A Reminder That Trump Still Hasn't Released His Tax Returns
Trump aides convicted of tax fraud. Trump hasn't released taxes. COINCIDENCE?
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Feds got another gangster on tax fraud-Al Capone
Recording can't be faked.
Tax record cannot be faked.
Everything is not illegal.
The FEDs can't possibly
go after anyone, because
nobody is breaking law "technicalities".
Trump is NOT being targeted for political reasons.
The people charging Trump are NOT partisan.
you know, I see you're trying to make a point that there's some conspiracy surrounding this, that all this tax stuff is may be engineered and "faked" to get trump, but you're missing the most important point that makes your idea null and void.
trump was the one who didn't want to show his taxes.
well OBAMA'S weaponized IRS went through trumps taxes
didn't find any wrong doing
so what little emo faggots, siting on huge but plugs fapping to trap porn covered in shit like you going to find?
You may not realize this, because you're a trump supporter, who are stupider than the average, but the IRS was around long before Obama became president.
how many days has the IRS scandal been going? let's check:
The IRS Scandal, Day 1921: Federal Judge Approves $3.5 Million Payout From IRS To >100 Tea Party Groups To Settle Targeting Claims. “A few issues are still being fought over in the courts — including whether former IRS senior executive Lois G. Lerner will be allowed to forever shield her deposition explaining her behavior from public view, and whether the IRS should pay attorney fees — but this week’s decision closes out five years of litigation over the targeting itself.”
And congrats to Paul Caron for continuing to follow this, despite shameful criticism from some of his fellow tax law professors, who tried for years to maintain that there was no scandal here.
There's Z E R O obligation to release tax returns. That was started rather recently and it's completely voluntary. You do know what 'voluntary' means right?
I know. I wouldn't release my tax returns if I got a lawyer who was eventually convicted of tax fraud.
"voluntary" but all previous presidents did release them. Which president was it that had to divest himself of his peanut farm? Meanwhile trump hasn't divested anything, while passing the biggest corporate tax cut in history, and a huge boost to un-taxable inheritance. Just the sort of thing that will benefit his companies, which he has not divested, and himself and his family.
but in his rallys he says he's working for you, so that makes it all square. You can believe whatever a politician says. Especially if they used to host a "reality" show! It's right there in his resume!
But why wouldn't you? If you're going into a public office, the last thing you want are potential conflicts of interest and tax issues gumming up your presidency. Not doing so opens you up to the shit Trump is in now.
Trump is lucky the GOP are such spineless fishes otherwise they would've been released at day one, by force.
swamp creature gonna drain the swamp
fox gonna guard the hen-house
trump aides dont do trump taxes
When are they going to arrest Al Sharpton for tax fraud/evasion?
Not releasing them implies you've got something to hide.
He's either hiding tax fraud or his actual worth.
Tax evasion wouldn't be as crushing to the rural cucks as finding out Trump isn't as rich as he said he was.
no, he just advises him and acts as his "fixer" for all legal problems. hm….
tax fraud implies filing falsely. evasion is similar, not declaring things. Sharpton (who I don't like at all, loudmouth annoyance, despite defending here) didn't do either of those. IRS just felt that he owed more tax on some things, while he felt he didn't because he didn't keep the money. Owing back taxes is not illegal. People do it all the time, and its especially unfair if IRS goes back years and just decides that they think some kind of work that was not subject to taxes actually should have been.
Trump didn't release his tax returns /= Trump never filed a tax return
But Trump already filed his taxes with the IRS? If he did something illegal, isn't the IRS the one with locus standi to bring charges, and not random media fucktards?
Remember when Rach humiliated herself with those tax returns that she tried to exclusively leak, only to get trumped by an even quicker release by the White House? And it turned out to be a nothingburger?
"I know our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president and am the only one who can fix them."
maybe he can executive order fixing the tax laws. remember when he filed that big loss in 1995, so it's possible he hasn't had to pay taxes for the past couple decades? what a great businessman!
Almost two years now, and he is #stillyourpresident
Get a life, faggots
are you implying that because he's been at the job for a while, he's gotten good enough not to earn criticism? sorry, but he's only gotten worse, not better. Long time ago I watched a video of one of his rallys where he talked about how he was going drain the swamp and mess up the elite and really change the way government was run and actually it WAS quite inspirational! I wrote him off as a reality tv show joke (and I still felt he was joining the pres. race for some selfish reasons) but I actually thought to myself, wow, he's saying things that I've wanted to hear from someone for a long time! The fact he's not a politician makes it more likely that he will upend the establishment, rather than just go with the flow once he's in. Then as time went on, it became apparent that all his talk was just that, as it was with any other politician and even worse, he lies like a motherfucker, right to our faces. his hardcore supporters don't CARE about that fact, and that's the problem. he's done the exact opposite of everything he was claiming but for some strange reason, trump supporters STILL believe the shit he's spouting at his rallys, probably for the same reason I did, because it sounds inspirational and they get fired up, the same way I did. But it's just lies, and that's the part they don't get. trump hardcores really are the stupidest bunch, and trump deserves every bit of criticism both from his opponents and his former supporters.
No. I'm only implying that approximately 700 consecutive days of crying hasn't changed anything at all. This shit (daily whining about Trump) isn't really entertaining anymore, only pathetic.
The last time that I voted was for Ron Paul.
Not sure anyone cares about tax fraud.
Taxes are illegal.
Taxes are extortion.
Not paying illegal (((fees))) is not something anyone gives a shit about.
Wait. Except leftists who always get so angry when it comes out that another leftist, globalist company/star isn't paying taxes. Or do I have that backward and these leftists ignore it when it's okay with them?
Hey user give me all of your logins and passwords.
You don't have anything to hide do you?
Trump's wealth is public knowledge.
Also that would just bolster Trump in his "rural cucks" constituency. It would take away from the leftist's and their derision of him simply because he's super rich.
legal issues aside, when libretards tell him to jump, and he doesn't, it's rage inducing
fuck off windows shill