This started out as a response to a picture in a thread, then quickly barreled out as a rant. As a preface, I am pro liberty as hell- rothbard is my spirit animal and you cannot overwhelm the leyonhelm.
But I can't understand owning that many guns.
I get it, there's an appeal to having an arseload of pretty guns. Can't imagine cleaning day being anything less than a giant pain in the arse. For the amount of money you'd spend on all that though, you'd get objectively better value out of a few REALLY nice, good guns that you're going to shoot the everloving shit out of and learn the manual of arms blindfolded and know which loads shoot the best out of which guns and to what degree. You can only shoot many different guns before the skills you can train on one gun get divided among the many.
The best thing about the AR platform is the fact that there is stupid amounts of customization involved- it is entirely possible to have but one lower and a couple uppers in, say, 5.56, .300blk, 308, or any of the many .308 derivatives. If you reload you should, you flaming homosexual you benefit from only having to buy a few components across different platforms, like using the same bullets and powders in .300 blackout or .308, or 5.56 and 22-250. You could even simply down-load the .308 to .300 blk levels and get the same performance, enabling you to focus on getting the loads exactly right with more brass for the same cost. Ideally, all of your guns should be able to share components- say, a person who carries .327 federal has a .30 caliber as his fighting rifle and his long ranged kebab remover is a shit-hot .300 magnum. This means only two bullets, two powders, two primer types, three brass types, three die sets on quick change bushings. 3, 2, 3, and 4 if you include a good shotgun (use a powder like universal in the pistol and shotgun).