Despite all the good work this man does, so many fellow Christians spew such angry vitriol against him, calling him all sorts of unloving and hateful things. Why do so many of us hate this guy, Zig Forums? Surely there is a better alternative to hateful, un-Christian rhetoric, correct?
Why do we hate him again, Zig Forums?
You're right. We should only have pity on lost souls who spread lies, not hatred.
Bait thread, but I'll reply for the sake of the brethren
Firstly, he's a pagan. Only through the Lord Jesus Christ is there any hope of salvation. As a result, we repudiate by necessity his diabolic doctrines.
Secondly, it's not our station to kill anyone. Murdering a communist is still murder, a sin. Burning pagan temples, while in principle could be justified, is still not something Christians should do on a whim.
Thirdly, while Varg may provide certain practical advice for young men, it's all draped in his paganistic, wordly ideology. No good will come out of it beyond an attachment to the flesh.
Finally, I do love Varg. I love him so much that I hope he one day sees the errors of his ways, comes into the Church, and professes faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It would be wonderful to embrace him as a brother. But for now, he's a pagan and must be corrected as such.
I agree, so many fellow Christians make so many lies about this man it honestly sickens me. Christianity isn't about lying, and I don't understand why so many of us do things like that.
I know it's pretty disheartening to witness. I suspect it's Christianity's Judaic roots that makes some Christians inclined to spread falsehoods and bring down people who wish to strengthen and embolden the white race.
This isn't bait, brother. I'm just confused.
What's wrong with him being a pagan? Heaven is not for everyone. Jesus said that wide is the path to hell, but narrow is the path to heaven. Many people are going to hell.
Why shouldn't we kill? If we want to defend Christendom against those who would want to destroy us, how will we do it without killing? God knows his own.
We ought to have both worldly and Christian views though. Though we are ultimately about going to Heaven, we are still attached to Heaven, no matter what. We must balance the two out, so that we have both Heavenly and Earthly pleasures here before we ascend to our Glorious Father YHWH.
Maybe you do, but I see so many errors and misleading posts about how Jesus was a European man, when he was a Jew, and so many of us refuse to recognize that. It makes me ashamed to be a Christian at times, that we refuse to recognize the truth about Jesus, when we are supposed to be about the Truth.
I agree, so many Christian 'nationalists' who drag down those nationalists who don't agree with our beliefs. It's a shame when we both want the same thing. If YHWH our God made man and all the nations, then he would have a reason to keep us separate but equal before the eyes of the Lord, but so many mistake these verses to mean that we must dilute all nations into a single one. It's honestly shameful. The Jews of Jesus' time would never do such a thing like this.
Paganism, not even once
The fact that is not the truth, and that he's bold enough to teach others his damnable errors.
It is written that you shall love the Lord your God with all your soul, mind, body, and strength and your neighbor as yourself.
The Lord Jesus Christ said that no one knows the Father but through Him, and that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
The Lord desires that all men be saved, but He in His beneficence has given us freedom to choose Him out of love.
That wasn't a saying that justifies not evangelizing. The Lord Jesus Christ told us to make disciples of all nations. That includes pagans.
What He was noting was that it was quite simple to go on the path of hellfire, and that many would do so. It wasn't an endorsement of that path.
It is written Thou shalt not kill. Man is made in the image of God, and he has a great dignity that must be respected.
The Lord Jesus Christ said to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
Even on the cross, He prayed to the Father that his murderers might be forgiven.
The Apostles all went to their deaths praising God and asking for His mercy on their enemies.
The very foundation of the Church is rooted in the blood of countless martyrs.
Man hardly controls history. What happens is of the will of God.
If it is the will of God that the West be subject to a brutal yoke, so be it.
Besides, there are better ways to defend Christians than murder. As if the degenerate West is worth saving these days.
That's funny, because the Apostle Paul tells us to mortify our flesh that the spirit might be exalted.
Attachment to the flesh, that is the world, will only serve to distract us from the Lord.
What shame is there in recognizing that the Lord Jesus Christ was from the tribe of Judah?
Only some LARPer would deny that.
And who's this "us" you speak of.
Also, you shouldn't be so casual in the use of the tetragrammaton. We're not Jews, but that's still God's name. Treat it with some respect.
There, your pearls, pagan. May the brethren be edified by this post. God have mercy on me.
Because he is condemning himself by wilfully rejecting God. It's not an "alternative lifestyle", it's suicide. We are not supposed to be comfortable with the idea that people will go to Hell. Most people will end up in Hell, you are right, but we shouldn't just shrug at this and go about our own business. We have a duty to each other to prevent this from happening, as much as possible.
The fact that the Church came through relentless pagan persecution from its very infancy tells us exactly how.
No, we mustn't. Earthly attachments inhibit us and weigh us down. Imitation of Christ means leaving them behind, or at least being so detached from them that we feel no sorrow over their loss when it eventually comes.
But didn't Jesus say:
We cannot help everyone, brother. We can help those who listen to the message, but sadly, Hell is filled with the Tatarian flames for all those who don't listen.
God is Lord of both Heaven and Earth. We are just as much Earthly as we are Heavenly. We must look to Heaven as our spiritual and religious guides, but we must also know that we are Earthly, human, and that we must experience these things as men, both good and bad, for that is our lot in life.
That is not what I said, brother. You seem to be jumping to conclusions to push your vitriolic agenda against those you perceive as different than you. That's not Christian behavior, and you and I both know that.
What I had meant, is that too many Christians see Jesus as this Aryan ubermensch type of figure, when he was a Jew, born to Jewish parents and the Son of YHWH, the Jewish God. And it makes me ashamed that so many people are willing to lie to themselves because they do not want to know the truth.
Why are you so hostile to me? I really don't understand. Remember to keep your peace, brother.
I agree it isn't the truth. But I also understand, as I stated previously, that not all can be saved in the glories of the Lord. That is the sad and unpleasant truth. I tear up thinking of all the good people burning in hell, especially those who could have never heard of the Lord before his arrival on Earth and his message spread to them.
I agree.
That is a mistake from the King James Version, which made that out of purely political reasons, to discourage dueling. It states, in the original Hebrew that Thou shalt not Murder. Murder is different from killing.
Do you not understand brother? How can we call ourselves non-Jews when we worship the greatest of all Men, who himself was a Jew? And I am treating this all with the gravest severity, whether you choose to believe it or not.
Of course, but why then did the Church go against these pagans and slaughter them relentlessly during and after the fall of the Roman Empire? Does it not say in Isaiah that Vengeance is His alone? Why then did we avenge ourselves on the pagans?
No more pearls for you, I've said my peace.
Also, if you're referring to the Crusades, that's more of a Catholic thing. I'm Orthodox.
How do we know the guy he murdered was a communist? Because Varg says so? He's a notorious liar. Yes his victim was a Satanist but Varg also was flirting with Satanism at the time, though he tries to retcon it so he was always pagan. Cold-blooded murder is always wrong to Christian anyway. Let's say hypothetically you believe Satanists or communists should be punished for their beliefs, that's still the state's role, not yours. Varg made up a story that the killing was self-defense. But he was the one who went to his victim's home with a knife. Varg claims he had been told by others that his victim intended to kill him. No evidence. He also says a fortune teller told him the same, lol. So he stabbed this guy in the back a bunch of times, who was running away from him. A cowardly act.
He burned churches not pagan temples. I saw he put some video out claiming the churches he burned were some kind of gnostic churches anyway. Obviously he wants to appeal to the right wingers who are not down with church burning so he made up some story like he always does. I have been following him for a long time and he regularly lies to make himself look better. He had many children? He instructs them in paganism and to hate Christianity. Bringing souls into the world just to damn them is not good. It's gross when Christians suck up to this guy who despises their Lord, just because they share some political beliefs with him.
That doesn't mean that we should just give up. In fact, Jesus tells us specifically to NOT give up so that we may save as many souls as possible from eternal damnation. The entire reason for Christ's coming was to save us from this eternal damnation that you foolishly believe to be an inevitability, which is what happens when you willingly involve yourself with paganism.
No, we should reject Earthly things because they pull us away from God. This is basic Christian knowledge. Our "lot in life" is to worship God, for God created us and loves us, and wants the best for us.
Nice projecting, "brother". You literally said that the fact that Jesus is a Jew makes you ashamed to be a Christian. That's ridiculous.
Who are these Christians? Zig Forums users? Protestants that are ignorant of the history of the apostles? It's basic, common knowledge to anyone that's actually read the bible that Jesus was from the tribe of Judah.
YHWH is not "the Jewish God" YHWH is the true name of GOD, the true God, and the only GOD that exists, and like the other user said, you should show it some respect.
It makes you ashamed that so many are willing to die for Christ because he was a Jew? You sound idiotic, "brother". Jesus Christ is God in the flesh come down to save us from our sins through sacrificing his own life, and you sit here "ashamed" because of his irrelevant race.
You need to read the bible and repent for your wicked ways. I'm done with you.
Euronymous was an edgemeister, not a political activist. Politically, he was a leftist, but he wasn't much of a politics guy, to my understanding. I think he was just a communist to be edgy, whereas Varg is actually a serious nationalist and has always been.
Varg didn't kill Euronymous because he was a communist, although politics was a point of contention between the two of them. He killed him because Euronymous was bragging to others that he was going to kidnap Varg, take him into the woods, and make a snuff film torturing him to death. Varg when to Euronymous' house to confront him about this, Euronymous got scared and ran upstairs to retrieve a shotgun, and Varg stabbed him to death. This is to the best of my memory.
I am not a Christian and I am a fan of Varg. I agree with him politically and I've been a fan of his music since I was 15 or so. I do not care about religion- I care about the white race, and I view religion as a political tool to control the masses. That can be good, or it can be bad. Regardless of whether or not Christianity was ever a positive influence on society, I believe that in its current Marxist-subverted state, Christianity is a net negative that is harming the white race. Thus, I oppose it.
I do not believe in the afterlife and I certainly do not have any interest in being 'saved' by any god that would favor the Jews over the white race. If hell is my destiny for defying such a malicious and tyrannical power, then so be it. Le edgy, le tib, whatever, I don't care. There's my two cents.
went to* obviously
I don't hate him. He's an absolute tard and the neopagans believe all the insane shit he says, which in fact weakens their position. If some Christian tried to invent a neopagan strawman, he honestly couldn't make a better one than what actually exists in the character of Varg
You're just repeating verbatim what Varg claimed. Where is the evidence for any of this?
This is a silly thread. Why don't we like Varg? Set aside the arson and murders. He hates our Lord. He hates our faith. Why would we be fond of such a man?
I'm not saying that we should like the man, especially regards his beliefs. But we should not hate him either. Your hatred for him is against all that we stand for. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
No, you said, "We cannot help everyone" which implies that we should give up, because whats the point, right?And any Christian that isn't mentally impaired fully understands that many will go to hell, only ignorant pagans like yourself are "surprised" by this because you haven't given up worldly desires.
Yes, and the way we live happy, fulfilling lives is by worshiping God and being good, devout Christians. Not by indulging in worldly things.
No, we must beg God for forgiveness for our sins so that we may be with him in heaven. We obtain forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Anything else does not matter.
It doesn't matter what race Jesus was or what he looked like because he was literally GOD IN THE FLESH, you pagan fool.
Then why did you say it, liar? You're nothing but a product of Satan, trying to twist and warp Christianity. Repent for your sins.
Why does it matter to you wether they knowledge his race or not? Jesus's race does not matter because he was God in the flesh. And once again, any semi-knowledgeable Christian is fully aware of the fact that Christ was from Judah. Only moronic pagans such as yourself seem to have trouble with this fact.
And Jesus came and got rid of the old covenant, bringing salvation to anyone in the world that truly believes. That is why race does not matter.
Only Jews and stupid pagans like yourself believe this because they deny Christ.
More projecting
There is a hilarious amount of irony in this statement.
Your obsession with the world and worldly matters will do you no favors in the afterlife, "brother". It is obvious that you are in no way a Christian, and came here only to twist the religion into being something that it is not.