Do Christian RPG games exist?

What Christian games exist?

I'm new to 8ch and see lots of advertisements for a game that objectifies women for "milk" and encourages shitty behavior through shitty dialog.

Is there any thoughtful game with high EQ that promotes healthy conversations? .. responses? .. outcomes?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm working on it, it'll be done around 2030

Unironically CK2

You can start a dynasty,
Join a society,
Expel some jews,
And gain piety.

Not to forget holy wars on pagans and DEUS VULTing to your heart's content.

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Video games are like most media: fine if used with proper purpose and if the content is fine.
I'd be cautious about making it a regular habit, though. Be sure to set time in your day for prayer and Holy Scripture before getting games.
Also, there's a Christian game review site (Christ-Centered Gaming) that judges a video game on its mechanics and its moral content.

What's that, user?

A strategic turn based game based on a board game. Basically you have a team of prophets and go around fighting evil in Israel. I just got it off steam sale for 3 bucks. Lots of fun, even has a bible study mode.


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Same tbh

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Desolate Hope and Pilgrim's Progress by Scott Cawthorn (creator of FNAF). Be sure to install ublock to block ads:

Otherwise, just make your own. We need more creators who make Christian inspired content.

CKII, what people have listed here
Also, I would add elder scroll games. Sure it is more sandbox and doesnt have Christian setting, but you can always play as a good guy and fight evil. Just dont complete daedric quests if you RP as a noble paladin and thats it.

Oh, also forgot to add Heroes of Might and Magic III. Sure some may have problems with using magic there, but if you dont want it, dont use it. Its a fun old nostalgic game and I was always having fun exterminating demons as Castle (faction with paladins and angels) or necromancer faction.

Fable Series playing as a good guy.

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El Shaddai is based on the Dead Sea Scrolls, but the director of the game did the art for another game called Okami, which was a game very heavy in Japanese folklore and mythology, including different gods, celestial beings and demons, so that may be sacrilegious. El Shaddai is definitely more of a 'religion interpreted as anime' game than it is a 1-1 match. I can go into more detail if anyone wants, as I own a copy, but I will say that your companion is Lucifer before he betrayed God, and in the game he calls God on a cellphone to give him updates on your progress regarding some angels that you're meant to track down that betrayed God by directly helping humans. I never got an interpretation of how accurate it is story-wise, but I've never heard anyone complain about it.

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Actually was thinking about this subject, back in my old primary school there was an old (maybe retro) game, here you walk down corridors looking at screens, collecting passages from the Bible and you use those passages in encounter rooms. Anyone know what im talking about?

Other one was a Noahs ark version of "DOOM" where the animals are getting rowdy so you have to sedate them with food from a slingshot.

>be a good goy and make sure your game is approved by a (((reviewer)))


It's just Book of Enoch: The Anime: The Game.

lol found it.

"Super 3-D Noahs ark"

And after actually searching for it I found the otherone: Captain Bible: Dome of Darkness

Can play online for free.

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Thanks for the link

Diablo 3 RoS playing as a Crusader.

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I feel immensely disgusted by this post

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