Homemade chemical weapons

do you guys know anything about making improvised chem wepaons i already know about bleach and amonia to get chlorine gas i'm just asking out of curiosity

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (474x263, 11.86K)

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Download the Ar/k/

AR/K/ ?

There's plenty of material on the PDF/DIY threads.

Maybe it's call the Do/k/ument, I forget. It's 240GB of fun.


240gb sound like a bit much

You dont just get chlorine from bleach and ammonia.

You create chloramine vapor, HCl, and likely Hydrazine.

I am interested in this thread. Hopefully some chemistry autist will show up

ok i'm gting klaus's mini do/k/ument (550MB)

so what other chemical weapons can you easly make from household chemicals

hydrazine depending on the type of bleach?

shit my laptop battery is running out hold on i'll be back on my main pc

ok i'm back now i'm on my main pc

What's that German book full of nasties that Aum Shinrikyo used?

So wait, the Zig Forumsube and the ar/k/ are different collections, right?

here's the murder/k/ube archive

heres the ar/k/ link

hey guys i'm back

Thanks based serb user, I had no idea.

Guys hes back

Attached: back gs.jpg (799x319, 67.34K)

Usually. Depending on how "sticky" the bleach is, temperature, and how harshly the ammonoa is mixed

so you're saying that hydrazine is one of the bi-products of mixing amonia and bleach!?
shit that stuff is even nastier than chlorine
is there any way to separate it out though also how much hydrazine would you get as a biproduct say if you
mixed 100g of amonia and 100g of bleach

You can get pure chlorine by electrolysing saturated salt water. Industrial versions use an ion exchange membrane to boost efficiency but it still works without one.

but is there any way to separate out hydrazine if you get it as a biproduct of mixing amonia and bleach


but would'nt chlorine gas with a bunch of nasty bi products like hydrazine and chloramine vapour be even more lethal than pure chlorine

With household materials, unlikely.

You'll alert some alphabetsoop in your area.

PPE alone would be expensive. Near NIOSH level A or B just to not lose your skin

It would be.

Hence why the mixing is so dangerous. Even if there is little hypochlorite in the bleach, even one of the three can show up and cause problems and put someone down in a closed / small room.

For your processing of hydrazine, look at the
Olin Raschig process

Attached: 20161213_184942-1.jpg (2988x5312, 551.58K)

so you'd need at least a full hazmat suit and a good quality gasmask to be safe while mixing
but can it be safely stored in like a glass bottle or a metal canister if propery sealed

and you'd have to do it outside so you don't get trapped in a gas chamber if something goes wrong

Fume hoods like those in universities and high schools can provide protection, but may not be available for someone trying to do it descretely.

A ventilated chamber is best.

Ensure your filters are able to survive that environment…remmeber you may be making HCl and a bunch other raunchy things that deteriorate conventional and even a few military-grade filters.

Filters can and will fail over time. Having a filter is a good backup, but if you gas out the room, you may pass out and die from a lack of oxygen.

That means your chemicals will be exposed to weather conditions and the worst shit for experiments: THE SUN

Id say just look further into those processes and maybe a set of videos on…EDUCATIONAL materials.

so why not do it at night
and the stuff you said about filter wouldn't really be an issue since i just got a 600$ military gasmas and a 20 pack of filiters for it you can put on 2 filters at once

here's a pic

Attached: gasmask.jpg (750x1000, 83.5K)

fresh out of the factory never used this and the filters cost me 1000 euros

That’s expensive.

its expensive because its new fresh out of the factory if only able to buy it because i have a friend who's

is a quarter master a serb army military base
i bougth it from him


Do they have NBC suits as well?
Many armies cycle through stuff for training.

I know ruski kids use a plastic where NATO jerks off in their charcoal suits.

At night means you need source of illumination. Makes it easy if (((police))) do aerial checks or can view your area during that time.

I guess just make a cute little tarp tent to gas up to produce hydrazine for educational purposes.

You are gonna kill yourself.

they have nbc suits but its the russian ones from the 90's and my quartermaster friend said it'll cost me 5600 euro at least and i'm pretty much broke after the gasmask purchase

i wasn't planning on actually making chlorine gas thats why i wanted to avoid talking about i was hoping to find gome easly produceable gas that i don't need an nbc suit for

also the (((police))) dont have choppers or even drones because serbia is a shithole

Have you tried eating beans and farting? LOL

You should kick him in the sack for even daring to get a price like that out of you.

JSLIST from US army is 240 Euro for a top or bottom segement.

No way is russian wax plastic 5 grand. Shits likely fucking out if date or punctured.

You get Amazon or Alibaba/Wish out in Serbyderby?

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Methane is just smelly and flamable. He could just go to a farm

well it isb't exactly easy to smuggle anm nbc suit out of a military base

also theres no way i could import an nbc suit customs would seize it for sure

billy guckmin explains a few in his videos youtube.com/watch?v=F9ajbpTjiv8


Shit falls off shelves all the time.
Stuff stuck in storage is not hard to…reorganize.

Seriously. Hes doing you a terrible deal. You should be offended at the pricing.

Firefighters usually have a HAZMAT type team. Hospitals, too.

He fell for the meme. Thats Chloramine gas faggot. Use Chlorine and Vinegar.

Your a funny guy strelok.

Fine flour in air in high enough concentrations means….. boom
Flour mills and coal mines have explosions due to this

Combustible metal and wood dusts are problems even in typical factory/shop environments. Even if only a small cloud is ignited, it can disturb the particulate in the surrounding area, creating a chain reaction air burst through a much larger area.

Based on 12yr-old typing style, taking bets that OP joins kemical/k/ommando in bathroom gas chamber hell

for your information i am still alive and im not planning on doing it

I'm guessing this is some stupid kid larping like a script kiddy wannabe hacker but on Zig Forums.

If he had any common sense he would realize he has the tools to make a dangerous gas in just household chemicals and use those. It's cheap and effective. But he's not looking for that, he wants to larp in his gas mask and pretend he's a R34L H4XX0RZ. Guessing he was brought here by piano boy.

Attached: cocain laced with race specific poison.png (801x2975, 886.09K)

This but for all races - druggies get the rope along with "journalists" and psychiatrists.

Attached: stop it or I'll kill you, duterte.png (414x413, 147.99K)

They are doing Aryans a favor by rooting out and marking the whitetrash.

Look into Timothy Tobiason and his pdfs on chemical and biological DIY

Whoever takes drugs deserve rotting to death because of it.

I don't have the machine necessary to download a quarter of a TB. Can you post the content related to homemaking explosives?

You can select which parts you want to download from a torrent you know.

What difference is there from the ar/k/ and the do/k/ument?

Watching you autists is like watching a politician talk about how Ammonia Nitrate is powerful

Use this ffs and learn BASIC chemistry

Home Defense Vol 5

What do you mean? Are you implying that ANFO is weak? What is the power of about 50kg of ANFO?

Is a .22 weak? Technically no, but in a relative sense, yes.
The explosive velocity of ANFO is 3,200 m/s while KClO4 is 8,200 m/s.
Can it kill someone? Yes. Is it strong in the relative sense? Not really.

What punch could I pack if I hypothetically had about 230kg of AN?

How bad would someone die if shot by 230 rounds of .22?

McVeigh used about 1800Kg I believe, do with that what you will. Of course 230Kg of RDX or similar would be far more devastating