>Nevertheless, CEO Ed Stack remains defiant. “It was worth it,” the article quotes him as saying.
>Nevertheless, CEO Ed Stack remains defiant. “It was worth it,” the article quotes him as saying.
Just to get a sense of scale, this is a company that in 2015 brought in $7,270 Million in revenue. (Granted, once you subtract operating costs and executive pocket lining, that comes out to 'only' $330 Million in actual profit.) If we can assume these numbers are typical, it means that $150 Milliion hit equates to about 02% of their annual income.
I'm sure they consider the value of their little ((social experiment)) to far exceed that of any lost sales.
Fun fact: It's a CEO's duty to maximize the company's wealth as best he can.
If the investors sue, he might go into prison.
Im sure stock holders feel the same
I've been into a Dick's Sporting Goods exactly once and never saw anything worth buying anyway.
It was all either overpriced cheap shit or garbage made by companies that sponsor them or some shit, I don't understand why anyone would bother shopping there in the first place.
Entrenched capital wants to seize firearms from the population in order to turn them into landless permanent consumers with zero productive capacity.
Too bad they didn't lose more. I want to see them crash with no survivors.
What's wrong with his face?
Why do the worst of the boomers get that puffy, reflective thing going on with their faces?
I've been told its an alcoholic thing, but I dont really believe that anymore. Too many old men that I know for a fact aren't alcoholics look like this. The only thing I've noticed they all have in common is that they are cucks.
Is this a hormonal thing?
They're all nogunz. Maybe its just a product of being nogunz at an advanced age?
Whatever it is, this guy's got it bad. This puffy, shiny, nogunz disease.
Too much estrogen?
Should be a fun match
Not sure what you mean. As opposed to this pic related?
Wonder if we'll ever get to see benchmade sake changes considering most don't really know about it and the cuck CEO video admitted to continuing to donate to politicians. Same with Team Wendy etc.
Name 1 instance.
Profit is always secondary to control over people
And for jews having vengeance over whites because romans destroyed one of their ritual sites is the highest priority they won't hesitate to use niggers or muds for.
How is he still a CEO? The CEO only serves at the pleasure of the Board of Directors, representing every stockholder. Which means millions of stockholders are fine with actually having a lower dividend. Either that or people aren't telling them about it.
Disarming the population so they can be literally forced and gunpoint to make every single interaction in their daily life a one-way financial transaction is the investment.
And for the National Socialists and Fascists almost thwarting their plans of complete rulership over the world.
This. Zig Forums has always been shit at actual economics and long term planing though, no surprise here.
A total kike victory would be scary. There wouldnt even be any consideration for quality and brand image anymore. All the fat cats would fuse together and rule as cyberpunk patricians.
Without the space colonization for a few hundred years, of course.
The world owns daddy an official apology. If there is none, everyone can go to hell nyaa
most stockholders are retards or don't bother even following this stuff. Eddy says "Oops, we made a small miscalculation, but it's still good for our brand and we'll recoup any losses soon anyway." and that's the end of it. There won't be enough of stockholders pushing for firing the CEO; most won't even know anything happened because they don't follow this stuff as they're only in it for the speculative investment, while the rest will simply shrug it off. As you can see, stock value didn't really reflect it much anyway.
It is only sad that our government tried to change sides at the end of the war…
You mean your people were steamrolled by the Soviets and were told they needed to replace the "Glorious Comrades" lost because of your "Capitalist Ways" and your men were forcibly conscripted under the threat of their wives and children raped by the Red Army. What you think half the army against you wasn't facing the same thing? But, was only slightly more willing to look it for for the reason that it was an opportunity to regain land lost 350 years prior after the Catholic Church backed your back-stabbing Tepes for the Ottomans simply because it was a win-win for both of you?
You were meat for the grinder so the Soviet troops could hang back and handle your women and eat your food. When you died, then they would do something.
Office men who never climb stairs, always take elevators, don't exercise. Sitting too much is bad for you at some point, months and years of it at least. Atrophy of muscles, bones, but also puffiness because the veins rely on movement for healthy flow, eventually too much sitting causes fluid build up because of poor circulation from poor movement. Boomers might live a hell of a lot less in terms of life expectancy because the Great and Forgotten Generations worked and moved, got their exercise when they were younger.
No. I meant that the Horthy-government tried to make peace and join the Allies and the Soviets instead of continuing to provide more help for the National Socialist cause…
Small stockholders generally don't represent themselves, since many banks have an opt-out clause that lets the bank that provides your stock depot vote for you. Only in your best interest, naturally.
The big stockholders are on-board with disarming whites anyway.
When the going gets tough the opportunistic tag-alongs jump off the ship
What else would you expect from the fucker that betrayed his own king?
I don't go to dicks and didn't know about it. If they are getting rid of gun stuff, is there any chance I could get cheap ammo or stuff they are liquidating still?
The company lost sales not stock price, sales are a dividend not an investment.
It's already happened.
They made a huge political statement on how they destroyed their scary assault boolits. There was no liquidation sale. Plus this shit happened over a year ago.
I don't say that Szálasis ideas and plans were perfect, but his thougths regarding dealing with the Jews and reconstructing Hungarian society in a more traditional way were pretty solid (if you care, I could make a translation of Szálasis work "Hungarizmus"). Horthy was objectively naive falling for the obvious lies of the Allies and the Soviets of Hungary being able to retain atleast some of the territories given back by the two Vienna decision in 1938 and 1940 if we would only change side and declare war on Germany…
Oh, the poor poor CEOs. I'm literally crying.
Too much soy?
Probably this, tbh.
It's the fact boomers used to have a moderate lifestyle and enough movement to get away with drinking a beer or two every night, but progressively they became lazier, their food became more laced with plastic and estrogen and so did their beer which caused the emasculation but also froze their brains into not seeing the reality where you can't firm handshake your way into work or leave one company and enter another the same day.
Planned downsizing for the economical holocaust.
I went yesterday to handle a Kimber K6S before I committed to putting money aside for one. (I will be. The trigger feels great.) But, they won't get my sale. I basically just use the place now to try before I buy somewhere else online. Like Buds for instance.
For what crime? If a CEO fucks up they often get voted out by the board but they rarely see prison even when their actions are criminal (which these are not).
Strelok NO
>Without the space colonization ever, of course.
FTFY. The exploration of space has always been spiritually driven as there and the jew is ultimately a materialistic being. There is no economic case for manned exploration of space that will ever produce a return on the investment in under a century (likely longer than that) and thus the materialist jew and the shabbos elite under their spell will never be driven to undertake such a costly, laborious pursuit. Permanently releasing ourselves from our earthly bounds will only happen if good men, those who believe in securing a future for their children's, children's children take the reins of power once again. If we were to lose this ideological battle this planet's rare gift of life is destined to die out, forever stuck in its nursing cradle, never to take it's first steps.
Physiology correct me if I'm using the wrong term, mate. They've always existed but society has aided and helped the weak link genes flourish.
fear will keep the local systems in line
fear of this battle station
I'm pretty sure deliberately violating his contractual mandate to the tune of $150 million is a pretty severe offense.
Their Kayaks were relatively well priced the last time I went there. That's about it though. Specialized goods will see you getting overcharged anywhere, so that could also be a factor.
The only reason they're motivated to get profits is in order to destroy whites. FFS Jews literally think you're lower than cattle, if a Jew had a cow and a white slave, he would treat the cow better. These people want you to die, and if you have to work to death for them, that's just icing on the cake.
Yeah, ignore these two fucking clowns. There's nothing illegal about fucking your company up unless it's found that you were commissioned by another entity to do so. As you said, best they can do is kick his ass from the company, pull his severance package, and piss on him when people call for references.
(((Stanford University study))) and thus stupid. SU ain't what it used to be, folks. Might as well be Harvard.
Its not the % of people that can "name a product" its the profit margins on the AMOUNT of sales.
100,000 cheapskate hunters not buying one pair of boot socks VS 10,000 LESBO-dyke Public School P.E. directors all switching from Big 5 to Dick's, making jokes about "It'd leave a better taste in my mouth if they called it "Cunt's" instead of "Dick's" but I'll take what I can get".
Botox from cheap, barely trained Paki-Poo "doctors" is my guess.
Boomers "now that we have these Immigrant doctors, us regular folks can afford to look like MOVIE STARS, too. HIGHEST NUMBERS EVER, BUT THEY HAVE TO CUM LEGALLY"
I almost bought a Benilli 300A from Dick's. Butt I just had a feeling.
The gun counter guys seemed like guys that were only pretending to be gun sales guys.
Over 2%?
I don't think so.