BIBLICAL BOMBSHELL! Archaeologists Unearth Site Where Jesus Turned Water Into Wine

Archaeologists in Israel have unearthed the historical site where Jesus Christ was believed to have turned water into wine.

According to the Gospel of John, Jesus turned water into wine during the Wedding at Cana.

In the account, Jesus, Mary and his disciples are invited to a wedding, and when the wine runs out, Jesus delivers a sign of his divinity by turning the water into wine. reports:

Pilgrims have for hundreds of years believed the miracle site to be Kafr Kanna, a town in northern Israel near the Sea of Galilee.

But in a bombshell development, archaeologists now believe the Cana of biblical times to actually be a dusty hillside five miles further north.

And our pictures show precisely the location of the incredible find.

A number of compelling clues suggest the site is actually Khirbet Qana, a Jewish village which existed between the years of 323 BC and AD 324.

Excavations have revealed a network of tunnels used for Christian worship, marked with crosses and references to Kyrie Iesou, a Greek phrase meaning Lord Jesus.

There was also an altar and a shelf with the remains of a stone vessel, plus room for five more.

Six stone jars like this held the wine in the biblical account of the miracle.

Dr Tom McCollough, who is directing excavations at the site, said there were three other sites with a credible claim to being the Cana of scripture.

“But none has the ensemble of evidence that makes such a persuasive case for Khirbet Qana,” he said.

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And our pictures show precisely the location of the incredible find.

A number of compelling clues suggest the site is actually Khirbet Qana, a Jewish village which existed between the years of 323 BC and AD 324.

Excavations have revealed a network of tunnels used for Christian worship, marked with crosses and references to Kyrie Iesou, a Greek phrase meaning Lord Jesus.

There was also an altar and a shelf with the remains of a stone vessel, plus room for five more.

Six stone jars like this held the wine in the biblical account of the miracle.

Dr Tom McCollough, who is directing excavations at the site, said there were three other sites with a credible claim to being the Cana of scripture.

“But none has the ensemble of evidence that makes such a persuasive case for Khirbet Qana,” he said.

“We have uncovered a large Christian veneration cave complex that was used by Christian pilgrims who came to venerate the water-to-wine miracle.

“This complex was used at the beginning of the late fifth or early 6th Century and continued to be used by pilgrims into the 12th Century Crusader period.

“The pilgrim texts we have from this period that describe what pilgrims did and saw when they came to Cana of Galilee match very closely what we have exposed as the veneration complex.”

As part of his evidence, Dr McCollough points to the work of first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus.

He said: “His references to Cana align geographically with the location of Khirbet Qana and align logically with his movements.

“The reference to Cana in Josephus, the New Testament and in the rabbinic texts would argue the village was a Jewish village, near the Sea of Galilee and in the region of lower Galilee.

“Khirbet Qana fulfills all of these criteria.”

As for the better-known site at Kafr Kanna, Dr McCollough is sceptical.

“When tourists visiting Israel today are taken to Cana, they are taken to Kafr Kanna,” he said.

“However, this site was not recognized as a pilgrimage site for those seeking Cana until the 1700s.

“At this point the Franciscans were managing Christian pilgrimage and facilitating easy passage rather than historical accuracy.”

Dr McCollough believes the discoveries at Khirbet Qana could even bolster the case for the historicity of the Gospel of John.

He said: “Our excavations have shown that this was in fact a thriving Jewish village located in the heart of much of Jesus’ life and ministry.

“For the Gospel of John, Cana is in some ways, Jesus’ safe place or operational centre. It is a place he and his disciples return to when they encounter resistance in Judea.

“I would argue our excavations warrant at least a reconsideration of the historical value of John’s references to Cana and Jesus.”

a c t u a l

Next, perhaps they will find the location where Jack traded the cow for the magical beans, or maybe the spot where the beanstalk grew.

Then, they can find the location where you're eventually going to admit that your religion is delusional

I hope they discover the exact spot where Cinderella lost her glass slipper


LOL!! beautiful

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Careful there kiddie

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nice one bro

Go be 54 somewhere else

Except Tacitus and Josephus recorded Jesus. Nice nihilism, Andrew.



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so Jesus and Satan were in a programming contest and they are programming away. a lightening storm happens and the computers go down in the CS lab. Satan asks Jesus why is he so happy when they have both lost all their work. Jesus replies,
Jesus saves."

I turn food into shit
It's an amazing super power


hahaha! Yeah, moron, like YOUNG people are hardcore frumpy christians. Take a look around old man, worship of your false god is dying, it'll be gone in a couple generations.

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Shit, I wish I was 54. I'm older that that son! I'm fucking retired. For a second thought, nah, I'm glad I'm old, the world is so fucked at least I get to have a laugh watching it boil over while in retirement!

New York city exists, therefore Spider-Man exists, checkmate skeptics!

Neptune turns threads into shit.
pooper power

Years after he'd supposedly died. There exist no contemporaneous accounts of Jesus other than The Bible, which might not even be contemporaneous itself

BREAKING NEWS: the exact spot where god fucked mary discovered.

Fucking hell my sides

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Christards are so deluded

Gives a little more credence than Cinderella, Jack Beanstalk, and Alexander the Great.

We also don't have contemporary accounts for Caesar Tiberius or William the Conqueror.

You can doubt the miracles and we can have a conversation about that, but denying the existence of Jesus the man is asinine.

But we do though. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in particular details the entire Norman invasion

I'm surprised they didn't try and fit a holohoax message in there somewhere

Hmm, I must have been thinking of someone else then.
Regardless, to say that someone didn't exist because accounts of their life only appeared after his death is to discard nearly all of history. Should we then discard Plutarch's writings on Alexander the Great?

Religion is entirely based on a loser who said that a bush talked to him and said it was a new god they should start believe in or bad things would happen, then they got invaded so it was a proof, they believed in this new god.

Jesus may have existed but at best he was just an illuminated. Three centuries after his death, an emperor created christianity by forbidding the hundreds of different and contradictory versions of Jesus story and imposing his bullshit official version instead. By the way, the character born on 25 dec from a virgin mother, murdered at age 33 then coming back and so on, actually had nothing to do with Jesus at all, the exact same story was found in several ancient religions from over 8.000 years ago.

I see you're a Dan Brown fan.

I have no idea who it is, quickly searched and it seems to be a famous scifi book author. Did he write a fiction about what I consider the real history of christianity ?

Plutarch's writings on Alexander the Great are based on contemporaneous sources which are known to exist from fragments and inscriptions

So a bunch of religious nuts found a few jars that at one point had wine in them.

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This is archaeology in a nutshell.
If you want to attempt to prove that a particular species of hominid defies the "Out of Africa" narrative you'll get ignored, ostracised, excluded and downright assaulted or threatened no matter how much irrefutable evidence you produce. Or, if you want to repatriate war remains that you've pinpointed to a particular site from a major war so that people can bury their loved ones, then good luck getting any funding and if you do get funding by some miracle then good luck wading through neck high hedgerows of red tape for the next 25 years to get that job done.

Whereas, if you want to grandstand about some semitic cult that is obviously a plagiarised agglomeration of bronze age myths because you found a pottery fragment on the same continent mentioned by any semitic text then people throw money at you like it's happy hour at a strip club and you're shaking the biggest ass on the dais. (Provided you have the right connections)

t.Former Archaeologist

bumping ultra news

Wow, looks like we've been under communism for a while. The education system is sooooooo fucked!

Trade school folks, again, highly recommended.

guys you won't fuckin believe this

there was still some wine in the pot, and when I filled it up with water… the water all turned purple.


Don't mock Jesus bro. Jesus could work miracles because he was the son of God.

If you want the factual explanation for the magic trick:
esus ate a fuckload of shrooms, his body filtered out the neurotoxins while leaving the hallucinogens in his piss, everyone drank his pee

anti-slide 2

anti-slide 5


What did they abandon the fucking site right after he turned water into wine? Was this the last wedding held in that building?

That would be obviously watered down.

Jesus Christ is real