Thus proving, definitively, that gun rights can be pushed for, even in the wake of a mass shooting. The (((NRA))) has no excuse.
Thus proving, definitively, that gun rights can be pushed for, even in the wake of a mass shooting. The (((NRA))) has no excuse.
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Congradulations Italy!
Very very nice, congrats on this, seriously.
High-fivesies :3
Bravo, pastaland.
When are they going to legalize machine guns like San Marino? Concealed carry?
Congrats Italy, but I have a question
Is this an actual thing or a comedic exaggeration of the UK's horribly cucked laws?
Regardless, good move Italy.
I vote we hang whoever does this before anyone else on DOTR.
Very nice, I can't wait for GD to change our laws too. Fully-automatic G3A3 rifles in every household when?
Putting watermarks on historic footage
This cant be real
I wouldn't be surprised if the UK is heaven for burglars, but Chilean gangs? that's really odd
awesome Italy, this is huge and I wouldn't be surprised if this is the first European country in the last 20 years to go the correct direction with gun laws.
if somebody could describe a hypothetically for me, for what is allowed now that'd be fantastic.
like what would you get in trouble for in the past that you now are justified?
Rally just got 2% whiter
The Czechs are also amongst the commendable European nations for gun laws. It's a short list but I'm happy Italy is at least heading in a sensible direction.
The absolute state of britbongs.
Britbongs are such easy targets the rest of the world has noticed.
Sounds breddy good. Good on them.
Well, what can I say? I couldn't find a better picture to express my support towards the Italians…
We aren't as commendable in this regard. If you kill someone while being robbed, you might go to prison for murder unless you prove your own life was in danger, for using "excessive force". Over here, it's not that difficult to get yourself a gun, and the government is resistant to gun grabbing attempts, but if you actually use it, you're looking at a legal shitstorm. Combine it with a very lenient penal law and comfy prisons, and you get shit like 16-times recidivists (not even that uncommon) robbing people in broad daylight, knowing nothing's gonna happen to them. Sure, we don't have much violent crime this way, but it's still a fucking disgrace. Italy is clearly outdoing us in this regard.
I mean, everyone assumes the U.S. is gun wonderland(and honestly it really is as far as most people are concerned) but you can get fucked way harder than anything the Czech government could do if you defend yourself with a firearm in certain states/cities.
And, you know, the (((NRA))) slowly chipping away at our rights.
Probably never, despite Salvini mentioning his interest for making gun laws less strict… "concealed carry", i.e. carry for self-defense is possible even nowadays, but you require a serious reason to apply for it ("serious" as in actually having your life in real danger). It's usually granted to businessman/shop owners who are threatened by the mafia, for instance.
One step at a time i guess
Holy fuck dude, I legitimately thought it was just a joke.
So pay the mafia every so often to send you a threatening letter. Take it to tbe cops and get your legal concealed carry.
Why not make it shall-issue like in most American states? Shall issue meaning ‘unless the police can prove that x is not fit to own a firearm in a certain amount of time, they may own a firearm.’
I just love how the headline is phrased compared to the Breitbart version.
Well, it kinda is in a way… when you apply for a gun licence (either for sport or hunting), after you've had your medical examinations cleared and you've been to the gun range for the training part, the intelligence branch of the Carabinieri (military police) will do a background check.
Unless you have a criminal record or they have reasons to believe you might be a dangerous individual, as far as I know, they are supposed to grant it.
Is my country really the only one in EU where citing "self defense" is a valid reason to get a gun?
Technically it's a valid reason in most Euro countries, just good luck actually getting one without connections.
Probably you're the only ones who have this type or licenses as a "shall-issue". IIRC, you even issue these for EU visitors and only non eu visitors have a "may issue". Other than that, there's also Georgia if you consider it EU, there you have to get some papers and pass a short quiz for long guns and pistols individually, though CC is only for police and you can only keep handguns in your house and probably take them to the range. Self defense also aren't complete bullshit and have things like property protection as good reasons, though don't quote me on that.
It be much worse. In britbongland, self defense isn't even a legal use of a firearm. As in if you happened to own a gun for any legitimate allowed reason (sport/hunting) and used it against a would be murderer, you go to prison because it is illegal to use guns for self defense even if you had one for another reason.
they dont even hide it.
No excuse to not archive it.
thank you my Hellenic friend.
They are hiding it, though. In plain sight. They're so bold about it that it beggars belief, and retarded normies simply don't believe it.
Remember; there are no more arguments.
off topic
Would you consider Georgia and Armenia as european? Azerbaijan is out of the question as is turkey