"A losing player opened fire on his fellow video-gamers at a Madden NFL 19 tournament Sunday in Florida, killing two people, authorities said — as the horror played out live online.

Just before the first of a dozen shots rang out at around 1:30 p.m., the camera caught a laser dot creeping up the torso of Eli Clayton, a ka “Trueboy,” who was in the middle of a match at the GLHF Game Bar in the Jacksonville Landing open-air mall.

The camera cuts away from him as screams fill the air and one of the gamer’s controllers abruptly disconnects.

“Oh f–k! What did he shoot me with?!” one victim yells between shots in the clip, as the carnage unfolds out of frame."



Attached: david-katz-jacksonville-video-game-florida-shooter.jpg (618x410, 47.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:


his name is (((David Katz)))

looks like all the school shooter memes

fucking niggers

Attached: PicsArt_08-27-09.52.47.gif (640x424, 648.78K)

this just goes to show that adult males remaining in a stagnant, infantile, effeminate emotional 'childhood' psychological state of mind playing video games has absolutely no detrimental effect whatsoever.

omg guys if… if we can

if we can figure out what race he is then…!!!!


nearly as bad as armchair psychologist with an iq of 50 huh

yet not nearly as bad as an idiot who has no idea what the Wechsler Scale is, right?

…as if 'jewish' is a 'race'…

and it doesn't explain all the other shooters, who just like YOU, were all sexless, EFFEMINATE, disenfranchised, latently homosexual white trash.

You're the type of guy that probably thinks the DSM-5 is a new gaming console.

arise my virgins

video games = how to ensure that you'll never be in a (hetero)sexual relationship as long as you live.

Douglas Martin, aka FaZe Censor, hit the headlines when he finished with stunning Yanet Garcia so he could train for the Call of Duty League Championship - which has a £1.17million cash prize.

Attached: NINTCHDBPICT000427998256.jpg (960x1298, 87.99K)

lol you fucking idiot….

There was once a cow born with three heads, too.

AGAIN: it's not rocket science

how to turn women off: videogames

Waiting for you to tell me the last time you got paid or got laid due to videogaming

sorry i forgot only like 200 people play games and its not one of the largest pastimes.
but ok you win out of say 100 million male gamers there sure are only as many who had sex as there are 3 headed cows lol.
guess i must be a 3 headed cow myself having played games a lot as kid yet still got pussy *thinking emoji*
well a pseudointellectual like yourself surely knows about the idea of playing chess with a pidgeon right xD

i get grants im a stem student

Attached: Newzoo_2017_Global_Games_Market_Per_Segment_April_2017.png (4000x2250, 183.82K)

post script i never got laid because videogames it really isnt anything that attracts girls.
i got laid because i get along with girls

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are you getting a bit heated up to caption images after what i say already?
got me good! bazingaa
maybe cool down by commenting on how stupid kids are on gametrailers or something?
atleast i thank you for being a joke
jokes are fun and make people smile ;)

Attached: PicsArt_08-27-11.16.38.png (1695x847, 1.13M)

1 of them is a girl.

youre making this really hard

Attached: boogie-1.jpg (1024x576, 83.57K)

every. fucking. TIME!

She's a dork, too.

and she NEVER gets any pussy

Video doesnt show anything

There's no 'video' of the shooting.

There's only AUDIO (anticlimactic at best) that was captured on a live stream

Attached: PicsArt_08-27-11.58.36.jpg (1024x576, 111.49K)

here thats the time he got married

Attached: deb.jpg (720x636, 81.41K)

And Desiree divorced him this year, after she had three affairs.

…..but you've brought up a good point….

If that fat pile of shit could get laid (again, she cheated on him incessantly) where's YOUR girlfriend?

i never said it went well for him but youre obviously autistic yet at the same time retarded for saying gamers never had hetero sex.
uh what do you want me to do send pics?
claim its not true?
youre just sour grapes to the max

If I can do it, so can you


Attached: so can you, dude.jpg (3264x2448, 2.1M)

….what's taking you so long, Boogeyman?

Attached: your turn, dude.jpg (720x1280, 201.78K)

of course, there are the occasional (extremely rare) exceptions to the rule, but……..


cool stamps
but even if they are true thats pretty pathetic
youre like starting to gray and argue over videogames on 4chan lmao
im not going to upload girls pics to this place tho sorry

its not really rare the only problem is people overdoing it.
its just easier to do than with other hobbies.
in moderation its perfectly fine.
but i mean its not like you guys ever give up giving pretty bold statements wihtout ever backing a single one up and constantly using ad hominem like some thots

I started to gray 30 years ago

I'm not arguing, I'm informing

This isn't 4chan

Too bad jewish isnt a race, we might almost be onto something if it were… oh well

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hint: I've never played a god damn video game in my life, and I've fucked over 600 women and teenaged girls

go figure

sorry right Zig Forums wasnt paying attention.
wheres the information?
you posted some pics of a dude and girl what does that have to do with any prior arguments?
like no one cares about youre life really and if you want to "inform" you should be able to back things up.
bet my ass you just want pics for more captions lol.
also give me a timestamp with your face in it easy right?

Attached: IMG_20180827_122612.jpg (1075x1556, 169.91K)

I don't blame you for being jealous of them. Everybody expects you to be jealous, so it's not a surprise

Get back to licking Wendy's front hole you sissy faggot.

It's not the responsibility of others to give you the love you didn't get.

havent used punctuation anywhere so far gonna highlight it all?

but thats not the timestamp you were so eager to send pics earlier and it would be hillarious if you couldnt do this then right

also quality informing at work here going for the classical left out grammar gotchas

lol joniy yur the saddist purson on erf


Ahhahahaahaha, jealous. You're cute, I like you, you will be the last one killed.

Attached: c57500cbf42a44cae21af9fdd60e249b5ba2bec0612a88f8da63aa68dfc94e65.jpg (748x750, 245.01K)

He's prolly the product of a single mother home.

Attached: screenshot 20180827.png (1080x1675, 824.1K)

you're suggesting two mothers would've been better?

I dont go to therapists, they touch me in ways i dont kike when i go.

Attached: caust.png (288x288, 71.13K)

Holy shit, how the fuck did I miss that?

It had nothing to do with punctuation, because there would be no apostrophe necessary if you had've used the right word.

One of these days, when you're not too busy insisting that video games didn't have any negative effects on you, let me know and I'll be more than happy to teach you how to differentiate between YOUR and YOU'RE

It's true, you sit all day doing nothing and your balls have no reason to make testosterone

o yea i checked youre is wrong it should be your guess your non arguments and evasion of timestamp really show me
also you kinda inspired me at putting a caption on a pic myself please dont be too tough on me its my first time :^)
its a bit heavy on text but thats just the source material

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Even more importantly, the young male learns a skewed perspective of masculinity and machismo. Instead of learning how to behave like men, they become indoctrinated into an effeminate sissy world of magical elves, fantasy fairy warriors, shimmering transvestites and levitating twinkling dildos.

It has a snowball effect, and by the time they have become young adults, they are the farthest thing from 'men' you could ever imagine.

All those people that say games, music and movies don't affect people are lying to you.

Everything does because the brain is plastic.
Some stuff is good some is bad.
Games also have up and downsides which heavily depend on the kind of game played.

Attached: PicsArt_08-27-01.07.39.jpg (720x720, 66.81K)

did the alzheimer get the best of you?
you forgot the commenting part of this meme :(
also your font placement is garbage its too low


for example, the type of video games that are smashed into tiny pieces and set on fire will not prevent you from getting any pussy

All of the other types will

oh ill just confirm that this isnt you in the first place now that you did not provide a timestamp so yea good going



Although dozens of studies have documented a relationship between violent video games and aggressive behaviors, very little attention has been paid to potential effects of prosocial games. Theoretically, games in which game characters help and support each other in nonviolent ways should increase both short-term and long-term prosocial behaviors. We report three studies conducted in three countries with three age groups to test this hypothesis. In the correlational study, Singaporean middle-school students who played more prosocial games behaved more prosocially. In the two longitudinal samples of Japanese children and adolescents, prosocial game play predicted later increases in prosocial behavior. In the experimental study, U.S. undergraduates randomly assigned to play prosocial games behaved more prosocially toward another student. These similar results across different methodologies, ages, and cultures provide robust evidence of a prosocial game content effect, and they provide support for the General Learning Model.


Frequent action video game players often outperform non-gamers on measures of perception and cognition, and some studies find that video game practice enhances those abilities. The possibility that video game training transfers broadly to other aspects of cognition is exciting because training on one task rarely improves performance on others. At first glance, the cumulative evidence suggests a strong relationship between gaming experience and other cognitive abilities, but methodological shortcomings call that conclusion into question. We discuss these pitfalls, identify how existing studies succeed or fail in overcoming them, and provide guidelines for more definitive tests of the effects of gaming on cognition.


what else would it be called?
please tell me papa

Okay…. I've got to take off….

I'm at the hospital, and a relative isn't doing very well.

they just brought them out of surgery….

I'll see ya later

Stop using the word front hole. Did you not notice how quickly you were programmed even though you don't like the change?

That's the problem with you people. You adapt things you don't like.

grow up

and so our lying virgin departs after losing with every ad hominem

if there is a surgery good luck to your relative though

If you read the DSM-5, you'd know how dumb you are.

I couldn't care any less about aggression or shooters…

I was talking about faggots, and how video games turn young men into adult faggots….

A book of every combination of symptoms with no cause.

thats just a general trend in society and has many factors but im sure you can prove me otherwise with your informed opinion by showing me research papers and stats

there was indeed a surgery, and I'm scared as shit right now, but trying to distract myself….

So you cucked until you were pity fucked.


surgeons are pretty qualified it should go well

only thing girls scream when you go down on them is rape huh?

Then you should know that bringing it up is stupid.

I bet rape screams women.

It's actually a danger to the public as it hides modern day nuclear weapons.

They go down on me, cuck.

You pretty much can't stop or deal with a nuclear weapon or a biological weapon without getting cockblocked by a social worker and someone whose an expert in mental illness.

im sorry to hear

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x227, 8K)

In what reality besides your own does going down on someone involve a strap on?

Unaware that I actually DIED on an operating table (and obviously was defibrillated & resuscitated)

Unaware of the nature of my relative's surgery

Unaware that it's not the 'surgery' I'm scared by today, but the bigger picture

Death isn't such a big deal. I would get over it.

In what reality would girls have interest in you

A hero dies many times.

Sure……………….. lol

I've been killed multiple times. I would know.

My wife's registered nurse at this hospital, but she's on a different floor right now

Attached: Superboy_Prime03.jpg (500x752, 198.24K)

I've technically been 'dead' (heart stopped) five times in all, but was somehow resuscitated every time

Hey, maybe you can see through walls too.

4 of them were my own fault

and 3 of them were intentional

I can definitely'see through' the self-imposed walls and barriers that most people build around themselves

Anybody can see through the transparent boundaries of defense mechanisms