Red flag bill up for Senate vote March 26
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It will pass.
Things will get worse.
The only thing that will stop this madness is if the CIA starts disappearing the entire leadership caste.
If you're not mentally ill, what do you have to fear?
I think the CIA is the last place, bar the ATF, you should be looking to save American's rights.
One anti-gun libtard in your family or neighborhood that accuses you of being mentally ill.
In a just, sane world, such a law wouldn't be a problem. Sadly, we live in clownworld instead.
Good. The citizenry must be disarmed for the coming Pax Americana.
Bow to whims of the Nanny State, profligates, for the Boot upon your face shall feed you also.
Tell that to Americans.
I am.
Civil war when?
Hope you never played video games ever and don't show signs of "toxic masculinity".
t. APA and WHO
Never as long as beard and circuses supply is working as intended
A maryland man already died during a red flag confinscations. Nobody did a damn thing. Maybe I'm just pessimistic but it seems like there won't be one. Unless it happens in a much more gun friendly state and the media picks up on it.
Does you family or neighborhood have any women, faggots or other soyboys? Do they watch Colbert or the current year man? If so, you just might be fucked. These confiscations are supposed to be temporary, I wonder how many of those 114 men got their guns back.
Yes goyim, don't bother finding out why white men are trying to kill themselves. It's not the failing economy, it's not the flood of shitskins and muttification of the country, it's not women being obnoxious banshees that drive people mad. It's the guns and probably nazi internets, taking them away should do the trick and save a few thousand taxpayers, think of all the tax money for Israel.
another success.
Just send police to murder him to put him out of his misery.
The worst thing is that they don't have to be warned in advance that ZOGbots will come to confiscate their guns and families also keep quiet about it. Anyone who finds out that his family betrayed him should kill them all.
Good thing I've already cut ties with the shitty parts of my family and none of them know where I live.
God damn I hate this faggotry so much.
So called 'doctors' changing the definition of mentally ill. The people arbitrating mental health look upon child transexuals and deem it to be good. They look upon the image the idealized pinnacle of manliness and turn their noses as if it were toxic. Those who simply want more and power use that tainted and repugnant dogma of the so called specialists to drive lower the common man; thus making themselves seem so much more great.
They are the anathema of the men and women who want to live free and just lives.
Couldn't someone from your family you haven't talked to in like 10 years just say "he doesn't answer his calls I think he's a murderer!"?
I believe this applies to romantic partners as well.
Let them come. I don't have that much to live for these days besides a dead end job and I don't take kindly to strangers in my home trying to take my property. A lot of America is just like me. It will be a bloody clusterfuck.
Seattle has already had this, one guy got in an argument and got red flagged by a bystander because he happened to be open carrying with a pistol in a holster.
In seattle, a jealous ex can call the police and say "he has guns and I am afraid" and immediately you get red flagged, no questions asked.
Most red flag laws require only that the person be in genuine fear for their safety in order for the law to take action.
Pretty sure the general consensus is that you shouldn't have your last stand at your house. Most of the tacticool lads say that you ought to have your shitty .22's ready for confiscation and store your other funs in neighbor's houses, a cabin, underground, or in a friend's house. After police hit your house you meet up with your friends/militia/neighbors then do what needs to be done.
Tfw no local tacticool friends
The what now?
Look up Giles Correy.
When there's a Strong Man to lead the charge.
ERPO is an ingenious ploy actually. You see, if the 2nd amendment was erased every pot bellied american would go BLM all over the streets. But, if you just go after 1 family at a time, no one will give a fuck because americans are selfish self centered bastard individualists, that will probably believe their neighbor should have been disarmed.
gun will disappear in many ways:
caliber bans
capacity bans
lead ammo bans
and then the add on charges:
beat your wife?
take psychotropic meds?
military vet?
protest ERPOs?
late on taxes?
not registered to vote?
time to stock up on 80% lowers and start building caches, this government is as evil as it gets boys.
Mum is the word. Trust sparingly and kill those who betray you.
I got a red flag in seattle. Anyone who says pro-white edgelord (eg pro-tarrant) stuff is fair game. It takes one person to report it to a cop. "Reasonable cause" is the standard, so once accused you're fucked. Hearsay is allowed, so if the guy talking to the cops leaves out your "in a self-defense situation" qualifier, the public record (eg the warrant petition) will describe you as a would-be mass murderer. Forever.
They get the purchase records, so they'll know what you bought that way. Their standard practice is to ask you what you've got and then run through the ones on their list.
Enjoy the shitshow of the ATF and co kicking in random doors as has been done in the past.
Look up the Rosenhan experiment.
I think it's a given this is gonna pass. Nobody will fight it except the people directly targeted because they are too comfortable. Despite all the bluster about freedom and independence, it took taxation members that effected the general populace in a negative way to spur on the American Revolution. Their neighbor's house will get raided, and the boomer cuckservatives will go "well this guy was a racist, wife-beater, pedophile etc." and they will go back to watching their (((Netflix))) propaganda and watching niggerball.
The only way any kind of armed resistance outside of isolated incidents is gonna happen will be because your average Joe is starving or can't make ends meet.