r/christianity infuriates me. one of the highest mods is an atheist, any christian response is downvoted and homosexual "christians" who believe you can worship any god you want and jesus was guru get voted sky high. this board also has loads of inter denominational bickering, but i prefer the attitude of people not being afraid to rail on atheists and other idiots but also just the more in your face muscular alpha christianity compared to the world of beta cucks that everyone thinks christians are supposed to believe. reddit is getting bigger and bigger, we should have some sort of presence there right? if nothing else to show that christans aren't beta cucks.
Can we establish a non cucked presence on reddit
Other urls found in this thread:
reddit is a site for reprobates
r/catholic is surprisingly based.
you mean r/catholicism? nah they're pretty cucked too. people think you have to speak oh so flowerly and stuff to be "charitable". guess what jesus saying that you're a snake and your father is the devil, was extremely charitable. jesus chasing people out of the temple was charitable.
telling a disgusting sodomite that sodomy is disgusting and that sin is filthy is charitable. but oh no no god loves you and it's okay to want to eat another man's poop, we are all sinners, just try and not eat so much poop.
there's literally a rule against homophobia LOL
homophobia? literally a nonsense made up term. i think we need a witness to show ppl at least that christians aren't cucks. on r/christianity it's not allowed to be… get this.. anti-atheist! LOL are you kidding me… you can't be anti-atheist - freaking christianity is anti atheist. you also can't say that you think that homosexuals should be killed.
oh wow we can't even talk about the great saint st. john chrysostum. he would be banned from r/christianity lol. amazing
We've tried to start denom subs on there and it didn't work, I wouldn't expect this to either
Most main boards on reddit are 100% cucked. For example r/anarchy is a SJW parade and so on, Liberals just coopt every single thing.
what was tried, just curious
we can't just give up though can we. we need to do something, to help other people even. reddit is a huge site, so many ppl who check out christianity would see that absolute cess pool. there are some somewhat non cucked subs, you just need good mods etc.
tfw in the eyes of God shitposting and doctrinal fighting is highest than political correctness, hipocrisy and false peace
Lol, that's funny. You know I was banned from this board's discord for using the word "sodomite"?
Don't we already have an echo chamber here already?
Some guys tried making a sub for Orthos, I think this was around when r/OrthodoxChristianity implemented their antisemitism rule
As I predicted there wasn't enough content to keep it going, can't remember the name
I would also add I was involved in feces stirring over there and posting it here. but I could tell making a different sub was a real possibility
i don't have an issue with an echo chamber, i just want more people to view the echo chamber. we should witness that christians aren't cucks that the liberal atheist establishment desperately wants to paint us as.
we should openly be able to say that homosexuals can be stoned to death, it's part of our religion
It's inherent in the platform.
Every platform, be it an imageboard, facebook, twitter, a forum, tumblr or reddit with his functioning encourage different kind of messages.
For example facebook creates echochambers through groups and pages, tumblr creates hugboxes, twitter encourage polemics and edgy remarks.
Through its upvoting system, reddit by its nature encourage political correctness and absolutism of the "acceptable" views of society. Not simply prevalence of the dominant opinions but of the "correct" opinions, those ideas nobody is afraid to say and everyone try to virtue signal. In a forum this would not happen, you may be swarmed by many angry replies from politically correct users but at least your opinion would stay visible. Reddit entirely hides the dissenting opinions.
Imageboards on the other hand are absolute free speech. Through anonimity nobody is afraid to say anything, and, while many misuse this freedom to false flag or troll, in the long run innovation and non conformist though emerge.
While these innovative theories may contain many disgusting thoughts, honesty has the great merit of allowing truth to exist, even if side by side with a sea of depravation. This is us.
I agree, and more people should see Blackstone's commentary:
I will not act so disagreeable a part, to my readers as well as myself, as to dwell any longer upon a subject the very mention of which is a disgrace to human nature. It will be more eligible to imitate, in this respect, the delicacy of our English law, which treats it in its very indictments as a crime not fit to be named: "peccatum illud horribile, inter Christianos non nominandum." (k) A taciturnity observed likewise by the edict of Constantius and Constans :(l) "ubi scelus est id, quod non proficit scire, jubemus insurgere leges, armari jura gladio ultore, ut exquisitis pænis subdantur infames, qui sunt, vel qui futuri sunt rei." Which leads me to add a word concerning its punishment.
This the voice of nature and of reason and the express law of God(m) determined to be capital. Of which we have a signal instance long before the Jewish dispensation by the destruction of two cities by fire from heaven; so that this is a universal, not merely a provincial, precept. And our antient law in some degree imitated this punishment, by commanding such miscreants to be burned to death,(n) though Fleta(o) says they should be buried alive; either of which punishments was indifferently used for this crime among the antient Goths.(p) But now the general punishment of all felonies is the same, namely, by hanging; and this offence (being in the times of popery only subject to ecclesiastical censures) was made felony without benefit of clergy by statute 25 Hen. VIII. c. 6, revived and confirmed by 5 Eliz c. 17. And the rule of law herein is, that if both are arrived at years of discretion, agentes et consentientes pari pæna plectantur.(q)
Even the fact that sodomites like Bayard Rustin were being arrested for their crimes in the 1950's in California says a lot about what our people really believe on this when not being overrulled by totalitarianism (i.e. the "progressives").
we need to organize and destroy that disgusting sub(hard but we can give them trouble) and establish another - anyone who is interested let me know.
i know the biggest issue will be denominational issues, since every thread turns into that here. stuff like r/truechristian is still cucked, at least they don't allow larping non nicene people to go but they are still a bunch of cucks.
the way i see it most catholics and orthos can get along, there are some decent baptists but they just can't help going nuts against catholics after a few minutes
I'll help in the way of posting controverisal (but correct) topics that we can all agree on.
or at least make imgur links to images like these. Memes reach out to people
Suggest names for our new subplebbit.
wew lad too spicy for me. actually pastor anderson is banned on r/christianity. makes me kind of like him a bit hahah.
yeah we should definitely make proper memes, unlike the crap on dankchristianmemes which started out and still is trying to make fun of christianity. i see some good memes here, but we have to organize on reddit. whether we like it or not reddit is getting bigger and bigger. the new missions are online, not just in person. social media, videos, etc. this is the new battleground. loads of the anti christian bs kids learn these days is on the internet. my sister was coming at me with some shellfish and mixed fabric things. she's never read the bible before - i had to (figuratively) slap the taste out of her and she shut up realizing she had zero idea about it. but where did she pick up this trash from? that's right, the internet. people spend their lives on it even when they're out and about. we need to work at it, and not in some dark corner of 8ch.
hahah vitamink. i sort of like christchan from those. how about
r/doyouknowtheway (since the first name of Christianity was the way)
the actual*, true*, real* has been done a lot.
oh wow there is an r/DeusVult… they even link here
How about r/BegomeChristian
or maybe r/BegomeGhristian is more proper Spurdo-ese, I dunno.
begome sounds too much like a debate sub and we'll probably get fedoras and stuff trying to get us to make them begome and get pissed when we ban them. we need a place were we can keep with our anticuckchristian culture, and influence the rest of reddit from there. the name should be kinda memey though.
r/christchan seems cool
idk we need some more ideas
NO. The last thing we need is another influx of leddit faggots to inject more poison into this place. Do not link to us from there and do not mention us. If those idiots bother you so much than just shake the dust from your sandals and move on.
/r/traditionalcatholics is better
It will all lead to "go see us at Zig Forums"
Check out /r/DeusVult
it's dead and run by one dude who claims he'll ban anyone he wants and lots of other weird rules. not really suitable for what i want. seems more like one guys personal subreddit
Fùck reddit. I really mean it. The entire site from the bottom to the top is full of the worst people on the internet. Making a "based" subreddit is like making your home in Sodom and hoping the degeneracy won't creep in, instead of just moving.
And please don't tell anyone about Zig Forums there, if they are ready, they will find this site by themselves.
Sadly this. Reddit admins will start shadowbanning people whether or not you think you run the board.
r/truechristian already exists, although it seems its a lot of protestants if that matters to you
Stopped reading there
Honestly if we were too I think the way to go about it wold be demonstrating philosophical and theological discussion there. A lot of those neoatheists grew up in mega liberal churches and had youth groups with no discussion of God, but instead played on Xboxes and such.
People need Christ and the Bible. Not packaged memes, that's what the churches have been trying to do and it's faling
What about we join the Discord of r/Christianity and see how winnie the pooh shitty it is? Maybe we can even uncuck a few users.
Proverbs 6:19
I wouldn't make light of the word of God.
I would still fight the good fight over on r/christianity and other places online, I see it as internet evangelism if you ask me. That said, don't bang your head against the wall.
If there's a sub you guys can vouch for, I will sub and do my best to support it. That said, reddit is not the only place online where we can preach the Gospel.
reddit is gay
just make a twitter account and follow smart folks.
I feel that place is too lost with all the atheists, LARPers, phaggots, etc. while scholasticism and intellectual arguments are good, a lot of people just don't care about that. 90% of questions people keep asking can easily be found with a few simple google searches. people just don't give af about that. while that's not a bad way to challenge it, i'd want people to be attracted to a culture or just not viewing christians as soyboy cucks, which is what society has been trying (and by and large succeeded) to convince majority of the public that we are. to evangelize we have to go to all places really
reddit is gay but we need to attract more people, there's a lot of impressionable people, we need to do work and call all people to christ and be a witness, not just hiding out on 8ch
we could organize and and like do specific things on r/christianity, but that board is literally overrun with degenerates, i don't think it will make much of a difference, and the degerate sodomites have the ban hammers anyways.
If you actually browse the place instead of just glazing over the sidebar you'll see that /r/catholicism is largely anti-LGBT movement and isn't afraid to rebuke sinful behavior. Just because they don't go full Steven Anderson tier hysteria over it does not mean they approve of it.
Just actually search for threads on the topic and you'll see, look in the comments. They are "hate the sin not the sinner" attitude but very strongly "hate the sin". It's nowhere near a bad a place as you people say
why would you think you could manage that when you can't even establish a non-cucked presence on Zig Forums? read these posts
I'm not an ant
I think r/DebateAChristian could use a stronger Christian presence. It's a good chance to witness. I go and some arguments don't even get refuted, often times it's 10 atheists again 1 Christian w/ a weak argument.
Many of the secular only go there for ego reasons, but if we approach them humbly and logically, I think we may be able to convert a few.
i'm not just talking about if they're anti LGBT (which they aren't nearly enough). their culture is just freaking gay most of the time. stupid as MOAR memes like it's freaking 2018, everyone is trying to be like so fake gay happy or whatever. I just can't stand the overall vibe and stuff. i actually have some other very serious issues with the board but i won't get into that. if you don't get what i mean i don't think you will get it. it's fine then, if you like that sort of culture and vibe there i'm happy for you, have fun.
yeah, maybe we could organize and do something there. the issue is like having to argue against so many stupid protestant denomination beliefs which they could try and use against you, but yeah we could still give it a shot and try. i wish we could do some organization about better online apologetics and work together on posts and techniques and stuff. build a sort of community online regarding that so we can crush stupid responses that keep showing up.
the idea i had was just to show people like how the culture of christians doesn't have to be so pansy and stuff. i really can't stand it when it seems like most ppl are like 40+ in terms of how they use memes or whatever and are all so omg i'm so happy for you that's so great - like really loads of christians seem to think you have to act like gay people except without the sodomy. i don't get that vibe from this board but i heavily get it on r/catholicism and r/christianity. i mean maybe some people are attracted to that vibe but it makes me nauseous.
online apologetics is another good idea but i think it's one part of the puzzle. people need good apologetics but i think just people have to see a more diverse vibe of what it means to be a christian. you read the writings of irenaeus in against heresies or based chrysostom and you realize these ppl would not fit in this neo-hippy cucked christian culture that is so rampant, and i feel the liberal world has made people think that is the heart and soul of christianity.
our religion is actually very gorey and brutal, devotion to the blood of jesus, eating his flesh, drinking his blood, meditating on our death and the death of our Lord, i mean we have art of St. Mary with seven swords going through her heart etc. This board isn't perfect but the culture is leaps and bounds better (for my taste, and i'm sure others who have been put off a lame limp wristed christianity), and I want to expose that more to more of the internet. anyone else getting my vibe?
for all the people who aren't into it or this board or other reddit boards satisfy you that's great, you do you. i'm looking for people who seem to get what i'm talking about.
also again would you be interested in organizing to start refuting some stuff in debateachristian etc?
maybe if we establish a small community around that, it can be the start of this other reddit community. start off with a base of ppl who are educated and passionate about defending our faith from fedoras and heathens. we have the info and all truth can be defended, we just aren't doing our work. it's also tough going at it by yourself when you're dogpilled by rabid neckbeards, so us all working together can help a lot.
I think you are being a bit excessive.
For the record I think Christian memes are garbage, and the general "optimism" that seems to hang about a lot of Christians (on and offline) like a bad smell is irritating and superficial.
I totally understand and sympathise with your intensity and fervour, but it must also be said that not everyone can handle the severity of a St Bernard or a St John Chrysostom, let alone people like St John Capistrano who went into battle against the Ottomans at Belgrade and St Bernardino of Siena who praised the Genoese for lynching homos.
Even people who seem to like St Therese of Lisieux for being "gentler" still would perhaps recoil at the austere trials she made herself endure.
Our approach must be pastoral first of all, this is the point. When someone joins the army, they are trained first. You don't just give them a weapon and throw them into battle. Same with us as Milites Christi. You don't simply give people a rosary and expect them to fill the rest in on their initiative, because most of the time they will not, and will either remain lukewarm or fall away.
Personally I am suspicious of the efficacy of online apologetics, unless you are talking one to one with someone, or if it takes the form of a YT debate for example.
With what and compared to whom? Like I said if it's not your style that's fine. There are many ways to God and there are others like me who can't stand the milquetoast limp wristed Christianity. For people like me and others, this is my goal. There is definitely another side to the story people don't realize. Yes how many saints would flog themselves or wear a metal cilices etc. But that's another story.
Well i've seen many many people online live on youtube debates etc leave islam and embrace Christianity, some have left many years ago and still here today, because of the work of online apologetics - granted like you said this is a one on one discussion and not just comments - however I don't believe that it's only limited to that.
Loads of people pick up all sorts of garbage and misinformation from just stuff they read - like "le mixed fabrics, muh shellfish" crap that everyone picks up and thinks it's an original argument. Again if you don't believe it's effective that's fine, you don't have to participate. I believe it can be effective, considering how much i've learned just by reading things. It doesn't have to be limited to just writing, but that's definitely a start.
I guess you could say I'm looking for some people who want to take part in online apologetics actually, and people who aren't limp wristed. I think the start of working together on that would be able to also start a community and culture around that.
Online apologetics has to come in the form of confronting people with comments on places like reddit, youtube (ugh, not sure if it's worth it, but might be for some hit and run stuff) etc. This is the new battlefield. Having articles posted on different websites is good, but most people will never venture there, never go to read which or what, never even watch long youtube videos. We have to confront them, call them out on the BS, and then yeah for further reading etc we can link to certain things.
And yeah i'm not totally against protestants helping out, but I really don't know how effective it can be - catholics or orthodox would have to be the way when dealing with atheists or other religious people.
With those you aim for, and compared to what they already know (which is admittedly often abysmal)
St Paul even distinguishes the "milk" of faith from the "hard food" of it.
I didn't say I don't believe it can work, I'm just not sure of it yet. As you say, it's a new battlefield, and I am concerned that the jury is still out on the long-term efficacy. Social Media is turning out increasingly to be a threat if not an actual danger to regular human interaction and discourse, with some worrying results concerning empathy, compassion, polarisation and isolation, reading people etc.
I know it's not always possible, but at least on a one-on-one basis, you can go really deep with the other person, being the St Ambrose to what could be their Augustine.
Regarding your last point, I would suggest keeping the way clear of confusion and exclude Protestants and others entirely, at least to begin with. There's no point in having a neophyte watch a debate on whether or not the Real Presence is a thing or if Mary is the Mother of Christ or the Mother of Jesus if they don't even understand why these things are important in the first place. Build a purely Catholic groundwork first.
I agree regarding the protestants. I feel confident that the internet is here to stay, and we have to fight here. I know loads of misinformation and lies are spread here, so we should at least spread the truth, and in our style, as it is said "for the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light".
Maybe i'll start a new thread looking for people willing to work on this. I actually plan sometime in the future to even compensate people financially for their work, provided we get things running well etc.
I think you might be the problem, mate.
Let me quote Pope Benedict XVI:
>It is deplorable that homosexual persons have been and are the object of violent malice in speech or in action. Such treatment deserves condemnation from the church's pastors wherever it occurs… The intrinsic dignity of each person must always be respected in work, in action and in law.
"Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons," 1986, as reported by National Catholic Reporter
>According to the teaching of the Church, men and women with homosexual tendencies 'must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided'. They are called, like other Christians, to live the virtue of chastity. The homosexual inclination is however 'objectively disordered' and homosexual practices are 'sins gravely contrary to chastity'.
Leviticus 20:13 (KJV) : If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Yes, I would be interested. I am a father and husband with a full time job, so my time is pretty limited to about half an hour or so at night when my family goes to bed.
But if we could get more people here on board I think we could have at least success in converting people who might be dipping their toes in Christianity or young adults/early 20's people whose parents don't know the secularism arguments thier chidlren will be presented with on the internet.
Many of the hardcore ones are probably lost sheep that enjoy being lost and have personal issues with God, they will swear in their arguments and become very emotional, but it can't hurt to try.
Perhaps a thread here could focus on one thread a week or so at r/debateachristian and get people to go and help support it.
I agree it can get a little messy if our denominational beliefs become too centeral, but that is why we would create a thread here first to discuss the best ways to approach and that way one Christanon will not be alone among the fedoras of Reddit. Also seeing slight denominational differences might help attract some of these people as many of them have only been exposed to megachurch, televangelist types rather than Christianity as a theological philosohpy with historical, psychological and scientific evidence.
John 8:7
But when they continued asking him, he raised himself and said to them, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her."
Now, how do we explain this apparent contradiction?
Easy! Jesus Christ brought forward the Spiritual Kingdom that will arrive at the end of time. Death in leviticus in the kingdom of God, means death in the new world of Jesus Christ, in paradise.
Adulterers were put to death, yet Jesus Christ came and rescued this woman from death and sin. Why? Because Jesus Christ alone is the only way to this new Kingdom, all who reject Him, reject Heaven, and will suffer eternal death, just as proscribed in Leviticus.
Sodomites, homosexuals must repent or be damned. They must be repented and chaste, and by the grace of Christ live forever in Heaven.
(Jesse Lee Peterson voice)That's amazing!
Admonishing the sinner is an act of mercy. If you truly love someone with SSA, you would tell them they are doing evil and wicked acts that not only damage themselves and the person(s) they are doing it with, but society as a whole. If you don't care about them, give them no dignity and treat them like animals, you would just leave them to their own devices and let them do whatever. If you actually show them true agape love then you would want what's best for them, and you would ADMONISH THE SINNER
Wowzers! It's almost like when Pope Benedict said:
>According to the teaching of the Church, men and women with homosexual tendencies 'must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided'. They are called, like other Christians, to live the virtue of chastity. The homosexual inclination is however 'objectively disordered' and homosexual practices are 'sins gravely contrary to chastity'.
he speaking to a consistent biblical truth!