Reminder that Wayne LaPissant makes five million shekels a year off the NRA(not counting bonuses) and then complains that the group can't afford coffee for employees. All while refusing to take a pay cut, of course.
Friendly reminder that the NRA made no significant gun rights pushes in the two years that Republicowards controlled all three branches of government.
Can I do anything to make the NRA go away any faster?
Chase Baker
NRA is only in this situation because it fucked up and tried to usurp a pro-2A company's profits without paying attention to how they functioned. The NRA tried to set it up as actual insurance instead of an association that pays legal costs like the USCAA does.
I mean you basically cant carry in New York so no loss there. I thought it was so stupid that they were running the ads for it on tv there. fuck the nra
Gabriel Miller
I never paid into the NRA, the insurance always tempted me, however after bump stock ban going through and other such legislation, they're repulsive.
They supported the original AWB, thankfully added a sunrise clause and we got lucky that W. didn't do what he said he would. There was awhile there it seemed like they changed on "assault weapons" but now they support bump stock bans and red flag laws. The NRA is part of the slow removal of the second amendment but as I see it they have one purpose now, they are basically the Jupiter of gun rights organization in that their gravitational pull attracts all the hate from the left, allowing GoA and others to actually shore up 2A.
Brayden Cooper
Liam Cooper
It's not 4D chess retard, I'm just pointing out reality. Go to any anti-gun faggot and ask if they can name one 2A rights group that isn't the NRA. Let me reiterate my previous statement for the idiots with poor reading comprehension:
The NRA is part of the slow removal of the second amendment
What's happening to the NRA is the same thing that is happening to churches, cable television, and a lot of other organizations: an inability to market to people younger than boomers. The fact is that the oldest boomers are now 74 years old, and the number of boomers retiring will only go up. This means that once they retire, their free money to throw around will dry up as they have to budget their pensions.
Normally, an organization handles the problem of aging members by bringing in younger members. However, organizations like the NRA are used to boomers being the largest demographic. These organizations are paralyzed because they have invested wholly in saying things boomers want, and getting boomer money to the point that they have alienated everyone else. This is because of three reasons: 1. Gen X is much smaller population pool than the baby boomers, and therefore less profitable to market to. 2. Millenials/Gen Z is a large population pool, but they are poor, making them less profitable. 3. These organizations are run by boomers, and boomers are so used to being surrounded by other boomers (due to their demographic size) that they have no understanding that there are non-boomer perspectives out there.
This is why the "Millenials are killing everything" articles pop up so much. Everything being killed is a superfluous consumer good or service that Millenials and Gen Z cannot afford, and the existing boomer client base can no longer support.
Negotiate Rights Away has about 3-5 years before they file for restructuring bankruptcy, then another 5 years after that before they completely fade away. The only people who will remember or care about them will be the straggling number of boomers that will be dead come the mid 2030's.
Any "pro-gun" movement that does not unflinchingly demand the repeal of all gun laws, federal, state, and local; the abolition of background checks, pistol permit requirements, and the need for a CCP; making taking away the gun rights of any white man, even a felon, illegal; and an automatic outlawing for anyone promoting gun control (for example, if you hear a liberal say we need magazine capacity limits you can legally shoot him on the spot), is a cuckold group. Firearms Fascism now, $200 full-auto PPS-43s and M1 grease guns coming soon to your local grocery store
Connor Miller
what county are you in that they actually issue?
James Torres
Even hickock45 is breaking off all official association with the NRA. Wonder how many others are going to actually make videos saying that they are no longer going to affiliate with them.
Dominic Gonzalez
PERSEC but I know one county that issues all of their permits as concealed, not just target and hunting. My county doesn't do that but I put a business reason down and got unrestricted on the first go. Took a year though.
Leo Powell
can second this, also a NYfag. i know of multiple counties that do this. nothing south of westchester county though of course.
Daniel Sullivan
How the fuck did you get 4D chess out of that you stupid ass? He's not saying it's some clever move on their part to totally not backstab us like trumpcucks do, he's saying their own faggotry is allowing other organizations to grow.
Jonathan Harris
Well, are they licensed or not?
Dominic Lopez
Good analysis, user. I’ve mentioned this to several churches in my time that they have done absolutely nothing to market to a younger demographic or become more visible. They got their massive influx of members 40 years ago and just lived off this families ever since. Now, the old farts are dying off and the organization can’t support itself. Nevertheless, the boomers refuse to listen and will refuse to change until they’re in a casket.
Logan Wright
NRA is hopelessly top heavy with Kikes, Zio-cucks, draft-dodgers and chickenhawks.
I can't think of a single semi-famous decent person linked to NRA.
Charlton Heston, Ollie North, Ted N., Wayne P.
I do give Ted "I shit my my pants to dodge the draft….but only because I'd have been SO bad ass compared to Green Berets I'd probably have had to kill my fellow troops" Nugent some credit for posing "it the JEWS stupid" poster, butt then of course he set a good example and cucked.
Seriously, why can't the NRA find a single person of any stature to serve as figurehead? It is a completely Jew run thing and they only allow pedofiles they can control, like with Congress?
Can't they just find a retired USMC major or something?
Kayden Murphy
Ollie North was based for his transaction with Iran heh