Roe v Wade will be overruled in our lifetime

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God Willing.

black and brown babies should still be aborted though

Is it true that Miss Roe repented and turned to a Christian life before her death?

God willing, rolling

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Yes, she became a Roman Catholic and a pro-life activist


Is that true or are you just memeing (Bullshiting)

then what is this, /antiwhitechristian/?

I love it when people think they know the answers and then suddenly convert. (Happened to me)

It seems justice Kennedy will retire from SCOTUS.

Not to be political, but it's crazy that we finally have a Republican President that will actually follow his promises to the evangelical right. If Roe V Wade is threatened the Christians may come out in droves in 2020 to reward Trump.

Then they better pick an ultra pro-lifer then


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Here's hoping.

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It's pretty unlikely to get repealed but they'll definitely increase ability of individual states to curtail abortion as much as possible so it's still great news.

Yeah its all about giving states power back. That's the first step to recovery from all this.

That's not very Christian of you, user.

You should be beaten.

based hecking baitposter
haha arent you guys glad we got rid of flags because now no one posts dumb bait lmao xDDDD

This is your mind on Zig Forumsish hypocrisy.

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You can't do that because if the white women see black and brown women getting abortions they are going to want them too. You have to get rid of it all. You have to get rid of contraception too. Abortion doesn't keep the black birthrate down nearly as much as contraception keeps the white birthrate down.

That's retarded. Contraception encourages casual sex, which is extremely harmful to young women of childbearing age. It doesn't "keep the white birthrate down" unless you're counting all of the babies that could have resulted from college frat boy loads dripping inside drunken thots.

As a whole, I do oppose abortion, because I don't believe killing x amount of non-white babies is worth killing y amount of white babies, even if x is greater than y (unless it's much greater, and it's not). But I will reiterate that the ideal situation is where healthy white babies are not aborted, and where non-white or severely disabled (like retarded) babies are.

There is no Biblical basis for this in the slightest. Every baby aborted is an affront to God.


My fellow Christian men, this is the closest we've come to a complete abortion 180! Let's pray! Overturn Roe V Wade!

My wife had an abortion while we were dating in high school user.
She was so torn up about it. She immediately regretted it. She said it was nothing like what the media or Planned Parenthood want you to believe. She said before she was hesitant, but fell for the go to college and be good meme, as did I. I didn't want to be a father.
The doctors told her it would be "mild cramps" at the most. It was major cramps and lots of bleeding during and after. (Traumatizing amounts) It's literally birth. Instant regret and years of depression, anger and guilt. I only went throgh a fraction of what she went through.
The light at the end of all of this was rejecting secularism and taking the Bread Pill as well as our marriage and baby and another on the way.
We have prayed over this and asked for forgiveness, but what's done is done. We see God's love in the children he gave us and feel grateful he deemed us worthy of being parents again.

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Yep. There's that Christian compassion I hear so much about.


Even Paul was a murderer. She was deceived, she repented, she is forgiven.

Lol your wife got pranked.

Anyways im glad it all went fine.

That being said they repented of their sins so this guy is way out of line

Here’s that Supreme Court justice you ordered, bro

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He said that YEARS before he got nominated to the Supreme Court, now he gets to decide, and he won't decide in favor of upholding it.