Christian Perspective on drinking

Greetings Brethren, I seek council to decide an issue that has been stirring in my heart.

I was never “drunk” (walked back to my dorm, could probably pass a breathalyzer, easily make rational decisions etc) however I was not 100% sober. Is this sin? At what point does enjoying the company of friends and indulging in spirits become sin?

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The KJV forbids alcohol so it is a sin to drink it.

It is clear in proverbs we aren't supposed to even look at alcoholic drinks and that drunkards are foolish

I’m not interested in squabbling with Baptists over whether drinking is a sin or not. I’m asking where the spiritual line is between simply drinking and committing sin.

Do you Baptists have to shit up every thread?

i think they're false-flagging

We can't point to a quantity, such as 3 pints of beer and 3.00000001 would be sin and less of it fine, because GOD IS NOT AN AUTIST.


You're right, there is no arbitrary line like this so God makes it clear. The bible says "BE SOBER!", and how many drinks does that take to not be sober?

OP here. You guys are relatively missing the point. I’m asking where the line between being “buzzed” and being “drunk” is for a Christian. Is it a loss of rational faculties? If alcohol is not a vice for me (I hate the taste), and I was not inebraited to the point of losing my cogent functionality, is it still sin?

Proverbs 23:31
"Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.”

If it touched your lips, its a sin.

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it's up to your conscience to tell you that lad

Alcohol isn't bad, worshiping it is

i used to unironically follow anderson. i dont think drinking in moderation is bad. the bible literally commands for you to drink alcohol to forget your poverty.

proverbs 31

It's okay user.
You had a good time, you overdid it a bit, no worries.
Just try to drink in moderation and not get blasted again. It's bad for you.

Thats a lie! Read the entire chapter! Its how drinking isn't fit for kings, its fit for people of low character with no self control!

I don't understand this. Christ drank wine, and served it to others for their consumption. Did Christ sin because he drank?

You should see their mental gymnastics where wine means wine when it's bad drinking in the bible and wine means grape juice when it's a positive mention despite being the exact same word.

I've encountered this in real life. I had a coworker tell me that Christ drank "new wine" i.e. unfermented grape juice as you said.

I have a problem with alcoholism, so I accept that I shouldn't drink at all though sadly I fail to maintain complete sobriety, please pray for me regarding this; not because the act of imbibing alcohol is in itself a sin, but because I cannot control my drinking and it separates me from God.

Drunkenness has always been defined by exagerating and losing control, not merely consuming.
You cant anyone in christianity who rejected alcohol totally until the second great awakening.

It becomes a sin when it is done gluttonously. A drop every now and again isn't a problem unless you over-do it, drink too frequently, or drink at inappropriate times or in inappropriate situations (driving a car, at work, &c.).

When you're losing major cognital functions like thinking straight and keeping your manners, you're drunk.

Two tracts that you should read to get full picture but for your particular question i.e at what point drinking becomes sin:
The sin of drunkenness, as stated in the foregoing Article, consists in the immoderate use and concupiscence of wine. Now this may happen to a man in three ways.
First, so that he knows not the drink to be immoderate and intoxicating: and then drunkenness may be without sin, as stated above (Article 1).
Secondly, so that he perceives the drink to be immoderate, but without knowing it to be intoxicating, and then drunkenness may involve a venial sin.
Thirdly, it may happen that a man is well aware that the drink is immoderate and intoxicating, and yet he would rather be drunk than abstain from drink. Such a man is a drunkard properly speaking, because morals take their species not from things that occur accidentally and beside the intention, but from that which is directly intended. On this way drunkenness is a mortal sin, because then a man willingly and knowingly deprives himself of the use of reason, whereby he performs virtuous deeds and avoids sin, and thus he sins mortally by running the risk of falling into sin.
For Ambrose says (De Patriarch. [De Abraham i.]): "We learn that we should shun drunkenness, which prevents us from avoiding grievous sins. For the things we avoid when sober, we unknowingly commit through drunkenness." Therefore drunkenness, properly speaking, is a mortal sin.

So, when you a)know that you drank too much b)know that what you drink is strong, but you abstain from it you still sin, not by drunkenness but by intemperance, venialy.
It is written (Sirach 31:32): "Wine taken with sobriety is equal life to men; if thou drink it moderately, thou shalt be sober."

You guys are aware that the word "sober" isn't exclusive to drinking, right? To be sober means to be fully aware, as in not losing your marbles for whatever reason, such as being high, drunk, losing your mind in sex, etc.
God wants us to be prudent and mentally sound. If you drink a pint and don't get drunk, you're fine. Just know your limits and don't become a stumbling drunkard. Remember that Jesus turned water into wine.

you can drink. Just be moderate about it like everything in life.

G.K. Chesterton has a good point on it in Heretics. Don't drink when you're sad, drink when you're already happy, because that will only enhance it. It is a pleasure that should be treated relatively responsibly, not a medicine. Happy people drink when they're happy, unhappy people drink to feel happy. Obviously do not be a drunkard because then you wouldn't be fun to be around anymore.

No you're literally fine, I'm the exact same way. If anything ours is a preferred state with immense grace, as Chesterton also says, again in Heretics, that "Nature can be enjoyed without even the most natural luxuries. A good bush needs no wine." In the paragraph he is talking about people like Tolstoy who never drank, as Chesterton himself certainly enjoyed his wine. Chesterton is a great cure for the cold and wooden self-righteous prigs that religion tends to attract/produce. Remember we're human and it is good.

I made a thresad a few months ago about my drinking and you guys said you woul dbe praying for me. Well I just wanted to say that I am currently really winnie the poohed up but that I was assisted and I don't know why ia m telling you this but I honestly and heartfeltyl believe that you guys were genuinely praying for me because for the first time in my life i honestly felt a 2nd or 3rd power taking over me in a good way for once. I actually experienced some change. I made the thread but I think it got pruned but I wanted to say that I am winnie the poohed again and its been 6 months. You guys do realise that we are attacked and that all that is posted is public for the enemy to see? so we get attacked when we ask for help and I guess I shouldn't have posted that But i'm almost there and my liver and kidneyes ar asking for assistance. - haha - just a subtle joke for you guys. winnie the pooh. I'm so over it all. I'm tired of being a slave to sin but it is what it is and I just wanted to tahnk you for previous times. I odnt want someboyd i love to die so I am at a stage.

The woman who raised me and passed away was one of only 2 people "Christ Like" AKA Christians' whom i've ever known. She was never drunk in her life. Dude. You get lazy, you forget shit you do, you literally just become depressed or cry alot if you drink too much. Co-ordination problems are the least of your problems, becuase when you break through that mould, co-ordination becomes normal in thAT atate and you operate on autopilot like now.

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man: but what cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

Matthew 15:11

Wine does gladden the heart. If you're having a glass or two, fine. If you're going back and losing your judgement, worry. Don't drink around people who drink irresponsibly. And don't drink bad beer.


My mother drank about a fourth of a bottle of whiskey at 14: that 2was her first drink, and the start of her Alcoholism. Christ brought her out of that, and the only alcohol she's touched in almost 20 years has been communion wine. He'll deliver you, too. Whether that entails no alcohol at all outside communion, I don't know, but He'll bring you out if you let Him.

I had one Baptist explain to me that that was all they had to drink, and I asked him why Jesus didn't just purify the water if he could turn it into wine and he had no response.

You committed a sin but only in that you gave into pure pressure and gave yourself up to alcohol instead of the Lord. It's not a mortal sin if your are curious.

you can't accidentally commit moral sin. if you go into drinking planning on getting super drunk/shitfaced, then it's a sin even before you start drinking. if you go in just wanting to drink moderately and have a good time, and not get intoxicated then you are fine, even if you do accidentally drink too much. just try to pace yourself better (in that case). but in your case no you are fine, you didn't intend to get totally drunk, you just were drinking casually.

If some people struggle with porn, I have had a battle with the bottle and narrowly escaped alcoholism … I hope. It just about became a full blown problem on Monday when I shuffled into work obscenely drunk but had to hide it from everyone. It was like living in a blurry, paranoid nightmare. I clocked out early and as the train took me home, I saw a hideous reflection of myself in the glass. I looked like some tormented demon. I'm sobering myself up. If I don't then I'll have to go to the doc and maybe discuss rehab options. Scary for me.

I think this video will shed some light on the matter at hand.

Attached: Fr_Gregory_Hesse.webm (640x360, 7.78M)

You can drink small amounts of alcohol and still be sober. Even Pastor Memerson admitted that grape juice (and fruit in general)has trace amounts of alcohol, so it is okay to drink alcohol since it would be impossible to get drunk off of juice. Well. It’s impossible for me to get drink on one beer or one glass of wine. By his logic, I should be allowed to drink beer and wine.

But if he is so strict that the consumption of ANY amount of alcohol is bad, then he would logically condemn the consumption of fruit juice. Anderson is a dualist Gnostic

I am not a very good Christian and haven't been to mass for a while. Being drunk has always been a sin I've overindulged in so I consider myself an expert.

There are several stages to being drunk. The first is quite mild, you would call it tipsy or merry. You feel the alcohol warm your heart and you loosen up a bit.
This can be about 2 pints of beer.

The next stage is when you start to lose yourself a bit more, you don't hold back and whatever filters were in place begin to breakdown, you are enjoying yourself and your mind starts to become foggy, you will barely remember your conversations but you had a thoroughly good night but you'll feel rough the next day.
This can be 3-4 points of beer.

The next stage is what I call drunk. You won't remember much, you are dumbed down and probably get the munchies. You don't want to be at this stage, it is unbecoming of a Christian and essentially you are not yourself at this point.
Anywhere 5+ pints

Then there's shitfaced. If you keep drinking you will black out and wake up the next day, hopefully in your own bed with no memory of how you got there. You will feel I'll for the next few days, and hopefully don't catch a cold since your immune system is low. Some girls get to this and claim their drink got spiked but it's not true, it's just the endgame of getting drunk.

This. As with anything else, don't be a slave to it.

Just drink in moderation if you want to. Ignore the legalistic baptists.

Drink with moderation. Why is it so hard to understand for people?

According to the KJV, God's law commanded the Israelites to buy hard liquor if their heart desired it (Deuteronomy 14:26). Wine and strong drink were commanded to be given as an offering to God (Numbers 28:7). People who get drunk and make a mockery of themselves and get in fights aren't wise (Proverbs 20:1). But God gave us wine to gladden the hearts of man (Psalm 104:14-15). Wine is good which is why Jesus produced it as his first miracle (John 2:1-11).