And these are the hypocritical asswipes who complain about election meddling by Russians and can't even prove it?

How is censoring your political opponents and banning them from entire internet networks NOT considered election meddling?

Alternatives To State-run Social Media:

Attached: Leaked Document Exposes Plans For Mass Internet Censorship On Behalf Of Soros and Democrats.jpg (500x604, 61.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:*

remember me?


sage negated
real news!

Just create you own internet goy, if you are willing to use dirty tactics on us then you are willing to accept dirty tactics by us.

fuck off Shrillcen

Attached: d6b.png (256x256, 1.66K)

they can't debate logic thats why they have to censor it

no one used dirty tactics against you

fuck off Krillcen

Attached: f3f.jpg (1007x768, 62.16K)

we know what your trying to hide

lol its like someone once took your lunch money (and also happened to be a vegeta fan)

Attached: 1bc.png (626x754, 94.79K)

remember what?

Where were you?

I know!

Attached: man-up-strait-jacket-2890083.jpg (756x900, 162.08K)

Attached: default.jpg (525x385, 49.19K)

total actual real such news bumparoo

such total real

Such it is and shall will it ever be, the Lord said it and so shall it be, real actual legit rational total just freaking news archives:*

fuck off shrillcen

Attached: 68f.png (700x965, 29.5K)


Go back to Zig Forums, retards.

nice try. i bet you think it would look more impressive and supportive of your argument if you posted a bunch of links, but all you did was make a failed assertion, and post links to something that was the exact opposite of what you claimed.

Anyone think this kind of censorship is going to backfire against them enormously? I'm kinda curious to see how this 'blue wave' will pan out.

So, you're asserting that just because the tech companies are admitting to conspiring and clamining it's for some reason, they can't possibly by lying? You're certain they're not talking about censoring their political adversaries, like they're already doing? Be honest: You're a dishonest leftist, and you like censorship.

total news

Idiot, the article was about the tech companies fighting AGAINST election meddling by removing bots and shit.

quads confirm he is an idiot.

The articles were talking about tech companies gathering together to discuss policy in regards to their platforms; this is happening just before an important election, and there won't be much transparency or oversight. These companies are all far-left, and they love censoring their opponents. What the fuck do you think they're talking about, you incredibly stupid person?

rational news

its total

they're private companies, idiot. what kind of "oversight" are they supposed to have? and no, the article makes very clear what they were talking about. read it again.

they chose Hillary as their candidate and then followed through with a tone deaf campaign

It was almost as if they wanted Trump to win anyway, and i'm including Hillary in the 'they', Hillary chose to even name Alex Jones during the campaign, and he was just sitting there laying into her with accusations which she never addressed. Call him a shill, expose him, do whatever, but don't just direct people to go and listen to him.

How much censorship do they think they can deploy to stop anything real being said again. Fools errand. It's becoming a fools errand for Trump too, at least in my opinion, that admin keeps fucking around with staged events they're playing with fire.

What's coming can't be censored

news bump 7

More reasons to utilize stuff like IPFS. Make content more resilient and much harder to take down.

israel hacked the election

Well they have the capability with their Diebold voting machines for a long time now, so its a possibly that state actors could actually hack the machines and rig results. They've been ignoring this for over 15 years though.

but goy ignor jared kushner it's either the russians or it's a lie tbh

anti-slide 4

antislide 3