Anyone have any APS blueprints, such as dimensions and all, was looking at supercavitating rounds, and the the ADS.
Underwater rifle blueprints
There are a few commercial rounds, but not really available to civilians. You may be able to calculate dimensions form pictures they post online.
Unlike underwater guns, these rounds work both above or below water in any gun for that caliber.
why the fuck do you want that you fucking nigger? have some fucking white people underwater you need to shoo at? you cannot swim either way you fucking nigger
murdering lionfish in bulk without a illegal suppressor meme?
Would it be possible of course it wouldn't be *practical*, this is Zig Forums after all to build some kind of torpedo based gyrojet analogue? A rifle firing a miniaturised, self propelled, explosive charge designed for range, speed, and accuracy underwater I mean. As I understand it the shockwave from an explosive is magnified underwater, so you wouldn't need that much weight of HE in the projectile to be worthwhile.
AFAIK water is opaque to IR, so heatseekers are out, but could you mount some kind of active sonar seeker to compensate for the visual distortion and dexterity problems divers experience?
hypothetically, but size becomes an issue, I would put a baseline at 20mm for the smallest possible shoulder fired underwater torpedo.
China has a reverse engineered copy of a US torpedo, and it uses a sodium payload that explodes in a chemical reaction on impact instead of an explosive payload
This might be a bit of a misunderstanding, ballistics underwater are complex, and a lot of it becomes a hydraulic problem (idk a lot about the science, but designing underwater explosives is not exactly easy)
cannot you just use an harpoon? l get it that rate idf fire is kinda shit but ability to pull up your catch by a line sounds like a very fun thing
maybwe you could even make a self repeating one with several barels like in kenshi or something
Because it's cool. Kys.
Harpoons or spear guns are basically underwater crossbows/spears, it sounds like OP wants a Zig Forums way to kill things at sea that involves explosions
no you kys yourself fag
Checking out, here's an underwater concrete stapler.
Also, UHMWPE armor for underwater warfare.
That magazine location gives me many many ideas
Fun fact, large groups of tuna are called schools, therefore by using a harpoon gun to fish for tuna you're technically a schoolshooter.
That's some shit straight out of a sci-fi horror protagonist weapon like pic related, naiiice
anything larger? any divebros know of any tools that can be converted to weapons like in the alien movies?
A cat as a sci-fi weapon, awesome idea.
Shooting lionfish like that doesn't make a lot of sense. If you don't collect those fish the dead fish will just keep floating around and become a floating hazard to all other fish around.
This is why they are usually spearfished.
lol, jesus fucking christ, how many fish are you shooting that the oceans fill up to the point of becoming a hazard to other fish beyond a meal?
i've only been spear fishing a few dozen times in SE asia and hawaii, i was always under the impression it just stopped the fuckers from swimming off as unless you get a good shot they'll try darting off into the abyss for a few seconds after being shot with a spear…it's not like deer hunting where you can aim your shot properly and just drop them right then and there….i think you're talking out your ass.
What brand is that?
I think he means other fish will try eating the carcass and get the poison quill or whatever their stupid fish spikes are