I do not hate non-Christian religions and my only problem is that PAGANOS. I shit a bunch of religions in a single group Can not you just be Wotanist and reject Hellenism? I'm tired of paganism to identify all those groups
Paganism also enters into African and indigenous religions so do not use that excuse
Your english seems off. Also you don't need to convince people here that paganism is bad, go to Zig Forums or something
Landon Jackson
Hudson James
Pagan is just a catchall word for anyone that isn't part of the abrahamic religions. You took away everything native, Europe, Africa, America. Attempting to turn everyone into a grey mass. And you're working on Nepal converting them to your jewish cult aswell. See: missionaries Luckily people are seeing through your trickery.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Paganism. The idolatry is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of hermeneutics most of the theology will go over a Christian's head. There's also Loki's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Frost Giant literature, for instance. The devout understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this faith, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Paganism truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Thor's crossdressing adventures, which itself is a cryptic reference to Odin's command to drink semen. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated christcucks scratching their heads in confusion as Odin's genius wit unfolds itself on the the pages of the Edda. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, I DO have a Mjolnir tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the shieldmaiden's eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel shitstain
The varg type poster honestly just seem like atheist in pagan clothing unironically, and a lot of times you'll see them carry over their hatred for Christianity. Most likely have a protestant, or roman catholic background of some sort. like poster here>>667406
Who's like the evangelist atheist who goes on these crusades in a meaningless universe. But someone else with a background who was involved in those groups can chime in, for me when i was considering it was never between this neo paganism, it was always a battle between Nietzsche type atheism, and whether or not Christianity has truth to it.
Lol, literally that sounds like, that's right of Hitchens, or dawkins pick your flavor i suppose.
Ian Hill
Cry harder.
Wyatt Morgan
Can confirm this as a former neo-"pagan".
It's just a different fedora tipping. The New Testament and C. S. Lewis' 'Mere Christianity' completely destroyed the weak worldview I had, thank God.
Juan Johnson
Yea same man, C.S Lewis destroyed a lot of my presuppositions i had such as his talk on living in an atomic age, about what it entails, on actually believing in a meaningless universe, not just spouting it out online like a lot of people do. 99,98% of us do not live out our lives as though it is all meaningless, and if it, is it just begs the question that C.S Lewis ask* How did we end up in a system that, is so Alien, and Foreign to us in the first place*. Im still looking to finish more of his books, and to get on by guy named father seraphim rose, Orthodox guy has a book on Nihilism, which i hear has some good points.
Xavier Rogers
I’m from India and we have the Syro-Malabar Church. It has its own liturgical forms, aesthetics, language, and so on. There’s nothing ‘globalist’ about it, and yet it’s part of the universal/Catholic Church. Same with the Assyrian Church, Chaldean Church, the Coptic Church, and all the various Catholic and Orthodox Rites. Neopagans find the most subverted examples of Christian practice and say ‘see this is the real stuff’, but I think you know that’s a lie
Convince me why I should believe a jewish desert religion forced upon my ancestors with force. Because from all the material i've witnessed, you don't care at all about your own kind at all, mixing the world to a brazil tier brown blob doesn't concern you. You would rather marry a christian non-white than a non-christian white.
You're an internationalist that destroys threatens, murders, burns those "heretics" who do not convert whatever native culture it stumbles upon. Europe, SA, Africa. You give aid to africans, creating more of them that the country simply cannot support, and they move to Europe, effectively replacing the native population. But you wouldn't care about that as long as they believe the same thing as you.
You must be brand new on this board, as in *today*, if you actually believe Rabbinical Judaism has anything to do whatsoever with Old TEstament Judaism, or that modem "Jews" are actually descended from the real Jews. You people have the strangest obsession with the fact that Christianity originated near the Mediterranean.
Tyler Cook
How is anyone here supposed to take you seriously and "try to convince" you when you post that lunatic. (and actually get your ideas from him, which is sad)
Even if I waste my time now and write massive paragraphs you're going to say at the end "it's false because kristian vikernes said so".
And you think this is due to Christian doctrine? user I know hardcore Hindu BJP nationalists who would leave India in a heartbeat, in pursuit of wealth or status. One of my Hindu nationalist friends even moved to the US and married a feminist Latina because she was a shade fairer than him.
Landon Wright
Well, im not a comparative religions expert, Don't have a ThD like 90% of on this board probably as i write this i gotta head out. But I would look and compare different forms of religions how the treat death, their theology etc. One thing that caught my attention while i was in C.S Lewis etc. And guy listening to called Jay Dyer from the orthodox view point caused i'd heard just about every prot point being in america, and catholic point, But all forms of religion, up to the materialist modern european teach that Death is natural, or in some cases that death is to be worshiped. But the Christian outlook on death, is that Death is unnatural, that death was not originally part of this world, that is alien, and that, the whole universe is alienated from her creator. That's where I'd start man, Comparative religion, C.S Lewis Etc. I don't know what your priorities are though im looking for what's metaphysically true. That was my goal when i set out in my investigation.
Eli Butler
Seriously, man, the only issue you took with that massive blob is the fact that it mentioned the word jew at one point?
Grayson Clark
Let me guess, you believe that Edward Gibbon horseshit about Hypatia being killed just because was a "learned pagan" don't you? Or are you talking about Charlemagne conquering the Saxons and forcing them to convert because they're native religion required them to practice human sacrifice?
It doesn't matter if we tell him we're not progressive libshits, he/she/xyr/it will just cover it's ears.
Grayson Torres
I'll teach you something about discussing pal, you're not here for me and I'm not here for you. Anything that I throw at you, the truth,1+1, you won't believe it. You will still go to bed praying to your jewish god. I'm here for the lurkers, the audience, the ones that can be convinced. I don't care that people here post some low intelligence brainlet shit, I care about the people lurking and discovering the truth from my post.
So, type out your paragraphs on why am I wrong, and in a 1000 years when hopefully every single one of you is dead and gone we'll see what has happened.
That's for the people who think that christianity is in any way native to Europe. I am making sure that it is known that your jewish belief is from the middle eastern desert and nowhere els.
Nathaniel Perry
Oh it's one of these guys. Go ahead, convince the lurkers of Zig Forums how paganism is the fundamental truth they lack in their life.
I can't believe we gave that faggot so many (You)s.
Matthew Bennett
no that can't be true pls not desert. everyone knows that grassland is good. mountain is good. even sea coast is good. but desert..
Right, so we will ignore the whole crux of the idiotic issue, and focus on what REALLY matters. Making sure he understands that the modern branch of evul semitic "shitskins" is different from those old-school based semitic shitskins.
Because we may be called genocidal cultural destroying psychos that want to kill everyone's culture, enforce our faith on pain of death, bastardise humanity, sacrifice continents, betray our people and bring the world into a new dark age to satiate our ideology, but implying we are connected to judaism? That would be absolutely triggering.
Daniel Reyes
all that matters is the survival, purity, prosperity and quality of the white race. modern christianity is an obstacle to this, and should be swept aside. and it is, religiosity is declining rapidly and you'll be hard-pressed to find a christian under 40 outside of the deep south and eastern Europe
You're doing a pretty piss poor job at convincing anyone lurking. You have no philosophical or spiritual arguments against Christianity. All you can do is scream about it originated in the Levant, which isn't a very good argument since it's obvious that spirituality is not tied to race. Even in the Old Testament this was clear(see the Book of Ruth for example, or even the gentile priest Melchizedek who the Bible says was superior to any of the Hebrew priests.)
We may be called that, by the same people who say the Europeans genocided the Native Americans with small pocks just for fun or that the American Civil War was about slavery. It's all the same made up shit.
Jeremiah Nguyen
shitstains are scared of the unknown (death)- in their words, they are "god-fearing" begging for forgiveness, worshiping, charity, humility? christian morality is pathetic and degenerate, a religion should teach men to aspire to be great, not groveling for mercy for acting on their innate desires religion is an aspect of culture, like language. none of them are real. by subscribing to a jewish religion, you are culturally jewish
Yes, having an attractive Latina stored on your hard drive is a deep esoteric meme. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Cooper Jackson
Those are effects, not causes. If you think anyone can rally around 'racial purity for racial purity's sake' for any significant period of time, then you'll find you're quite mistaken.
It's precisely the religiosity of the modernist Christians that is in decline. On the other hand the churches that uphold orthodoxy are in the assent. And, about your 'survival, purity, prosperity' thing, literally no one does that better than the Amish, the Christians of Orania, trad Catholics, and religious Orthodox youtube.com/watch?v=PjWYmBF2T94
And yet you neopagans spend inordinate amounts of your time shitposting against us
Camden Harris
What a compelling argument.
Joshua Phillips
Also, despite being for White Purity, I assume having Pepe perform a dance move from Black Hip-Hop culture is a deep esoteric meme as well?
Adrian Watson
that's not an argument the small percentage of the population that are intellectuals can, the rest are sheeple the Amish are inbred, Orania is a 'last stand against the /\/iggers' outpost (not a religion), Catholics are in communion with the Rothschild hand/monkey foot-kissing communist pedo-pope, and Orthodox are slavs that speak cryllic it only seems like because there are so many of us. in practice, I will make a low effort shitpost whenever I feel like it and chuckle at the (you)'s which flow so easily
it's interesting how moslems are raping Europe to extinction and all you can think about are "muh LARPagans"
dabs are a last stand of implicit white identity
Eli Johnson
Racial purity spiraling infighting like this is one of the main reasons why contrary to your claims:
/asatru/'s unique user ID totals barely breach the double digits. Back when I was part of the board, an out of control "One Drop Rule" debate almost cratered the board permanently. Efforts on Qtox to get something going beyond comparing 23 and Me's and crying about Christians never went anywhere.
Andrew Allen
I didn't say that, but to be fair I didn't elaborate. What I meant is that they are of a foreign culture and that it would be LARPing to adopt Orthodoxy as a westerner.
you have some image that some random person made, I had the person that is indisputably the leader of the largest denomination of christianity kissing a /\/igger's foot
oh but I'm soooo btfo because baste rabbi Jesus LOVES us
the baste pagans on Zig Forums are against race-mixing and want the jews to be exterminated, whereas the "baste" (((shitstains))) on Zig Forums support white genocide and are against exterminating the jews
meanwhile, virtually all christians are indifferent to the destruction of the white race, even ones on Zig Forums that are exposed to authentic information from Zig Forums. yeah, keep BTFO'ing me, (((god)))-worshipers
it'd be nice if it won the attention-hungry games, I only heard of /asatru/ very recently. on here, I believe
Logan Collins
It is an argument. Your first principles are just physical side-effects, rather than anything spiritual or metaphysical. This is naturalism pure and simple. Your real god is Race, as the real god for the communists is State. Religion, for you, is just a tool that generates the desired material results.
The intellectuals of the Enlightenment, and the subsequent leftist movements, all thought that by principles of Reason or Science they could create their utopias. You're no different.
Those groups will have a more positive legacy in the real world than neopagans can ever hope to achieve
No one even knows you exist. Most of the threads on this board are about subjects that have absolutely nothing to do with neopaganism. On the other hand you're obsessed with us to the point that you spend more time talking about Christianity than your own so-called religion
James Watson
Exactly. yeah like feeding /\/iggers and supporting israel
Then either vigorously rebuke them, or stay silent, to not give pearls before swine. Don't go "I Take Offense to That Last One!because then you appear both silly and guilty of everything.
Christian under 40 reporting in. I do not live in deep South or eastern Europe either.
Charles Fisher
Well, it's your foreskins your fellow Christians are reaping to turn them into facecreams for jews to virtue signal how Christian they are while in reality nobody in Europe, the nation that made Christianity as big as is it is in the first place and is constantly cited for its great contributions to it, doesn't care about your opinions or beliefs and would not be hurt or diminished in the slightest if your entire continents would vaporize overnight because it's one giant mess of heresy nobody here practises the way it's done in America.
They have taken everything from you, including parts of your body, and you just keep on gloating with your fat sardonic faces. It's tiresome, extremely so, but finite.
as someone who read the stories of the norse gods i don't understand how "heathens" or what ever they call themselves get off going new-agey on shit that's supposed to be taken as divine mandate. Odin and Thor both try to make peace, and on occasion babies, with the jotunn. just about every-time they drive a knife into their backs, and loki is the prime example of this being the causing of their eventual downfall in ragnarok despite being their adopted son/brother. YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO LIKE LOKI, IF YOU DO I DON'T TRUST YOU WITH CUTLERY OR OUT OF EYE-SIGHT.