Were the Crusades really about defense?

And if it was, then it wasn't a moral one because of the following reasons.

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Also why did Christians expelled Muslims when the Muslims actually contributed to science, philosophy, math and poems into Spain?

And before you say they didn't look up: "Ibn Al Haytham" also how can you people even justify their expulsion when they were living over there for generation to generation? It's also said that Christian Europe was less enlightened than Islamic Middle East. How can that be?

It was all politics by pedobaptists. Same with the sacerdotal schisms, thirty years' war, etc. Meanwhile the baptists were reading the word of God.

Your research is shit. The Muslims didn't enlighten anybody. They jsut forced scholars in captured lands to do all of their writing in Arabic. The Muslims slaughtered their way across 2/3 of Christendom, forcing the Christian majority to convert or die, occasionally allowing them to stay as second class citizens if they paid a tax. They tore down cathedrals or turned them into mosques. They burned literature for being against Islam, and the Spaniards you mentioned there were being enslaved by the Moors to be shipped off to the Middle East. As Christianity is a religion that is actually peaceful, the Pope was only willing to call for a crusade when the Muslims started denying Christians even the ability to visit the holy land.

All of this so-called """"""research"""""" is conjecture based on the assumption that the people in charge of Europe didn't actually believe in God.

Is that why you all currently throw homosexuals off of roof tops and stone women in the street after they've been raped? How enlightened. Also didn't Saudi Arabia just recently allow women to drive cars? Man, what a brilliant society and religion.

If it weren't for the expelling of muslims from Europe the entire world would be a cesspool of murder, degeneracy, hate, and anguish, just like muslim countries are today. And now you all flood into Christians lands looking for a better way of life, because your religious leaders and your religion itself offers you nothing.

We should though

Calm down, Anderson

The Crusades started off with the best of intentions, but the Crusaders quickly showed their cruel hand once they arrived.
One can argue all day about whether their treatment of the Muslims armies were justified, but I defy anyone here to say their treatment of non-Latin Christians was justified.
Eastern priests, nuns, and bishops killed and mutilated.
Churches ransacked, relics stolen, and holy sites vandalized.
The Crusaders, for all their good intentions, were the best thing to happen for the expansion of Islam in the East, since they wrought destruction wherever they went and would eventually cripple the Byzantine Empire in the Fourth Crusade.

It was in response to Muslims seizing Jerusalem from the Roman Empire. You can argue that it was late for them to retaliate, but they still stole territory from them.

What are you talking about? He wasn't expelled.
No other Islamic scientist was expelled during the time of the crusades (11th century) where the Islamic Golden Age occurred. The event that you're talking about occurred in the 17th century as opposed to the 8th-14th century (Islamic Golden Age). During that time, the Renaissance occurred in the west.

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Jesus Christ is the perfection of the OT commandments. The Kingdom of God is here, through Jesus Christ.

When sodomites, and adulterers die in the OT, it is a state of mortal sin in the Kingdom of Heaven. Otherwise, you argue that Jesus Christ would want homosexuals slain.

Yet, He spared even an adulteress; yet, He died for all sin.

Leave behind your false reprobate doctrine before you bring judgement upon yourself.

Did you forget to include them or something?



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You can tell when muslims argue. Theyre not the brightest and repeat random unrelated points.

They did not. They are savage people who slaughtered their way there. That is the whole history of Islam.

Heh, this is the power of Islam, brother! By Allah we will never lose.
F*cking Christians and their offensive wars

Asides that you believe in random mythological bullshit, consider the following:
By the 7th to 10th century, Christianity managed to eradicate slavery in Europe. The institution was criticized by St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. John Chrysostom and so on. Due to notion that all are equal before God contributed to emancipation. It began with Constantine and continued with Justinian, whose laws said, that slavery was against natural law.
And just when Christianity managed to practically abolish slavery in Europe, muslims and their degenerate """teachings""" arrived and fueled it once more:
You were never enlightened. Your teachings are garbage, your """prophet""" was a pedophilic murderer and and Islam is cancerous religion that is a massive insult of God and Mankind.

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Sodomy is worse than murder.

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Agreed. Pray for this country, that all the sodomites may be toppled from their heights.

Do you even understand that your third pic is 101% NSFW ? Refrain from posting this filth, the rest should make your point clear already.

Lmbo, you haven't seen the sodomite apologists' posts yet, have you? Sure, that thrid pic is very lewd, but nesscary as it proves out point.

Our point being sodomites are filth that have no place near children or society

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Lev 25:44-46 (You can have slaves, as long as they're not fellow Israelites)
Ex 21:2-5 (You can buy Hebrew servants. If the slave is a male, can go alone, but if he has a wife she must come with as well. If the wife has kids, the kids and wife have to stay, but the man can go, unless he wants to stay.)
Ex 21:20-21 (You can beat your slaves, as long as you don't kill them. If you do kill your slave, you must be punished.)
Deut 20:10-15 (If you invade a city, if the citizens let you in, they become your slaves. If they don't let you in, declare war on them; kill all the men in the city. You get to keep the women, kids, livestock and "everything else".)

There are many in the NT as well:
Luke 12:47 (If a slave knows his master's power but refuses to listen, he is to be beaten.)
Ephes. 6:5-9 (Slaves are to sincerely treat their masters with respect and fear. Serve your masters as if yoi're serving God, because He will reward you for what good deeds you did. Masters are to treat their slaves with respect as well.)
Coll. 3:22 (Slaves are to sincerely obey their masters for the master and God.)
1 Tim 6:1-2 (Slaves are to consider their masters worthy of full respect, especially when their masters are Christian.)
1 Pete 2:18 (Respectfully follow your masters, even if they're harsh on you.)

Do you have no sense of shame ? Another nsfw pic ? You can bring your point across without potentially scandalizing people just because your perception of what is scandalous is faulty.
Other than these disgusting pictures you're absolutely right.


The idea of the curse on Canaan being racial slavery comes from the Talmud.

t. missing and derailing the main point

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explain please.

weren't the cannanites, descendants from CAM, supposed to be the eternal servants of Sem and Jaffet(?

I want to point out that OP left after his initial posts. Most likely he was looking for incriminatory posts or to bait people.

Back in my day, trolling was still a art.

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The images use research to expose how Islam lies in order to deceive any objections (ie taqiyya) and all the commentaries built up around the Qu'ran in order to try and explain away the faults and holes.
The guy who replies to it on the other hand obviously hasn't studied the Bible and cherrypicked contextless verses in the same manner internet atheists do in order to paint the picture of the Bible endorsing evil or "God is being a meanie by saying X!" crap.
tl;dr it's not an argument
If the user who made that post wants to actually make a point instead of "HA GOTCHA!" posts and running away, then actual discussion can happen.

It's sad really. Creativity, having arguments with some meaning all gone for the simplistic

am not baiting

That is thing. What do those verse mean then(?

I think the army that raped Constantinople was excommunicated right after the Pope found out. Don't worry they're in hell. But better being raped by a white Christian than a sand tigger Moor.