Britbong Soldier reprimanded for not playing a "training sim" correctly
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Are they trying to recruit the call of duty crowd with this?
More like the Arma RP autism crowd.
I thought the mutt meme was because of the 56% meme and also the fact that White Americans are a mosh pot of different European ethnicities.
Also the article is from the UK.
The lad would be better off joining some PMC in africa or syria. Modern western militaries are the most boring thing ever. He joined looking for an important job and exciting life style and all he got was worthless mundane tasks and video games
seems like now is the time for it bong, your country needs you
maybe so but good luck getting in a pmc now when there are nearly two straight decades worth of combat vets who can also apply
Ironically it came from a polish mudshark and her halfbreed spawn
When I was a platoon leader I had to go to the training center to do this bullshit. Took the civilian contractors 40 minutes to get everything running, and when we finally get going and I'm trying to get the soldiers into some semblance of battle drill 1A, a PV2 just fucking shot the bad guys before we even started moving.
"Sir, do we still have to assault the objective? They're dead."
Waste of fucking money.
How new are you?
Wait it's just vidya???
Because the few infantry simulators I've seen it's stuff with laser guns like vid related (7:00) (saw vehicles ones too).
Can I get my OFP/Arma time validated? Because I'm sure I've clocked enough of them to be OF-5 by now. Hell if my CMANO hours count I'm up for stars.
We play ArmA 3 at our unit. It'd never replace field training for infantry, but for POGs like us it's a step up from the old method of sitting a big circle of chairs and talking our way through some dumb scenario.
Just like in my vidya gaems. Is this the future of cyberwarfare? Russian hackers getting into British "virtual battlefield experiences" and shitting all over the trainees to destroy their morale, maybe give them PTSD by calling them niggerfaggots a lot?
Imagine the looks on the Brits when they experience their first
The onion and the Babylon Bee are going to be run out of business if the “real” news companies keep coming out with articles like this
Bravo Army, you can't even do punishments right.
Naw, they'll switch to faux normal articles.
Wow, and they say military isn't just vidya game!
Bet that guy has better planning skills than most generals.
Please tell me you play against other soldiers and not against the AI.
If not, here's a quick combat tip: Hadjis usually don't need 5 seconds to decide if you're an enemy or not.
It's airborne reconnaissance scenarios, usually one or two guys playing Zeus for the stuff that needs to go smoothly, and then the rest are very poorly scripted AI waypoints. The biggest problem is you can't surprise somebody in Arma unless you build your own map from the ground up; they found that out in the first session when about 1/5 of the room would start talking over layouts of the Zargabad villages with the other 4/5 as soon as we were directed to move.
Why is this news? Shit like VBS has been used for years and they need to punish they guy that played it like battlefield to maintain any sense of order.
They really should break up the use of it because I could see every day for 3 weeks wearing the guys down until shit like this happens but that is an internal army matter.
Yeah, wonder where you got it, fucking newfaggot. Bet you haven't even read him, fucking newfaggot.
I have in my Arma team the original creators of both the VTS and DUWS mods (AKA all of Zeus shit before bohemia got their fat asses around to actually release something like that). Who the fuck do you think play tested them?
I tell you, I've lead so many actions in that game if even 1% translate into real life skills I might as well be Napoleon.
(To be clear: I really don't think that's the case. I guess it beat powerpoints but I have more than doubts on the usefulness of such "training").
Wouldn't it make more sense to train with Paintball against another squad rather than play games against some shitty AI?
Paintball cost money.
With sticks and saying bang would be more useful.
I guess if you're teaching approaches and what not it beats a powerpoint and just sitting in a class but two or three weeks of doing just that seems excessive.
Team Gamerfood goes official
The UK isn’t training Troops with gears of war are they?
Come to think of it, I don't understand the command's response. The soldier just created a sudden turncoat scenario, something they do need to train for if they play to serve in shitholes like Afghanistan, where there's a very real danger of the "friendly" troop being secretly Taliban. Sure, maybe they were training for something else, but a turncoat scenario is supposed to be unexpected and sudden.
One of the dumbest memes that came from Zig Forums is Poland is based and will save Europe. In truth Poland probably the most liberal Slavic country second to only Ukraine. Same with japan. In reality Japan the most liberal Asian nation. Second to only Thailand. Hell the father of anime Hayao Miyazaki one of the biggest libtards in animation. He even recently called lord of the rings racist pro-war propaganda because of #Orclivesmatter. Nu-Zig Forums starting shill for communist China because they realize China closer to Nazi germany than japan is.
t. #YangGang
The "sim" wasn't designed to train them tactics at all. It was actually an exercise meant to train them to put up with the Army bullshit and make-work that will be their life for years to come. The point of the exercise was for him to build the ability to pretend it wasn't a waste of time, and he failed.
It doesn't replace range time or field exersices, but it does show how hard it is when tanks and CAS get involved. Its also a very good shitposting experience.
That's not a punishment.
Most faggots are too incompetent to use M&KB properly, so handing them a controller with very simple cawadooty controls makes it easier to get basics grunts to be able to move without Pvt. Bill raising his hand every three seconds asking how to kneel.
Paintball has range issues, so nothing but close quarters.
Paintball behaves very differently from real guns, so training soldiers on paintball runs the risk that they will shoot the paintball way when TIC happens.
Paintball is not as cheap as you think. It costs less than real ammo, but that that point you can just use laser training equipment and not have to deal with all the issues above.
Simulator time is usually very limited. They got resources (PCs and licenses) for one unit and one week. During that one week the commander probably had a list of scenarios to go through. Ruining a scenario wastes maybe 10 minutes (considering it's private contractors more like one hour) to rewind and continue.
They now have to hurry to get their list done and not get shat on by their own superiors.
Depends a lot on what training they do. It used to be lazors and vests all the time, but most armies wanted to go cheaper still. So they opted for VBS.
We got a system called AGSHP. Embed related.
It's surprisingly close. If you know how to lead a squad well in arma you know how to do 80% IRL. The only things that you really need to learn are to stay calm, to get your voice across in LOUD and chaotic situations, and to keep a good overview without any hud elements.
Well how expensive can that be?
Oh hey it you from /animu/ who posted direct links to huffpost and nytimes, fancy seeing you here too, faggot.
I'm sure those simulators are built to be more realistic in several ways, but would it be so much worse for the purpose of such training exercises to just buy ARMA or Squad? Must be a lot sure.
VBS2 got terrain deformation and editing, so you can slap together a village quickly if you want to.
See above. Those sims offer some features that are in-disposable for the military. Making new villages and buildings is very important. If your guys keep doing the same shit in the same villages they will not train themselves in looking for good positions for MG covering and instead focus more on the spots they figured out via trial and error or how to clear a certain building and not how to approach a building if you don't know about it's internal layout.
Also: games companies may be hesitant to sell their game to the military because they could face furious internet faggots who complain that the devs are contributing to the military industrial complex, or about grannies who complain that the kids are playing literally military grade murder sims.
Sage is not a downboot. Back2Reddit, faggot.
You're completely fucking retarded. I saged because I didn't want to bump the thread with a post that contributed nothing to the topic. The only Redditor here is you with your projection and your godawful syntax, the forced attempt to fit in is blatant.
Nice bait. Now fuck off and don't come back.
Do you get paid by the (You) or is it a scale salary?
If the Troubles ever seriously start up again in the North, these soldiers are going to be worthless compared to the ones in the 70's.
Why would I lie about this? Note that we largely stopped playing Arma 3 years ago now (and with Zeus there is far less a need for it anyway).
VTS was for multi and DUWS was for solo/coop, they both got made by the two more Zig Forums minded guys of the group.
W would people go on the internet to tell lies?
Nice shit though.
Well clearly that dumb shit hasn't played VBS.
They were forced to play ArmA with the most boring ass scenarios or missions for two weeks. Don't you realize how fucking boring that is?
Literally the butt of all jokes in the anime industry.
It's your country that forbade us from fighting wars as a political method and nearly took away or ability to defend our selves you Ami fuck. Shove it up your stinking arse, muttcunt. If anything South Korea is far worse, search for South Korean feminism.
Alle alle auch sind frei, Spergkike.
South korean feminism provided.
Stop pretending you know anything about Europe, stupid subhuman amerimutt.
t.any non cucked Euro
And no amount of vatnik propaganda will ever make us forget what you did, you stupid fucking shitskin.
Since you never denied Lend Lease anyway. Thats just the appetizer.
Mein freund, vhere are your legs? Has anyone seen some legs?
It still always baffles me that A) all of that shit happened, and B) people over here think it's some kind of messed up conspiracy theory when you explain it to them - even after you show them the South Korean press articles about it.
Not even nightmare goggles would let you witness something this horrible
Ami isn't a slur. It's an abbreviation. Using Ami in a negative context, such as "Scheiß Ami" or "Verdammter Ami" may be considered a slur by some, but only as much as "Scheiß Brite" or "Verdammter Franze" is.
The term has been around since a long time and has no connection to any particular group.
Now fuck off and stop shitting up the thread.
It's not UK is the only first world doing this.
You know what to do, Padraig.
Fuck off with your pilpul, you Reddit spacing heeb.
they should've been ethnically cleansed instead of being given civilization.
Literally just go up to the cult hangout places and start raping them into submission.
then again, in korea average length when erect is 6cm
It's a shorthand term used for ALL Americans, and only derogatory if an actual insult is added.
A black man is just as much an Ami as your granny is. And a retarded Ami is just as much a retard as a normal garden variety retard.
It's only fair that if we have a Sperggook and a Spergkraut, we also must have a Spergami.
Children toys, children games.
Real men play Kriegsspiel.
VBS and such are actually a pretty decent way to train soldiers in scenarios that can't really be acted out in normal training on a whim. I'm curious if you would treat flight sims any different since those are games all the same, right?
The soldier was pictured during the bloody tragedy
Jokes aside virtual training with simulated, calculated and predetermined scenarios itself sounds unprofessional and fucking depressing to be honest. Doesn't give any proper training for alertness and improving reflexes, proper equipment use and speed like a good excercise with blanks and real guns.
Fuck this zogged world.
Theme video of the thread. Sage because of my uncontrolled autism
I was listening to a bunch of deck officers talk about how if you drive though a simulator at flank speed, or at 1kt, you can bypass all the pre-arranged crossing scenarios (basically the simulator has scenarios where you have to avoid collisions by making turns).
At least CIA niggers play tabletop RPG's about killing drug lords
…so they roleplay killing themselves?
Is there any way to get onto these gaming groups? It's almost impossible to find a decent wargame where I live.
They've got to have their contingency plans in place for when other arms of the US government start cracking down on their 'atypical/extraordinary budgetary supplement operations'.
see for yourself
Gamefinder thread on /tg/
the way things are going, someone might be an "intelligence" operative too.
Apparently you can't link that way to archived thread.
My bad.
Am I wrong in thinking that a Glow In The Dark GM is going to put more effort into his game and keep much better notes and put more effort into continuity than the average wanker you find at pickup groups.
The manuals I see laying around at my office are more along the lines of those item/monster compendiums rather than the stacks of paperback pre-builts I saw laying around the play areas at the game stores back home. I haven't played in any of the groups, but the conversations they have Monday morning make it seem pretty average.
What's the equivalent of アメ公 in English then you fucking faggot. All the shit you give everyone else and the moment you get the butt end of a joke you have to pretend it's "hurr spergook" and shit . If you're going to even attempt grilling others, get a thicker skin, you fucking gaycunt.
Sage for off topic
Understanding what sage is isn't "grilling", you twitter fuck, it's called not wanting the board to turn into 4chanbook normalfag horseshit. Unless you're so dishonaburu'd by miyazaki that your eyes slanted themselves shut and prevented you from checking IDs.
Flight (or tank) sims make sense because the operator is sitting on his ass maneuvering switches with his fingers.
Sure you don't get the actual G loads and whatnot but it's "fairly" close to the real thing.
Being an infantryman in a infantry situation isn't about sitting on your butt…
As I said the only simulators I had seen so far were convoy ones (for gunners and conductors) and some sort of interactive gun wielding scenarios.
As I said it might be better than powerpoint if you're explaining some sot of tactical movement, but playing ARMA and chalking it as training sounds incredibly unprofessional to me.
Stupid fucking quadroon, lol.
Stupid subhuman ami mulatto, lol.
They should make a reskin of Area 51 and play that.
Well, I guess that's why BAE is pushing the idea that the RAF should go full drone then.