You want to fight crime but you dont want to increase gun crime statistics. What do you use?
Vigilante Loadout
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I could kill every single albanian, muslim and gypsy in the country with a gun, and it would decrease gun crime statistics because with them gone the crime rate will drop down to single digits
Shoot all the criminals anyway.
Then shoot the whiny statisticians and politicians who whine about your killing criminals.
This TBH. Without niggers we've got basically no gun crime. Without niggers AND beanpeople we'd have actually no gun crime.
Depends on how you want to go about it.
You can take the "superhero" route where you(and ideally others, strength in numbers, also niggers like to jump people in groups) strap on a stab-proof vest, maybe some riot gear, and dress in a colourful costume. Bring weapons that are legal to carry in your area and act like a pseudo-police force. A group like that exists in Seattle I believe.
If you want to lone-wolf it, ideally you'd employ stealth and surprise tactics. Compound bow is good, but if you lack training a crossbow would be better. Simply rushing up to people and stabbing them repeatedly would work as you could mask the crime as a mugging easily enough. As a singular, disconnected entity though, you could hypothetically target higher-ups within organized crime syndicates, being more effective than simply targeting random mooks on the street. At this point, you're essentially acting as an assassin, so proceed accordingly.
If your goal is to target street thugs, then you'd need to target them when they're alone. At this point, ranged options are of course advised, however, running up behind someone and hitting them repeatedly in the head with a hammer is surprisingly effective. As I've stated, making it look like a mugging will cover your motives, at least at first.
An important thing to note that affects all these options is that information is key. You're capable of gathering and using info far more effectively than a dumbass thug can, use it to your advantage.
Open an abortion clinic in a black neighborhood.
It was me. No problem.
Can you kill a guy reliably with this?
Assuming you can hit him, yes.
use lead and aim for the vitals.
If you want to fight crime, then a blowgun is best. With modern materials you could even make one propelled by gas that could fit in a sleeve and be pretty hard to detect by potential witnesses. Be sure to get a nice poison on the darts to really clean up the streets.
Long term solution but effective.
Literally just stab them or get a buddy and go full three guys one hammer.
There used to be a Jew around who was pretty skilled with it
Bombs. Just make sure to use them in the right neighborhoods and any collateral damage will be almost certainly a criminal too.
Alternatively, find out which gangs are low-intensity beefing and stab some members of each while they're alone, leaving behind insignia of the rival gang.
You mean an airgun? If you're not blowing into it, it's not a blowgun.
That said, dressing like a minuteman and taking out thugs with a Girandoni replica would be hot shit.
I was thinking what would be in a hypothetical scenario of course the most effective way to kill everyone in an immigrant hotspot/camp without a gun and without anyone noticing. Most ideally done late in night under heavy rain, but with what weapon? Can't have people screaming and we can't have people being capable of fighting back either.
Again, it's all just a theory and remember kids, we are all merely pretending
Used to be recommended in underground books as being the most effective survival weapon.
You just have to practise with it.
This. The answer is very simple, look how our merchant friends are doing to wipe out the entire white race without firing a single bullet. Them you will find the members of your society responsible for most of the crimes. Determine it's race. Apply those same techniques used by the merchants against the whites to destroy the plague.
Minecraft, faggot. We're just wondering about how to do that in minecraft.
Mostly spics in my neck of the woods. "Thugs" is more inclusive.
Aside from the part where you want to do it under heavy rain, you could donate a bunch of cleaning supplies to help promote hygiene, of course. Unfortunately, an "accidental" spill might mix the bleach and the ammonia, which were of course accidentally stored right next to each other.
I've considered an airgun but they would just think it was gun crime or worse try to regulate air guns. Something that is primitive to the point of being unregulatable would be a better choice. It show how futile these laws are and cleans up the area.
How about a repeating crossbow loaded with #2 pencils? They'd just keep finding dudes stabbed to death with pencils. What're they gonna ban?
I would bet that Jeorg Sprave has a video on that on his Slingshot Channel.
Start by shooting the statisticians.
You'd want to use poison tipped arrows on big groups of zombies in minecraft, since it slows them down considerably, giving you lots of time to escape the cave while they slowly take damage.
Someone on the /civ/ server used poison arrows to covertly pk a rival faction member, and apothecary villagers couldn't do anything about it, because they didn't even know he was shot with poison arrows, and they thought he was got bitten by a cave spider or something.
Also consider splash potions.
Not reliably you retard, you can't even hit reliably with it. If you actually want to become batman, use a shotgun. If you use buckshot, don't touch the cartridge without gloves and don't leave the case behind it's impossible to trace the lead shot to your gun. Go to a town half a day away, leave your phone and other electronics, kill a guy when nobody is around and return without getting caught on any camera system and you're untraceable. Afterwards, don't tell anyone, wait some time and strike in an entirely different part of the country.
If you use any of the home made solutions itt you're leaving DNA all over the place and that's a far easier way to trace you than any gun forensics. Poisons, darts, arrows etc. work at best some of the time, at worst never. The gun is the other way around. And as far as statistics are concerned: you live in europe and gun laws here have no correlation with gun crime.
If you're prepared to put in about a decades worth of training with it, yeah.
Why not molotovs built from bottles that you make sure you don't touch with ungloved hands?
*manly laughter*
Sure, but it's an inferior option. Very hard to use on single targets in a way that kills the person and really better suited for lobbing into crowds from a high point. The point-and-click nature of a firearm is unbeatable for vigilante operations. And that's not even counting the mental stress of burning people alive, that shit is galaxies worse than humanely killing them in an instance.
How feasible would it be to build homemade thermite grenades? I don't know why but my mind always wonders towards grenades, explosives or chemical weapons.
I dunno how easy it is to manufacture thermite, but grenades are easy as shit to make. You embarass yourself by being here and admitting to everyone you don't already know how to.And I'm not going to spoonfeed you.
First off, you need to research how thermite, specifically iron/aluminum mixes, actually work. Second off, you need to understand how localized said Fe/Al is.
And last, you need to understand how fucking dangerous the good shit is and not fuck around with it without proper care.
Look up cupric thermite and thermate.
Surely the goal of this hypothetical vigilante project is to instil sufficient fear in the criminal population that they no longer want to make life harder for the community you're protecting? I can't think of much that would instil more fear than stories about their boss being hit with a molly and screaming as he burned alive, experiencing more agony than the brain can process for a few minutes before it ended. To cause more fear than that you'd either need to break out the weird chemical stuff that you don't find outside of government labs, or abduct targets one at a time and slowly torture/mutilate them to death before publishing the video for all his friends to watch.
Yeah, same thing I thought. Embed gave me some ideas. Way better than a chainsaw attachment.
thermirte crossbow bolts?
No, slings were meant for small game hunting and scaring off wild dogs/wolves. In combat they're only effective in large numbers. Unless you have 100 of your friends also equipped with them, they're useless. If you want a low-tech mid-to-low ranged weapon you're better off with a couple plumbata or something. That being said, none of these would be a very good idea to carry around vigilante style. You're better off with a taser and a utility knife/box opener. That way you can say "officer the knife is so I can open packages, and the taser is so I don't have to carry a gun, after all, I don't want to hurt anybody!" Even though the plan is to incapacitate them with the taser and then slit their throat.
exploding arrow head on ballistic gell with different bows
How could one go about desensitizing themself to killing in minecraft? Specifically stabbing and cutting flesh with a "diamond sword"? I've heard human blood and innards have a very distinct smell, I've killed and cut open animals in minecraft before though, how different is it? Aren't niggers technically pea-brained primates anyway?
I saw this neat thing on the history channel a while ago about some GI's in the pacific getting ready to go home so they turned in their weapons and when they were all asleep some nippon niggers came in and fucked slashed them, then of course the watch started capping motherfuckers. That was a good documentary.
What were we talking about again? donating clothes to migrants?
Watch edgy minecraft villager combat videos, the desert villagers usually post some graphic stuff.
There are no crime statistics when the lights go out and the cameras are off.
you mean minecraft villagers beheading zogbots and reporters in minecraft?
So to reduce crime effectively we'd have to form our own vigilante cartel?
Torture and the general infliction of unnecessary pain, believe it or not, tends to make people more determined to kill you rather than the other way around
Tell that to Vlad the Impaler.
Torture and pain are necessary to instill fear upon your enemy.
Your enemy doesn't fear being shot.
It fears being impaled on a big long stake and dies slowly in agony.
Nice idea. Alternatively, taser and burn, if you can afford / need more publicity.
What are the most practical techniques to disable cameras in minecraft without being discovered by zombies?
Depends how you do it. Up to a certain point I can see your argument there, but at some point (which may well vary from person to person and group to group) you hit psychological critical mass and the reaction switches from anger to fear.
In theory one man could keep a relatively large area protected with only the support he can arrange for himself. If you turn it into a cartel then you run into all kinds of risks regarding the guys calling the shots. A network might not be a bad idea, as that could help individuals and if one man goes rogue then he's still just one man. A cartel, even just a regional one, has the potential to cause a lot more harm than good and is much harder to correct if it goes off course (remember that's basically what happened with most far east organised crime groups).
I've heard the retina some cameras can be burned out with a strong laser. I tried it on an old cellphone (not the same as a security camera obviously) and it took a good while for the retina to burn at point blank, so perhaps that would be impractical for aiming at a high-ish up security camera
Bows and such are a bit larpy. Its not that it wouldn’t work its that they are bulky and thus not readily concealable.
Under what circumstances would they be used? Killing random niggers walking down the street? Shooting through a window from a roof top across the street? Not impossible but a little impractical for standard mo outside of specific situations.
Like any hunting you must first determine what the prey is and what its habits are: Public? Sociable with friends? Reclusive? Where are they most vulnerable? What patterns can you exploit?
You need to exploit the weakness most likely to give success and build your strategy and any weapon use around that.
Minecraft taxi drivers.
Good choice because they work solo and odd hours.
They can also be called out to a location more or less of your choosing at your convenience.
Decide the kill zone.
Call out taxi.
Get in cab behind drivers seat and before car moves off garotte from behind with a paracord and dowel garotte?
Other examples: i believe Carbon Monoxide cylinders are sometimes sold for use in minecraft for welding and would make it theoretically possible to gas a single room or perhaps more if the gas is administered via tube into an air vent or open widow say, at night when occupants are sleeping?
While were on the subject of gas, what about a home made fuel air bomb using compresses air running through a cannister of petrol and out through a nozzle to create an aerosol effect and ignited? If placed in air conditioning vents and ignited by timer after a delay it would perhaps result in enough coverage to destroy the whole structure in minecraft?
If sufficiently virulent poison can be made in minecraft then what about a simple BB gun with pellets coated with it? Quiet, easily obtained and concealed but slow acting or so i assume?
What about learning the fabled death touch pressure points from youtube and testing them in minecraft?
Surely the goal of this hypothetical vigilante project is to instil sufficient fear in the criminal population that they no longer want to make life harder for the community you're protecting?
Humans are social animals. As such we've evolved some very strong social instincts, not the least of which being empathy. The criminals who engage in violent crime have either overcome this social instinct, or don't have it in the first place. People like this are known as psychopaths and sociopaths.
Social instincts aren't the only thing that keep people from committing violent crime; it's actually a dumb idea from a risk/reward point of view a lot of the time. Yet these people, who are obviously interested in their own well-being, still engage in this high-risk behavior. Why? Because one of the symptoms of psychopathy and sociopathy is a relative inability to mentally process consequences. They just have difficulty thinking about the bad stuff that could happen to them. This means that the severity of punishment is especially unlikely to inform their decisions, because as a rule, they have a diminished ability to understand that they are putting themselves at risk. They just can't think about it.
Add to this the fact that psychologists have found repeatedly that punishment-based behavioral modification techniques are comparatively ineffective on even intelligent, socially healthy and aware individuals, and the only sensible conclusion is that they Batman method ("I'll just scare the criminals into not doing crime") is ill-conceived. Hell, it doesn't even work in Batman's fictional universe; the guy is cracking skulls every night and the city is still constantly overrun by violent weirdos.
So what is effective if severity of punishment isn't? The answer is: the likelihood of getting caught. Even a comparatively minor punishment is more effective at reducing recidivism IF it's more likely to be administered. You want to bring down violent crime? Don't waste your time torturing Jaykwon all week; you'll be tied up with that while Tyrone and Jamal are free to pull their shit.
The most effective policy would obviously be universal armament: as proportion of armed victims approaches 100%, the likelihood of successfully robbing them approaches 0%. Second best would be systematically collecting conclusive incriminating evidence and sharing them with authorities. Obviously this would be more effective if they aren't tied up with nonviolent crime, so leave the druggies alone unless they're attacking people or stealing shit.
TLDR: Your Batman fantasies don't even work for Batman. You are not a bad enough ass to scare the Crips away.
Oh yeah -
Plus, nobody will see it as you going after criminals; they'll see you as a serial killer sadistically lynching minorities. They won't participate in your Punisher LARP. They'll do what they always do: call you a racist and unite against you. They'll probably even riot, and now you've shot yourself in the foot.
What kind of laser did you use? I think those really strong lasers people build in their garages to burn shit and pop balloons should suffice. But those are not really good for concealed carrying.
I am not sure, but I think they might have a camera inside their cars that films everything.
I think that a cable tie would be better, as it is more inconspicious: Even if detected, you can easily come up with a plausible excuse. Also, you can use this for any kind of assassination: As long as you come from behind, you only have to put it over the minecraft villager's head, and fasten around the neck. Pull hard, then run. I think that those made of metal or partially made of metal have the highest chance of success, although even a plastic tie should suffice, if you pull strong enough, the minecraft villager won't even have a chance to pull it open, as he can't get his fingers under the tie.
But it's somewhat risky, too, as failure to execute the move will most probably result either in a chase, or a fight to the death, so you should also have a backup plan (i.e., taser).
So, you want to shoot a minecraft villager, and then want them not to treat their wounds before the poison acts? I think that when administering poison, it is best done without injury, as injuring minecraft villagers will create a commotion (police, potentially media), and the villagers are aware that they have been attacked, with the most likely course of action being that they will seek professional treatment.
Hell yes, that would be perfect. What are your ideas for implementing this beautiful, fully armed, society? If you've not got one then let me enjoy my Punisher larping on an obscure Kyrgyzstani Rock Painting enthusiast forum
Some minecraft servers allow you to create phosgene by combining carbon monoxide with chlorine, but it's quite overpowered so most people don't like playing on those servers.
Where can I find good poison potions?
In minecraft, botox is one of the best poisons available in the game. Here is a (German) gameplay guide on how to craft it (on pages 194+).
I think some user translated it roughly.
Don't get discovered.
A high powered bb-gun or air rifle. Something that's sub-sonic but could still breakthe lens. Preferably something that has orange painted all over the tip so people know that it's totally not intended for anything nefarious and is just so you can take pot-shots at the rats/mice that keep stealing your cheese.
You need to constantly be asking yourself "What will this look like if I get caught by a paladin." You want to come off as a mid-to-high functioning autist because you are and not a vigilante crusader. Take this into account for how you dress as well. You don't want a ski mask and a cape, you want a baggy nondescript dark blue or dark red hoodie. That way you can hide your face without it looking odd, and the dark colors will be hard to distinguish at night. If a witness says "He wore a dark hoodie" people usually assume dark=black and will be looking for people in black hoodies not dark blue. Not to mention hoodies are common meaning they automatically have to widen the scope of the investigation and your original hoodie can easily disposed of and replaced with another similar, but slightly different one. I haven't seen a single minecraft mod where the paladins aren't stupid and if you can convince them that you're just the friendly neighborhood retard, then they'll probably leave you alone for juicier prey.
Agreed, the only purpose for a bow in modern minecraft is if you want a sub-sonic sniper kill, but you don't even get any achievements for that so why bother, just stick to the basics.
Poisons are over rated, you have to sink way too many intelligence points into the perk tree before you unlock anything worth while, and once you DO unlock something if you use them, it makes it so that if the witches do an autopsy of the villager you killed whatever you used will (usually) stick out like a sore thumb, and having a player-base that's optimized for creating poisons is super rare so the paladins will be able to find you really easily.
Appropriate camouflage. Nobody is going to question the maintenance man.
What if a cross bow is used from the trunk of a car similar to what these guys did?
fuck you
Best I've got is monetized systematic mass noncompliance, but that solves a lot of things.
It's almost as though I immediately provided an alternative suggestion in that very post….
Where exactly do we draw the line between asking for "practical" advice for how to do something and not wanting advice about how the very thing we wish to achieve is itself not practical? I don't want one of you fags thinking this would actually work, setting up shop in my neighborhood, and getting the local wildlife so enraged that they chimp out on me.
TBH anyone retarded enough to try to live this sort of thing is too retarded to mix a molotov without burning themselves alive. I think you're probably safe on that account.
Don't put it in ducts, put it in the plenum if you have attic access. If you don't, open up the return vent, and set it right inside. You want full system circulation, not just having it localized at one vent. For 99% of people, a safety vest, clipboard, and hardhat will get you attic access with no questions asked at most commercial locations.
Learn to use a catapult and you can seriously wound or kill people. Slings are effective weapons and use rocks to do it. Get a sharp rock and hit a guy in the head and you will cave his skull in. It's almost silent, has good range and is very easy to conceal. Only evidence left behind is a rock.
but if miss, then you're fucked, as the target will see you and then you'll have to silence it from a distance, and it is likely to flee, so you'll have to be substantially faster or have a backup weapon.
Bow bro in the video looks like a sweetie pie.
Sage because my post is stupid.
Or you could target crowds at all these demonstrations. There are so many targets there, and so many people to blend in with, that a slingshot firing ball bearings could kill several people before anyone even realizes what is going on. Also, if your slingshot is wood or plastic, there's no way to detect it if you use glass marbles instead.
I'd use fired clay over marbles, if done right it'll do damage and vaporize itself in the process.
I don't like the fact that clay fragments. It loses a lot of kinetic energy by shattering. I think steel bearings really are the best choice here, and launched out of a wrist rocket, you're going to put somebody in the ground.
Okay so i couldnt find it because i forgot what minecraft gas it made. But it was a suicide machine that had 2 chambers in a pvc pipe. A screw/threaded bolt controlled the rate the two chemicals in the chamber mixed. The chemicals mixed dripping down the screw from one chamber to another. The machine created a posion gas that could fill a minecart to toxic levels in 2 minutes. There were two infographics I remembered, one was green with a more academic approach there was a man on the left side of the image posing with the machine. The other was a more DIY style infographic that had all the parts layed out and had red letters. If you know what im talking about post the images or name of device please, it could do some real damage to the enemy factions on our minecraft server. Sage for not knowing the name of it.
What the resident frank was getting at is concealment, something that isn't going to beep at a metal detector. I've removed plenty of rabbit with ball bearings.
Why wouldn't you have a back up pistol at all times? You don't want to get rushed and have to rely on a traditional weapon to survive it.
The idea of a catapult is you can use it in a stealth situation and not give away your position compared to a firearm. If you were going full vigilante then guns would be the only real option and setting fire to buildings with the doors blocked from the outside would be your most common tool any way.
Picking up a handful of rocks would do just fine. You're not hitting armoured targets.
Is there any advantage of a normal catapult over a spear-thrower (pic related) inspired catapult? I was thinking about something like a trebuchet mixed with a slingshot, so you have stick, and at the end of it, there is the pouch holding the projectile, just like with a trebuchet. It could be made to look like a cane (you hide the pouch in your sleeve or detach it) for stealth.
Would this have any benefits over slingshot catapults? I have no experience with this topic, but I think that you wouldn't need the "warmup" swings, as it fires at the first swing. I also guess that it might have more power and precision, but I could be wrong.
The cane could also be modified to additionally serve as a melee weapon or even as blowpipe to launch darts (or both). You could even add a small horn for memetic warfare (honking). This should be made mandatory equipment in all clown wing honk squads for the day of the circus.
It's called a staff sling, and it exists.
Also Beige related:
Canes need to be fatter at the head so that you have a place to put your hand, and would interfere with the function of the sling. I guess you could try and attach the sling at the tip end, but then you'd have to be careful to keep the notch from weakening its ability to handle a compression load as a cane, which it is quite likely to do. Also, keeping it at cane length would limit the benefit of having the staff element.
Uses some kind of cordage instead of rubber, throws bigger stones, and it doubles as a melee weapon.
Correct. Extra swings would just fuck up your shot.
Sure, I think.
I don't think so. You're taking your hand further away from the projectile at release.
Traditionally it already did. It's a stick.
You do NOT want to hit things with your blowpipe, unless you're trying to break your weapon. Also would reduce its usefulness as a cane.
Finally some good ideas.
i can launch, using a roman figure eight technique, a projectile just as lethal and far by a sling alone, and it fits in my pocket, or could be made into a bracelet of sorts if necessary
Say you figure out how to make some deadly gas such as botox in minecraft, and you accumulate a decent stockpile of it. How would you go about actually dispersing it? I suppose it depends on the target, but say a villager synagogue. Grenade? Making and stockpiling deadly gas is hard on its own, but making a grenade that effectively disperses it would be harder.
you're a big guy
for you
Is it wrong that I read that post in Moon Man's voice?
see for your minecraft dispersion needs. A minecart takes 2 mins so a 2x2 blocks should take 4 and 4x4 should take 8 mins ect.
I never actually imagined what his name would be like when translated into Greek. That's a literal and correct translation, good job.
what program did you use for the text-to-speech?
Do Greeks not use σελήνη anymore?
Σελήνη is more of a romantic term. Mostly used in books about the actual moon, or in songs. Φεγγάρι is what we commonly use, however you can use Σελήνη too, it doesn't really matter. Both are words with Greek origin anyway.