Great way of fucking your company over. Race mixing is quite rare and is usually only seen on the TV or in the city centers. Women who would've considered it would probably have dabbled in one-night stands anyway with wogs. Most white women go for white blokes tbh
Lincoln Price
Yeah I actually read through it and it seems like they were just making shit up smh
Yeah, lad, but those are usually for supporting a roof, this would support the roof AND the huge tower on top of it.
anything elsewhere?
Jack Walker
Does tinder actually make money though? Seems like something the Jews would do just to masturbate to
There's ads, and also there's a limit unless you pay.
Kevin Campbell
I know towers exist, lad, but look at that thing. It just looks like a massive stone structure on top of a roof of a regular building. Basically there'd have to be a lot of the space under it used just to support it so there wouldn't be much space in the building, and the tower itself doesn't even have windows smh
In Britain of Britannia smh
Jonathan Brooks
That's what vaulting is used for, the pillars take the weight and allow the space underneath to still be used.
seen two men with asian women, both of them bossed around by a short angry looking chink . It's fucking pathetic.
David Morgan
I just read an article that said the number of people on their site that said they wouldn’t date outside of their race has dropped but in practice nothing has changed and people are still maintaining racial dating trends.
Justin Carter
Every ''man''''' I see with an Asian woman looks like that
You can't get any more pussy whipped than that. Imagine what they would be like when they hit their 60's, having some slant eyed troglodite giving you the screaming hair dryer treatment because you left a skiddy in the pan!
Blake Moore
Here's a quickly slapped together visual aid for what would be inside; the pillars would run around the edges of the tower, and also along the inside as well.
I will never understand betas tbh. Just the sheer lack of self-respect is baffling.
Brandon Cruz
100000x this tbh
Robert Howard
What stops gay IT companies from experimenting with your swipes left or right? Let me remind you that:
What stops Tinder from shadow-banning White males? Say a woman gets only 100%. Even if she did not plan to race-mix at first, she will due to app pressure.
Mark my words.
Isaac Thompson
girls using Tinder in the first place should be the first warning lad.
Hunter Russell
What's they best way to cook duck breast lads?
Brayden Lee
I guess. It just gives off the impression of being a huge lump of stone on top of a regular building smh
they always have that fucking virgin body language too. Sometimes you meet their eyes and you know that they know that you think they're pathetic. Same with the lad in my company who went to Thailand. We all know he paid to have sex.
Ryder Cook
Why would you want some thot that uses tinder in the first place, lad? They'll never be waifu material.
I don't doubt the malice of G-d's Chosen. It's more likely they'll be subtle though, injecting more non-whites higher into the results rather than blocking whites entirely.
Jose Hernandez
Heat it up until it's no longer raw.
smh those internet bullies are always giving you a hard time lad
Sqwaker is run by a widely discredited one man commie team team of one man turbo commie Also anyone using Tinder is done tbh How many Jews have you gassed today lads?
Brody Price
Feels like I'm living in an insane world tbh lads. Kikes definitely know the collapse is coming soon, and are going overboard to use up their last years on Earth.
Chase Stewart
Wow the Beeb looks a lot different
Michael Garcia
There are babies that don't resemble their dads? What, does a lass plop out a mini-cheddar every so often and the "father" stands around scratching his head wondering why the little goblin has sickle cell or something?
Parker Cox
According to the article the study followed single mummies (hmm why would a mummy be single so close to childbirth?) so you've got it one.