The Exodus Begins! Nearly Half of Millennials Have Deleted Facebook App Study Shows


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On a day when its chief operating officer was on Capitol Hill this morning getting a grilling from DC lawmakers, Facebook is also the focus of a newly released Pew Research Center study that’s chock-a-block with negative trends for the beleaguered social giant.

Among the more attention-grabbing findings: More than one in four people have deleted the Facebook app from their phones, a figure that gets a lot higher when you focus just on 18- to 29-year-olds (44 percent of whom say they’ve done so). All told, 74 percent of Facebook users, according to the Pew data, say they’ve taken one of the following actions in the past year.

They’ve either: adjusted their privacy settings, taken a break from Facebook for at least a few weeks or deleted it from their phone altogether.

Pew gathered these findings by surveying a group of US adults between May 29 and June 11, so definitely with plenty of time for them to have formed opinions and changed their behaviors in light of the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

“It’s certainly been a year of scandals for the social media behemoth,” reports TechCrunch about today’s survey findings, “which started 2018 already on the back foot already in the wake of Kremlin-backed election interference revelations — and with Mark Zuckerberg saying his annual personal mission for the new year would be the embarrassingly unfun challenge of ‘fixing Facebook.’

“Since then things have only got worse, with a major global scandal kicking off in March after fresh revelations about the Cambridge Analytica data misuse sandal snowballed and went on to drag all sorts of other data malfeasance skeletons out of Facebook’s closet.”

While there’s a bit of divergence in the Pew data between older and younger Facebook users, with the latter especially showing a particular ease with breaking away from the platform, it’s worth noting that the data isn’t showing much of a difference depending on if the user is a Democrat or Republican.

The Pew researchers found that Republicans, more so than Democrats, think the platform tends to censor political speech. One the arguments that also got wrapped up in Wednesday’s hearings that featured representatives of Facebook and Twitter — and even controversial broadcast firebrand Alex Jones, right there in the front row at the Senate hearing.

Attached: Nearly Half of Millennials Have Deleted Facebook App Study Shows.jpg (1277x599, 70.38K)

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Hope they have more stock trauma soon. People don't take kindly to blatant spying and censorship.

such is good as the sheeple begin to wakeup

Thank God. This is what I've been waiting for. Hopefully the free market will do its thing and tank them in the next decade.

I would have deleted mine, except all of my friends still use FB's chat… or WhatsApp, which is also owned by FB anyway and far worse in usability.

Wonderful news. Fuck Zuckerberg, and fuck leftists.

It is all up to the individual, someones gotta stand up sometime and put their foot down as they say. Perhaps you should just start calling up your friends instead and see how that works out?

sure smells normie in here

The only acceptable to goybook is a fucking pen and paper called a contact/address book and a rotary phone.

I was pretty much forced to have an account because everyone at college used it. Maybe I should also delete it…

not gnusocial

You should also consider trade school rather than taking out student loans, but that's up to you too.

There are other suggestions in that link, you can pic one. If you don't like any of them, then please send tips for another good alternative to >>>/prepare/ and it can be posted in the official link. Most threads locked to avoid spam bots (which HAVE targeted this info for destruction before).

Do it.

This is really great news.

At least they suffer some kind of consequence, not as much as I'd like to see, but something is better than nothing.

true news bump

total news bump

true news bump



anti-slide 1

Just drop it. I did. You find out who real friends are vs. fake friends. If they are real friends, they will call or drop by. If you must be an electronic fag, there is also txting.

Were the aliens psychic attacking me on my last post? Because I just read something that someone posted anonymously.

I guess, there are no rules here.

i wonder if this will stop all the millennial hate or only intensify it

There are just as many stupid people in every generation. I know old folks who are brainwashed and retarded, just like some middle aged folks and even younger. Kids can be just as easily brainwashed too. Its not about age or even race. Humans can be easily manipulated and brainwashed, just the way she fucking' goes as they say.

Good. People shouldn't let their information get farmed by kikes.

and yet millenial seem to get the worst of it.