Sodom and Gomorrah. Romanian edition

Sodom and Gomorrah. Romanian edition.

So bad stuff happening. This has been russian and jewish influence through the main bad guy Dragnea. My family and friends take the idea of buying pepper spray, shockers and even getting a gun permit seriously.

My question to you guys is:
Romania will probably end up as Venezuela. Is it Christian aproved to kill in order to defend your family and belongings?

It's probably going to be Sodom and Gomorrah here so no rules, perfect anarchy.
Don't let communism grow in your country.

God bless you all! Please, pray for Romania.

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Wait, give us some news sources or anything at least. This sounds very dire on your description alone.

Currently they are in romanian only. Will provide romanian news sources and you can then copy paste in translator.

I looked up some news about this, but I do not really trust big news outlet. This thing seems fishy, and no, I will not go to Zig Forums to look for anything about this. There were mentions of a huge step backward in laws, etc. I want truth.

I thought your countrymen absolutely hated and wants nothing to do with communism.

Realitatea tv- Christian friendly with many right wing hard Christians. Hate commies

Digi24- neutral. Slighlty secularist but cannot be blamed for one weird guy who hates nationalism and is atheist.

Antena 3- whore of Babylon. Associated with CNN. Always blames the secret services for puting behind bars corrupt officials. DNA is good, antena 3 hates them.

Romania tv- more like russia tv. Autist f#cks.

The news papers are usually trustworthy.

If you see protesters with #resist (with similar logo as in the west) you have to know they hate communism. #resist is basically everybody (no matter the religion, race or age) who hates corrupts. They all hate communists.

We do but
-you keep people in poor living conditions (bad education, bad sanitation, etc.) so you can control them better. Offer them near election season money and they vote with you
-you give money to gypsy leader and he brings his clan to vote

Control the masses through corruption.

Article in english.
I know but the article is actually made good. Transparent.

sorry to tell you but your laws are some of the worst gun laws in europe

Yeah but now you can get away with killing a rapist, a pedo or a thief.
What do? Pull the trigger?

It is allowed to kill in self-defence and even a duty if it's needed to defend innocents.

If you're not exaggerating about what's happening I'd start preparing well.
Start buying blank weapons too, knifes are always handy, and iron pens (like kubotans) are extremely effective and law-proof.
Because my country also has strict self-defence and weapon laws I bought myself a kubotan that's actually a working pen (and a very good one at that).
If weapon laws aren't as strict and you can carry a knife then by all means buy that.

But him, but it's not communism, it's the social-democrats, which are massive corrupt populists, that grew into prominence as the main left-wing party, after the fall of communism.
They are known to have a secure voting base among poor post-commie retirees and welfare recipients.
After some crackdown on corruption a couple of years ago left many of their leaders in dire straights, prosecution-wise, combined with a dismal voter presence, they ended up being the governmental coalition in charge.
This is being used as leverage to pass a package of laws that would help said politicians get off the hook(under some idiotic logic that "us poor politicians are getting harassed and abused by these anti-corruption judges").
The side-effect of that is that this makes convicting every from petty crimes, to those cases, to whatever other extreme abominations may come up, very difficult.

OP exaggerates a bit(it's not that idiotic, and it has to pass through the president and the supreme court, which should delay it for some time, atleast), but the bill is massively abusable.

For now, it's a race against time between this shit, and some of those convictions going into effect.

Which is a shame, really.
The last thing this country needs is gun violence, which is almost non-existent.

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meant for

As a sidenote, this is proof that not anyone who screams he's oppressed by the Deep State and Soros should be trusted.

self defense or defense of others is not murder
t.Orthodox with a concealed carry permit

I'm not. If the new laws kick in sh!t hits the fan. Watch realitatea tv where specialists explain how things are going to be if the new set of laws pass.

You did however give a better insight into romanian politics but i was more concerned in wheter killing is just when applied to real criminals.

It's gonna be a shitshow, if it happens, but in different ways.
Think more criminal tourism and intimidation charges, and less Vaslui(sorry, i just had to).
I don't any impediments in theory, canonically.
Though it shouldn't be taken lightly.
And it happened before(remember this?
Problem is, you might end up as Honduras, by going that path.

I think we should rest out hopes in God delivering us from this mess, and giving us a decent gov, than in going full Mad Max.
Put a post in the prayer thread, k?

Aquinas' concept of just war states that "if you have legitimate reason (be it defence of family, country, etc) or a civil institution (such as a state) has good reason, then the war is just and therefore its p ok tyfa bbro user" - Aquinas

so as i understand it, if its for defence or done justly in terms of an expansion, war is allowed and so is self defence. Turn the other cheek at the threat of death for your faith and beliefs, but don't let people step on you.

What? Need source, that's pretty lawless for the 21st century.

seriously, how much harm can a socdem do? They barely achieve anything

that`s the point. they don`t do anything hence poor society

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Yes, absolutely. You have a duty to defend those who depend on you.

Hope we can unite against the enemies of Christendom. I also hope that someone will make an actual decent succesor of the Iron Guard greetings and prayers from Hungary. Kitartás!

Preemptive apology here, I'm from diaspora (not my choice, got shipped off as a minor with no self-agency) so I'm not well versed in everything that's going on.

I get that PSD and Dragnea are winnie the pooh things up big time. I get it. I've been listening to Rares Bogdan (Jocuri de Putere, Realitatea TV) though and is the opposition really this limpwristed? I tune in and it's outright screeching over democracy this, democracy that. It's democracy that got RO in this situation in the first place isn't it? Corruption is a part of democracy. They outright shun people like Codreanu or anyone that has fascist solutions, too. There was talk of Italy wanting to monitor gypsies, and they were screeching about it like it was another shoah, muh ebil nazis. Did we really get so winnie the poohed up that "the good guys" in RO are now defending GYPSIES?

Also do we have any discord for Romanian specific politics?


Self defence is rightful as long as hurting and killing of attacker is accidental (in latin sense; not "i didn't mean to" sense but "I wanted to defend, his death was not the objective but consequence").
And if your Gun-Laws are as shity as here, try reserch Black-Powder guns - they are loophole here and if there is some parallel in your legistation they are probably permit free.

The whole thing is far from over, but its a victory nonetheless

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I'll be praying for Romania

Remember that no matter what happens God will have the final say

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It's thou shalt not murder, not thou shalt not kill.