Trump has visited his golf courses on 25% of his 590 days in office

Of his 590 days in office, Trump has gone to Trump properties on 196 days and Trump golf properties on 153 days, according to NBC's tracker. That adds up to 25% of his 590 days in office spent at least in part .

A majority of Trump's trips have been to his Mar-a-Lago property in Palm Beach, Florida. He also took a 17-day "working vacation" to his private Bedminster, New Jersey club in August, and often goes to his Virginia golf club on weekends since it's a half-hour drive from Washington, DC.

While DC heavyweights, former presidents, and celebrities gathered for the late Sen. John McCain's funeral on Saturday, President Donald Trump went golfing.

Trump was reportedly asked not to attend the memorial service, as he and McCain were at odds until the war hero's death a week ago. His daughter Ivanka Trump attended with her husband and fellow White House adviser Jared Kushner, and chief of staff John Kelly was there, too.

From Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, Trump tweeted several times to rail against Canada, the Department of Justice, and NAFTA.

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And yet he still managed to do more in less than 2 years than Obama did in 8. Amazing how that works.

In your dreams. He is lazy and tries to hide it with making drama, and you buy it.

I hate that Zionist kike Trump but Obama also spent heaps of time playing golf including during a flood where Trump got there a whole day before him

Fucking kek

I see what you did there

That sounds incredibly retarded and mathematically impossible. Thanks for polluting the gene pool with your existence.

There's no math involved. Thanks for polluting the air with your breath and body odor.

He also got rid of the TPP, destroyed NAFTA and is rattling sabers over the WTO so basically he's my hero and if he wants to play golf or fuck jewess porn stars up the ass for money then it's all good in my book and the OP can go suck rocks he found in the alleyway where Mulsim syphlitics go to piss.

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Remember when he said if he was elected he wouldn't play golf because he'd be working all the time?

Those were the days …

there's nothing more lazy than a piece of shit white boomer who dodged the draft, insulted war veterans, and enriches himself

Trust us, goy.

"Goy, you should hate bbrbbummppgpgpfff like us! Hear our cries as we totally-don't-strike you."

Drafts are immoral. McCain WAS a war veteran, but so am I and I say he was a warmongering, songbird piece of shit, too. God forbid a business man enriches himself. Get fucked, /trannypol/.

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OMG Trump PROVEN Ruskie Agent!!!!!!!!

It's funny how each of these smear campaign headlines equals about 10k more trump voter.

you're a lying faggot and I hope you die in a car fire

I came here to post exactly this. Our president is truly amazing.

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Media being this basic trying to discredit someone. Catching at straws and flies…

Do not forget the other betrayers in our midst. For all the talk of Russian meddling, plenty of leftist meddling goes unchecked. A handful of ruski nationals spend 100K on FB ads and shitposting? There are 3 stateside companies doing the same fucking thing, but that doesn't matter, because it serves the interest of the left.

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really gets the noggin joggin

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I just noticed the pic OP posted. That is the one of the sillier headlines to attack Trump.

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Just in case I don't see ya,

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Yeah, he's a normie boomer. It's gonna be a while before we get a real Zig Forumsack in office. Good enough for now, though.

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Hi, friend~

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Remember when Liberals constantly shit over bush for taking vacations in texas?
Remember when Conservatives shit over `Bama for taking vacations?
Wake me up when trump peels off his skin, ascends to the moon and turbo punches lizard jesus because the nigger experiment got out of hand.

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You're making the jews nervous.

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c'est la vie

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Good talking with you, friend. ツ

That's where I don't meet and make many sheks goy. Maga!