistic. They see immigrants as another taxpayer, not real people in an actual physical space.
Every time i see 'far right' mentioned on the news now you expect to see demonic music playing in the background as though the devil was about to be introduced in a wrestling match
Sebastian Diaz
Just noticed that him and Andrew Neil look like long lost half brothers
It's the way they try to call fascism etc "gay" and portray anyone involved as some kind of repressed dysfuctional gay whilst simultaneously supporting such degeneracy Hence their little ad at the end for "Nazi, Gay and Jewish" bollocks
Not only are they women, but they aren't even real police constables.
Josiah Roberts
Cameron Davis
cheaper tbh
Isaac Garcia
Do you think I should ask if she wants to gas the jews or just intern them into camps, maybe a bit too forward on first contact… might wait until second date for that one.
Henry Myers
Killing Jews should be discussed on the third date tbh
Jeremiah Clark
That guy was posting on Stormfront about being arrested or something iirc, he was shit scared of going to gaol then suddenly came out as a gay jew and cosied up with spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) to avoid a prison sentence. He was saying on his facebook page the other he's thinking about suing someone for calling him a fag kek.
Ethan Sullivan
Could've been MI-6.
Adrian Cox
You know, "no loose ends".
Henry Russell
They could've been more subtle.
Easton Young
No it won't. You have to deport them or not allow them to vote at all Last year I spoke to an English grill who'd live in Holland for 15 years. She said she got to vote in every election when she lived there but when it came to the referendum they had over Ukrainian membership of the EU she wasn't delivered voting papers and neither was any other EU national living there that she knew She decided to come back here at that point, also because Brexit
If they're successful, you'll get jewed out of them and the band will willingly back stab you
"Why are you such a retarded and traitorous thot?"
It's a bit Skrewdriver tbh. Think it's just used to recruit. divert and give a focal point for younger people lest they fall into the (((nigger rap))) memi music
Problem isn't the krauts. It's the (((same old same old)))
if you go into your bathroom and look on the back of your shower gel, shampoo, conditioner or other products and see sodium laureyl sulfate on it, it's already too late for you, you likely have judaism inside you right now
you listen here you satanic palindrome Germans have had nearly a century to not vote for Merkel's shitty christian union party. They keep fucking it up. You can't tell me that voting corruption is responsible for all of it.
You know what the Germans are going to do when Italy leaves? Brand the Italians as ungrateful and carry on regardless.
2021 census is going to be start of the nightmare tier.
Adam Jackson
Listen you twat, stop conflating all Germans with a few commie/globalist politicians in league with (((big banks))) and on board with the Soros plan directed by the (((US State Dept))) and their (((Intel agencies))) Can you even into reading or investigation? Lurk moar faget
Jackson Ortiz
Tommy Robinson on Italy's election
Chase Davis
spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
Again with the satanism lad Germans are sheep. They follow any politician with a moustache.
Ayden Ramirez
Connor King
Adam Fisher
Cameron Parker
Fuck off (((Hore Belisha))) What about our citizenry, [ see ] Italian citizenry, Swedish citizenry, French citizenry, EVERY citizenry, you fucking mongoloid? STOP fucking posting dickwipe and go back to bumsnet.com
Nathan Lewis
This board is full of spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) you numpties!
This proves he's not a spy tbh
Blake Fisher
*escapes from the mods* is ginnie a braphog? asking for a *closelines mod* friend tbh