Converting Muslims

Lets dedicate a thread for using scriptural evidence in converting Muslims, Also physical proof is welcome

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Other urls found in this thread:

which way moon worshipers?

Obligatory post

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The fact that they are not mentioned in scripture is evidence enough.



Handy video on the topic

passages post it

Muslims don't consider Muhammed the greatest prophet. I actually think they consider Jesus on of their biggest prophets

According to pisslam, Mohamed is a perfect human being whose example must be followed. Muslim MUST obey to Muhammad as stated in Koran. EX:

Which suras/chapters are that?

You can simply google them to find the match. In order, those are:
3:132 [Imran]

A bit of a standard video but I feel this is important.

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It's virtually impossible to convert Muslims. Christians have tried for over a millennium.

Muslim here. I briefly considered engaging with you guys but after looking through this board I concluded that you guys are vulgar and have no manners, both to each other and to others. Just wanted to let you know that you're shooting yourself in the foot here. Your board needs serious moderation. How can you guys call yourself Christian?

If Zig Forums, /a/, /islam/, /asatru/ and other kinds of faggots would not shit up this board with trolling and false flagging, it would be a nicer place.

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I find it somewhat interesting that you could make a complete judgement of the board in the space of several minutes' time. Did you consider that you might be suffering from confirmation bias with regards to our "vulgarity" as an excuse to not question your beliefs?

And yet he's not wrong. Mods should be nuking anything that is even remotely uncharitable, mocking, provoking, political crap outside of the political thread and so on and so forth, instead of pulling this "muh freedom of speech" and "we certainly can't rid it all" mentality all the way.

We're a Christian board, not a "radical politics and anime and occultism and fag bait and certainly a bit Christian, too"-board.

Have you been to this board more than once every two weeks ?

they are actually rather swell guys to be around with.
Its the pederasts who tried to hijack anime to discredit it. This isnt only here either, it sadly was a phenomenon on entire 4chan, until mods rounded them up back to their containment zone

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Like clockwork. And this is exactly the point. The mods should be nuking your post, because you're obviously doing nothing but provoking the guy you're answering to.

I visit about every other day. I'm actually the user that made the Serenity thread this past Pascha.
We rightfully squabble about interdenominational differences since they provide the most significant point of discussion for an interdenominational board, but little else besides. Almost every interaction I've had with the mods has been positive and, given the fact that we're on an imageboard, I'm consistently impressed with how much nicer and generous people are here than on the rest of the site. It's one of the reasons that I keep coming back.

He's defending something you leveled an accusation against. It's a completely reasonable point, especially given
and two,
Darling in the Franxx is trash, though, not defending that.
Polite sage for doublepost.

The problem is that this whole "interdenominational squabbling" is bait at best in 99% of cases. I have never seen a serious post on ecumenism, let alone a thread with serious discussion about that. Everyone considers themselves True Christian and the rest inferior. That is not how it works in reality. In reality, when I (Catholic) interact with orthos and Eastern Caths, they all are glad to meet a fellow Christian they can share their time with. Even prots.
Big part of this "vulgarity" that the muslim guy describes is also uber-cruel denomination bashing and baiting all throughout without a single pause, even in the general-threads that are supposed to be used for in-denomination chatting, not denomination fighting.
The rules are there, they are not being enforced ultimately. Why ? I don't know. At the same time I'm not saying that the mods are doing a bad job - but I'm saying they MUST be more rigorous at all costs.
"This is an image board, deal with it", "we can't get rid of it all", "freedom of speech" and all these shallow worldly explanation attempts and buzz words are not sufficient to explain why the mods are allowing certain behavior that is unacceptable by any means in any serious Christian community.

No I'm not and that poster isn't either.

After taking a minute to think about it, I agree with you, by and large. I think that some of it is the result of anonymity, but we could definitely do better. Especially attack posts in the generals – those are indefensible.

I might have been reading into it, but to address your original post, I think that a bit of off-topic discussion falls under fellowship. We're a community, after all, so (to a certain extent) there's a place for some of what you mentioned. I agree with you that it certainly gets out of hand and can stray too far from the board's purpose.

First off all, what you are saying would result in practically banning majority of the board.
But second and the most disturbing part is that, as the result, only actual trolls would be left. Why? Because of the proxies. Like one of the hafizposting degenerates that was posting abhorrent heresies such as humans are beasts and have no souls, but was ban evading constantly. He's gone now (thank God), but you get the point. But this discussion is offtopic now, so we should stop that.

You're misunderstanding me. I'm not saying "ban everyone just like that". I'm saying they should be nuking posts or whole threads - and in really really bad cases also a poster. You know, for matters of disciplining people, not pushing them off the cliff.

*But this is honestly going too far in here. Either make a thread on that matter or take it to meta. After all this is a thread to gather material for muslims.

How many terrorist attacks have you heard of where muslims were angry that Jesus had been insulted?

The only problem is the mods are biased. You're basically just asking for the destruction of the entire traffic of this board, sans people who are able to change their IP. Also you shouldn't bring corrupt communication into this thread and hope to be taken seriously especially on this topic. Where did you come from?

What I've noticed about progressives is they instantly believe every word from the guy who plays the part of the downtrodden victim, even if he's lying, and get offended at the drop of a hat.
I guess if you get trained your whole life to be like that, often times you will turn out like a progressive.

In his defense, he is kind of right. The conduct on this board is pretty abysmal.

/islam/ by contrast is a lot more heavily moderated and troll threads and irrelevant side tracking ("Is anime Christian?" "Can I be a Natsoc and a Christian?" "Is X /ourguy/?") are deleted almost instantly.

Meanwhile in the Middle-East. Muslims are converting to Christianity en masse. For theirs did not bore fruit, only war and ravaged lands; but ours bore fruits and from those fruits beget beautiful culture, peace, righteousness, etc.

Can we get back on arguments to convert muslims

When i convert Muslims I tell them

About Armageddon and how their side is the opposite of OUR side, I bring up the space dragon and how The bible got this correct while their Quran did not

I tell them about how Mohammed was a ginger jew that went in to a cave and a Djinn that they call angel forced himself upon him but angels do no such thing as forcing.

This djinn told him to write the Quran

Pic related of Space dragon

Apocalypse goes full-on opposite in our 2 religions, after a certain point.
Also, they have the Beast and the Mark on the good guys side, though in their case, its an actual beast.
The what, now?

Ok, thats just dumb.


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Of course it is …

convert them with bullets to the head, especially the children

now this is epyc

Truly Christianity is the Religion of Peace…


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There is only one way to convert a saracen.

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The true Religion of Peace everyone!
We shall convert the Muslims with our guns of peace! If they fight back we shall bomb them with our bombs of peace!

People like you make islam look sane.



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he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword

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To get this thread back on track, here is an article from the Catholic Encyclopedia on the Trinity

Useful for Prots and Orthos too because it contains quotations from Scripture and from the Church Fathers