Can I "pray the gay away"?

So, I'm a 19 year old boy who was solely attracted to girls, but has developed an attraction to femboys after years of viewing pornography. Is it possible for myself to be rid of homolust through prayer (and/or other spiritual means) or is it now a new form of lust that I must struggle with?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Probably a new form of lust that you have to struggle with. Are any of your relatives gay?


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praying will work also chastity, nofap, bible and church

It always comes down to this. That or anime, both seem to lead to disordered sexuality

Crap like this tends attract incubi which urge otherwise normal people to then accelerate down further ever more depraved degeneracies. You can be rid of it, though. Pray and repent with sincerity, cut the porn, and ask the holy angels to remove the thing from you.

This, but not jokingly. Porn offers a fantasy that deludes perceptions. As someone who consumed a lot of porn when a little younger, I came to the realization that as I had got bored of simple subjects, my replacement choices became more and more exotic. After I realized that I began fighting back. You need to remove it from your life, and try to see beatiful or cute things to fill the hole. I think rather than you having true homosexual tendencies your choice of entertainment is encoding it into you.

Also try a fast with natural foods for awhile, as removing commercialized addititves from your diet might help place your libido in a range where you can control it better. Daily prayer and truly beautiful artwork can also help lessen porn desires.

I'm curious how watching hetero pornography supposedly leads to homosexuality.

No such thing
You ask GOD, not angels

do what is right and good, not what seems pleasurable.
repent (exercise your will power)
gays are more depraved than the obese who eat themselves to death.

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Here’s some more information if any one is interested: So, I was solely attracted to girls until I was 18. I had been viewing pornography since I was 14 and when I was 18, I got too curious and started looking at traps. I'm 19 now and after a year, it's gotten worse. I now look at thin femboys daily. Lately, at night, I've been dressing up and styling my hair in a feminine way while listening to “girly” music. I've also been purposely losing weight to look more boyish/androgynous. I haven't tried to hook up with any boys in real life or anything, but I’ll be honest that I fantasize about having a boyfriend sometimes. I’m still attracted to girls, but I don’t think much about them anymore.

I still feel remorse after looking at traps, femboys, whatever. I feel like a degenerate. But, of course I find myself still doing it. I know I should stop looking at guys (and quit porn in general), but I feel like I’m stuck with this homolust regardless. Is it possible for myself to be transformed back into my purely heterosexual self through prayer and abstaining from porn or am I now stuck being a “bisexual Christian”? Is it possible to be a legitimate Christian yet lust after the same gender? Do I just keep asking for forgiveness for my lustful thoughts about guys until I die? It’s been messing with my identity and relationship with God.

I would appreciate any responses (and thanks for the responses so far), since my parents wouldn’t care (they’re both pretty socially liberal and my dad’s not even a Christian) and I can’t get myself to admit any of this to Christian friends. So yeah. I’ll stop blogposting now, heh.

The homolust desire is a habit perhaps. You just need to train yourself to stop doing these things. It takes time and effort, but pray daily and you will succeed.

That's why this whole "trap" meme became popular.

Here's what you need to do
If you still can't stop watching that crap you need to take a break from the internet.
Don't let the devil trick you, you can always come back to God. You can always turn from sin.

To my knowledge, none of my relatives are gay.

I know, I know. I-I-I'm not a reprobate though, r-r-right? ;_;

For sure. I've tried nofap, but the only problem now is that when I relapse, I end up looking at material that's even more degenerate than before. I really should pray and read Scripture more often though.

Shouldn't prayer to the Lord suffice though?

I hope this is the case.

I don't want to be too graphic, but personally, this is how I've ended up where I'm at now:

When I was 14, I only looked at material involving women. Once I was 15, I started looking at stuff that involved a man and a woman. When I was 16, I began leaving the "vanilla" stuff and looking for fetish material (older women like 50+ year olds, overweight women with some being morbidly obese, and mom-son roleplay). I started getting really bored of this when I was 17. I became so bored that I actually would just go weeks of not even looking at porn. But, when I was 18, I was introduced to traps through /r9k/. (I no longer browse that board by the way. I basically stopped a year ago, but the damage has been done.)

I felt more confused than ever, but the novelty of it all was too exciting. At first, I only looked at non-nude photos of the most "feminine" traps, but of course within a few months I started watching hardcore videos of them. That wasn't enough and in the past month or so, I've started to look at very boyish traps and even just crossdressing guys.

I'm still attracted to women, but as you can see, my mind is now rotted with fetishes and perversion. :|

Is it the you wanna get winnie the pooed by them or do you want to winnie the poo their feminine boy parts? You could easily get rid of it just as easily you got it.

Pissing me off here, user.
You know what the problem is, you even stated it yourself, but you love it too much to let it go.

You're looking for compassion and advice?
I think you need a little more than that. The compassion and advice you can find in an anonymous image board will only be as real and effective as your post here.
I seriously doubt this is a sincere call for help. It sounds like a shit-test.
It's telling that you bring your concerns here, and that those concerns are textbook concerns about porn and its effect on "you".
You are acting like your tastes in sex are changing beyond your control, yet those things that are within your control (dressing up as a woman, long hair, girly music) you do not control. What in actual fact DO you control to curb this if this is SUCH a concern for you? You post on an anonymous image-board?
On the off-chance that an actual person reads this for advice, I'll ask a few questions and offer a bit of advice:
Is your father in your life? If so, then tell him about all of this. If he still supports your changing (and this should be pointed out) VIRTUAL sexual tastes, then you should try to decide who your male role models.
Get yourself enrolled in a scared-straight program or just go to a jail DRESSED AS A GIRL, and see whether you feel as good as you do dancing around, privately. Fear. Fear of hellfire and damnation is so lacking in our world today. You should fear these desires because you could end up a victim. Statistically, this is true. If you don't know the stats, look them up, and recite them before every time you start to act out this way.
Don't go cold-turkey. Fap without porn.
Do you hate yourself? Do you wish to never bring your mini-me into the world?
You have to decide what you must hate. And if you're Christian, it's natural to hate Jews. Jews are responsible for most porn. Hate them, blame them, clean up your mind, stop making excuses for yourself.


Pornography is like a drug. That first hit if dopemine fells great, but eventually during a long enough time frame your brain gets bored. It than seeks out new content to tantalize it. New genres to make a better dopemine hit to the brain.
Eventually straight porn isn't enough. Now only orgy porn gets you off. Than its BBC cuckold porn. Than bisexual porn. Than some faggot on /b/ or /r9k/ suggests trap porn. Eventually you eill spiral out of control and rationalize that pedophila is normal and lurk on /b/ for the occasional CP.

Pornography is a downward spiral that affects your mental health more than physical health. IMO porn is worse than heroin.

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The passions are never satiated; they only grow as you feed them. Traps are just the next "bigger hit" in your addiction to porn, just like any other addiction needs bigger and bigger doses as time goes on to get the same rush. You're not gay. The only solution is chastity (stop looking at porn, stop fapping, stop fantasizing) and prayer. Private confession also helps. Once you've been "clean" for awhile the acquired bizarre fetishes should go away.

It's a demonic spirit that's causing this attraction. In fact, this is common knowledge in the scientific community known an HOCD where your sexual tastes change in order to maintain that high you hit when viewing porn.

Stop watching porn.

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was in the same boat, I had a femdom and later a femboy fetish, I had concluded that I was a "bisexual Christian" and that it was all perfectly fine. But I wasn't actually a real Christian, I never went to church or read scripture or the Church fathers, and I rarely prayed.

When I started the path to being an actual Christian I realized how wrong I was about sexuality, and it was hard but I largely am over it. I stopped looking at the offensive material for the most part (I've had slip ups every now and then with more vanilla material, but they happen less and less, and I don't feel the urge for bizarre perversions anymore) and I pray and read scripture and the Church fathers, and am in the process of begoming Orthodox, which has been the biggest help to me.

And what also will really help cure you of it is falling in love with a woman, the perversions I used to love now disgust me after getting out and dating. The hollow pleasure of lusts feels like nothing in comparison to hugging the girl I love.

Isn't it amazing how these old sins we would cling to no longer have no sweet poison for us? God bless you and may He keep up our strength against sin.

that pic is beyond retarded.

I've seen the exact same images used to show your brain on about 30 different things: rap music, meth, video games, etc. It's totally bogus

at least you started PMO when you were 14 and feeling sodomite pooh at 18. i started PMO when i was 8 or 9 and ive felt sodomite pooh as far as i can remember. i screwed over my formative puberty years and i threw what little SMV i had down the drain forever.

Huh, I've viewed (past tense) drawn/fictional straight porn for almost 8 years when I hit puberty and I never turned gay or any sort of deviant. In fact, I think it cemented my aversion to homoshit and gave me this one fetish to find a pure loving wife to dedicate my life to, from protecting her smile and providing for her, to attending her sexual need to the fullest, putting her happiness above my own. It also helped me cleanse my mind of carnal need, and as a result I managed to evade most of the lust-ridden phase of my teens as it removed the lustful desire from my mind when in the presence of real women. I never even slept around even once by my own choice because I realised that extramarital sex was wrong. I always thought porn was a coping mechanism to kill off lust as I wait, because I don't find myself coveting any woman.
Is it still wrong?

It's not the porn that's a trap,

the whole "trap" thing came from assholes posting scantily clad pics of themselves, getting other people to get off on them and then, right at the end, laughing their asses off and claiming they'd made the men jerking it gay.

Literally femboys trying to turn straights into gays. That's why, as soon as someone suspected that the person in pics was male, they posted Admiral Akbar saying "It's a trap!"

Literally just stop watching porn. In a few months time of not even seeing naked flesh, you'll once again be disgusted by traps and faggots. It will be difficult, because you're probably addicted, but the nofap thread is there to help you. Use its resources!

It never ceases to amaze me how watching porn can actually rewire your orientation to liking traps and futa or just completely feminine ephebes.

And yes, it is still wrong. The way you describe it sounds almost like you shortcircuited natural desires for artificial gratification, thinking that you have somehow bridled them with porn when all you have done is worn them out by excessive indulgence.
It is entirely natural to have those feelings for real women. You are supposed to have them, to harness them and guide them toward meeting an actual spouse. Your "fetish" just sounds like you are trying mentally to catch up to do what you should have done years ago without porn.
This would be like a murderer coming to realise that he might have been friends with one of his victims. It doesn't make the original act any less wrong.

Wow. That is pretty crazy what porn can do to you. I recommend changing your DNS settings to OpenDNS Family Shield which will block all adult sites that you try to access via your router.

I don't think my drive is shortcircuited, as I still think about how nice life would be with a wife and to tend her needs without any lustful incentive. I even managed escape porn addiction on my own. Doesn't help that I was born in a country where Christendom has been attacked by communism and almost everyone around me is immoral despite christianity being the most "followed" (and dwindling) religion, run by a blatantly corrupt government that's making the lives of its people comparable to slavery, not to mention the countless outside dangers that hurt and destroy marriages beyond their control. I would have had a wife by now but I'm not yet financially stable for it. I don't want her to suffer, and I realize I must wait.

That's good to hear user, and I hope your libido has recovered to a natural level.
When my parents got married and were expecting me, they were dirt poor. Any money they had went into buying a house, and once they got it they had next to nothing to spare, once again saving any money they had to help turn it into a home, with my dad having even to work two jobs. They made do with what they had and did it alone with no help from anyone, and things only started to look up once I was in school. Since then they have lived off the abundant fruits of their sacrifice.
My point is that if you meet someone and are willing to marry them, then something like financial considerations ought to be less important than the life you will have together. This might sound like big, romantic talk from some user whom you don't know from Adam, but the experiences of my parents (and it must also be said, countless ancestors, too) has given me the firm belief that if you and your partner are willing to make your life together work, then you will make it work. Throw in the support of the Lord who invites you to cast your cares upon Him, and who can stop you? Having someone whom you love and who depends on you (and vice versa for your spouse) will encourage you to really work to make your new life worth it.


Pornography used to be my way to get rid of stress and wrong thoughts basically, so I wouldn't let it become something worse…
It's living hell to be here and my days have been very sad and lonely for some years now. 50% of the population is in poverty, more murders per year than the Syrian civil war, working 5 months a year solely to pay taxes that only serve to make the politicians richer, and all semblance of christian morality is being erased, outlawed and forgotten in our society. More LGBT laws on the horizon. We're on the verge of becoming another Venezuela, almost 40 years in the making. You have no idea how bad things are going, I'm fearing for my family a lot these days.
I don't even know if I'll live long enough to find a woman. Statistically 70% likely to be murdered before I'm in my 30's.

Same with me. I think it's quite common but it actually has the opposite effect.

That's tough to hear. It's the same everywhere that modernism touches it has this great ennervating effect. Even the Saudis and Chinese are worrying about it. I still believe that things will come back around, even if we have to start from the Cenacle itself all over again. We will get through this, because The Lord has promised us no less.
In the meantime, you must BEGOME EMPIRE

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Brazil? or somewhere in Europe?

If only.
I'm tired of this farse of a republic, achieved through a coup. It troubles me greatly to know that rebelling against the government is looked down upon in the scripture, because physical removal of the corrupt rulers will soon become the only option left.

Brazil, Latin America. As in, the future of the First World if they don't start fighting back soon.

Not exactly prayer, but anything that is a boost to your mental health will be great. Prayer is, albeit important, one of them.

Good to see a young man turning away from porn.


I am 21 and I am in the same boat. I have sadly become a deviant who masturbates daily to traps and children. It has come to the point where I know a lot of trap pornstar and follow them on Twitter and I know the name of many chule models. Shamefully, I probably know more non pornographic child model than the name of saints. Pornography really burns your brain and makes you want to go deeper and deeper. First it is Sears catalog, then internet porn, then JAV, then other degenerate trash, then traps and finally you become a peadophile.

Yes. I had a similar situation, in that porn had made me almost completely homosexual, though I have thank God never practiced it. I'm on NoFap for more than 3 months now - even though I relapsed a few times, and on the rare occasion I do get lustful thoughts they are only 5% homosexual as opposed to 80% before. I look forward to getting it down to 0% within the next 3 months.
The goal of NoFap is to banish lustful thoughts from your mind, since as Christ said, "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." - Matthew 5:28, and only then can you actually keep it up not to masturbate or fornicate.
No you're not. Just stop doing it. Also, become Orthodox, the no tolerance policy towards homosexual behavior will help get you back on the Christian path.
I hope very much you make it, God be with you. Remember, we all have had our sins, but only by virtue and repentance do we get ourselves closer to God.

It's not genetic so this is irrelevant.

In the moment, the sinfulness is intoxicating, but afterwards, yes, it is gross. Very, very gross. I know. I've asked for forgiveness today for my sinfulness involving pornography, homosexuality, and so on. I honestly haven't done so in a while. I'm quitting porn and now I've gone a day without it. I know it's not much of an accomplishment, but it's a start.

The only thing is that for the past year or so, I basically completely stopped looking at women and only looked at traps, femboys, etc. It'll be quite tough now, but as you said, with time, effort, and daily prayer, I can hopefully revert to my old self.

I appreciate the advice and spiritual encouragement. Thanks, user. One thing though, I'm curious as to how fasting will help with getting rid of my gay thoughts/fantasies.

Wew, let's just say I'm a pitcher, not a catcher. The thought of intercourse with a trap has become something of a fantasy. Buuuuut, I still don't want to do anything with the "boy parts", as you put it, like touch them or, um, other things. I'll leave it at that. I could go way more in depth, but it's going to be gross and just unnecessary.

I know that my sinfulness of porn watching has led to my degenerate attraction and that I should stop looking at that stuff. I should've clarified what I was originally asking. This is what I'm concerned about: I'm wondering if I'm now forever stuck with homolust even after quitting porn and if so, I'm then wondering how I reconcile a non-heterosexual orientation with being a Christian.

Advice, yes, but compassion, not exactly. It's fine if you want to be a little harsher in judgement. I deserve that as well.
Yes and he's a great one in regard to his financial support and general kindness to me. Regardless, my dad and I have nearly nothing in common and as a result, we're not close. I never really talk to him much even though we've been living under the same roof for nearly two decades. I've never had a strong male figure in my life really.
I don't harbor transgender feelings if that's what you were thinking. I know I addressed the times in which I've "dressed up", but I should've clarified that. That was part of some stupid and weird fantasy I had of being a cute teenage boy with my femboy boyfriend as we listened to girly music. It was inspired by "romantic" videos of femboys that I had watched. Still, yeah, it's an abomination and I'm stopping that.
For sure. This particular sin of lust happens to be the hardest one for myself. I find it more natural to hate other forms of sin, but sexual sin has become something that I've disgustingly reveled in. I am trying to make a change and it started yesterday. I'm on day 2 now of no porn.

Yup, this basically is what happened to me. To add on to that, last year when I was 18, I talked with a guy from /r9k/ who had developed a fetish for teenage boy's feet. He was trying to convince me to send him pictures of my feet, do video chats with him, etc. by paying me. The idea of making money from it was tempting, but I didn't follow through with it thankfully. /r9k/ is in desperate need of Christ.

That's awesome that you've been able to overcome it. So, would you say the gay thoughts are completely gone? Either way, I really appreciate your response. It's nice to see how the Lord has helped you.

Wow, so did the gay feelings result from too much porn or did you immediately seek out gay porn?

Yup, started NoFap yesterday.

Please tell me this is just some weird trolling… Like, I know I'm so homo degenerate, but, user…

Yup, this basically is what happened to me. To add on to that, last year when I was 18, there was a guy from /r9k/ who had a fetish for teenage boy's feet and he was trying to convince me to send him pictures of my feet, do video chats with him, etc. by paying me. The idea of making money from it was tempting, but I didn't follow through with it thankfully. /r9k/ is super degenerate.

That's awesome that you've been able to overcome it. So, would you say the gay thoughts are completely gone? Either way, I really appreciate your response. It's nice to see how the Lord has helped you.

Wow, so did the gay feelings result from too much porn or did you immediately seek out gay porn?

Yup, started NoFap yesterday.

Please tell me this is just some weird trolling… Like, I know I'm some homo degenerate, but, user…

(dubs dubs dubs)
Im not that former pedo user, but welcome to Zig Forums.

Im this user, and I blame the MGTOW community for forcing the all wymen are ebil meme to impressionable young men. These young men have so much potential but they squander it for internet feels and than turn into traps.

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I'm sure you will learn to "appreciate" women. Do you retain physical attraction for women?

Anyway don't worry. Some people are gay and can live happily being Christians. They are creative and good persons. Special in a way user. Just don't be a fag. Do not commit impure acts.

Its like you dont want him to be cured of his mental disorder.

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Can someone enlighten me what /r9k/ is? I've never been active part on boards besides /int/, /a/, /vg/ and /tg/ (and Zig Forums for a brief moment of time). Though what you people are describing, it seems that degenerates from that place did pollute /int/ with pederast threads and foot fetishists.

That's how it always happens, user. The shit turns you gay, but luckily it can be reversed. You need to completely commit yourself to that. It seems like you already know that problem but keep doing it. That's proof that you need Jesus; you might want to seek a Christian addiction recovery/rehab service.

Nofap alone isn't enough. It will just end in relapse and hopelessness. When you remove something from your life, you need to replace it with something. Replace your degenerating sexuality with Christ. Get married while you're at it.

Was supposed to be a revolutionary board where you couldn't post the same picture twice. Everything would be original. Concept destroyed in two seconds and it became flooded with people crying about how they have no gf.

i think it was immediately gay porn. back in elementary school, and my body couldnt even produce "fluids" :\
i winnie the pooed my whole life.

Uhm start watching cute girls i guess. Or cut your dick. Im serious.

This is the best advice. Abstain from it till you dont want it anymore.

Uhm start watching cute girls i guess. Or cut your dick. Im serious.

This is one of the best advice. Abstain from it till you dont want it anymore.

Im 18 and dont call yourself a boy. Men our age should have been used to put things our way and experience the roughness of life.

I really cant blame you though, if it werent for my homophobia that i got from my childhood i would be a femboy addict myself.

for the most part, I don't get them very often anymore, there's the occasional passing one but it's nothing like I felt before.

Your "gay" is a result of vice leading you into the increasingly sick depth of sexual perversion.
Being learned it can also be unlearned but it will be painful.

Yes, prayer, perseverance and a lifetime of battle against your sinful will can fix the problem.
However be prepared for a lot of failures and fall, God truly help only when you truly learn to give him full credit and faith. As long as you try to fight on your own God will allow you to fail on your own to teach humbleness.
You will suffer from urges and impure thoughts, these are the fruits of your sinful habits and can't disappear overtime, I also have mine. Past actions have lasting consequences, over a long period of time they are healed, but only if you stop watching that filth entirely.
God bless.

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It goes away, as you pull away from pornography, you're going to feel yourself pull away from the mentality of porn. This is going to be an oven of temptation, but persevere truly and you will find yourself liberated.

It helps to remember the obvious things we forget, that He who set the cosmos in supreme order is clearly a force stronger than your sin. If you want God to be a force in you, then let him. Open your heart, committed prayer, etc.

Sadly, no, that is how I am. Pornography has corrupted and rotten my brain. These these only traps and girls turn me to lust, and I think I am too deep in the rabbit hole to come out. Get out before you start to have the same feelings as I do.

Stop watching porn. Throw your laptop away, put your bank account on a lock, throw your phone away. Go to the woods if you have to. This will lead you so far from God and you should be terrified. Get away from it no matter what it takes

Who is it who conquered sin? Who shall you turn to with faith and vigilance? Let us not deify our sin, brothers.

Homosexuality is not genetic, stop beleiving the (((lie))).

Nah. You’re a gay fag, and you always will be a gay fag. Studies usually pint to the ineffectiveness of these methods.

I don’t care if I get banned from Zig Forums; muscular men are too irresistible. My whole body violently trembles after jerking off to a hot stud.

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Oops, forgot to pose the mere analyses:

We can only pray, triple palendromic dubsman, we can only pray.

Thank you friend, but prayer will only get you so far. You still have to meet God halfway with your actions and will.

Well, I'm not gay so I don't have this issue.

you can't pray away the gay but if you have sex with biological women on a regular basis (meaning every day) the urge goes away for the most part

sorry. its not what you might have wanted to hear, but you're a victim of modern technology

I hope you mean woman, his wife! :)

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St Paul says the effeminate (you) will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Repent or you will go to hell.

You cannot be Christian and homosexual.
Please hurry to repent of your perversion, OP, before Christ comes from the East.
Stop looking at porn, stop believing the lie that you were born this way, and receive communion as often as possible.


The solution is:

- water fasting (drink only water; you could do it for a month, look it up)
- cold showers (hot showers make you weak)
- nofap (permanent)

Shut up.

Scary if true

If you can stop watching pornography, that will probably right you after a time. I've been trying to limit my exposure to it and I've found that strange urges I've had previously have lessened greatly as time goes on. I think you'll find the same effect. If you can also do a strict Lenten-style diet, I found that was a good focus as well. In general de-stimulating yourself will reset your brain back to it's "zero point", in my general experience.

Also, it goes without saying, cutting off the porn must go with no active-conscious fapping activities (as opposed to passive events like nocturnal emissions). To not do so renders the exercise fruitless.

Honestly homosexuality is just a mental illness. h e c k even the term "gay" means happy but ironically got turned into a meme insult for some unknown reason…..

My best answer is to look into why you have this illness and also stay away from porn since most of it is pretty terrible and homo erotic.

sidenote: stay away from anti christian media

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The Internet turned me bi too. I wish I could magically become normal again because now I feel like a corrupted creation.

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Pornographic indulgence doesn't necessarily make you pick up homosexual impulses by default. Rather, it's all gateways. You start out with simple viewing habits and then as those wear thin you gate into more exotic explorations. I highly doubt that anyone truly picks up a "real" fetish from porn by itself, but it can turn into one if you actually indulge in it with someone else. And that does become an increasing risk as you are reprogrammed by it. If you can cut it off and control your urges, you can normalize your thought process. I'm absolutely certain about it.

Not my best look for this thread.

So, user, I think there is hope for you. You might feel Bi, but that's because of the porn. Just cut it out of your life, stop fapping, and start ruminating important things. Cut out impulses as much as you can. I think you can right your own ship.

I am struggling with this as well, but I've had these feelings for as long as I can remember. I haven't come close to actually having sex since converting and being confirmed, but I still struggle with pornography and these disordered thoughts. I'm fine with accepting living a celibate life and even fine with being barred from religious orders/priesthood/etc. because of all the problems and scandal that have come out of that, so long as I could actually convert myself towards celibacy. I feel ashamed because I don't feel the imparting graces of prayer and the sacraments in converting me at all, the thoughts and temptations are still so strong if not stronger than ever, I'm one bad turn away from installing some degenerate app on my phone.
This is also making it hard for me to believe that God loves me, I feel like a demon or aberration that doesn't belong in the Church.

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Start lifting. Channel your urges. I've been nofap for almost 2 years.

Stop watching porn dumb shit, you've got your brain overly tolerant to dopamine

Do nofap for 90 days and get a gf

This is a great temptation, not just in the fact that you have urges of lust but the fact that you are not trusting in Gods mercy. If you go to confession and your sins are wiped away you are worthy to take the Eucharist and die a holy death. DO NOT think that you are worthless. There comes a time where it's appropriate to say to yourself "I am a sinner" then there is also a time to say to yourself "God loves me."

I myself almost done with just masturbating to softcore porn and there are also binaurals that help with it. Literally can be done in less than a month, yes I know its still sinful and if you're stronger than me you shouldn't do it but otherwise I'm going to fall in even worse place.

OP, prayer is useless if you're not going to do anything about it. You need to do everything in your might to stop watching porn, then you pray. Remember the man that built his house on the rock instead of sand?

Scientifically, this a well-known disorder known as HOCD where your sexual tastes change based on intense pornographic consumption (do a web-search if you don't believe me). Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that porn damages the brain, there is no scientific proof regarding homosexuality being genetic. Homosexuality is a demonic infestation.

It should be permanent.

could you clarify, please?

Honey, I'm sorry, but you're bi. It's as like as not your desire for men was there before you viewed porn, and that just brought it out. Whether you choose to act on that is up to you. This comes from a place of compassion- I struggle with this too.

It hasn't helped the Catholic clergy at all.

self-inflicted wound

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There are psychological studies showing that homosexuals have an absentee father figure in an overwhelming majority of cases. A lack of intimate bonding with the father leaves a need in the child for male attention that manifests itself in attention seeking behaviour that twists into carnal desires over time. The condition may not be reversable. Best method is prevention. Love your sons.

What about the crisis of fatherlessness in America? This has mostly reared it's head with the hyper-masculinity you see in affected subcultures, which takes a staunch anti-homosexual stance. Say what you will whether that's for good or ill, but wouldn't this run contrary to that?

I haven't conquered my sexual issues completely, so I cannot say anything about this, but I will say that I struggled with abnormal gluttony for a long time, and praying and fasting worked very well. It transformed my desires so much that it is like I'm a different person now, when it comes to food. It really is like getting out of a drug addiction.

I have also read people on NoFap, and they talk about how when you go 90 days on NoFap, your sexual desires become much more vanilla and you are more normalized. Honestly, I truly believe this must be possible, because it completely happened to me with my gluttony. It literally is like my appetites are totally different.

Fasting, prayer, cold showers, really really helped.

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Yep, saw a succubus one night, got aroused and everything. It asked me if I wanted to become a succubus. Bewitched and oddly unable to say no, I consented. The next day I was able to get off to gay stuff, despite finding it gross for decades. Please pray for me. I screwed up and need serious help.

You made a contract with a demon, I’m not sure how you’re supposed to avoid hell now. Consult a priest about this.