
Christ died to free you from this sin. How dare you run back to it. FLEE from sexual immorality, and run back into the arms of Jesus.

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if you believe in sola fide then you shouldn't beat your self up about it, just try your best, if you fail, meh…you still have your ticket secured.

and if you're wrong, you're committing mortal sin and permanently cutting yourself off from God

the best argument, is to abstain from this sexual impurity

well I think sola fide is probably right, otherwise there'd be no point for Jesus to come if it's still up to use to save ourselves from our sins

I believe in Sola Fide, but it's still disgusting behavior. It's like if you and your dad went out camping, and you were by a lake, there were signs everywhere that said, "Don't Swim - Alligators", but you jump in anyway and start getting attacked by alligators. Then your dad jumps in and fights them off, getting bit so many times, he manages to save you and pull you ashore, and then you're both laying there, your dad completely bloody torn apart, you look at him, thank him for saving you, and you jump right back in.

How can I ask for forgiveness for masturbation if I know I'll do it again in the future?

dumb protposter

But you just denied yourself earlier, you said you can still masturbate and "you still have your ticket secured".

Jesus denied entrance to heaven for those sexually impure, do you deny this?

This, even if you could be saved by virtue of your mere belief (and you cannot), why wouldn't you find yourself insulted at the idea you had some voucher to grieve God continuously? Why wouldn't you turn from sin just out of respect for God even if you were permitted to wantonly sin and not taste death (which you are not btw).

and he denied it for many other sins too, do you have to be 100% sin free from your last repentance to get into heaven?? or can flawed people also go?

why do you want to risk anything to find out? Do not put God to the test.

faith is not something you take credit for, it's also a gift from God.
How sinless do you have to be to get into heaven according to your understanding? Perfect from the day you convert? Or perfectly sinfree from your last repentance?

im asking about a person's opinion on salvation, not God, unless you think you're God.

Only by the grace of God. Yet, you cannot enter Heaven and be sexually impure, lest you call Christ a liar.

By the grace of God, we repent of our sin and beg for strength to resist it; and endure, till the very end. Not get sent to Heaven DESPITE IT.

So the impure, sick and sinful can still go to heaven or only the perfect and sinfree? You aren't being clear

That's nice but that is still an impure person. Do you have to be perfect to get to heaven or no?

What do you mean "unclear"? Any good act is only by the grace of God. We are all sinners, and can only go to Heaven through repentance and suffusion with the grace of God. This grace leaves you if you reject it through mortal sin.

Your attempts to force a false dichotomy are pitiful. You must repent and be in full cooperation with the grace of God to enter Heaven.

The sexually impure will not inherit Heaven. Do not masturbate, repent, and beg Christ for the power to overcome your lust.

There's more than one sin. Sexual impurity isn't the only sin that is said to bar you from heaven.
If you're saying you have to be perfectly sinless from your last repentance to go to heaven then you are contradicting yourself and it's impossible to go to heaven since all men are sinners. So if you feel jealousy or greed or lust after a woman and then get hit by a car before you can repent you're going to hell?

Paul lists many more sins, sins that are hard to even be aware of until its too late, like greed, strife, jealousy, enmity, anger…

Let's put it this way, you must be as sinless as there is no apparent need for excuses. You must see yourself as honestly free of willful sin.

so you can still sin and get to heaven. you don't have to be perfect, ok.

yes, but you can't be aware you are doing it. If you are aware of sins and excusing them instead of repenting then you're in trouble.

involuntary, unwilled sin is not a sin you are responsible for. Just like you aren't responsible for the sins of your neighbor.

repent means you turn away from sin. It doesn't mean you need to feel anything in particular or flaggellate yourself out of guilt.
If a person commits a sin, it has to be willful and conscious.
Your attitude towards sin should be that you flee from it, in general, but if sometimes you fail you don't need to freak out and question your salvation.

If it's masturbation, then yes, you should freak out and question your salvation. Masturbation is one of the most sexually impure things you can do with yourself.

And this somehow lessens the importance of fleeing this sin? Is murder not so bad, because rape is just as bad as murder?

Repent, and beg for grace from God. You must wash yourself from the sin (repent), and put on the new man (keep a life from this mortal sin).

And they can all be defeated by the grace of God, you don't just say it's impossible and call Jesus Christ a liar.

your preaching doesn't correct your broken theology.

you're the one calling Jesus a liar, on one hand you say the impure can't go to heaven, and then you say you don't have to be perfect to go to heaven, because God's grace can save the impure.

why yes, my 2,000 year catholic theology is broken by your misreadings and falling away. jk.

only God's grace can make you pure, bozo.

You a Jesuit, bro?

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Imagine saying this about homosexuality or murder.
No idea America is so shit.

So you believe in salvation by works and you believe only the sinless can go to heaven. Good luck climbing the impossible ladder and guarding all your thoughts, words and deeds perfectly between your last confession and the time you die.

no. if this were true every christian man would be driven insane.

But I'm not. Unless if Jesus lied.

You get God's grace just by faith(Ephesians 2:8-9). And you're right only sinless things go to Heaven, which is why your soul goes when you die and not your body.

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you mean, a few decades ago

Then what was the entire point of the resurrection? Don't you know we shall have glorified bodies, free of sin, enlivened by the beatitude of Jesus Christ?

More false dichotomy. I believe in Faith, then Good Works. Scripture supports me, the Saints and Angels affirm me.

I am apart of the one true Church, I confess my sins and receive the true Blood, Body, Divinity, and Spirit of Jesus Christ every Sunday. By the grace of God, I can do it.

The false doctrine you preach is like a virus, it spreads pain and causes nothing but harm.

So you get your body back and won't sin in it

Ha no
not actual saints

again, ha no
nibba you can't even go a day without sinning, especially bot a week

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I lol'd

I don't think I should have, but I did

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Yes, Christ received His in a glorified form; whereas Christ assumes His kingship in His body, we shall receive an untainted nature in ours. We shall be as angels, eternally bound towards God, in perfect unstained will, as Adam and Eve before the Fall.

not an argument

much stronger and truer theology compared to

What's your biblical reasoning for saying masturbation is wrong? I don't recall a single time in the bible where it was said that having a sexuality was wrong.

God gave us sexuality, and if we don't release that pent up frustration our body will do it by itself trough a dream, or if it can't do that it will cause mental damage.

Not everyone can have a wife, and I think God understand that. I believe I have the Holy Spirit and he hasn't said to me that masturbation is wrong a single time, not a single warning (I have prayed about this because I've noticed how many people think it's wrong).

If I was being disrespectful towards someone and I prayed to God about what I'm doing wrong, I'm 100% sure that God would make it known to me somehow.

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I want weebs to go and stay go

What does Onan have to do with this?

God killed Onan because he didn't obey God's command that he gave him. You can't actually believe that "wasting" semen is some sort of a sin do you?


t. Someone that loves their cummies more than God

Masturbation falls under "sexual immorality". Some people even lump it under sodomy, as it has no pragmatic purpose outside of giving you cummies just like sodomy

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And who says it falls under sexual immorality? Because it definitely wasn't Jesus, any of the apostles, or anyone else.

There are many things in this world that serve no purpose other than to give you a good feeling, like looking at artl, listening to music, singing, playing a video game etc. Enjoying something does not mean it's a sin. When God created sexuality in Genesis, afterwards he said what he had created was "Good", not evil.

If God wants me to stop masturbating, all he needs to do is to make it known to me that it's bad. I've read the bible many times and I don't thin masturbation is a sin.

1 Timothy 4:3 "They will prohibit marriage and require abstinence from certain foods that God has created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth."

You're doing the same thing, you're telling people to stop doing certain things even though nothing in the bible implies it's a bad thing. You CAN enjoy things in life that God thinks are good, there is nothing wrong with that. Of course when something is compulsive, it's bad, and that includes masturbation. But as long as you fulfill your sexual needs in a way that isn't unholy, I believe it's fine.

If I'm wrong may God instruct me otherwise but so far this is the conclusion I have, I'm not going to listen to some hypocritical false teachers who make up new rules. I live by what God teaches.

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He's obviously trolling

Like all the other millions of young Christians who think masturbation is wrong because some 60 year old married-since-16-years-old catholic satans puppet pastor told them it was wrong? Ok buddy.

would you masturbate in front of Jesus?

In heaven we will have no sexual needs, why would anyone masturbate there? How is that an argument?

If you mean "if Jesus was in front of you in this world, would you masturbate?"

The answer is obviously no, just like how I wouldn't masturbate in front of any other person.


I'm willing to believe that this post is trolling, but I might as well prove you wrong anyways.

" Matthew 5 - 27 You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

We shouldn't be lusting after a woman that isn't our wife, God doesn't like that. Porn is essentially that, you're lusting after a woman that isn't your wife. You guys are pretty desperate if these are your counter-arguments against me..

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B-but he doesn't mention the word porn! T-The pixels on the screen aren't real women!

I mean, I have quite a hard time breaking this habit too, but this mental gymnastics is just too much.
You're a prot anyway so why do you care about sins anyway? You're saved by faith aren't you?
Once saved always saved dude!

What? Who said I was a protestant? I'm just trying to prove from the bible that the way you're thinking is wrong but you just keep making it sound like I'm saying things I haven't said. As I said, if you can prove to me from the bible that it's wrong the you win, I can't find it, and from what you've said so far you haven't either.

Every Christian who has the Holy Spirit wishes to do according to the will of God, myself included. Stop this "haha look at this guy once saved always saved xd even though he never said that" and talk to me like a real person.

You don't suddenly become graceful and perfect right after your death. That's something you cultivate here on Earth.

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Literally a prot


What if im jerking off to anime thou those are not real people

day 100 again laddies.
I now like a real girl instead of fetishistic pixels.

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80% of this thread reads like one of those modern plays where one performer walks to center stage, sits down on a chair, and argues with himself for three hours.

I feel enlightened. I had never, until now, understood the true meaning of "summer".

pretty soon you're gonna find floor tiles attractive

Sadly I now find some effeminate looking boys attractive.
i blame THEM for being so girly-looking tho.

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even an atheist wouldn't fap.
it saps your energy.


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Regardless of the precise nature and/or validity of Sola Fide, the fact is that God desires our obedience. That should be enough motivation to pursue purity seriously, if indeed you do love Him.

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Sola fide is no excuse to continue in the sin which the Lord hates.

I still think that was an elaborate RP.

This is true, to God if you Imagine yourself doing something it is the same as doing so, this is why Fantasy is one of the worsts sins

Yeah dude, "men" under 5'8" should be executed.

Mt 5:26-30
"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.'
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.
And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

yeah it literally says 'Go and jerk off to pixels it's not a sin as long as you muh sola fide bro'
Grow up, stop justifying your weakness and face it. The lust is a cardinal sin.

As much as people posting with the baptist flag are.

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For all the trouble people have with this topic, why has the bible not been 100% clear on it if it's such a grave sin? Wouldn't sexual immorality mean adultery and pre-marital intercourse, specifically?

How is "sexual impurity" not enough to cover masturbation? Is masturbation sexual purity? Did people even jack off all that often without the ease of use and calculated pornography? Every fetish, every sexual impurity is catered to.

Has anyone else had nightmares where they relapsed? Really freaked me out a few times.

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It confuses me because despite being grouped with sin, it doesn't require outside influence of any kind, and it also brings actual pain such as pent up stress and some health problems. Why has it been warned of through hints and implications and not a clearly spelled out sin like adultery in all its forms (non-marital fornication, incest, homosexuality, bestiality) as being the act of joining with another in a way the Lord had not intended? I'm not against discipline and asking for God's guidance in times of need, but why must this thorn make us suffer so much not only in soul, but also in physicality (not the need itself, but the actual pain it brings) and not even able to evade altogether, maybe even interfere with a man's christian duties or everyday life (through pain and clouding of the mind), especially he who has not yet met the woman of his life? I know resisting sin may hurt, but must it hurt even when we are safe from any possible outside influence of the world around us?

I mean if you figure out how to masturbate without lusting for a woman I'll applaud you but it seems impossible form here also you shouldn't try

Even depictions of fictional women? Or an imagined concept of your ideal wife?


Key word there, user.
Lust is a vice, no two ways about it.
The only reason one masturbates is for sexual gratification. And seeing has how human sexuality was granted for the confines of a loving marriage between a man and a woman, getting off to anime doesn't count.
Mortify your flesh so the spirit may be exalted.

As far as I can see, its not outlawed because you're hurting the woman you're looking at, so that leaves it being because you're tainting yourself.

I see. So the Enemy strikes us both when we resist and when we don't. Life's gonna hurt more from now on…
What is a christian to do when trapped in a wet dream then?

Let it happen, its nature's way of releaseing old semen from your balls. This helps prevent the condition commonly known as blue balls


I was asking because I was dubious about the nature of the lust itself. For example:
Getting horny because you saw erotic art doesn't mean you actually lust (covet) to go have sex with the woman depicted in said art. If that were the true meaning of the teachings against lust in the bible, if you are "aroused" by the sight of food and I even imagine how good that food would be to eat that, you'd be automatically doomed for gluttony, even though actual gluttony would be desiring to go and steal that food. To covet it.
Same thing goes for looking at a cool car and wondering how fun it'd be to drive it; it isn't the same as actually stealing it for yourself, i.e. coveting it, because covetousness in the Bible is the thought which makes you actually commit the sin (theft, murder, adultery and fornication) because the desire is continuous, unlike some random temporary fantasy to rub off to.

Jesus says in Matthew 5:27-28 that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart, but Romans 7:7 describes "lust" as covetousness, and covetousness is a lasting sin that actually pushes one to commit it. He also explicitly describes the lust surfacing when you look at a woman in the flesh, rather than a depiction.

"A" way indicates more than one possible way, other than praying.

This one explains that we should cast away ideas that go against the teachings of God (bestiality, homosexuality, adultery, incest, orgies, rape, etc.) because he did not design us for this. Philippians 4:8 tells us that we can think about whatever is true, right and lovely; in summation, things God approves of and deems right for us. It is stated in Genesis that the Lord created sexuality between a man and a woman (whose bodies belong to him) as a good thing that is to be cherished. Isn't that be insinuating that depictions of human sexuality as God intended (heterosexual and non-degenerate) are a good thing to imagine?

The differential I'm dubious about is: How is the thought
The same as

This is an attitude that just neglects the existence of God, who finds masturbation to be an abomination. Do you have any relationship with Him?

Christ dies and rises again, conquering death and offering salvation to all mankind.
You should definitely beat yourself up over it.

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I relapsed today after I broke up with my ex. Please pray that I can get myself back on track.

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Romans 6. Nice argument.

The whole 'gouge your eye out' thing is symbolic, right? I really don't want to gouge my eye out. That would not be fun for me. I can never tell when the symbolism ends and the literal parts start.

Did waifu weebs have it right?

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It's not symbolic.

Fudge. Can't I just wear eyepatches?

self control works too

I graduated a couple weeks ago. I came back from work and my mother told me my third grade teacher stopped by with a graduation gift. One of the gifts was an HCSB Bible. I'd been slipping back more and more as summer hit. I looked inside the cover three days ago. There was a note inside. Since then I've gotten back on track.

There's no winning, tell me why God cares if I fap if he lets me get wet dreams.

Original Sin. Our wills are perverted to begin with, though it is forgiven upon baptism, we still suffer it unto death.

St. Augustine pointed out that it probably wasn't the appearance of their genitals that Adam and Eve covered, it was the appearance of -uncontrolled arousal-.

I'm 27, unmarried, what am I supposed to do? There's no marriage in sight, I'm supposed to go 35 years without fapping? I mean I know it's a sin but how the hell can you avoid it?