'Freedom of speech' they said

'Freedom of speech' they said.
'Equality' they said.
'Pluralism of opinions' they said.
'Justice' they said.
'Reason unspecified'. So that is how it works nowadays? It was nice to meet you guys. Buy.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-06-21 22:14:47.png (735x893, 224.45K)

Who said that? Go enjoy your liberal meme freedoms here:

Attached: c08f0183919ae696bea192cd74d8c11508e9176eef91a1da1a0c9f5e3b70af38.gif (423x234, 1.66M)

I see a lot of posts saying the mods are biased toward Catholics. But here is a good example of the mods standing up for the Protestants and deleting a thread that was just going to devolve into denominational shitposting.


Your thread was better fit for the questions thread, and it was uncharitable in spirit.
I don't think you should have been permabanned, though. That's a bit harsh.
Also, this is an explicitly Christian board. The secular concept of "freedom of speech" has no place here.


Isn't it a christian principle to not be a faggot?

Stop ban evading


If by "faggot" you mean "sodomite", then yes.
If by "faggot" you mean "someone who says things I don't like", then no.
Now begone, child of Satan. May God grant you repentance and bless you with mercy.

by faggot I mean "someone who bans people for saying things i don't like"
Though I don't come to /christfag/ often, just saw this on front page and laughed. Will stick around until thread dies or i get banned


You see, It is really hard to understand Christians. The actual belief part aside, wouldn't you actually follow the bible pretty seriously if you truly believed it? Rather than obeying to the word (primitive), or obeying only the good parts (what you should do i guess), many just don't obey any of it yet pretend they actually care.

I was referring to the fact that you didn't try to spread the good word or help your neighbor, but rather just said "gtfo"

Firstly, I already said here that I thought the permaban was a bit harsh.
Secondly, I do my best to spread the Gospel as far as God wills. However, there is a limit to how much time I should spend on certain people.
They hear but don't understand, see but don't perceive. The Lord told us to not cast our pearls before swine, lest they trample it under foot.
What that means is that if some people are so obstinate to the faith, don't bother explaining things to them.
Finally, I did try to help this user. Primarily by letting him know that his thread at least from the screencap was made in bad spirit to begin with. There was no theology to discuss, no issues of morality, no scripture, just a blanket statement about Protestants and how "ugly" their churches are.
I mean, I'd like to think Westminster Cathedral is a striking example of Architecture, but it's held by Protestants.

Now, I don't know how the other anons responded while the thread was still up, so I can't speak for them.
But I can at least speak for myself that I follow the whole of the teachings of the Faith. If I have spoken in some error, point it out to me, friend.
But considering that you called the board /christfag/ and call us christfags, I highly doubt your intentions are true.
Take your pearls, user.

I like this thread. Too sad that in an hour a drunken animal called 'mod' will wake up and ban the whole band because he is either a twelve years old or an imbecile who doesn't understand the concept of crime and punishment ;_;

Attached: drunk disco.webm (854x480, 3.79M)

Not him, but calling someone a hellspawn isnt charitable either

I think you may have me confused with OP. I was referring to
But, not only are you assuming the spirit behinds someones post, you don't even consider the fact that whoever you are talking to isn't trying to be obstinate only thoroughly inspecting beliefs or ideas. I don't see anything wrong with or even insulting about OP's post, he was just pointed out the church design is boring and asked why it was so.

My only intention when clicking on most threads is entertainment, but the reason i stay is always enlightenment, of myself or others.
I like the way you format your posts even if i disagree though. Makes it more pleasing to reply.

Pearls before swine. If you were here to learn, we'd help, but by your own admission you're only here to entertain yourself.

Bitch please. Most of you wannabe theologians are just indoctrinated neophytes who read two or three books. Most of you don't even speak Koine Greek not to mention have studied basic hermeneutics.

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