Facebook 'Reputation Score' Exposed, Echoes China's 'Social Credit' System

archive.fo/TKOfU (Don't Like Government Spying? You Won't Like Facebook Either)
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archive.fo/XyCyx (Censorship Is Rampant On Facebook 6)
archive.fo/FGPvc (FCC Admits Facebook Censorship)
archive.fo/7JzpZ (Facebook Embeds Spyware Scripts All Over The Internet)
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archive.fo/qvubM (Quitting Facebook Reduces Cancer Risk, Study Finds)
archive.fo/x7BYb (Facebook Stealing Online Medical Information On Their Users)
archive.fo/OLAlX (Facebook Providing Dictatorships With Info To Arrest Users)
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In a hideous reflection of China's already-prevalent 'Social Credit' system - which is a rating assigned to each citizen based on government data regarding their economic and social status - The Washington Post reports that Facebook has begun to assign its users a reputation score, predicting their trustworthiness on a scale from zero to one.

Under the guise of its effort to combat 'fake news', WaPo notes (citing an interview with Tessa Lyons, the product manager who is in charge of fighting misinformation) that the previously unreported ratings system, which Facebook has developed over the last year, has evolved to include measuring the credibility of users to help identify malicious actors.

Users' trustworthiness score between zero and one isn’t meant to be an absolute indicator of a person’s credibility, Lyons told the publication, nor is there is a single unified reputation score that users are assigned.

“One of the signals we use is how people interact with articles,” Lyons said in a follow-up email.

“For example, if someone previously gave us feedback that an article was false and the article was confirmed false by a fact-checker, then we might weight that person’s future false news feedback more than someone who indiscriminately provides false news feedback on lots of articles, including ones that end up being rated as true.”

The score is one measurement among thousands of behavioral clues that Facebook now takes into account as it seeks to understand risk.

“I like to make the joke that, if people only reported things that were [actually] false, this job would be so easy!” said Lyons in the interview. “People often report things that they just disagree with.”

But how these new credibility systems work is highly opaque.

“Not knowing how [Facebook is] judging us is what makes us uncomfortable,” said Claire Wardle, director of First Draft, research lab within Harvard Kennedy School that focuses on the impact of misinformation and is a fact-checking partner of Facebook, of the efforts to assess people’s credibility.

“But the irony is that they can’t tell us how they are judging us - because if they do the algorithms that they built will be gamed.”

This all sounds ominously like the Orwellian China 'social credit' system, which in addition to blocking the flights and trains, the Global Times noted that the names of those with low social credit scores had been shamed on a public list, said Meng Wei, spokeswoman for the National Development and Reform Commission, via news website chinanews.com.

Those on the list could be denied loans, grants, and other forms of government assistance, Wei added.

“Hou’s phrase that the ‘discredited people become bankrupt’ makes the point, but is an oversimplification,” Zhi Zhenfeng, a legal expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, told the Global Times.

“How the person is restricted in terms of public services or business opportunities should be in accordance with how and to what extent he or she lost his credibility.”

Fakebook User = Loser


Attached: Facebook 'Reputation Score' Exposed, Echoes China's 'Social Credit' System.png (754x396, 338.95K)

never had an account, never will

Reminder, if you want to take out social media get the following message to the public…"why is it allowed that children can have a trillion dollar company on their friendlist?"

Luckily when I was a parent and had a daughter things like "the internet" didn't exist yet. And I am so fucking glad about that.


Don't care because there is no truth on there and it won't identify me at all anyway.

And it will only get worse from here on out. The pressure that capitalism puts on children is sheer insanity.


Is this suppose to be an insult or observation?

Both, boomers are a plague on this site.

And how was his comment in any way offensive to you?

look at all those links

only one fanatic with too much time on his hand is that anal


How many petabytes do you have archived now you old kook?

I bet your storage room looks like this, only hard drives instead of books

Attached: messy-room-full-books-book-piles-46887706.jpg (957x1300, 233.84K)

say, /killcen/, Jonnhy nepthune is dead i think so it looks like you have your old job back as village idiot.

How did you know?

I couldn't stand that diarrhoea soaked scat fetishist.

I like this system. In the future if you don't act right you won't go to jail, you'll just effectively be kicked out of society. Nobody will rent to you, nobody will hire you and you can't claim benifets. If it were already like this you factors wouldn't exist because you would be unable to get welfare. No more refusing to be a pillar of society while leeching off it.


lol niggers

Welcome back home, buddy. So long as you aren't just linkdumping I know better than to mark it in the spam bin.

Sage negated




Lmao fag, I bet you watch anime

news bump 9

Those links are dubs of truth buddy. And my electronic storage is all faraday caged underground btw, to preserve in times after nuclear WWIII. Plus I have an unnamed source who does the same with information so luckily the info is likely to be preserved for the next generations to research what REALLY happened.

When I first installed something called "Noscript Security Suite" to my browser I went to the "whitelist" (which allows certain scripts from trusted third parties) and immediately removed EVERYTHING "google" "facebook" "twitter" etc. Then blocked ALL global scripts from accessing my browser. I only temporarily a few unrelated scripts needed for website performance but thats it. Highly recommended people do this.

news bump 6

This is an exact reason why to not participate with these networks, or "spyworks" as they should be called.

anti-slide 2



legit news


unironically, I missed killcen

Thanks. I try my best to bring you anons the latest hard-hitting news no matter how controversial or crazy it may seem.


A boomer likely whelped you out of her cunt.

It was proven that they make "shadow" accounts, if you've been mentioned by an aunt or you were in your cousin's group photo then you have an account.

Attached: tenor.gif (400x250, 930.4K)

I would like to see killcen fight johnny neptune to the death

news bump

Welcome to LifeLog

Could you provide a link to download all those archives?


I have a dumb pubbie cunt of a GF. She posted a pic of me, tagged me in it with my whole name, and I freaked out on her over it. Stupid cunts need to learn their place, reeee.

Attached: sweating_dorf.jpg (534x496, 36.16K)
