Was it truly a real attack and not something that was already set up from the start? Look at how the building was ravaged, all the floors had the same grade of damage. If the IED was laying on the ground, roof floors would have less damage than the bottom, yet here all floors are equally fucked. That could be excused on gas pipes laying in the building, but I still doubt that a truck with a bunch of explosives could do this much havok.
I know that a propane tank would have a blast radius of around 10-20 meters but the damage would just come from the gas combusting and not from the inside force of the explosion. It could make some damage but I doubt it could ravage walls in the same vein this event had.
So was this for realsies or not?
On McVeigh
Other urls found in this thread:
Have you done any basic research on how much explosive power he had at all? He had 5000 lbs of Ammonium Nitrate and fuel oil. That's two and a half tons of boom.
McVeigh was one of the only guys of his time to not half ass a bombing. It wasn't some shitty Toyota hilux filled with a few bags of compost in the bed. it was a 5000 pound shaped charge
Ok, this now leads me to another question, are the differences between Ammonium Nitrate and Propane big enough to justify one's use over the other? The only difference that I could point out about them is that Propane is a gas and as such it cannot be stacked and a lot of space would be lost in it's containment
Maybe you should lay off the Minecraft. In real life gravity affects buildings too, and if the walls and columns holding up a floor get blown the fuck up, what do you think will happen to that floor?
You literaly just answered your own question.
Look dude, forget about the fucking propane for a minute. He had ==FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS== of boom-boom high explosive fairy dust. The propane's not even a factor here.
It's a modern element structure as well so it's not overbuilt to the extent that a lot of older buildings are.
where was van and which direction was it pointed?
anyone got a good diagram of all that including how his bomb was constructed??? :) For "historical purposes only" of course. :)
Anyways, McVeigh was at least "shepherded" by the Jewish ACLU.
Some guy ran for AG of Alabama on the promise that he'd investigate the ACLU/McVeigh connection, that the Fed Govt seemed so shy of, but he lost a fairly close election.
Blast seem about right with lower floors gone a little deeper.
Some buildings will constructed with part of the building weaker and lighter, and easier to remodel, and some more "get in concrete" for strength, so that might be the rectangle U-shape we are looking at. It would make sense the "easy to remodel" part would be front and center facing the street.
Obama's SCOTUS pick that didn't make it was the Jew who fast-tracked McVeigh's execution. No one wanted him to start thinking for himself and having a change of heart about who may have helped him, even without his knowing he was being helped.
I heard he got cut from some Special Forces due to blisters, etc, but did he really have the skills to make such a bomb himself?
He was an NCO, he followed a book on how to do it, and any type of ANFO is not that hard to produce).
Another instance of a guy with no formal training but a lot of skill was eric rudolph.
On May 31, 2003, former FBI Top Ten Fugitive >Eric Robert Rudolph was arrested by police officer J.S. Postell while rummaging through a trash bin behind a rural grocery story in Murphy, North Carolina. A skilled outdoorsman, Rudolph had managed to elude law enforcement officials for five years while hiding out in the mountains after bombing four sites in Georgia and Alabama. Rudolph began his violent attacks on July 27, 1996, when he planted a backpack containing a bomb in crowded Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia. A woman who traveled with her daughter to watch the 1996 Summer Olympics was killed and more than 100 others were injured in the blast. Shortly after, Rudolph bombed two more locations in Georgia and one in Birmingham, Alabama, resulting several more injuries and the death of a police officer. He pled guilty and is currently serving multiple life sentences without the possibility of parole. Rudolph ultimately told authorities where he’d stashed an additional 250 pounds of dynamite.
The locals helped him all throughout his run from the law. Mountain people have plenty of reasons to hate the Government.
t. Mountain user.
in his autobiography he talks about how he didn't trust the locals, especially after the gov put a million dollar bounty on his head
Yeah, this was real. If it were a false flag it would have been a spook-run anti-government militia based in the South/Northwest that would have then went on a shooting spree with AR15s and pre-ban open bolt semi-autos modified to be full-auto. McVeigh fed the feds the same shit they were dumping on innocent civilians during the time: political terrorism.
For reference, during this time the government was starting to get to Turner Diaries levels of faggotry in a relatively short timeframe: along with the atrocities of Waco and Ruby Ridge, they were very active about sending federal infiltrators into right-wing political organizations and militias, who would encourage everyone to get on board with a plan to commit violence against the government, then wait for the SWAT team to burst in (this practice still goes on today, but with a less public attention given to the operations). Just a reminder to not join any current year groups, and if you are in one, GTFO now, especially if anyone suggests violence. Peaceful activism with nationalist bakesales is the answer, violence belongs in Minecraft.
Sure, because he'd definitely expose anyone who helped him and let them get buttfucked in prison beside him.
It's probably true (I certainly wouldn't trust anyone if my head had that many zeros on it) but his statements are hardly proof because he'd say that either way.
A successful mossad/CIAnigger false flag. See also: 9/11
Maybe the upper floors rest on support pillars that are no longer there?
Energetics fag here, this is why it was so effective.
There is nothing special going on here, he made a big bomb and it did what big bombs do. Being ANFO actually made it more effective than a military HE of the same weight because of the lower V-det and high RE-factor making it perfect for concrete destruction.
A jew shilling.
9/11 is a false flag therefore every attack against the enemy is a false flag.
Man, the kinds of pranks a fella could pull with nothing more than a bag of shit and some dinosaur juice…
Really gets the noggin joggin'.
Its also unstable if I recall. Mining companies use it for sounding and they tend to mix it onsite.
I hate gays.
Ammonium Nitrate can be set off electrically and Nitrogen is unstable enough that it needs very little oxygen to keep up its reaction as opposed to Propane that can suffocate itself if it can't pull enough oxygen from its environment.
The man who invented the Neutron Bomb said himself that the bomb should not have done that much damage. Pretty smart guy, so I believe him
ANFO has a pretty low RE factor, .42 I believe. Whereas c4 has a REF of 1.34. You aren’t wrong though, a low RE factor produces a pushing, shattering detonation versus a high velocity cutting det (c4/PETN) that’s why ammonium nitrate and dynamite (.92) are used for cratering charges and ditching.
The physics effects are obvious, big boom is the most likely culprit.
combustion =/= explosion, the blast needs to propagate at supersonic speeds to get the blast effect, and propane does not have an oxidizer component like ANFO. It would take an extremely specific mix of fuel + air to get a propane explosion.
The neutron bomb was also a failure because it did more damage than what he said should have happened so I think its safe to say he isn't very well versed in his bomb crafting.
It was a false flag. They needed to remove some important files from the okc building to cover their criminal tracks just like 9-11 at the Pentagon.
Because if you're a corrupt cabal with access to the highest levels of government the easiest way to destroy documents is to stage an unprecedented attack on a random federal building. You couldn't, I don't know, send one of your flunkies to look at the files using his legitimate access and just smuggle the damn things out in his underwear or anything.
No, they needed the distraction as well as to get rid of McVeigh. They get off on thinking they're untouchable. Then there's that one cop Terry yeark or something that also brings up more questions and adds to this. It's been a while since one has researched this. However, if you want to stay ignorant, then be my guest.
At this point, I'm damn tired of the whole every action is a false flag bullshit. Either provide proof or drop the cryptic bullshit.
The CIA already admitted to controlling the narrative on the news in like 1975. How any story told to you can have a modicum of truth is absurd. The weather girl is the only one you can trust. No matter what one says, you're still going to whine about proof. Nothing one said was 'cryptic' and it's insulting that you would call one a cryptojew. Project much? As old as this event was, you'd think most of y'all would've done research into this long ago. There are search engines by the way, such as searching.me . Just stop responding, if that's going to be your only statement, "Where da proofs?" Prove to me you're not a kike by saying Jesus Christ is your Lord and savior or just spell God.
So where is the proof though?
mcveigh is a real hero,the fbi were imprisoning thousands of innocent white males at the time, to set the stage for cucks later that we see now. all the tv hacks love the fbi. all the NW morons love the fbi. all the retards love the fbi. all the faggots love the fbi. all the middle class love the fbi. this will never happen again. the only good guy at that league was Paddock at the mandalay bay
also, the fbi wanted a new building.
Now that this event happened, how would you go around burning down mosques made of stone, Zig Forums?
This must be a mudshit. There's no way that huge, old temple burned down all on its own…
I don't celebrate that Notre Dam burns, in fact it deeply hurts me, she was built by men with aspiration to make the most beautiful building in praise of God. Despite this, I feel it's far better she burns than she continues to be whored out to countless millions of faithless golems and lesser men by the corrupted church.
How did we even get to this point
I'm fucking tired of everything guys, I really am
They were doing maintenance on it, so it is to be expected that they hired the lowest of the lowest labour (ie: foreign labour (ie:mudslimes) ) which probably retaliated against Christchurch with this.
I'd put the blame on whoever brings them in though
He should have targeted BATFE headquarters instead of some building in Oklahoma.
Other than that, do it again TIMMY!
It's muslims, then. Why am I not surprised?
Have you seen what the pope has done in recent years?
They already skipped the investigation part and called it an accident.
of course it was mudshit arson.
Imagine being this paranoid all the time. Spend a little more time outside and a little less on Zig Forums.
Kill all Catholics and burn their idols tbh
It's obviously a retaliation attack for NZ. If your only experience with mudslimes wasn't media propaganda and americanized shitskins then you would know it. Gypsies, muslims and albanians are all roughly the same. Subhumans who hate everything European and will steal or destroy everything we hold dear. Chances are when I was beating up albanians and gypsies in the streets you were still in middle school learning about the holocaust.
Ah yes, the resident Greek psychopath, content to live in his own fantasy world. When's Golden Dawn going to kick out the shitskins? Any day now no doubt. Have you finished paying debts?
Sure multicultural communism will work this time…
You need the fire to end and police/insurance guys/fire department to investigate and find the cause because you need to find out if it's been done on purpose by owner, if it was a result of arson, or happened by an accident.
Imagine if stumbling on a dead body would immediately lead to "lol natural causes, a hobo xD" verdict with no attempts at autopsy or identification.
I'm not deleting his post, it will only lead to more niggers finding an excuse to whine about my alleged powertrip
Don't worry, natural selection will fix the problem for you rather soon.
this was arson, this cannot be anything other than arson, and I can guarantee that it was sandniggers that did it
fuck off leaf
Tim was being shepherded/supported by SPLC.
Good Old Boy ran for AG of Alabama on promise to investigate SPLC on those grounds, but I guess the voters were more concerned with….?
Mind your own business, Anglican heretic.
t. completely disregards the bible and just listens to some niggerfied spic instead
Not only a nigress, but an Am*rican too
You are not better than us, yet you are acting as such…
Better a leaf a than a cryptoturk with a bloodlust. But go on being Zig Forums's lapdog, they'll let you kill anyone you want, as long as it's for the Greater Good.
Thank you, the whole point of Zig Forums was to get away from censorship. Without dissenting voices this would be reduced to an echochamber.
At least catholics didn't set out centuries ago to be jews. Of course the modern catholic church is a joke, but that's the fault of the judeo-protestant world order.
To be honest, Catholicism started to be fucked up with the start of Humanism. Protestantism was merely the result of a general decline of Christian morality. Consequently, new sects rised up, preaching a return to the "old ways", predetermined salvation revealed by material rewards here on Earth and such.
Catholicism was always evil, ever since it's inception.
Not following the bible is what gets you in the position of worshiping a pantheon of saints rather than God and giving money to (((priests))) for "purgatory insurance", who then spent said money on golden idols. The Catholic church is, and always has been, a Jewish cash grab.
Ain't even gonna lie, you probably live in a gated community with token minorities around you. Go hang out with the streetshitters or chinks outside it, they'll probably leave you for dead in a gutter and with 100:1 odds given who left you for dead your death won't even be a blurb in one of the soviet-tier newspapers that aren't even fit enough to wipe my ass with that float around.
Protestantism was born from the materialistic needs of the bourgeoisie, therefore it's only natural that they came up with retarded ideas about how being haggard and hoaring money is a sing of God's grace.
Following the Bible leads to giving money to Israel, because that will somehow bring the end of the world when all jews convert to christianity. That really doesn't sound like a jewish crashgrab to me!
Nah, it's just some retard fucking up. If it were a mudshit, you can bet he'd be bragging about it 24/7.
Give me the verse where it says to do that.
Nice meme.
Pure coincidence.
Sage is not a downvote function.
What was McVeigh's real motives?
Revenge for Waco.
I'm not sure about it. I still have a suspicion it was mudslimes doing this. It was done at the beginning of the Holy Week, France is full of goatfuckers, it was one of the greatest Christian temple that burned down, the proximity of Christchurch de-roachification and pic related.
only 5% of parisians go to church on Sundays, notre dame was nothing but a prop for photos, other than production value, no different than 1st picrel for decades.
Who cares anyway? Doesn't seem like the actual french cares.
France seems dead to me.
Not that I'm broken by this event. France deserves this for forcing the treaty of Trianon on us.
Hungarianon, I don't have any particular love for the Frogs either, but the Muslim invasion will be the downfall of all of Western Civilization if it continues unimpeded. Just because the French died first won't make you any less so.
We can go back to hating each other over stupid shit that happened hundreds of years ago once this immediate and existential threat is dealt with. We're overdue for Alscase-Lorainne to change hands again.
I guess you are right. Muslims have to be exterminated, alongside with Jews.
At least they don't let women rule as bishops. You do realize that England and Europe both have a Muslim problem and both have subversive politicians using them to replace you with cheap labor.
Anglicans are Catholics but with the royalty being the head of the Church instead of the Pope. I'd actually like their system of the king embodying both sacral and temporal power if wouldn't be for the fact that their form of constitutional monarchy means the monarch being almost powerless (politically speaking) and as you said, they let a woman to be their head of the church.
I've seen the shit that's happening to Canada, and it sickens me. Still, I have no desire for scapegoating or genocide.
Imagine being such a pussy
Notice how the nigger doesn't have her father at her wedding.
Typical fatherless nigger being typical. Nothing to see here, move along.
It is a mixture of Catholicism and Protestantism.
They are actually claiming that muslims being happy about this is fake news.
Are there any people actually and legitimately retarded enough to believe it?
The answer depends on how strict your criteria for "humanity" are.
Try reading comment sections under MSM news articles. When they mention they saw celebrating muslims all over goybook, some shill quickly comes to remind them of le ebil nazis celebrating new zealand shooting and drowned migrants, at which point the doubters go into virtue signalling overdrive as they shout "BOTH SIDES" at the top of their lungs. As for the shills, I don't think they're actually even paid. They're just full blown neo-marxists on a mission to correct any wrong think.
You just wait, I'm sure someone will suggest to rebuild it as a mosque. Or if not that, then as some kind of a homosex place to "foster better relationship between religions".
Anglicans are basically catholics without the Roman part.
Hello feds reading this
Get fucked