Terror/Partizan Wave Thread

Let's have a thread on Partizancore and terror core

Also what's the most iconic and best looking russian/eastern bloc camo trousers to mix with an addias camo track top and shoes and a 1983 AKS-74 for tiger valley (gotta get them asthetics)

Also whats the camo pattern the guy kicking in the door is wearing? Is that VSR-93 or Flora or something else

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Other urls found in this thread:


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You folks will love this.
The factory that made many of the trainer sneakers issued to Warsaw Pact armies actually still operates and makes modern and vintage sneakers that are extremely terrorwave.
They also make shoes for West Slavic instagram thots so if you've got a girlfriend there you go, instant gift idea.

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the slovak version of the website has more info but you have to be semi literate in slav to understand it.

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don't forget your tactical operator gloves for only $10 USD

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mekap is the shoe of choice of fighters in kurdistan, but IIRC the factory was in turkey and got shut down because turkey declared all kurds to be terrorists

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Do you know anymore info on the first pic, and what variant M25 variant is the IRA guy holding.

not quite sure, all I remember was he was a fighter (not sure which conflict) perhaps a serb like pic related?

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they're still around. Idk if they make that exact model. mekap.com.tr/en/product/comfort-304-02-brown
dunno if they still make that exact style or if you could actually buy them in the us.

Somebody got the picture with the white shoes?

IIRC the exact model was pulled from production because it was the national shoe of kurdistan

It's the Bosnian War but not sure if it's mujo or Serb. Also unless the caption I saw was going by nationality that girl is Bosnian.

I'd be fine with it if she was bosnian fighting for her people, but a qt serb fighting for the turks makes me sad.

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The camo is called KAMUSH and it comes in blue and green.

Attached: kamysh_blue_green_by_riskyscience_dbzfrfb-fullview.png (1024x507, 755.17K)

I dunno why it responded to that user, but regardless. Enjoy the free (you).

Any related music?

Aside from the same old Jugoslav and Irish hymns probably not.

Its Bosnaiks that ain't people. Bosnians fall into three categories, Croat, Serb and Mudshits. Mudshits fall into the aforementioned term. Bosnia should have been carved up at the end of the 90's but alas it is not.

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take the regular (non embed) url of the video, go to >show post options & limits, and past it in the embed line.
also use invidio.us instead of youtube.

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what about homemade gas masks?

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It's work better with activated charcoal. That shit will barely stop MACE.

Wtf is this website user. First off I don’t think I’d ever pay that much for shoes, secondly found a pair I’d be remotely interested in and they only offer up to size 39 (fucking euro sizes). Wtf is that about? Who can fit in shoes that small?


Really thought what I was looking at was men’s but thanks for the bitchslap, I’ll take a second look.

np. It is true that the website is a little confusing.

Camo top Adidas bottoms or Adidas top tight jeans bottom?

TIGHT JEANS… else kraut shorts for tactical summer breeze on the knees

someone post the rebel in libya who was wearing skinny jeans and prancing while firing an AK

shows skinny jeans, but you would also need the face mask and black Adidas top.

The camo top is too IRA (unless that is what you are going for) and may not fit in well. Tbh IRA also wore a lot of jeans (seldom track pants)

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That's an amazing design ruined by the Ukrainian flag

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I'm more concerned with how poorly maintained the rifle is. The muzzle brake looks covered in rust.

This is why women should be banned from owning guns. They are children.

Does anybody know the name of that south American war criminal who had a father who moved to south America and her mother was a teacher?

IIRC she was one of the most wanted women because of her brutal treatment and execution of prisoners and leading guerilla combatants.

*Father was an SS officer iirc


Yeah these don't work. Might as well buy an arc welders mask just to stop shit from hitting your face.

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This is a fun aesthetic

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It seems like this is becoming a fashionable way to dress too. Interesting times indeed.

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Flood detected

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Story is bullshit. A western journalist went to look for her and investigate the story. He never found any mentions of her or any female snipers.


This thread is so gay, I got AIDs from it.


Marcos is one of those pics but he's a massive faglord

Its kike propaganda lol.

There has not been a single female fighter among muslims during that entire war, only 13 year old boys and older men who fucked them, all being conscripted into fighting by some wahhabis from Afghanistan. That's why every Serb "war crime" is massacring a bunch of muslim fighters.

best trap honeypot gg/Xq2uYaa