Who's Zig Forums's patron saint?
I nominate Chrysostom just because I've seen a lot of threads on him lately and he was a pretty based Steven Anderson of his day tbh
Who's Zig Forums's patron saint?
I nominate Chrysostom just because I've seen a lot of threads on him lately and he was a pretty based Steven Anderson of his day tbh
Pastor Jim
Yep. He's the original Holocauster.
Calling St. Chrysostom a "Steven Anderson" is an insult to him. Imagine how St. Chrysostom feels about IFBs.
St. Dismas, the Penitent Thief is a good choice tbqhwyf
B-But this is psogos! It's just a rhetorical device and St. John didn't actually mean what he said about the Jews.
t. liberal christians
I thought we had established years ago that it was Saint Augustine of Hippo.
It was, but new friends haven't been around for the most recent who's our patron saint thread.
It is, was, and should continue to be blessed Augustine
Chrysostom is a great choice.
a close second would be the honorable bishop of Tempe, AZ
St. Drogo, obviously.
We picked St.Augustine during the first days of the board.
It is a good choice since everybody likes him, including protestants
Not Orthodox.
He's Blessed Augustine for us.
Had some opinions that would evolve into heretical stuff by his readers, but hes cool.
Saint Codreanu
what did they mean by this?
He's also the patron saint of those whom others find unspeakably repulsive.
Isidore of Seville is patron saint of the internet, Augustine is patron of the board
imagine comparing him to Steven Anderson…
what is wrong with you
t. Pastor Manning
who is that
His stuff on the filioque and on predestination is material heresy. I think even "faith alone" comes from him.
Augustine is a saint, nobody can deny that, but few Orthodox would say he is a respectable theologian.
as if the orthodox have produced any theology worth attention past the schism
No one's said St. Isidore yet?
Pretty much all post-schism Orthodox theology contradicts everything the saints said before the schism.
You're right, it's the heresies of the Latin Church that need attention so we can finally purge them, the Orthodox Church being the Orthodox Church established by Jesus Christ is the same always.
It's almost as if the "papist heresies" were developed and accepted by centuries of latin fathers.
Almost as if the Greek and Latin parts of Christianity grew apart until some sperg Patriarch of Constantinople wanted to push on us his greek provincialism and got BTFO for it.
Took him as my saint at baptism, people I talk to are usually blown away that he has a name
The man who exposed Bergoglios infatuation with baby's diapers
I took him for my confirmation name and yeah people were amazed lmao
Christ's interaction with the men crucified next to him is one of my favorite parts to read. It spoke to me the most when i first converted.