Woman Receives Vegan Death Threats After Pro-Meat Testimony

A woman who documented the positive effects she experienced after terminating a plant-based diet claims she received death threats from a vegan following a viral post.

Dutch video blogger KasumiKriss, AKA Kristel, uploaded before-and-after photos to Twitter on Sunday showing how ending a vegan lifestyle had positive effects on her skin and emotional outlook.

LEFT: Vegan for almost 4 years, high in fruits and veggies (picture taken 2 months ago). RIGHT: 3 weeks into eating mainly high quality animal foods (picture taken yesterday). Skin improving, less puffy face. But the best of all, I don't feel like dying anymore. pic.twitter.com/ds6LOjM2QB

— Kristel (@KasumiKriss) August 26, 2018

“3 weeks into eating mainly high quality animal foods (picture taken yesterday). Skin improving, less puffy face. But the best of all, I don’t feel like dying anymore,” Kristel wrote in the viral post, liked over 50.7K times as of writing.

On Monday, Kristel highlighted an angry comment she received on YouTube from a hate-filled vegan, who said they hoped “someone murders” her.

“You are a worthless piece of trash; once you get fat and come down with diabetes and heart related issues what are you going to blame then?” the enraged animal rights activist’s rant began.

It is scary when you get death threads for not being vegan anymore, from "compassionate" vegans. #vegans pic.twitter.com/EdJfcPw2X0

— Kristel (@KasumiKriss) August 27, 2018

“Go f*ck yourself you ugly f*cking cunt. You ARE a murderer and I hope that someone murders you, or at the very least when you keep up your f*ck face diet that you suffer and suffer and suffer, just like the 1000’s of animals that just YOU are personally reasonable [sic] for destroying their families and ultimately killing them,” the deranged commenter stated.

“A well nourished comment,” Kristel quipped. “Vegans are so kind.”

Guess when vegan and when not? Just wanted to add that I did not alter the pictures, I did not wear covering makeup. I feel way better now and my appearance is adjusting to that! pic.twitter.com/F09wPShFIQ

— Kristel (@KasumiKriss) August 26, 2018


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Id hit it. Hell id wife that one.

Shocking an omnivorous species is suppose to eat meat too! Someone call the news quick!


The same people that think "meat is murder" think that actual murder is not when committed by nonwhites

Vegans are literally retarded.

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So are they okay with eating meat that's killed by niggers?

No, but they're okay with niggers killing wypipo.

THese fucking retard vegans advocate against animal death, but then they make death threats to an animal.

Move over Wendy, there is a new waifu in town!

bumping juicy news

Did you know raw meat actually does contain ALL the vitamins and nutrients you body needs? Its actually true. However, when you cook the meat it depletes most the vitamins and other nutrients. The best way to eat meat is to cook it just a little (enough to kill off germs/bacteria/parasites) but leave it red in the middle. Preferably medium rare.

Most vegans actually suffer from weak bones too, if they avoid meat for a long period of time. Meat is actually very healthy. The problem is meat that is over-cooked (which is depleted of its nutrients/vitamins) or mass produced meat (which tends to lack nutrients/vitamins). Stick to grass-fed beef, free-range chicken and wild deer. Make sure its freshly butchered meat too (its the healthiest). Anything mass produced is basically garbage-quality meat (which would include fast food meats).


A lot of vegans secretly drinks semen to sustain their body. They won't admit it. But is is true.

inb4 "found the vegan" (I'm not, but knowing how pathetic this perpetual argument is I'm sure someone will call me one)

I chortled.

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i'm going to personally murder each and every person that reads this post

(congratulations, you just received a death threat as credible as the one in this news item)

Google "anandamide"

Veganism is not a diet, it's an ideology. The diet just happens to be part of it. Vegans don't refuse meat because they think that's a better way of nutrition, they refuse it out of ideology first, and then retroactively try to rationalize that it's supposed to be actually healthier. Vid related, human diet was mostly animal-based with plants only as an additive for flavour or for better preservation. The modern diet is an ideology forced upon the population by literally religious cults.

The streets will run white with soy milk on the day of the steak.

I'd reply that those vegans seem meat industry trolls. OTOH I have personally witnessed a very aggressive stance by vegans. But I understand it from their POV.
What I don't understand is:

problem: you can see from the eyes that the two photos were taken with different focal length. The first is from a longer lens which means it's flatter, the second is from a shorter lens which means the center is inflated and the periphery is shrinked.

If she feels better by eating meat, no probs, I eat meat too, but the before/after is whack.

One visit to the slaughter house will change the emotional outlook.

meat is good, but she just wants attention

after watching that vid my emotional outlook is mostly just wondering about these retarded fags complaining about 'animal rights'

So do vegans, homo

Not even true since the person merely said "I hope someone murders you" and not directly threatening to murder them.
Just goes to show fucking anything can be "news".

One visit to the wilderness will leave you starving and ready to eat the first animal you find alive like a wild beast that would make that video look humane.

its real

true news bump

news yipper real bump

Now multiply what you saw into the hundreds of billions of animals that get slaughtered every year. How long could you stay and watch it until you would break mentally? Until you're drained of any kind of emotion and become a danger to the public? Luckily for you you don't have to, since humans love to hide their mass murdering activities behind propaganda, lies and anonymous places.

Nah still don't care

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I'll admit its inhumane to stuff cattle together until they are butchered, but their death is actually their best part of life. Its swifter then you think, they have machines that quickly chop off the whole head in one swoop. If the cattle act up, they'll just shoot them in the head.

Still though, we have billions of people to feed on this planet who love meat and this is the only way to market such mass quantity.

By the way I recommend buying grass-fed beef wholesale (grass-fed cows are allowed to roam and eat grass, rather than GMO-ridden toxic corn. Its a bit more expensive but not if you buy it wholesale from a local butchery or meat processing company). You'll need to set that up with the rancher though. I buy half a cow every two years, saves me a lot of money.

Typically you'll find your local ranchers at the farmer markets and they'll be selling sample steaks. You can try one, come back and tell them how much you want to buy wholesale and they'll hook it all up for you, give you the contacts for the local butcher or meat processing company.

You say that like the kid you are, but there is a reason that even in war times a torturer gets replaced in steady intervals.

Explain why the majority of meat is used to create food that is poisonous to humans? All for greed…all the fast food is poison, the percentage of food that gets thrown away uneaten is incomprehensible high, and last but not least the lie about taste. All our foot is chemical altered, 99% of all meat available to the regular peasant doesn't taste like it suppose to do. So tell me how high are the numbers for animals that we kill solely for profit? A profit that has nothing to do with hunger, taste or survival…just because of greed.

Yet you could bring out that old age argument that we are hunters and killers, but then answer me this…why do we hide the mass murdering of life?

Its the major mass meat processors that add many of the chemicals to "cure" the meats (like the use of sodium nitrites) which are toxic. Also the major cattle farms inject the hormones which are unhealthy for human consumption.

However, grass fed beef is VERY healthy and has none of that stuff if you buy it from the right sources. All depends where you get your meats. Of-course the fast food chains will peddle the worst of the worst quality shit.


daily reminder vegetarianism is the aryan way. drink milk and eat eggs instead of stuffing hard meat down your throat, faggot.

Like stated above, it all depends where you get your meats. The meat industry is a lot bigger and more diverse than most of you think. There are ranchers out there who sell premium quality without the hormones, without the toxins, without feeding their cattle GMO-corn, who will have their butchers cure their meats with sea salt (now that meat is healthy). However its more pricey.

If your going to a Burger King on the other hand your getting nasty cheap crap meat cooked fast to-go! Even most meats in the grocery stores are not all that great, better, but not great.

I'm talking about meat eating in general. It is un-Aryan, no matter the quality.

That's just your opinion. I myself get grade quality meat wholesale. I like eggs, I like vegetables too, but I also like my quality meat. I do stay away from pork though (pork is very unhealthy and horrible for digestion and can cause diabetes later in life).

read about why hitler was a vegetarian. or why brahmins, who identify as an aryan class, don't eat meat. read some shit, normie.

This is a fleck of fly shit against the hundreds of billions of animals in mass production. The majority eats only mass meat, because it's cheap. You argue like a capitalist who defends his riches while the rest of mankind has to suffer.

The rest of mankind doesn't seem to want to do anything about it, thats the problem. So if they want to live the city life and eat shit food, OK, power to the idiots! There are alternatives, but most people don't seem to like the alternatives. It reminds me about promoting alternatives to Youtube, many anons will say "well, I don't like that one blah blah"… I say OK, how about this alternative? "No, connected to whatever, rumors about something… blah blah"… How about this alternative "no, I don't like it either blah blah" … well then, OK, get fucked! Know what I'm saying? There are alternatives, but most of the sheeple choose the status quo so fuck 'em.

Good for her. Think i'll have a steak tonight.

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Looks good user, how do you like your steak cooked? I used to like well done a while ago, but I've been cooking it medium-rare with some blood pink in the middle. Very delicious with a little sea salt and fresh ground pepper sprinkled on top.

But they don't. Capitalism indoctrinates the masses since it's inception. You don't learn the truth in school, you don't see reality on screen, and everything in front of our eyes is a lie in one way or another. How can you blame the poor from willingly buying only what they can afford, how can you blame our children for going out into this world full of expectations (just to be kicked to the curb by reality) and how can you blame the normies from ignoring all the bad and selfishly moving forward without a second glance? All of them get manipulated from every direction and are enslaved by a suicidal system. Stepping out of this bubble who shatter their perception of life itself…so they stick to being born follower. Immoral victims and perpetrator in a game they have no chance to escape.

I prefer mine medium but medium rare is ok as well

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Capitalism is not the problem and consumers DO have a choice. But most blindly follow. They do have alternatives, they can make better choices but many choose not to. Sure brainwashing is involved, so we need people that can break the conditioning. But capitalism, in my honest opinion, is not the problem. Corruption is. The state-run media is. Central banks are a big problem too. I think a lot of people can snap out of their brainwashing… but there are those who don't or who choose not to and conform to the norm. I'm one of those who likes making independent decisions (typically not always "acceptable" to the norm but I embrace my freedom to do so). Such as sticking to grass fed beef wholesale at farmers markets (without hormones and without nitrite preservatives), that's my choice but most other people like the fast food garbage. Its about consumer choice and I'm all for that.

Another great thing about consumer choice is if you don't like to eat meat, you don't have to. You can eat eggs and vegetables. Or vegan foods or whatever the hell you chose. Grass like the commies do in some other countries if thats what you really want. But consumers can choose, and I think more often then not, they know what they're consuming. Every food item has ingredients labeled for consumers to see what they're eating. Thats a big indicator, even for the dummies out there.

I'm a vegan and have sex with animals all the time, they are just like humans to me.

Humans are animals tho.


I have sex with vegetables.

No I meant I have sex with my horse. I consider it just as equal as any human.

Medium rare is the best for steak. Medium and higher is only good for things like hamburger where bacteria have opportunity to penetrate the meat.

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Oh. Carry on. I'm waiting for you to finish, tiny man..

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k, posting this as I eat a steak.

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Pickle Rick? Is that you?

If the majority of a product is already spoiled, would you not call the whole thing toxic?

Isn't the first choice a consumer makes today, to ignore all the corruption of capitalism he already knows about, as to justify his purchase?

So you buy informed, from a butcher you trust and at premium prices. By that you make him rich over time, which makes him naturally greedy, which means he will mass produce his meat and the cycle continues. But what you overlooked in the first place is that you're already getting fucked over with paying premium prices, since buying healthy meat for regular prices was once the norm (before capitalism corrupted it) and whenever you restart the cycle you help corrupt it a little more. So your kids will always pay even more to get even less.

Biggest scam in the food industry. Repacking is more common than lice on a hooker. Followed by bullshit labeling like "bio" to price up the food. It's a big ass fucking crime racket.

And healthier because it doesn't cook out as much of the nutrients/vitamins. [Quality meats are actually loaded with vitamins and minerals, although the more you cook them the more its depleted].

I'm immune to gore and don't care what you eat. It's your disgusting justification to do so that I will always point out.

k, I never justified it beyond I like meat and I'd kill the animal PERSONALLY to get it. I'd kill and eat you if I could.

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See now we see eye to eye. If they would let me I would eat human flesh for the rest of my life with no moral quarrels whatsoever.

Well that shows how much of a bitch you are, if you were beside me right now I'd eat you.

Sure. Any you throw it out. You can't sell rotten meat in markets, even in the most Capitalist nations there are laws against that.

Consumer choice is deeply embedded in Capitalism. You even have the choice to reject buying anything if you'd like. You could set up a tent in the middle of nowhere if thats how you chose to live.

Yes, but before you go further I have known the guy half my life. I trust him very well. Very decent man who has a family and has moral standards. Not some shady dude I met at a farmers market from random. Of-course there is always potential of abuse, so its up to you to talk to people, do your homework on those sellers you don't know well.

Yep, and corruption is the problem. Doesn't mean its legal, just means the government (as usual) fails to do their job enforcing the laws. Don't blame that on the whole market place. Blame it on incompetence and corruption.

How do you know that I don't stand directly behind you right now?

Because my penis isn't erect.

Funny thing, back when I was growing up, people who didn't like capitalism would simply go join a commune somewhere out in the rural areas. Funny how things have kinda reversed over time, now the most conservative people live more rural and the commies are flocking to cities. No wonder the communes all failed like the cities are today.

Have fun getting kuru, faggot.

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You only get Kuru from eating brains RETARD.

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See what I did there?

Remember when we had the choice to drive a car without insurance? What capitalism likes to call progression is nothing but growing corruption that infiltrates everything and takes not only choices but rights from us. And it always gets worse.

Individuality over majority, when the rest of the world works the other way around. I would say good for you, but you still have a bank account, a phone, a car etc. You're still part of the problem.

Again majority. I cannot justify to safeguard a good individual that operates inside a bad majority.

I cannot reach those. But I can preach onto the individual before me to see the errors of his way. (and no I'm not religious)

Was it ever? Be honest!

I can get a better crust on a medium steak and it's still pink-ish on the inside. That's my preference, I eat a wide variety of foods, i'm not concerned with getting every last vitamin out of meat, more for taste.

Sounds to me that vegans have beef with this woman.

Protip: don't ever try open mic comedy.

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The fact is its the most fair system out there right now. People DO have choice. One problem is the masses are gullible. I don't blame that on the markets as a whole, but I do place some blame on the sheeple going along with whatever they're told and not questioning anything. As well of-course the corrupt and incompetent. Maybe our government should do a better job cracking down. Oh, and by the way, throwing taxpayer money their way doesn't help this at all, we've tried it before and it doesn't work. The good thing is some consumers are aware they don't have to buy expensive iPhones, or watch cable TV, or buy the latest clothing, etc. At least there is a market out there that is much more fare and I think thats what we need to focus on rather than bashing the whole system and everything it provides us (because face it, there are a lot of nice luxuries in capitalism we do take for granted).

I started as a salty troll, but irregardless of our personal differences your OK champ. I don't think I'd eat you (unless stranded).

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Only way to salvage capitalism is to put a roof over it. There has to be a limit of wealth a person and a company can hold. Only that can stop greed from being genocidal to us all.

Love you too, user.

Easting human meat is not a good idea, even when fully cooked. There are specific kinds of nasty disease cannibals often get. Hint: ever seen a recent picture of Bill Clinton? There is a reason he is deteriorating fast.

Nigga what? How many do you know? Ever seen one? Isn't it more believable that this is fake propaganda to prevent us from trying it out?


Also known as "Kuru"

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Wanna bet that none of those researchers ever took a bite themselves?

I'll admit that its a bit of a fringe right-wing conspiracy that Bill Clinton actually has Kuru, I kinda doubt it myself honestly, BUT it does happen to be a disease many cannibles do get later in life.

Jesus Bill looks fuckin horrible.

I often chuckle and get a kick out of other fringe conspiracies too. The one claiming Michelle Obama (aka "Michael LaVaughn Robinson") is an actual tranny who used to be a linebacker for the Oregon State Beavers football team in 1981 cracked me the fuck up. Still does make me laugh to this day.

Satan rules the world.

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Do vegans not understand their diet causes more animal deaths than nonvegan diets? The incredible amount of crops needed to be harvested for a small amount of edible food contain a large amount of birds, critters and rodents etc.

What's the matter? Mad you would break in half if hit by a strong wind?

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I heard that Hitler guy was a huge vegan

Call me when there is a mad soy disease which turns you into a shaking vegetable,

call me when there is a banana with horse dna inside of it

call me when there are artificial hormones added to celery

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Spend all your money on a porterhouse steak

Spend all your money on a whore wife you fuck once a week

Lose all your weekends off work fixing a ford truck

Cum inside her on your wedding anniversary together and call it one of the best nights of your life

post minions memes on facebook and drink monster

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You are aware that there are tons of non animal foods that are modified right? One of the most common is tomato, it has fish scale dna in the wind so it doesn't rot quickly. Also, all bananas and apples are genetic clones due to how they're reproduced. And corn…well corn.